Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

This PoliSpice CONspiracy thread is still going ? Why???

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I know, right? I stopped by to see what was up and was not disappointed to be so disappointed at its continuity.
her threads are like watching train wrecks in slo mo. You just cant turn away
You are so intelligent and well-educated that you are quoting and responding to a post not directed at you. ;)

You've also continued to spout straw man arguments; I have claimed neither that Trump colluded with Putin, nor that Trump obstructed justice.

You have continued to ignore the relevant laws in California regarding voting, which have been shown to you. You've repeatedly cited an LA Times article, either completely misunderstanding simple statements in that article or lying about them. You've even been shown another LA Times article, a link to which is in the article you have spammed a link to in this thread, which says that illegals who get licenses in CA will not be registered to vote.

You have also spammed a link to a Brietbart article about CA law AB1461 as though it is evidence of 3 million illegals voting for Clinton in the past presidential election, but somehow ignored that the law in question wasn't in effect during the election. That is clearly stated in the opening of the article, which you have quoted multiple times. :lol:

To summarize, you have made a few claims regarding illegals voting, posted a couple of link which are, at best, very weak evidence to support your claims, then you have ignored any countering arguments or evidence and, instead, called those arguing with you liars (mostly without pointing out the supposed lies) and claimed some sort of internet victory.

I've had about all of the "because I say so" arguing as I am willing to deal with in this thread. So, congratulations! You can claim another victory for using such an annoying, senseless form of debate that another person will stop bothering to engage with you. :clap2:

"....you are quoting and responding to a post not directed at you. "

And the problem with that is.....what?

Seems that your inner Fascist is showing.[/QUOTE

I'm just posting here again in order to allow you to once again respond with a personal attack and reveal that you have become that which you hate.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Bravo. You met my expectations. Carry on with your screed-thread.

Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.
her threads are like watching train wrecks in slo mo. You just cant turn away
Funny I just pretty much posted the same thing. It's like watching MSNBC honestly, you can't turn away from the hatred. This poster is basically the very thing that she hates. Weird.
"....you are quoting and responding to a post not directed at you. "

And the problem with that is.....what?

Seems that your inner Fascist is showing.[/QUOTE

I'm just posting here again in order to allow you to once again respond with a personal attack and reveal that you have become that which you hate.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Bravo. You met my expectations. Carry on with your screed-thread.

Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?
You've got no evidence, dolt. I ain't enraged, I'm simply pointing out that you're a shameless Repug idiot who doesn't care about facts. Which is true of all Repugs.

Now....remember the Old Dominion study?
"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."
We've got about a half to three quarters of a million illegal votes accounted for.

But....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now

a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe more than six and a half percent went to the polls???
Maybe..... 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????

You bet they did.

Soooo....how many?

This is from the article that you posted, idiot -

"However, our results also support the arguments made by voting and immigrant rights organizations that the portion of non-citizen immigrants who participate in U.S. elections is quite small. Indeed, given the extraordinary efforts made by the Obama and McCain campaigns to mobilize voters in 2008, the relatively small portion of non-citizens who voted in 2008 likely exceeded the portion of non-citizens voting in other recent U.S. elections."

So what exactly are you whining about, again?

Repug voter suppression of minorities is a much bigger problem, as indicated in this recent N. Carolina appeals court ruling. Even the arch-conservative U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear this case, after the Repug N. Carolina government objected:


You see a pattern here, lightweight? I, the liberal, present real evidence to support my position. You, the hopelessly stupid, unsophisticated Repug partisan goober hack, present absolutely nothing.

You've got nothing, Repug lightweight. You're nothing but a sad Trump clown. Go put your clown suit on.

"However, our results also support the arguments made by voting and immigrant rights organizations that the portion of non-citizen immigrants who participate in U.S. elections is quite small."

Sooo...you've provided an admission that illegal aliens vote.

Excellent beginning.

You should continue in this vein, and admit that your incapable of thinking, and simply parrot DNC talking point.


Quoting your article is "parroting DNC talking points"?

You're a fucking idiot with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

Speaking of parroting the talking points that the DNC delivers to you, imagine how stupid you will self-identify with that avi when the DNC does an about face and admits that there never was any Trump-Russian collusion.

And you will be left with even more egg on your face than you are after your last post.

Of course, it will in no way lower anyone's opinion of you.
You've managed that already.

Dumb fuck, the Trump/Russia collusion is beyond refute at this point. That stupid ass traitor Kushner attempted to open a covert communications channel with Russia, for crying out loud. He's probably going to jail when it's all said and done.

And if Obama had done something like this, your stupid fucking ass would be crying every day for 10 fucking years. You're a traitor and a dishonest piece of shit.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Bravo. You met my expectations. Carry on with your screed-thread.

Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Bravo. You met my expectations. Carry on with your screed-thread.

Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.

Your excuses for lack of ability are remarkably lame.

But...you must hear that all the time.
Now....remember the Old Dominion study?
"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."
We've got about a half to three quarters of a million illegal votes accounted for.

But....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now

a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe more than six and a half percent went to the polls???
Maybe..... 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????

You bet they did.

Soooo....how many?

This is from the article that you posted, idiot -

"However, our results also support the arguments made by voting and immigrant rights organizations that the portion of non-citizen immigrants who participate in U.S. elections is quite small. Indeed, given the extraordinary efforts made by the Obama and McCain campaigns to mobilize voters in 2008, the relatively small portion of non-citizens who voted in 2008 likely exceeded the portion of non-citizens voting in other recent U.S. elections."

So what exactly are you whining about, again?

