Update: The Religion of Peace


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Our President would not lie to the American people....

Right.....that time he won the "Lie of the Year" award.....a fluke. Could happen to anyone (well...not me, but still......)

So....when Barack the Merciful said
" 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state"
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state

....well....I was really puzzled.
After all, 65 million Americans must know what they're talking about, and they voted for the smartest man ever.....ever.....to become President.


So....when I saw this story today:

"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’

The man suspected of shooting a Philadelphia cop admitted to the attempted “execution” and claimed he did it in the name of Islam,...

The 30-year-old suspect, who has not been identified, was injured when the cop fired back. He was taken into custody, where he confessed to the ambush, saying he committed it in the name of Islam, sources told CBS Philadelphia.

“When you look at the video, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen,” Commissioner Ross said. “This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming. It’s amazing he’s alive.”
Sources: Suspect Confesses To Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In the Name Of Islam

Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.

Hey! Let's ask Angela Merkel!
....30-year-old Edward Archer of Yeadon, ....

Archer had pledged his allegiance to ISIS, officials say, calling the shooting "an attempted assassination of a police officer."


Video at link.

Surveillance images show a man, identified as Archer, approaching the driver's side window of Officer Jesse Hartnett's vehicle.

Images show the suspect pointing a gun at Hartnett's vehicle, while another shows what appears to be the muzzle flash as he fires.

Another image shows the gunman with his arm in the vehicle."
Police: Suspect confessed to Philadelphia police officer shooting 'in name of Islam'

"....Archer had pledged his allegiance to ISIS, ..."
"....police shooting....in the name of Islam....."

This is a puzzlement: President Obama said ISIS isn't Islamic....how can this be??????

Somebody is fibbing!

Now, about that "Religion of Peace" thing.......

"Police in Germany will have to rethink their tactics following attacks on women in the city of Cologne on New Year's Eve, a senior official has said.

Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said police had to "adjust" to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.

Three suspects had been identified, he said, but no arrests had been made.

Scores of women say they were robbed or sexually assaulted by men, reportedly of Arab or North African appearance.

§ Scores of women say they were sexually assaulted and had mobile phones and bags stolen by large groups of men during New Year celebrations in the centre of Cologne

§ As many as 1,000 men - described as drunk and aggressive and many of North African and Arab appearance - were reported to have been behind the attacks

§ Cologne police say they have received 121 criminal complaints - at least three-quarters of those were of sexual assault, including two alleged rapes

§ Sixteen suspects have been identified but no-one has yet been arrested, police say

§ Similar attacks were reported in Hamburg, where 30 complaints were filed, and in Stuttgart"
Cologne sex attacks 'require police rethink' - BBC News

Did somebody say "the Religion of Rape"???
Maybe we can look to the Liberal/Progerssive's fav candidate for insight:

"Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are ‘Peaceful and Tolerant,’ Have ‘Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Terrorism’

TheUK Daily Mail describes Clinton as “reading her speech at a brisk clip from a teleprompter at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City,” but slowing down to mock Republicans over the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” which “Republicans often accuse President Barack Obama of purposefully avoiding.”

Blaming ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, ‘isn’t just a distraction.’ Affiliating them with a religion ‘gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve.’ Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are 'Peaceful and Tolerant,' Have 'Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Terrorism' - Breitbart

Remember: you can't be Liberal/Democrat if you don't endorse every single word above.

Toe that line!
We used to have waves of similar events in Philly called "wolf packs" in the 80-90's now referred to as Pack attacks, and flash mobs. Except these were Christian born and raised, sons of church going people who dared to exclaim Jesus the prince of peace. Even though that referred to King Hezekiah in the Bible and there hadn't been peace in the thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in Jesus' Name. Surely the disenfranchised exist across religious and non religious boundries, but if you look at the pattern, both religions teach one similar faulty ideology. The death cultism, teaching paradise in death and they both have a free get away with sin card that comes with pride of the affiliation group adhesion.
Time for new wine (which is old wine revisited.)
We used to have waves of similar events in Philly called "wolf packs" in the 80-90's now referred to as Pack attacks, and flash mobs. Except these were Christian born and raised, sons of church going people who dared to exclaim Jesus the prince of peace. Even though that referred to King Hezekiah in the Bible and there hadn't been peace in the thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in Jesus' Name. Surely the disenfranchised exist across religious and non religious boundries, but if you look at the pattern, both religions teach one similar faulty ideology. The death cultism, teaching paradise in death and they both have a free get away with sin card that comes with pride of the affiliation group adhesion.
Time for new wine (which is old wine revisited.)

