Until you admit or identify...

East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
wasnt this an ETHNIC conflict?
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
wasnt this an ETHNIC conflict?
Does that change anything................Indonesia brutally murdered them..................Starved them to death and killed

44% of the original population..................They were Catholics.....................Island was colonized by Portugal............later left and for oil interests the west including the United States sanctioned it, and even supplied money and military equipment so they could perform GENOCIDE..........

They fought for a state of their own for 24 years and finally WON it.................

The West would have this history wiped under the Rug.
That sort of thinking was popular when FDR decided that all Japanese people were the enemy including American citizens of Japanese descent and signed an order to incarcerate them for the duration. Hatred is a dangerous motivation. I don't know what the solution is but if the enemy doesn't wear a uniform it is difficult or impossible to identify him. That's why they call them terrorists.
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
wasnt this an ETHNIC conflict?
Does that change anything................Indonesia brutally murdered them..................Starved them to death and killed

44% of the original population..................They were Catholics.....................Island was colonized by Portugal............later left and for oil interests the west including the United States sanctioned it, and even supplied money and military equipment so they could perform GENOCIDE..........

They fought for a state of their own for 24 years and finally WON it.................

The West would have this history wiped under the Rug.
No it changes nothing, but the west ignores a lot of atrocities when they involve non western countries :(
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
wasnt this an ETHNIC conflict?
Does that change anything................Indonesia brutally murdered them..................Starved them to death and killed

44% of the original population..................They were Catholics.....................Island was colonized by Portugal............later left and for oil interests the west including the United States sanctioned it, and even supplied money and military equipment so they could perform GENOCIDE..........

They fought for a state of their own for 24 years and finally WON it.................

The West would have this history wiped under the Rug.
No it changes nothing, but the west ignores a lot of atrocities when they involve non western countries :(
In this case............more than that.................we armed it, condoned it, and sponsored it..................And hid it from our people for economic reasons of the oil rich region.................The West and Australia caused it..............Australia finally intervened again and allowed the country to be born.......................even though they as well drove over these people with a Greyhound bus.
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
wasnt this an ETHNIC conflict?
Does that change anything................Indonesia brutally murdered them..................Starved them to death and killed

44% of the original population..................They were Catholics.....................Island was colonized by Portugal............later left and for oil interests the west including the United States sanctioned it, and even supplied money and military equipment so they could perform GENOCIDE..........

They fought for a state of their own for 24 years and finally WON it.................

The West would have this history wiped under the Rug.
No it changes nothing, but the west ignores a lot of atrocities when they involve non western countries :(
In this case............more than that.................we armed it, condoned it, and sponsored it..................And hid it from our people for economic reasons of the oil rich region.................The West and Australia caused it..............Australia finally intervened again and allowed the country to be born.......................even though they as well drove over these people with a Greyhound bus.
And it's not out there, I was not aware of it until you posted this :(
Size has nothing to do with it. It is the principle that is inherently flawed in your argument. ReRead my last post and try to comprehend instead of react
No size reach and effect all matter, the difference from Christian religion and Islam is that the KKK NEVER was supported by the religion Islam IS supported by the religion. Islam teaches that ONLY Islam should exist and that non believers are to be purged when no longer useful to the religion. There are two main thoughts on how to convert the world to JUST Islam, one path is through assimilation. Like what they are doing in Europe, flood a Country with immigrants and then out breed the local population. The other thought is by armed means, attack and destroy non believers, this is TAUGHT in Mosques around the world MILLIONS support it.
That is rediculous... prove it
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
No size reach and effect all matter, the difference from Christian religion and Islam is that the KKK NEVER was supported by the religion Islam IS supported by the religion. Islam teaches that ONLY Islam should exist and that non believers are to be purged when no longer useful to the religion. There are two main thoughts on how to convert the world to JUST Islam, one path is through assimilation. Like what they are doing in Europe, flood a Country with immigrants and then out breed the local population. The other thought is by armed means, attack and destroy non believers, this is TAUGHT in Mosques around the world MILLIONS support it.
That is rediculous... prove it
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Are your friends Radical Muslim Terrorists..........................

I'd say not......................so are they offended when I call a spade a spade................ISIS is most definitely Radical Muslim Terrorist...............

Should I say instead............hmmmmm...Criminal Muslim Minority Group..............Insane individuals from Syria...............

What are we supposed to CALL THEM..............TO me they are.............

