Until you admit or identify...

When you kill or wound a person, or kill or wound a persons wife, children, or other family members you bred hate. if you with purpose kill or harm some one I love I will hate you. if you say hateful things& lie about me or mine I will not trust you, and will dislike you.
that is Human Nature, will NOT change no matter what religion what color, what country your from. why do so many approve of hate as a solution? hate is the problem not the solution.
Radical Islam HATES anyone who doesn't convert to their ways......and they will kill anyone that doesn't agree with them............

They suicide themselves.................So the matter of HATE..............they already HATE US...........So now they HATE US TWICE..............

The world has seen many Caliphates since the birth of this religion.......and the only way it has ever stopped is with VIOLENCE................to stop their expansion...........History is repeating itself.
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Read the bible, talk about your own ass,
The Bible does NOT tell its believers to conquer the world and to destroy all other forms of Religion.
Throughout history since Mohamed there have been Caliphs............continuously........

And all have had the purpose of spreading their religion by the sword.........

Nothing new today........They are just carrying on a long standing tradition.

List of Caliphs - Wikipedia
Prove that any kind of a significant portion of Muslims support terrify acts and teach it in Mosques? That is complete bullshit
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Same violent shit is in the Bible. Your not making a very good case to back up your point. Is that all you got?
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
The Crusades were a DIRECT result of Muslims attacking Christians and seizing the Holy land retard learn a little history.
I have read history. Appears you need a reread
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
Every time someone shows the genocides committed by Muslims against christians someone like you brings up the Crusades to discuss this again.

In TIMOR..........they didn't just kill them.........they tortured them........starved them..........and killed nearly have the population of them.................

It was a matter of POLICY...........SECULAR POLICY............and that policy is guided by Religion...........whether you like it or not.

Same in the violence in Burma..........small group murdering Hindu's and when they lose whine about it.

Which part of Religion in some Muslim countries don't you understand.
I have no arguements that thug groups and corrupt political regimes use religion to progress their agendas and justify violence. It's happened through history for as long as we can track back. Christianity has been guilty and Islam has been guilty of a lot of abuses. I myself blame the corruption and not the religion. If you choose to blame the religion, that's fine, you have a valid arguement. But you must put the same blame on Christianity for the atrocities of their past as you do on Islam.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Read the bible, talk about your own ass,
The Bible does NOT tell its believers to conquer the world and to destroy all other forms of Religion.
What's the passage from the Koran that says to conquer the world and destroy all other forms of religion? Please post the text
Look nutbag it is a matter of historical fact. Do a little research I was briefed on it in the 90's by an Imam while in the US Marine Corps.
I know many Muslims, friends, old roommates, business partners etc. I've been to Turkey and I've been in mosques. I have never seen or heard talk of anything that you are describing. The actions l, ideology and distorted thinking that you describe is contained within a group of thugs, this is far from mainstream Islam. Much like what the kkk was doing a century ago, the situations are very similar but nobody declared war on Christianity, because that would have been rediculous just like you war against Islam is rediculous in this case
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Same violent shit is in the Bible. Your not making a very good case to back up your point. Is that all you got?
No it isnt retard the bible recounts battles and wars in the OLD Testament and that was superseded by the new testament, you KNOW Jesus and love your brother? Remember that shit? As for Islam one of the 4 PILLARS of faith is the that the whole world be run by a caliphate. That applies to moderate Muslims just as much as to Religious fanatics.
East Timor: a People Shattered by Lies and Silence

Another example of the Religion of Peace.................and the West armed the slaughter of Christians.......by Indonesia..............

Swept under the rug then and now.....................44% of the original population of Timor were tortured, starved, and killed during the 25 year conflict. Sponsored by our idiotic leaders..............armed primarily by Ford...........for improved relations with Indonesia....................

Indonesian military and their militias SLAUGHTERED ENTIRE VILLAGES................Killing every man women and Children

A War of Religion..................falsely reported by the west and our own nation because of the SHAME OF WHAT WE ALLOWED TO TRANSPIRE.


