US adds massive 287,000 jobs in June.....Quite A Change From Bush's Fiasco

First off, may FDR rot in torment. Worst president ever. right up there with bamma, carter and booosh. anyway, from the Clinton years into the Bush years, joblessness was not the issue it is now. Speaking of Bush, I seem to remember they tried counting McDonalds and temp jobs as full time employment. He got a ton of crap for that, yet, here is Barry O saying fast food and walmart is gainful employment ? Libs are stupid, never figured yall were that stupid.

You have no concept of how employment figures are counted. They are reported the same as they have been for decades

Meh. I know people were happy during Clinton and Bush, during Obama most i know have had two or more jobs in any year since 2008. How ever they are counted they are bullshit.
Riiight ... because the BLS changed their methodologies when Obama became president. :lmao:

Dont know. but the fact remains, more people are unemployed or are underemployed now then there were 16 years ago. Likely why sone are a bit put off at the prospect of four more years of Bamma.
Ah, yes, the golden days of Clinton. True, Obama is not Clinton when it comes to adding jobs, but he's no Bush either.

There were 15.4 million people under/unemployed (U-6 rate) when they first started the current methodology in 1994.

There were 10.5 million when Clinton left office.

There 21.9 million when Bush left office.

There were 25.5 million at the end of Bush's Great Recession.

There are 15.4 million today.

Numberwise, there are 15.4 million under/unemployed, just as there was in January, 1994 ... only now the civilian non-institutional population is 29% larger.

Just looking at that, one would be obliged to conclude that Scrub really sucked....
By that "logic" did Scrub's job making policies generate 3000 job openings on 9/11?

No, that would have been one of Scum Willy's accomplishments slightly surpassing his taking Chinese campaign funds for our missile telemetry secrets and his multiple rapes and suspected murders ordered to protect his interests.


You just make this shit up as you go along, don't you?
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

What compelled you to "remove all doubt"?

Were you laboring under the delusion that any remained?
The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


First off, may FDR rot in torment. Worst president ever. right up there with bamma, carter and booosh. anyway, from the Clinton years into the Bush years, joblessness was not the issue it is now. Speaking of Bush, I seem to remember they tried counting McDonalds and temp jobs as full time employment. He got a ton of crap for that, yet, here is Barry O saying fast food and walmart is gainful employment ? Libs are stupid, never figured yall were that stupid.

You have no concept of how employment figures are counted. They are reported the same as they have been for decades

Meh. I know people were happy during Clinton and Bush, during Obama most i know have had two or more jobs in any year since 2008. How ever they are counted they are bullshit.
Riiight ... because the BLS changed their methodologies when Obama became president. :lmao:

Dont know. but the fact remains, more people are unemployed or are underemployed now then there were 16 years ago. Likely why sone are a bit put off at the prospect of four more years of Bamma.

For whom did you vote in 2004?
First off, may FDR rot in torment. Worst president ever. right up there with bamma, carter and booosh. anyway, from the Clinton years into the Bush years, joblessness was not the issue it is now. Speaking of Bush, I seem to remember they tried counting McDonalds and temp jobs as full time employment. He got a ton of crap for that, yet, here is Barry O saying fast food and walmart is gainful employment ? Libs are stupid, never figured yall were that stupid.

You have no concept of how employment figures are counted. They are reported the same as they have been for decades

Meh. I know people were happy during Clinton and Bush, during Obama most i know have had two or more jobs in any year since 2008. How ever they are counted they are bullshit.
Riiight ... because the BLS changed their methodologies when Obama became president. :lmao:

Dont know. but the fact remains, more people are unemployed or are underemployed now then there were 16 years ago. Likely why sone are a bit put off at the prospect of four more years of Bamma.

For whom did you vote in 2004?

It was not Boosh.
You have no concept of how employment figures are counted. They are reported the same as they have been for decades

Meh. I know people were happy during Clinton and Bush, during Obama most i know have had two or more jobs in any year since 2008. How ever they are counted they are bullshit.
Riiight ... because the BLS changed their methodologies when Obama became president. :lmao:

Dont know. but the fact remains, more people are unemployed or are underemployed now then there were 16 years ago. Likely why sone are a bit put off at the prospect of four more years of Bamma.

