Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Taking and refusing to return those documents is pretty serious stuff.
Seig Heil.

Taking and refusing to return those documents is pretty serious stuff.
Literally instructing your staff to take actual hammers and smash their cell phones is pretty serious also.
Knowingly sending your computers/servers to a company without security clearance to wipe data to prevent discovery is also serious.
I guess that didn't upset you though.
Recently, the Supreme Court passed the Dobbs decision. This repealed the law "Roe v Wade" dictated by the Burger court.

The Dobbs decision removes the federal law and returns the question of abortion to the people to decide through ballots in the many states.

This process of the people deciding an issue is called "democracy."

Now you fascists are outraged that the court is allowing the people to decide the issue, because democracy is a danger to your duhmobcracy.
Democrats love democracy until they don't love democracy. They're very confused.
After all the hoaxes depended entirely upon outside resources to implement (Stormy, Russians, dossiers, Ukrainians , Mueller, impeachment, Covid, etc) the larcenous lib loons decided to take matter into their own hand and break into the mans home over tip “evidence” and once inside Lo and behold they did find out what they feel amounts to “evidence” after they illegally and immorally barged in. It’s called spoiled fruit evidence wise. And they are redefining words again just like a month ago with the Hearsay
Blah...Blah....Blah...if he broke the law...he should be charged.
Mmm good point youngling! Trump's attorney certified in June that all classified docs had been given over. That means intentional deceit.

You’re welcome. I am happy to correct mods’ mistakes.

As far as what the attorney certified, that’s meaningless. All it means is that everything not turned over had been declassified.

Regardless, the venom and history of deceit with which the FBI has tried to damage Trump - for years - has reached a new low with this raid, and the Dems will be so far behind at the next election that they won’t be able to ballot-harvest to a win.

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