Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents


your fake scandels dont equal actual crimes.
Unsealed Search Warrant with receipt of items taken shows Trump had:
Top Secret Classified Documents
Confidential Classified Documents
Miscellaneous Secret Documents

We've known since he left office that he took boxes that may have had classified info. Since that is the case, why didn't this happen right after Trump left office? Why did they wait a year and a half to do this? Why now?
If I were staying at a $20 million beachside mansion while the rest of the country is scrimping to buy eggs and gas, and then my weaponized FBI went after my #1 political rival, I’d consider it a good week, too.

(If I could remember what’s going on.)

Our President had a well deserved vacation this week.

Congress agreed on sweeping Climate Change legislation
500,000+ jobs added
Gas prices down a dollar
Stock market up
Trump found illegally storing Top Secret Documents

As far as what the attorney certified, that’s meaningless. All it means is that everything not turned over had been declassified.
That's not what they asked for. They asked for all documents marked as classified, independent of their actual classification status.

It's like the police asking a cab company for a list of all their "yellow" cabs. And they claim they have none, since their cars are registered under their original colors.

As you can see, that kind of excuse would not hold up in court.
We've known since he left office that he took boxes that may have had classified info. Since that is the case, why didn't this happen right after Trump left office? Why did they wait a year and a half to do this? Why now?
They already sent the National Archives to retrieve classified documents.
When it was apparent, not all such documents had been given to the National Archives
they sent Trump a subpoena to turn over the remaining classified documents.
Even though Trumps lawyers assured them, that all such documents had been turned over, it was discovered Trump still possessed classified documents.
That's when the FBI got a search warrant. The first time that law enforcement was called upon to retrieve the stolen documents.
Even if Trump had waved his magic little fingers and said "I declassify this entire van load of top secret stuff"...he'd still be in violation of the Espionage Act.

WRONG. absolutely, WRONG, Buttcake. You cannot invent another fake "event," find Trump somehow unilaterally guilty of it, and automatically declare that, Voila! You hereby deny him his right to seek office when he meets EVERY SINGLE FUCKING QUALIFICATION in the Constitution. But I love that, like the moth, you marxists still can't help but still keep hoping and trying.
If he does states will secede
Half the nation leaves.
Ummm? Really?
Which states?
How do you know?
Do they do it with a referendum? A vote?
Or do they shoot a cannon at something?

Batter up, poster SweetSue.
You said it. Explain yourself.
This is Adult Swim.
Gotta be big girl on this venue....wearing your big girl knickers.
I think you should know that.


Has Trump been charged and arrested yet?
If it was serious, Trump would be arrested and charged.
What's your hurry, BS?
I'd advise patience, Grasshopper.
As a loyal patriotic American, and mature too, wouldn't you want it done deadsolidperfectly correct with all i's dotted and all t's crossed. It is the ex-president, albeit fired.
Your sense of impulsiveness could do a disservice to this great nation of hours (it is great, despite what poster SweetSue has experienced in her poor life. Let's all wish her better.)

This has gone BEYOND a witch-hunt and has energized 100 million voters to get rid of the Ruling Regime.

Or not.

As I posted early this morning....this Mar-A-Lardo brouhaha has been highly entertaining. Humorous. Ripe with satire and snark.
It's a bunch of serious merde' I have read, and do not doubt.
But for my avatar, well......those MAGA-Q jackasses who beat the snot out of Capitol Police while charging at my legislators so to stop the Constitutional transfer of power.....THAT seemed more portentous than this dolt in Florida who wouldn't even listen to his daily Intelligence briefing (the PDB), and wouldn't read the documents from it.....well, that level of stable geniusness possessing these docs ain't all that frettable. Could the dolt even find the index to 'em?

(Why did he have 'em? I dunno. But would speculate he may have thought it cool to have 'em framed and put on the walls of his golf club. Same way he had that fake Time Magazine Man of the Year cover tacked up on those same walls. Never underestimate the self-pleasuring of uber-narcissists.)

... (but then, as some QNutter recently posted here, I forget the avatar handle, but that QNut excused the Stable Genius because.....well, because he ain't "a detail person". (insert roll-eyes emoji here)

Anyway, if he did bad juju by illegally possessing these docs......then fry his kiester.
Our LEO's would if it was BSFilter or Lisa558 who had these boxes up at their lake house.

Here, read this.
This poster makes the point better than I can:

(why hasn't he been arrested?)

You or I would be. But a former president? We'll see.
Conservatives are as predictable as they are dishonest – they fill the thread with deflections, lies, and willful ignorance.
If your are going to try and hang Trump for mishandling classified material you must also do the same for Clinton, but you loons won't do that because you are all hypocrites.
WRONG. absolutely, WRONG, Buttcake. You cannot invent another fake "event," find Trump somehow unilaterally guilty of it, and automatically declare that, Voila! You hereby deny him his right to seek office when he meets EVERY SINGLE FUCKING QUALIFICATION in the Constitution. But I love that, like the moth, you marxists still can't help but still keep hoping and trying.
This is where your "wrong" is wrong. The Espionage act has nothing to do with the classification of the material, but instead with the content. Items if discovered by our enemies would harm national security.
Even though Trumps lawyers assured them, that all such documents had been turned over, it was discovered Trump still possessed classified documents.

Which, it seems, was the stage-cue for the 'informant'....the 'insider'..... to drop a dime to the FBI and snitch on the boss for doing bad juju.

God bless 'em!
If your are going to try and hang Trump for mishandling classified material you must also do the same for Clinton, but you loons won't do that because you are all hypocrites.
Hillary had her time facing charges for mishandling of classified information. Trumps DOJ did not prosecute, and now the statute of limitations means any call to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information is long over.

Now it's Trump turn at bat.
Which, it seems, was the stage-cue for the 'informant'....the 'insider'..... to drop a dime to the FBI and snitch on the boss for doing bad juju.

God bless 'em!
Now comes the Trump paranoia phase. Where he tries to figure out who in his inner circle, or people around him, told the FBI about what was in those boxes.

Maybe it was one of Trumps lawyers. Maybe it was one of Trumps employees, as the documents weren't properly secured. Maybe it was one of Trumps children who knew what was in Trumps safe.

But no matter who it was, the result was the raid on Mar-a-lago.
Hillary had her time facing charges for mishandling of classified information. Trumps DOJ did not prosecute, and now the statute of limitations means any call to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information is long over.

Now it's Trump turn at bat.
So Trump can use the same defense that was provided to Hilary "She didn't know any better" and it shouldn't be an issue, right ?

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