Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Nope. You're believing the propaganda. If it was serious, Trump would be arrested and charged.
Disagree. You or I would be. But a former president? We'll see.
Biden had a GREAT Week

If I were staying at a $20 million beachside mansion while the rest of the country is scrimping to buy eggs and gas, and then my weaponized FBI went after my #1 political rival, I’d consider it a good week, too.

(If I could remember what’s going on.)
If I were staying at a $20 million beachside mansion while the rest of the country is scrimping to buy eggs and gas, and then my weaponized FBI went after my #1 political rival, I’d consider it a good week, too.

(If I could remember what’s going on.)
See a Doctor
After all the hoaxes depended entirely upon outside resources to implement (Stormy, Russians, dossiers, Ukrainians , Mueller, impeachment, Covid, etc) the larcenous lib loons decided to take matter into their own hand and break into the mans home over tip “evidence” and once inside Lo and behold they did find out what they feel amounts to “evidence” after they illegally and immorally barged in. It’s called spoiled fruit evidence wise. And they are redefining words again just like a month ago with the Hearsay
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Nope. You're believing the propaganda. If it was serious, Trump would be arrested and charged.
….and….they wouldn’t have waited two months to get a warrant,

In fact, check out the date the warrant is good for: it authorizes a raid all the way out to August 19. Say what?! If they REALLY thought Trump had classified info that he could use to aid Russia, why would the warrant allow agents to drag their feet for two weeks?

AND….the warrant was issued in Friday. If the FBI were really concerned that a former president could conspire with Russia using confidential documents, why wouldn’t they rush right in that night, and instead waited for Monday. I guess the agents didn’t want to interfere with their nice summer weekend plans.
Democrats protecting Democracy, isn't "Seig Heil."

Recently, the Supreme Court passed the Dobbs decision. This repealed the law "Roe v Wade" dictated by the Burger court.

The Dobbs decision removes the federal law and returns the question of abortion to the people to decide through ballots in the many states.

This process of the people deciding an issue is called "democracy."

Now you fascists are outraged that the court is allowing the people to decide the issue, because democracy is a danger to your duhmobcracy.

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