Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Now comes the Trump paranoia phase. Where he tries to figure out who in his inner circle, or people around him, told the FBI about what was in those boxes.

Maybe it was one of Trumps lawyers. Maybe it was one of Trumps employees, as the documents weren't properly secured. Maybe it was one of Trumps children who knew what was in Trumps safe.

But no matter who it was, the result was the raid on Mar-a-lago.

Oh look the usual suspects have worked themselves into a lather AGAIN

When they have their own nation they will eat their own when they do this. Good. I can't wait.
So Trump can use the same defense that was provided to Hilary "She didn't know any better" and it shouldn't be an issue, right ?
Actually Trump should try to use the Hillary Clinton excuse. It would prove him extremely guilty. Since unlike Hillary's emails, they had no classified stamps (headers and footers) on the documents, where Trumps documents are clearly stamped Classified, Secret, Top Secret and even TS/SCI on them.

Of course Trump could claim he declassified everything in his possession, but never allowed his staff to actually change their classification.

It's just like when Trump ordered Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller. But McGahn never fired Mueller. The Mueller firing, even though Trump had ordered it, was never carried out. The same goes for declassifying information. If those he ordered to declassify the documents, fail to do so.
Yes they do conjour up a supposed illicit event and then go in search of it like bulls in a China shop and no matter what they find they declare it’s significant yet secret.

Then you also understand why they waited three days then had Garland announce that he couldn't say anything: they don't want to burn any bridges behind them while they scramble to try to fit together the list of worst crimes they think they can try to stick Trump with over their new manufactured offense to get him declared simply "unfit" for office.

These are the same people who can't find a single consternation over those in their own party who have been a national disgrace. It's called Mental Illness and Juvenile Arrested Personality Complex.

Pretty soon, they will be running with the story that Trump is now somewhere between Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wilkes Booth.
Because as CiC he had the power to declassify anything he wanted.

The Nazis have nothing. They are doing this now for two reasons,

1. The Stalinist Show Trials Failed
2. Whistle Blowers have exposed massive corruption in the FBI

This is meant to distract the public. Garland and his FBI goons hope they can alter the election with their stunts.

And the court eunuchs are doing all the dancing, as ever.

Here we go again. "IT'S MUELLER TIME!!!"
Then you also understand why they waited three days then had Garland announce that he couldn't say anything: they don't want to burn any bridges behind them while they scramble to try to fit together the list of worst crimes they think they can try to stick Trump with over their new manufactured offense to get him declared simply "unfit" for office.

These are the same people who can't find a single consternation over those in their own party who have been a national disgrace. It's called Mental Illness and Juvenile Arrested Personality Complex.

Pretty soon, they will be running with the story that Trump is now somewhere between Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wilkes Booth.

Hey, I'm already Timothy McVeigh according to a post this morning. All Republicans are. Half the nation
Our President had a well deserved vacation this week.

Congress agreed on sweeping Climate Change legislation
500,000+ jobs added
Gas prices down a dollar
Stock market up
Trump found illegally storing Top Secret Documents

Actually we have less people working now than were working in August of 2019.

Quid Pro has added zero jobs.

Gas prices remain at historic highs and inflation remains above 9%

The dow is at 33K, which means it has moved less than 1% since quid pro took office.

Not good for those who hope to retire. Coupled with 10% inflation, America sees dramatic reduction in our wealth.
He does not need "protection from the law" but security clearance, and a president does NOT lose security clearance after their term in office is over.
A security clearance is not a temporary thing.
Either you are reliable or you are not.
It does not change after the election, or else we would have to shoot all outgoing presidents.
You couldn't be more wrong. A president, and vice president, get their security clearance from their office. They don't go through a FBI background check, or approval by the white house security office.

That clearance is automatically given to the holder of the office. Which means as soon as a president leaves office, they lose their security clearance.

What you're thinking about is how the new president may grant the former president a security clearance, to make them available for crisis consultations.

But as Biden said. He doubted he would need to call on Trump for advice.
Actually we have less people working now than were working in August of 2019.

Quid Pro has added zero jobs.

Gas prices remain at historic highs and inflation remains above 9%

The dow is at 33K, which means it has moved less than 1% since quid pro took office.

Not good for those who hope to retire. Coupled with 10% inflation, America sees dramatic reduction in our wealth.
550,000 Jobs!


Over 9 Million Jobs since taking office
See buddy searching for the unknown until you find something is a commie style maneuver.
Lib loons feelings can’t accept that you need evidence to bust into someone’s house and being told there might be something there that might be interesting is absolutely not evidence. In fact, it’s a witch hunt
Hey, I'm already Timothy McVeigh according to a post this morning. All Republicans are. Half the nation

Democrats need renamed the OBD Party-- --
we have a nation now with millions
suffering organic brain damage
and collective delusions.
Just remember what
Hillary said:

Screen Shot 2022-08-13 at 4.54.56 PM.png
Lib loons feelings can’t accept that you need evidence to bust into someone’s house and being told there might be something there that might be interesting is absolutely not evidence. In fact, it’s a witch hunt
Funny. The search warrant is based on someone claiming the documents were there.
And the search revealed the documents were there. So whatever affidavit the warrant was based on, turned out to be 100% true and accurate.

Next !!!!
Crooked Donnie was found with Top Secret Documents in his Basement??

View attachment 681985

And having top secret documents in your basement is perfectly legal.
It is only illegal if you were not the legal owner or possessor of them, or if you did not keep them secure enough.

Hillary got into trouble because she was broadcasting them all over the world on here personal and unsecured email server.
And having top secret documents in your basement is perfectly legal.
It is only illegal if you were not the legal owner or possessor of them, or if you did not keep them secure enough.

Hillary got into trouble because she was broadcasting them all over the world on here personal and unsecured email server.

There are lengthy rules and regulations for storing Top Secret SCI Information

In your basement doesn’t cut it
Valid search warrant based on probable cause

But these is no classified documents that Trump was given while president, that he then can not legally retain as ex-president.

There are only 2 ways Trump could have been in violation of the law.
One would be if he was not keeping the documents secure enough.
The other would be if he left nothing for the National Archies, public records.

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