Starved to death by Indonesia military and their para military gangs.......Killed because........OMFG THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.
You think the killings and treatment of Christians were caused by the religious teachings of Islam?! I don't think so bud, this was about politics and power. Let be honest in our discussions. The Christians had the crusades, would you say those wars and killings were cause by the will of the lord or because of mans politics and distortions of a good religion?
The Crusades were a DIRECT result of Muslims attacking Christians and seizing the Holy land retard learn a little history.
I have read history. Appears you need a reread
Then you read something other then European History, EVERY SINGLE Crusade was launched to reclaim land LOST to Muslims in the Middle East.
Look STUPID until Bush started the whole Islam is peace BULLSHIT it was a well know and taught fact that Islam has 2 views on how to rule the world, which is A CORE BELIEF of the religion. And it is still true.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Read the bible, talk about your own ass,
The Bible does NOT tell its believers to conquer the world and to destroy all other forms of Religion.
What's the passage from the Koran that says to conquer the world and destroy all other forms of religion? Please post the text
I posted a link to the Moderate Muslim in a BBC article talking about the 4 pillars read that I am not posting it again.
Well I disagree that it is "well known" and am asking for proof. You just saying that everybody knows it proves nothing.
Read the damn Koran dumb ass.
Read the bible, talk about your own ass,
The Bible does NOT tell its believers to conquer the world and to destroy all other forms of Religion.
What's the passage from the Koran that says to conquer the world and destroy all other forms of religion? Please post the text
I posted a link to the Moderate Muslim in a BBC article talking about the 4 pillars read that I am not posting it again.
Did you even read the article that you posted? It counters the point of your OP. The author does a very good job of describing the problems that are happening with "fundamentalists" who follow archaic practices and teach distortions within their ideology that go against the more modern and peaceful teachings of islam. Once you get deeper into the article you find passages like these:

The Koranic references to Umma include the historical aspect, such as the prophets of other faiths and their followers, a strong, interfaith and spiritual notion.

In early Islam, Umma also referred to political communities that included Jews and Christians, such as Medina under the Prophet Muhammad. The Ottomans abandoned the legal pluralism of the "millet" system (a faith-community framework) in the 19th Century and adopted a citizenship model that granted equal rights to all, irrespective of religion.

Sharia has had dozens of schools and interpretations over the centuries.

Narrow approaches do not work in our modern world. The holistic approach to Sharia known as Maqasid al-Sharia (universal objectives of law) posits equality, justice and compassion as the basis of all law, and is the only way forward.

The work of the recent or contemporary scholars Ibn Ashur, Nasr Abu Zayd and Ibn Bayyah are crucial in this regard.

It has to be recognised that Koranic penal codes, always accompanied by exhortations to mercy and forgiveness, were often suspended or replaced by imprisonment or financial penalties in the early centuries of Islam, since punishment, deterrence, restorative justice and rehabilitation were the operative concerns.

Also, arbitrary interpretations of Sharia were not enforced at state level in early Islam and most of Sharia is voluntary, relating to believers' daily worship and social transactions.

The Koranic spirit of freedom, equality, justice and compassion must be reclaimed, with an emphasis on Sharia as ethics rather than rigid ritualism.

The Koranic notion of Jihad is essentially about the sacred and physical-spiritual nature of life's struggles, as summed up by "strive in God", a verse revealed in the pacifist period of Islam before war was permitted.
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
Your ignorance is shining brightly. First off it is FIVE PILLARS. Second, none of the pillars promote total control of the world. Whats wrong with you?

PILLAR 1: Testimony of Faith: Acknowledging one true God
PILLAR 2: Prayer: 5 a day
PILLAR 3: Giving Zakat: Support for the needy/donating to charity
PILLAR 4: Fasting: performed once a year during Ramadan
PILLAR 5: Pilgrimage to Makka

Sounds really evil doesn't it? :cuckoo:
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
Your ignorance is shining brightly. First off it is FIVE PILLARS. Second, none of the pillars promote total control of the world. Whats wrong with you?

PILLAR 1: Testimony of Faith: Acknowledging one true God
PILLAR 2: Prayer: 5 a day
PILLAR 3: Giving Zakat: Support for the needy/donating to charity
PILLAR 4: Fasting: performed once a year during Ramadan
PILLAR 5: Pilgrimage to Makka

Sounds really evil doesn't it? :cuckoo:
You are too stupid to breath. I hope you are like 20 so in 50 or so years you can reap what you have sown with your ignorance.
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
Your ignorance is shining brightly. First off it is FIVE PILLARS. Second, none of the pillars promote total control of the world. Whats wrong with you?