Not a single thing in your post is true.

Not a single one.

Look it up search Philly wolf packs, mob attacks.
LOOK UP THE Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust, etc.
Amazing that you are in denial while talking about our Pinocio president's denial.
The Obama Legacy:

Iran has a nuclear bomb, and the caliphate is established.

And this:

"Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data,the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States.Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speechthere in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’srefugee program.Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and91.4 percentof refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communitiesthroughout the United States."

Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart
Look it up search Philly wolf packs, mob attacks.
LOOK UP THE Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust, etc.
Amazing that you are in denial while talking about our Pinocio president's denial.

I need not 'look up' anything.....I know much more than you.

Time to rip you a new one?

1. "There were two major Inquisitions, the Medieval Inquisition and Spanish Inquisition. Although there are no exact numbers, scholars believe they have estimated Inquisition deaths reasonably accurately. There were not as many deaths as the popular press claims. Numbers have often been inflated to as high as 9 million by the popular press, with absolutely no scholarly research. This figure is completely erroneous. A broad range of scholars, many of whom were not Catholic, have carefully studied the Inquisitions. They looked at all the existing records and were able to extrapolate. In the Medieval Inquisition, Bernard Gui was one of the most notorious of the medieval inquisitors. He tried 930 people out of which 42 were executed (4.5%). Another famous Inquisitor was Jacques Fournier who tried 114 cases of which 5 were executed (4.3%). Using numbers that are known, scholars have been able to surmise that approximately 2,000 people died in the Medieval Inquisition. (1231-1400 AD)"
The Inquisition

2. There is no basis to claim religion has come close to the totalitarian history of mass murder in the last century alone.





Pol Pot...2,397,000


#14 Liberal Demagoguery, Hate and Violence - A Compendium
Look at my tag line through this topic link in your alert, that allows you to see tag lines.
In it is evidence from a letter that the Arab league speaks of immigration tactics, hence a pattern arises that this is their known strategy for spreading it's kingdom.
So you claim to know about Philly or any of the major cities? Have you lived and or gotten the news of events in Philly all your life? If not then you exposed yourself as a liar with issues.
Our President would not lie to the American people....

Right.....that time he won the "Lie of the Year" award.....a fluke. Could happen to anyone (well...not me, but still......)

So....when Barack the Merciful said
" 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state"
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state

....well....I was really puzzled.
After all, 65 million Americans must know what they're talking about, and they voted for the smartest man ever.....ever.....to become President.


So....when I saw this story today:

"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’

The man suspected of shooting a Philadelphia cop admitted to the attempted “execution” and claimed he did it in the name of Islam,...

The 30-year-old suspect, who has not been identified, was injured when the cop fired back. He was taken into custody, where he confessed to the ambush, saying he committed it in the name of Islam, sources told CBS Philadelphia.

“When you look at the video, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen,” Commissioner Ross said. “This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming. It’s amazing he’s alive.”
Sources: Suspect Confesses To Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In the Name Of Islam

Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.

