Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

WRONG. absolutely, WRONG, Buttcake. You cannot invent another fake "event," find Trump somehow unilaterally guilty of it, and automatically declare that, Voila! You hereby deny him his right to seek office when he meets EVERY SINGLE FUCKING QUALIFICATION in the Constitution. But I love that, like the moth, you marxists still can't help but still keep hoping and trying.
Yes they do conjour up a supposed illicit event and then go in search of it like bulls in a China shop and no matter what they find they declare it’s significant yet secret.
He's not the President....just sayin'...he gets no protection from the law due to his previous employment~

He does not need "protection from the law" but security clearance, and a president does NOT lose security clearance after their term in office is over.
A security clearance is not a temporary thing.
Either you are reliable or you are not.
It does not change after the election, or else we would have to shoot all outgoing presidents.
He does not need "protection from the law" but security clearance, and a president does NOT lose security clearance after their term in office is over.
A security clearance is not a temporary thing.
Either you are reliable or you are not.
It does not change after the election, or else we would have to shoot all outgoing presidents.
After Jan 6, I believe Biden pulled Trumps Security Clearance
Ummm? Really?
Which states?
How do you know?
Do they do it with a referendum? A vote?
Or do they shoot a cannon at something?

Batter up, poster SweetSue.
You said it. Explain yourself.
This is Adult Swim.
Gotta be big girl on this venue....wearing your big girl knickers.
I think you should know that.


What's your hurry, BS?
I'd advise patience, Grasshopper.
As a loyal patriotic American, and mature too, wouldn't you want it done deadsolidperfectly correct with all i's dotted and all t's crossed. It is the ex-president, albeit fired.
Your sense of impulsiveness could do a disservice to this great nation of hours (it is great, despite what poster SweetSue has experienced in her poor life. Let's all wish her better.)

Or not.

As I posted early this morning....this Mar-A-Lardo brouhaha has been highly entertaining. Humorous. Ripe with satire and snark.
It's a bunch of serious merde' I have read, and do not doubt.
But for my avatar, well......those MAGA-Q jackasses who beat the snot out of Capitol Police while charging at my legislators so to stop the Constitutional transfer of power.....THAT seemed more portentous than this dolt in Florida who wouldn't even listen to his daily Intelligence briefing (the PDB), and wouldn't read the documents from it.....well, that level of stable geniusness possessing these docs ain't all that frettable. Could the dolt even find the index to 'em?

(Why did he have 'em? I dunno. But would speculate he may have thought it cool to have 'em framed and put on the walls of his golf club. Same way he had that fake Time Magazine Man of the Year cover tacked up on those same walls. Never underestimate the self-pleasuring of uber-narcissists.)

... (but then, as some QNutter recently posted here, I forget the avatar handle, but that QNut excused the Stable Genius because.....well, because he ain't "a detail person". (insert roll-eyes emoji here)

Anyway, if he did bad juju by illegally possessing these docs......then fry his kiester.
Our LEO's would if it was BSFilter or Lisa558 who had these boxes up at their lake house.

Here, read this.
This poster makes the point better than I can:

(why hasn't he been arrested?)
When a post is as long as this then it’s just rambling, disoriented Crap.
If you do have a valid point it can be made in 3/4 sentences. When it’s an epistle like this, you have no point.
The two possibilities:
These documents were deliberately taken - Someone should face prosecution
These documents were accidently taken - Someone should be fired.

It would be interesting to hear from the informant that tipped the DOJ about this.

There is nothing at all illegal about an ex-presidents having classified top secret documents.
The only question is whether or not they were properly secured from others who did not have clearance?
"It appears that the DOJ had been tipped off about Trump's potential wrongdoings leading up to the FBI's raid. "As talks between FBI & Trump lawyers soured between June & August, a witness told investigators there may be more classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. DOJ officials began to distrust Trump's team," tweeted Wall Street Journal reporter Sadie Gurman. "

Notably, it is Rupert Murdoch who owns the Wall Street Journal.
And it was the WSJ who broke the story.
Draw your own conclusions if you feel you need to.
When a post is as long as this then it’s just rambling, disoriented Crap.
If you do have a valid point it can be made in 3/4 sentences. When it’s an epistle like this, you have no point.
He believes he's some kind of sage.
"It appears that the DOJ had been tipped off about Trump's potential wrongdoings leading up to the FBI's raid. "As talks between FBI & Trump lawyers soured between June & August, a witness told investigators there may be more classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. DOJ officials began to distrust Trump's team," tweeted Wall Street Journal reporter Sadie Gurman. "

Notably, it is Rupert Murdoch who owns the Wall Street Journal.
And it was the WSJ who broke the story.
Draw your own conclusions if you feel you need to.
So an unknown party felt there might be something at Trumps house that might be damning. All the earmarks of unsubstantiated hearsay.
When a post is as long as this then it’s just rambling, disoriented Crap.

Free advice to poster Weather53: Don't read 'em.
Even Captain Obvious knows that trick.

BTW, is a 'point' required?
After all, my poor avatar long long ago dismissed the suggestion that he could persuade or convince the MAGA-Q's of a better way.
Now he posts like like he goes to the driving range, i.e., just to hit something inanimate and unthinking.
BTW, there is no score.
Do it for fun.

So there is that.
He's not the President....just sayin'...he gets no protection from the law due to his previous employment~

The law does not apply to documents owned by the ex-president, while president.
They are personal property that while president, the ex-president can declassify at will.
There is no way for a new president to prevent an ex-president from retaining and using classified documents they got while president.
Otherwise that would violate the ex post facto principle.
Free advice to poster Weather53: Don't read 'em.
Even Captain Obvious knows that trick.

BTW, is a 'point' required?
After all, my poor avatar long long ago dismissed the suggestion that he could persuade or convince the MAGA-Q's of a better way.
Now he posts like like he goes to the driving range, i.e., just to hit something inanimate and unthinking.
BTW, there is no score.
Do it for fun.

So there is that.
Too long again. Tighten up or get lost
A "right" granted by a law dictated by the Supreme Court.

Turns out the Supreme Court doesn't have the Constitutional Authority to make laws.

Who knew?

You kind of have this backwards.
The theory of law in a democratic republic, is that all individual rights are supposed to already exist, and laws are just compromised agreed upon in order to prevent or resolve conflict between these inherent individual rights.

So then no one just arbitrarily can create law at all.
Instead, all law has to already exist in the abstract, as the protection of individual rights.
That is why badly worded legislation can be struck down.
That is also why judges can rule for or against a case, even when no actual legislation specific to the case has ever been written.

Authority does NOT come from the Constitution, as there obviously then would be the question as to where the constitutional authority came from, in order to write the Constitution.
Instead, all legal authority only comes from the defense of inherent individual rights.
And it is that abstraction that allows all laws to be written, and why legislation is not essential in order to prosecute and adjudicate.
We've known since he left office that he took boxes that may have had classified info. Since that is the case, why didn't this happen right after Trump left office? Why did they wait a year and a half to do this? Why now?
Because as CiC he had the power to declassify anything he wanted.

The Nazis have nothing. They are doing this now for two reasons,

1. The Stalinist Show Trials Failed
2. Whistle Blowers have exposed massive corruption in the FBI

This is meant to distract the public. Garland and his FBI goons hope they can alter the election with their stunts.

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