PILLAR 1: Testimony of Faith: Acknowledging one true God
PILLAR 2: Prayer: 5 a day
PILLAR 3: Giving Zakat: Support for the needy/donating to charity
PILLAR 4: Fasting: performed once a year during Ramadan
PILLAR 5: Pilgrimage to Makka

Sounds really evil doesn't it? :cuckoo:
You are too stupid to breath. I hope you are like 20 so in 50 or so years you can reap what you have sown with your ignorance.
Oh the irony... I'm not the one who is name calling like a grade schooler. I actually use facts and substance to back up my arguements. I can't think of anything more immature than how you just responded. Ignoring my entire statement to call me stupid... haha, do you really think that is effective or that it helps your argument in any way?!
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
Your ignorance is shining brightly. First off it is FIVE PILLARS. Second, none of the pillars promote total control of the world. Whats wrong with you?

PILLAR 1: Testimony of Faith: Acknowledging one true God
PILLAR 2: Prayer: 5 a day
PILLAR 3: Giving Zakat: Support for the needy/donating to charity
PILLAR 4: Fasting: performed once a year during Ramadan
PILLAR 5: Pilgrimage to Makka

Sounds really evil doesn't it? :cuckoo:
You are too stupid to breath. I hope you are like 20 so in 50 or so years you can reap what you have sown with your ignorance.
Oh the irony... I'm not the one who is name calling like a grade schooler. I actually use facts and substance to back up my arguements. I can't think of anything more immature than how you just responded. Ignoring my entire statement to call me stupid... haha, do you really think that is effective or that it helps your argument in any way?!
You can't read Islam believes that they must be the ONLY religion that NO other Gods exist and that they must rule the world, I provide you the evidence and you are to STUPID to understand it I even provided it from a Moderate the ones you claim are all friendly and shit.
He down plays the 4 PILLARS one of which is total control of the world. Of course he down plays it he is in the group that want to assimilate the world not conquer it by force, BUT more to the point he STATES that the MAJORITY of Muslims in the Middle east support the fundamentalist violence and attacks.
Your ignorance is shining brightly. First off it is FIVE PILLARS. Second, none of the pillars promote total control of the world. Whats wrong with you?

PILLAR 1: Testimony of Faith: Acknowledging one true God
PILLAR 2: Prayer: 5 a day
PILLAR 3: Giving Zakat: Support for the needy/donating to charity
PILLAR 4: Fasting: performed once a year during Ramadan
PILLAR 5: Pilgrimage to Makka

Sounds really evil doesn't it? :cuckoo:
You are too stupid to breath. I hope you are like 20 so in 50 or so years you can reap what you have sown with your ignorance.
Oh the irony... I'm not the one who is name calling like a grade schooler. I actually use facts and substance to back up my arguements. I can't think of anything more immature than how you just responded. Ignoring my entire statement to call me stupid... haha, do you really think that is effective or that it helps your argument in any way?!
You can't read Islam believes that they must be the ONLY religion that NO other Gods exist and that they must rule the world, I provide you the evidence and you are to STUPID to understand it I even provided it from a Moderate the ones you claim are all friendly and shit.
You didn't provide any evidence. You posted a link to a BBC article that backed up my argument and then made an unsubstantiated claim about the "4 pillars" (you didn't even get the number right) Its the 5 Pillars and I listed them out as they are, which was very different from what you claimed...

BTW. Christianity has the same teachings about "one true God" along with some pretty harsh language about people who worship false idols: Here are several Bible verses about those subjects:

Colossians 3:5, NIV Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Exodus 20:3-6, ESV You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

1 Corinthians 8:4-6 — As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
Retard alert Retard alert you and people like you DESERVE the hell you are bringing into being.
Strike 2 at making an argument with any sort of substance. If you want to win the argument then you need to do better than petty insults. Try using facts, references, or even counter arguments against the things I say. You make a joke out of yourself when you come back with "You're stupid". Makes you sound like a grade schooler.

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