Hey! Let's ask Angela Merkel!
Our President would not lie to the American people....
Every president lies, but Obama is not lying in this case. Well, unless you want the radicals to have more credibility.
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state
He's not wrong. Referring to the ideology followed by these radicals as "Islam" only gives them more credibility. It's a sick perversion of Islam, a religion followed by hundreds of millions of people, almost all of them being peaceful. It should be noted where the muslim population is located, since many who spew vile hatred towards Islamic people actually believe most muslims live in the Middle East, a region the United States has absolutely twisted. No wonder they hate us and it's so easy to recruit.. The US actions in Iran, the drone strikes, the bombings.. That's a bit off course, I'll get back to the population:
Islam by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Around 62% of the world's Muslims live in South and Southeast Asia, with over 1 billion adherents.[26] The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a nation home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and Bangladesh (9.2%).[1][27] About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries.[28]
So we know that roughly 62% of the worlds Muslims live in south/southeast Asia, and only 20% live in Arabian countries. Now, all of the focus is on Arabian countries and particular radicals, which is then used to vilify muslims. It's sad, and quite funny, knowing that the people who do this are some of the most ignorant in this country.
"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’
It's a tragic story, a man was shot, a police officer, and you're using it for a completely off the rails rant against refugees/islam/obama/democrats.. That's quite shameful. So what we have here is ONE MAN, who says he attempted something in the name of Islam, and that somehow means we need to ban all refugees/blame all muslims/it's obama's fault.
Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.
Where do you get the "couple hundred thousand number?" That is literally, I cannot stress this enough, a blatant lie. It is a LIE. I will spell it out for you. L I E.
Facts about the Syrian Refugees
  • Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina repeatedly have claimed that the Obama administration plans to accept anywhere from 100,000 to 250,000 Syrian refugees. That’s false. By law, the administration can admit slightly more than 10,000 in fiscal year 2016, and no refugee commitments can be made beyond that.
In regards to the refugees, these are people truly in need of help. The refugee process is tedious, and one of the most difficult ways to enter the country. Fear mongering is a powerful weapon though, and it's convinced people to hate women, children, and men, who happen to be Muslim.
I hope you recognize the difference between EU migrants and american SYRIAN refugees..
Meanwhile, President Obama said the “overwhelming numbers” of Syrian refugees referred to the U.S. by the U.N. are children and women. That’s true, according to data provided by the State Department.
"Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are ‘Peaceful and Tolerant,’ Have ‘Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Terrorism’
Hillary is right, the majority of Muslims are peaceful. The majority have nothing to do with terrorism, much like the majority of christians have nothing to do with these guys: Anti-balaka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Unless I apply your skewed logic.)

Remember: you can't be Liberal/Democrat if you don't endorse every single word above.
This is ignorant. There are plenty of liberals who happen to be "new atheists" that hate Islam and religion with a disturbing passion.
You do realize most on that list were Catholic and even Catholic schooled.
Hmmmmmm.... you shall know them by "their" fruits" or teachings.. was not Stalin raised by his priest of a father as Russian orthodox..... am I mistaken that Mao Zedung was raised as a Christian as we'll and was not Hitler raised in the catholic faith... if this is true then Michael may have to revise his figures upwards as unfortunately the top three of that list showed the love of their teachings to their fellow human beings... I did not look at any others on the list but I think all get the jist...
Hmmmmmm.... you shall know them by "their" fruits" or teachings.. was not Stalin raised by his priest of a father as Russian orthodox..... am I mistaken that Mao Zedung was raised as a Christian as we'll and was not Hitler raised in the catholic faith... if this is true then Michael may have to revise his figures upwards as unfortunately the top three of that list showed the love of their teachings to their fellow human beings... I did not look at any others on the list but I think all get the jist...

And what 1 religion warned and tried to save us from those on that list?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus(who was a compiled character not actually based solely on Saul/thus not Jewish),
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Zarquawi, and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list:
he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiite his opposition supporters.
Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.
Our President would not lie to the American people....

Right.....that time he won the "Lie of the Year" award.....a fluke. Could happen to anyone (well...not me, but still......)

So....when Barack the Merciful said
" 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state"
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state

....well....I was really puzzled.
After all, 65 million Americans must know what they're talking about, and they voted for the smartest man ever.....ever.....to become President.


So....when I saw this story today:

"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’

The man suspected of shooting a Philadelphia cop admitted to the attempted “execution” and claimed he did it in the name of Islam,...

The 30-year-old suspect, who has not been identified, was injured when the cop fired back. He was taken into custody, where he confessed to the ambush, saying he committed it in the name of Islam, sources told CBS Philadelphia.

“When you look at the video, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen,” Commissioner Ross said. “This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming. It’s amazing he’s alive.”
Sources: Suspect Confesses To Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In the Name Of Islam

Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.

Hey! Let's ask Angela Merkel!

Dear PoliticalChic
Let's settle this issue once and for all. example proposal on terminology:

1. Muslim will refer to the PEACEFUL followers who are as peaceful as Buddhists who practice spiritual vows of
NO VIOLENCE NO COERCION (either physical or mental and certainly not political) and NO INDOCTRINATION

This MUSLIM term/level will mean NOT a political religion, but the spiritual practice only that stays out of politics and govt.

