
What I think is these words of yours, typed out here on the internet, are those of domesticated sheep bleating, "Ewe, ewe," and are the words of cowardly fear. The ONLY reason one would submit to the COVID vaccines is after succumbing to an extreme case of cowardice and a total lack of faith.
I got the vaccine. Twice. And will get a booster in December.
What I think is these words of yours, typed out here on the internet, are those of domesticated sheep bleating, "Ewe, ewe," and are the words of cowardly fear. The ONLY reason one would submit to the COVID vaccines is after succumbing to an extreme case of cowardice and a total lack of faith.

Really. So it cowardice to want what's best for the country and fellow Americans. It's cowardice to save lives and stop admissions to hospitals.

It's cowardice to stand against political recalcitants like you who refuse because it's Biden advocating it.

You the coward son. You haven't the guts to listen to experts. You haven't the brains to protect your family but put your politics first.
Home of the brave??? You've got the heart of a split pea you bigmouthed ignoramus yet you judge people's courage but you own inadequacies.
You're as dumb as a stump.

As for faith. If you are relying on God to protect you, ask those unnvaccinated godbotherers lying in hospital if god protected them. 90% of Americans believe there is a god so ask those 600k who are dead from it if God cared for them.

Don't talk to me about faith you mental pygmy. You're not in the hunt.
Try Again big mouth.
What did you say to my response to you in my post #17? Any comment now?

I don't respond to idiots as a rule but I'll make an exception your case.
Ask it again. It couldn't have been anything earth shattering or I would have remembered.
My point is if a priest visiting your mother infected her and she died as a result,
How do you feel about that knowing it could have been prevented.

You got the point in the first instance but didn't like admitting it.
Prevented how?
Excellent. Now if the statist dupes who believe everything from Fauci and big pharma could learn.
I'm sorry I engaged you. I thought most respondent's were intelligent enough to understand about these things.
I've grossly overestimated you for which I am sorry. I apologise for torturing your brain with thought and forcing you to blurt ignorant responses.
I merely proved once again you’re uninformed and a liar. Don’t take it so personal.
Really. So it cowardice to want what's best for the country and fellow Americans. It's cowardice to save lives and stop admissions to hospitals.

It's cowardice to stand against political recalcitants like you who refuse because it's Biden advocating it.

You the coward son. You haven't the guts to listen to experts. You haven't the brains to protect your family but put your politics first.
Home of the brave??? You've got the heart of a split pea you bigmouthed ignoramus yet you judge people's courage but you own inadequacies.
You're as dumb as a stump.

As for faith. If you are relying on God to protect you, ask those unnvaccinated godbotherers lying in hospital if god protected them. 90% of Americans believe there is a god so ask those 600k who are dead from it if God cared for them.

Don't talk to me about faith you mental pygmy. You're not in the hunt.
Try Again big mouth.
It's cowardice to stand against political recalcitants like you who refuse because it's Biden advocating it.

Like the cowards that refused the Trump vaccine. because TRUMP?
Really. So it cowardice to want what's best for the country and fellow Americans. It's cowardice to save lives and stop admissions to hospitals.

It's cowardice to stand against political recalcitants like you who refuse because it's Biden advocating it.

You the coward son. You haven't the guts to listen to experts. You haven't the brains to protect your family but put your politics first.
Home of the brave??? You've got the heart of a split pea you bigmouthed ignoramus yet you judge people's courage but you own inadequacies.
You're as dumb as a stump.

As for faith. If you are relying on God to protect you, ask those unnvaccinated godbotherers lying in hospital if god protected them. 90% of Americans believe there is a god so ask those 600k who are dead from it if God cared for them.

Don't talk to me about faith you mental pygmy. You're not in the hunt.
Try Again big mouth.
Somebody hold my beer.......................

Ask me why, every time I took my elderly husband to the doctor, I carried an orange in my purse.
The Wife was forced to get the first vacc and after learning a bit more she's been sleeping on the couch for the last few months to avoid giving it to me.
That's ridiculous.

Have you considered the possibility that this might be an excuse?
I've had Covid. I recovered. I've had a Covid test 3 times and tested negative 3 times. Tests show I don't have any trace of the virus. Yet the vaxxed say I pose a threat to the vaxxed and unvaxxed. How is that possible? I have had 2 strokes. I take blood thinners to help ward off strokes. At the same time I have had Afib for years. Afib can lead to blood clots in the heart or cause a stroke. Unless you are a heart doctor or a virologist do you think I will listen to an uneducated welfare leech to "just get the shot." I don't think so.

My 68 year old friend died Friday night from complications of Covid. His organs shut down. He was a very active, upbeat person.
Crepitus said:
That it's the fault of the person who exposed her to it. She did everything she reasonably could have been expected to do to insure her own safety.
How 'bout she put her trust in something that would never protect her. And how about THIS. She put her trust in a mix that was designed to target her weakest part and cause failure.

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