For whom did you vote in 2004?

It was not Boosh.

Natch.......soon there will be more people who were at woodstock than voted for Snarlin' Dick's Sockpuppet....
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
So delay means something different now than it did when Biden said it was OK to wait until after the election?

When Biden said it , there was no nominee under consideration. He was speaking in principal about not doing it in the heat of an election because senators up for election would be too tempted to deny a nominee to keep their job, not because the nominee didn't meet the various thresholds.

He EMPHATICALLY didn't say "delay until the next president", he said delay until after the election, which means the lame duck window.

The current Republican Party is destroying the Constitution to save it. This is what dictators do. They bend laws while claiming to care about something higher. They are the worse kind of partisan.

If the situation was reversed, the Right would get their nominee passed, as they did with Kennedy. If the Dems obstructed, then FOX would scream about the Constitutional crisis from leaving the Supreme Court unfilled for over a year. History will judge the current Republican Party as a soviet style menace who destroyed the rule of law.

The list of their crimes against the Nation is a long one, Citizen....

If they committed crimes, have them prosecuted. Didn't think you really believed what you said.

How, exactly, would I effect that?

Not my problem. You're the one claiming crimes were committed. Don't you think it's your duty to do something?
I'm using the same outlook the left used when 9/11 occurred. They blamed Bush BECAUSE he was in office. Now, when something happens under Obama's watch, you want to blame the person that wasn't in office. At least be consistent or shove your head back up Obama's ass.

No....when Scrub was repeatedly warned of the danger, and did NOTHING, he left himself open to severe criticism for his failure.....he then doubled up on it by taking his eye off the ball, letting Usama slide out of Tora Bora, and invading Iraqnam........

When Clinton could have been dealing with the danger, he was getting a blow job instead. He took his eyes off the ball but Monica didn't.

Well, there's the stupid shit you people believe, and then there is Reality...

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you deny Clinton got a blow job from Monica?

Which has what, exactly, to do with the testimonials of Bremer and Oakley?
Try and follow along.
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
Over 10 million have been added to the food stamp roles under Obama and they all came under one heading. FREELOADER.
First off, may FDR rot in torment. Worst president ever. right up there with bamma, carter and booosh. anyway, from the Clinton years into the Bush years, joblessness was not the issue it is now. Speaking of Bush, I seem to remember they tried counting McDonalds and temp jobs as full time employment. He got a ton of crap for that, yet, here is Barry O saying fast food and walmart is gainful employment ? Libs are stupid, never figured yall were that stupid.

You have no concept of how employment figures are counted. They are reported the same as they have been for decades

Meh. I know people were happy during Clinton and Bush, during Obama most i know have had two or more jobs in any year since 2008. How ever they are counted they are bullshit.
Riiight ... because the BLS changed their methodologies when Obama became president. :lmao:

Dont know. but the fact remains, more people are unemployed or are underemployed now then there were 16 years ago. Likely why sone are a bit put off at the prospect of four more years of Bamma.
Ah, yes, the golden days of Clinton. True, Obama is not Clinton when it comes to adding jobs, but he's no Bush either.

There were 15.4 million people under/unemployed (U-6 rate) when they first started the current methodology in 1994.

There were 10.5 million when Clinton left office.

There 21.9 million when Bush left office.

There were 25.5 million at the end of Bush's Great Recession.

There are 15.4 million today.

Numberwise, there are 15.4 million under/unemployed, just as there was in January, 1994 ... only now the civilian non-institutional population is 29% larger.

You left a key number out. There are more than 10 million more FREELOADERS using food stamps than in 2008. Those belong to your BOY Obama.
Since you don't blame Clinton for his slack effort, blaming Bush 41 for it is hypocritical.

You don't have the ability to mock anyone, even yourself. What's hysterical is you think you're anything more than a Democrat puppet letting a black boy yank your strings.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


I was mocking you.