2. Islamic will refer to a middle range where people believe in indoctrination but NO VIOLENCE NO PHYSICAL COERCION
These groups may still practice political coercion because ISLAMIC will refer to a Political Religion that involves implementing practice into Govt and public laws.

3. Jihadist will refer to the extreme political and violent beliefs of using violent force, military, war and illegal acts of terrorism against international laws
and human rights. This political religion will be agreed to be declared illegal and banned in any area or from imposing on any person who doesn't freely choose it.

So in exchange for agreeing to specify these three terms,
then people can agree to BAN Jihadism as a dangerous cult and conspiracy to violate civil laws and rights of others.
People practicing any of these would need to agree what they themselves are so there is no confusion.

Even the Jihadists must agree they are the extreme type of Islamic group that doesn't follow due process but will invoke violence and killing
without civil procedures.

The middle type of Islamic member will still impose requirements by law but following democratic due process,
and neither committing acts of violence as physical coercion, but will use political coercion only.

People need to clarify the difference between the Muslim spiritual practice that remains outside govt and politics,
and the Islamic laws embedded in govt where followers do believe in indoctrination and compelling by law.

This is like distinguishing between Christianity practiced freely outside Govt
and Christian Constitutionalism that involves political participation in democratic processes in and around Govt.

Since the Muslims teach there is no compulsion in religion, then the spiritual level of Muslim practice will remain free and voluntary and there is no compulsion of any type, similar to how Buddhists believe in no indoctrination but choosing freely to study, follow and believe what is proven.

But the Islamic leaders who take over govt do make it compulsory so that is a political religion.

And the Jihadists abuse force of military power and govt to coerce by violence (instead of civil democratic due process).

That's what I would propose.
Our President would not lie to the American people....

Right.....that time he won the "Lie of the Year" award.....a fluke. Could happen to anyone (well...not me, but still......)

So....when Barack the Merciful said
" 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state"
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state

....well....I was really puzzled.
After all, 65 million Americans must know what they're talking about, and they voted for the smartest man ever.....ever.....to become President.


So....when I saw this story today:

"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’

The man suspected of shooting a Philadelphia cop admitted to the attempted “execution” and claimed he did it in the name of Islam,...

The 30-year-old suspect, who has not been identified, was injured when the cop fired back. He was taken into custody, where he confessed to the ambush, saying he committed it in the name of Islam, sources told CBS Philadelphia.

“When you look at the video, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen,” Commissioner Ross said. “This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming. It’s amazing he’s alive.”
Sources: Suspect Confesses To Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In the Name Of Islam

Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.

