US AG Barr Says He Sees No Reason To Investigate Dominon oR Their Voting Machines

"A Dominion Voting Systems contractor who has testified to seeing election fraud in Michigan told a state Senate committee that she called the FBI to report what she witnessed but was cut off and subsequently ignored by agents."

"Whistleblower Melissa Carone is now on record with the court saying she told her supervisor about massive fraud in Detroit at the TCF Center on election night and was told, “We’re not here to run their election” by her boss! This case is part of one filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center. A Detroit Judge has already essentially said all the affidavits are irrelevant in his mind because the City of Detroit says they did everything okay."

CCP Paid Dominion Millions In October 20

Financial documents show CCP paid Dominion Million$ in October....

Democrat warnings from years ago,
Signed affidavits from Americans who witnesses election machine-enhanced election fraud
Legal financial documents exposing the CCP Paid Dominion millions before the election
Democrats refusing to hand over voting machines for analysis

Nothing to see here, according to Barr

Melissa Carone.....the woman contradicted by EVERY other affidavit given from the same facility?

The woman that just got off probation after lying to the police?

That Melissa Carone?
I dont see Barr as nothing more than a middleman, being a political puppet while trying to follow the rule of law.
I believe something big is in the making, and he wants to get out before it does.

There's some truth there. Barr is just out to protect Barr.

If Trump was winning, Barr would still be a loyal toadie, because he could do illegal things and not go to prison.

Trump lost, so Barr is now refusing to do the things that would get him sent to prison.
I dont see Barr as nothing more than a middleman, being a political puppet while trying to follow the rule of law.
I believe something big is in the making, and he wants to get out before it does.

There's some truth there. Barr is just out to protect Barr.

If Trump was winning, Barr would still be a loyal toadie, because he could do illegal things and not go to prison.

Trump lost, so Barr is now refusing to do the things that would get him sent to prison.
Though I disagree, without proof, I cant argue with your analogy.
"A Dominion Voting Systems contractor who has testified to seeing election fraud in Michigan told a state Senate committee that she called the FBI to report what she witnessed but was cut off and subsequently ignored by agents."

"Whistleblower Melissa Carone is now on record with the court saying she told her supervisor about massive fraud in Detroit at the TCF Center on election night and was told, “We’re not here to run their election” by her boss! This case is part of one filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center. A Detroit Judge has already essentially said all the affidavits are irrelevant in his mind because the City of Detroit says they did everything okay."

CCP Paid Dominion Millions In October 20

Financial documents show CCP paid Dominion Million$ in October....

Democrat warnings from years ago,
Signed affidavits from Americans who witnesses election machine-enhanced election fraud
Legal financial documents exposing the CCP Paid Dominion millions before the election
Democrats refusing to hand over voting machines for analysis

Nothing to see here, according to Barr

I care as much about what Barr says, as I care what Barrack Obama and Al Sharpton say. Zero. Just another butthurt Trump employee getting his shots in on the way out. Yeah Trump said some derogatory words about Barr. So what ? He deserved them.

He got a big build-up on his way in, has been in a position of power for 2 years, was needed to do some important things, and has done NOTHING. I'd say the scolding he got wasn't tough enough. Dude was a total FAILURE.

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