2. Most of considered Muslim
3. And are considered Terrorist...........

What is wrong with putting those words together and saying them out loud.........Obama certainly did every thing he could to change the terminology of them.................WHY............

Are your friends mad when I say those 3 words together.................should I just call them SCUM BAGS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST...........or would that be another Straw Man saying I called all the Middle East scum bags.
No size reach and effect all matter, the difference from Christian religion and Islam is that the KKK NEVER was supported by the religion Islam IS supported by the religion. Islam teaches that ONLY Islam should exist and that non believers are to be purged when no longer useful to the religion. There are two main thoughts on how to convert the world to JUST Islam, one path is through assimilation. Like what they are doing in Europe, flood a Country with immigrants and then out breed the local population. The other thought is by armed means, attack and destroy non believers, this is TAUGHT in Mosques around the world MILLIONS support it.
That is rediculous... prove it
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
That is rediculous... prove it
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Are your friends Radical Muslim Terrorists..........................

I'd say not......................so are they offended when I call a spade a spade................ISIS is most definitely Radical Muslim Terrorist...............

Should I say instead............hmmmmm...Criminal Muslim Minority Group..............Insane individuals from Syria...............

What are we supposed to CALL THEM..............TO me they are.............

2. Most of considered Muslim
3. And are considered Terrorist...........

What is wrong with putting those words together and saying them out loud.........Obama certainly did every thing he could to change the terminology of them.................WHY............

Are your friends mad when I say those 3 words together.................should I just call them SCUM BAGS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST...........or would that be another Straw Man saying I called all the Middle East scum bags.
First of all Sgt was going after the religion of Islam not the sliver of extremists. Read his OP. Second, call it whatever you want, but they could easily be called Terrorist, or ISIS, or Jihadists and we all would know what you are talking about.

By linking them to Islam they gain power through assosication with that religion which they try and recruit from, and it degrades good hearted Muslims. Like my original point, It would be like calling the KKK, Radical Christians. They don't deserve a name like that. And you can clearly see on this board the Radical Islam term has driven a pretty good wedge between bigot America and the religion of Islam. It's unfortunate because we are supposed to be a free country that tolerates all religions and beliefs. Islam is one of the biggest religions in the world and overwhelmingly teaches messages of peace and love.
That is rediculous... prove it
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Until such time as you admit or identify who your enemy is you can not effectively fight them. This refusal to call Islam to task for terrorism is beyond stupid and is dangerous.

I've been saying this for a long time now; it's not just terrorists. Islam itself is problematic, and it's remarkable that so-called "liberals" and feminists turn a blind eye to all the destruction and oppression it brings while having no problem trashing Christians and Catholics (and even Jews, now).

Why? Because they think Muslims are brown and Christians are white, therefore it's okay to attack one and not the other.

Luckily, a lot more people are starting to speak up about how dangerous the cult is. I'm hearing a lot of rumblings. But we need intelligent speakers like Nawaz to take the forefront, not morons like the "ban all Muslims" people. The people aren't the problem. It's their poisonous ideology that's got to go, or at least change dramatically.
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
When you kill or wound a person, or kill or wound a persons wife, children, or other family members you bred hate. if you with purpose kill or harm some one I love I will hate you. if you say hateful things& lie about me or mine I will not trust you, and will dislike you.
that is Human Nature, will NOT change no matter what religion what color, what country your from. why do so many approve of hate as a solution? hate is the problem not the solution.
There are THOUSANDS of fighters in Iraq and Syria and more in Malaysia the Philippines and the Arab world.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
The Crusades were a DIRECT result of Muslims attacking Christians and seizing the Holy land retard learn a little history.
Until such time as you admit or identify who your enemy is you can not effectively fight them. This refusal to call Islam to task for terrorism is beyond stupid and is dangerous.
Well, if you give me Islam's phone number, I'll call them. Do you at least know where Islam is today? Maybe I'll just run over there and tell them to their face.
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Read the bible, talk about your own ass,
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
Every time someone shows the genocides committed by Muslims against christians someone like you brings up the Crusades to discuss this again.

In TIMOR..........they didn't just kill them.........they tortured them........starved them..........and killed nearly have the population of them.................

It was a matter of POLICY...........SECULAR POLICY............and that policy is guided by Religion...........whether you like it or not.

Same in the violence in Burma..........small group murdering Hindu's and when they lose whine about it.

Which part of Religion in some Muslim countries don't you understand.

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