Hey! Let's ask Angela Merkel!
Our President would not lie to the American people....
Every president lies, but Obama is not lying in this case. Well, unless you want the radicals to have more credibility.
Obama: 'The Islamic State' is neither Islamic nor a state
He's not wrong. Referring to the ideology followed by these radicals as "Islam" only gives them more credibility. It's a sick perversion of Islam, a religion followed by hundreds of millions of people, almost all of them being peaceful. It should be noted where the muslim population is located, since many who spew vile hatred towards Islamic people actually believe most muslims live in the Middle East, a region the United States has absolutely twisted. No wonder they hate us and it's so easy to recruit.. The US actions in Iran, the drone strikes, the bombings.. That's a bit off course, I'll get back to the population:
Islam by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Around 62% of the world's Muslims live in South and Southeast Asia, with over 1 billion adherents.[26] The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a nation home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and Bangladesh (9.2%).[1][27] About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries.[28]
So we know that roughly 62% of the worlds Muslims live in south/southeast Asia, and only 20% live in Arabian countries. Now, all of the focus is on Arabian countries and particular radicals, which is then used to vilify muslims. It's sad, and quite funny, knowing that the people who do this are some of the most ignorant in this country.
"Man suspected in shooting of Philadelphia cop says he attempted ‘execution’ in the name of Islam as police release harrowing dispatch call: ‘I’m bleeding heavily!’
It's a tragic story, a man was shot, a police officer, and you're using it for a completely off the rails rant against refugees/islam/obama/democrats.. That's quite shameful. So what we have here is ONE MAN, who says he attempted something in the name of Islam, and that somehow means we need to ban all refugees/blame all muslims/it's obama's fault.
Heck....the King...er, President knows what he's doing....probably a good idea to bring in a couple a' hundred thousand Muslims from the Middle East.
Where do you get the "couple hundred thousand number?" That is literally, I cannot stress this enough, a blatant lie. It is a LIE. I will spell it out for you. L I E.
Facts about the Syrian Refugees
  • Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina repeatedly have claimed that the Obama administration plans to accept anywhere from 100,000 to 250,000 Syrian refugees. That’s false. By law, the administration can admit slightly more than 10,000 in fiscal year 2016, and no refugee commitments can be made beyond that.
In regards to the refugees, these are people truly in need of help. The refugee process is tedious, and one of the most difficult ways to enter the country. Fear mongering is a powerful weapon though, and it's convinced people to hate women, children, and men, who happen to be Muslim.
I hope you recognize the difference between EU migrants and american SYRIAN refugees..
Meanwhile, President Obama said the “overwhelming numbers” of Syrian refugees referred to the U.S. by the U.N. are children and women. That’s true, according to data provided by the State Department.
"Hillary Clinton: Muslims Are ‘Peaceful and Tolerant,’ Have ‘Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Terrorism’
Hillary is right, the majority of Muslims are peaceful. The majority have nothing to do with terrorism, much like the majority of christians have nothing to do with these guys: Anti-balaka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Unless I apply your skewed logic.)

Remember: you can't be Liberal/Democrat if you don't endorse every single word above.
This is ignorant. There are plenty of liberals who happen to be "new atheists" that hate Islam and religion with a disturbing passion.

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:
Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

Still, we need only look to the many polls to affirm the alarmingly high percentages of Muslims (hundreds-of-millions in number) who seek, through the most violent means imaginable, Islamic world domination. Again, here are but a few:

· 83 percent of Palestinian Muslims, 62 percent of Jordanians and 61 percent of Egyptians approve of jihadist attacks on Americans. World Public Opinion Poll(2009).

· 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half their total population. ICM (Mirror)Poll 2015.

· Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research(2015).

· 38.6 percent of Western Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified. Gallup(2011).

· 45 percent of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” BBC Radio(2015).

· 38 percent of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. (Forty-three percent disagree.) The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· One-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam. Center for Social Cohesion(Wikileaks cable).

· 78 percent of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons. NOP Research.

· 80 percent of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with holy war against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters. Motivaction Survey(2014).

· Nearly one-third of Muslim-Americans agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Quran is acceptable. The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· 68 percent of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. NOP Research.

· 51 percent of Muslim-Americans say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by Shariah courts rather than courts of the United States (only 39 percent disagree).The Polling CompanyCSP Poll (2015).

· 81 percent of Muslim respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). Al-Jazeerapoll (2015).

Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and the moderate Muslim: Even as we hear of the occasional sighting, most reasonable people remain skeptical as to whether, in reality, these mysterious creatures even exist.
Matt Barber - Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

Outside of Franklin Roosevelt....this nation has never.....never.....had a more deceitful, lying President than Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him.)
Hmmmmmm.... you shall know them by "their" fruits" or teachings.. was not Stalin raised by his priest of a father as Russian orthodox..... am I mistaken that Mao Zedung was raised as a Christian as we'll and was not Hitler raised in the catholic faith... if this is true then Michael may have to revise his figures upwards as unfortunately the top three of that list showed the love of their teachings to their fellow human beings... I did not look at any others on the list but I think all get the jist...

Actually, no, you fool.
1. Every permutation of Leftist doctrine is based, to a greater or lesser degree, on opposition to religion. Every one of its political forms inveighs against spiritual beliefs, and advances materialistic ones.

Here is one of the ineluctable consequences:
The famine, the mass murder, the genocides, was largely a weapon against religion....

a. . As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly,and usher in socialism,the stage that necessarily followed capitalism.Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

2. This: There is no God:
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor. The Schwarz Report | Essays

b. The Soviet regime encouraged cremation, coffins, in fact, were considered decadent, and burning the bodies undermined the Orthodox Church, which expressly prescribed interment.

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