Repug voter suppression of minorities is a much bigger problem, as indicated in this recent N. Carolina appeals court ruling. Even the arch-conservative U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear this case, after the Repug N. Carolina government objected:


You see a pattern here, lightweight? I, the liberal, present real evidence to support my position. You, the hopelessly stupid, unsophisticated Repug partisan goober hack, present absolutely nothing.

You've got nothing, Repug lightweight. You're nothing but a sad Trump clown. Go put your clown suit on.

"However, our results also support the arguments made by voting and immigrant rights organizations that the portion of non-citizen immigrants who participate in U.S. elections is quite small."

Sooo...you've provided an admission that illegal aliens vote.

Excellent beginning.

You should continue in this vein, and admit that your incapable of thinking, and simply parrot DNC talking point.


Quoting your article is "parroting DNC talking points"?

You're a fucking idiot with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

Speaking of parroting the talking points that the DNC delivers to you, imagine how stupid you will self-identify with that avi when the DNC does an about face and admits that there never was any Trump-Russian collusion.

And you will be left with even more egg on your face than you are after your last post.

Of course, it will in no way lower anyone's opinion of you.
You've managed that already.

Dumb fuck, the Trump/Russia collusion is beyond refute at this point. That stupid ass traitor Kushner attempted to open a covert communications channel with Russia, for crying out loud. He's probably going to jail when it's all said and done.

And if Obama had done something like this, your stupid fucking ass would be crying every day for 10 fucking years. You're a traitor and a dishonest piece of shit.

When traveling in Spain, I had many occasions to see performances of Flamenco, a kind of foot-stamping dance accompanied by castanets and a downward-turn of the mouth.

While some dancers were clearly more talented than others, I found it amusing that the less talent, the more sneer on the face.

Even more amusing is that in the forum that is the USMB, the same is true with respect to intellect, articulation, and knowledge: the less of those attributes, the more vulgar and abusive the language.

You, of course, attest to this observation.
And....I've caught you lying as well.

There is no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion.

Not a smidgen.

I hope you never change that avi.
Bravo. You met my expectations. Carry on with your screed-thread.

Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.

Your excuses for lack of ability are remarkably lame.

But...you must hear that all the time.

I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness. As a Christian and a conservative, I have nothing but love to give to you. Jesus is my tutor. Jesus loves you too.
Come back for more anytime your masochism kicks in.

Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.

Your excuses for lack of ability are remarkably lame.

But...you must hear that all the time.

I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness. As a Christian and a conservative, I have nothing but love to give to you. Jesus is my tutor. Jesus loves you too.

"I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness."


Now, you know you're lying, and trying to cover your hurt feelings by claiming to detect an emotion in me that isn't there.

Nor does it give you cover in referring to Jesus.

You keep suggesting that you are leaving....yet, keep coming back.
If I threw you a going away party.......
....would you?
Honestly, it's weird. I drive by your threads occasionally the way I drive by wrecks at the side of the road, just sort of in awe at the amount of destructiveness and vituperation that you bring into the USMB. I just can't take them seriously. Your prideful and cherry picked pseudo science arguments and doctrinaire divisiveness of our fellow Americans is sad to me. I and I also feel a deep and despairing sadness behind your seemingly brave posts and hollow boasts, and honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune.

You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.

Your excuses for lack of ability are remarkably lame.

But...you must hear that all the time.

I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness. As a Christian and a conservative, I have nothing but love to give to you. Jesus is my tutor. Jesus loves you too.

"I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness."


Now, you know you're lying, and trying to cover your hurt feelings by claiming to detect an emotion in me that isn't there.

Nor does it give you cover in referring to Jesus.

You keep suggesting that you are leaving....yet, keep coming back.
If I threw you a going away party.......
....would you?

I hear that you are in pain. Find Jesus and find love.
You haven't said anything beyond "pleeeeesssseee don't hurt my widdle feelings!!!!"

You have an open invitation to quote any part of the thread and watch me rip your post to shreds.

"...honestly I pray for you to see the goodness in your fellow Americans one day. I wish you nothing but good fortune."

You appear to be one of those really boring people who use their fingers to air-quote as they speak.

I nailed it, huh?

I'm sorry that you are so sad. Be well.

Your excuses for lack of ability are remarkably lame.

But...you must hear that all the time.

I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness. As a Christian and a conservative, I have nothing but love to give to you. Jesus is my tutor. Jesus loves you too.

"I hear that it is painful for you to have that underlying sadness and perhaps loneliness."


Now, you know you're lying, and trying to cover your hurt feelings by claiming to detect an emotion in me that isn't there.

Nor does it give you cover in referring to Jesus.

You keep suggesting that you are leaving....yet, keep coming back.
If I threw you a going away party.......
....would you?

I hear that you are in pain. Find Jesus and find love.

As you have been unable to offer a cogent objection to anything in the thread, our relationship is based on one thing, and one thing only:
I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.
So that we don't lose sight of what this thread has revealed, let's review:

1. California is the state with the largest number of illegal aliens

2. They and a dozen other states give illegals IDs and driver's licenses

3. When they sign up for driver's licenses, they are automatically registered to vote.
That is, after all, the raison d'être for Democrats giving them driver's licenses and IDs, and enticing them into the country.

4. The main issue in this election was whether illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in this country....so of course they's rush to the polls to vote for Bill's wife.

5. Imbeciles....Democrats.....maintain that these honest, law-abiding non-citizens (illegal aliens) would never break the law and vote....even though they did just that to get here......

....even though the snake, Obama, told them to and that there'd be no repercussions.

6. Millions of illegal aliens voted for the loser, and Americans made Donald Trump the President.


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