Even after I explain it to you, you still don't get it.


Again, a piece of shit like you isn't smart enough to do so. How many times do I have to tell you. Apparently, more than two in order for you to get it.
Meanwhile, I mocked you and you didn't get it. Denial doesn't help you since it's here for everyone to see. :mm:

Can't deny something that didn't occur. You can't mock yourself, pussy, much less anyone else.
Your delusions persist. Explains why you still can't comprehend you were mocked. :mm:

Something that didn't occur can't be comprehended. I bet you believe Santa Claus is real.
Nowhere have I said you have to agree with anything. Your agreement isn't and never will be required for the truth to be the truth. You have the right to disagree and be wrong.
You're too fucking retarded for words.

You literally just told rightwinger you'd agree to a four year "delay" if he would. Now you act as though his agreement isn't needed for you to uphold your own principles.

Rightwinger already indicated that he would have had no problem if Biden supported a delay as long as the current one if Biden had done it. He lost any credibility when he held the same time standard differently when it's someone he supports. You support him which shows you're the same type of lowlife his mother raised him to be.
Biden never suggested denying Bush an appointment. You remain delusional comparing what Biden suggested with what the GOP is doing.

Biden said delaying was OK. The Republicans are delaying. No different.

I'm still waiting on one of you Liberal pussies to show me where the definition of delay has a time parameter. Can you?
Biden never said a president should be denied their Constitutional obligation to appoint judicial replacements, which is what the GOP is doing. The two situations are not the same no matter how much you delude yourself to the contrary.

Not because you say so, pussy.
Clinton was in office. That's the mindset you used.

That's actually the conservative mindset as they were the ones who blamed Clinton for 9.11, nearly 8 months into Bush's presidency. Well using that logic, Bush41 would have been responsible for an attack just 5 weeks into Clinton's

What's hysterical though is that I'm mocking you and you're fucking stupid to get it. :mm:

I know right where you are. You took Monica's place.
Oh look, yet another brain-dead conservative sharing his homo-erotic fantasies in public of men engaging in gay sex. You don't see that around here every day.
You're quite the exhibitionist, ain'tcha, con?

So you admit you do Monicas on Bill, faggot?
Of course not. But I'm not responsible for an exhibitionist like you who can't keep his homo-erotic fantasies to himself.

You did and don't even realize it, faggot.
Only in your gay-infused mind, rightie. You're so fucked in the head, you can't even comprehend you're sharing your own fantasies, and not anything I've ever done, with the forum.

Yes, you really are that rightarded. :lol:

You don't have to continue to deny you're a faggot. I thought you freaks were proud of being freaks. You might lie to yourself and get away with it but you can't lie to others who know what you are.
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
Over 10 million have been added to the food stamp roles under Obama and they all came under one heading. FREELOADER.

Actually, food stamp usage has declined in recent years
blah blah blah

Unemployment remains at 20% and those who do have jobs are making the same pay they would have 20 years ago. Your boy is a DISASTER and without doubling the debt with his make-work phony jobs, we'd all be selling pencils and apples on street corners ala 1930.
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
Over 10 million have been added to the food stamp roles under Obama and they all came under one heading. FREELOADER.

Actually, food stamp usage has declined in recent years

And? Still 10 million MORE than when Obama took office.
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
Over 10 million have been added to the food stamp roles under Obama and they all came under one heading. FREELOADER.

Actually, food stamp usage has declined in recent years

And? Still 10 million MORE than when Obama took office.

Food stamp usage has been increasing for 15 years

Blame it on the "job creators"
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors
Over 10 million have been added to the food stamp roles under Obama and they all came under one heading. FREELOADER.

Actually, food stamp usage has declined in recent years

And? Still 10 million MORE than when Obama took office.

Food stamp usage has been increasing for 15 years

Blame it on the "job creators"

They're creating jobs. They did what they were supposed to do. Their responsibility isn't to pay someone a wage higher than what they offer in return. That's the responsibility of the one offering the skills. Blame it on those that offer so few skills the equivalent to skill wage they get isn't getting the job done.

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