US AG Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray Hold Press Conference on ‘Significant National Security Cases’ Two Weeks Out From Midterms

Speaking of Potatohead's filthy Justice Department.

This asshole Darrel Brooks was convicted of murder for running into the parade in Wisconsin. He was a Negro and all his victims were White.

Because of the Libtards in Wisconsin he will not get the death penalty.

Why isn't Potatohead's Justice Department charging him with a hate crime and executing his Black ass?

I guarantee you if Brooks was White and killed and wounded that many Blacks Potatohead's Justice Department would be Johnny on the Spot with their hate crimes bullshit.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray Hold Press Conference on ‘Significant National Security Cases’ Two Weeks Out From Midterm Elections

24 Oct 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila

More election meddling from the illegitimate Biden Regime.
US Attorney General Merrick Garland will hold a press conference Monday afternoon at 1:30 pm ET to discuss “significant national security cases addressing malign influence schemes and alleged criminal activity by a nation-state actor in the United States.”
The midterm elections are nearly two weeks away and Biden’s corrupt Justice Department is making a major announcement on ‘national security cases.’
It is unclear which foreign country will be named or if the criminal activity is related to the midterms.
FBI Director Chris Wray, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew Olsen will be joining Garland.
NBC News reported:

Live stream begins at 42:20 minutes.

JFK said when peaceful change becomes impossible violent change becomes inevitable.

We are seeing this happening today through the actions of this Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie regime.
The election looks very bad for the Democrats, so they will do anything to skew and/or stop this election.
Garland is about to announce the false flag event. Sounds like they made up a few national security threats to use as an excuse for relaxed voting rules or to cancel the election altogether.
They fixed elections in GA and CO in the primaries. We have footage of mules covering their license plates in AZ to drop off ballots. And now we have the Dept. of Injustice releasing an “October surprise”
I would say you are right that they are fixing this but the only way to stop it is for massive turnout.

Bet they are going to reveal the contents of Hunter Biden's Laptop?

LOL, never.

Completely predictable. They are desperate.



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This is simply America stocking up on Chinese people to use as traders.

It seems that there's nothing China can do to keep the peace with the US.
Coincidentally, China will find two Americans doing the same thing in their country.
China will burn in Hell for their crimes against humanity. Screw that Satanic country!
Didn't Jesus teach you to love your enemies??? You're not much of a Christian, Tree,
You cannot love someone who is trying to murder you and your family and destroy your country.
Evil People like yourself depend on guilt tripping Christians into submitting to your Tyranny and Oppression.
God never said to hand your children and your country over to bloodthirsty wolves.
Didn't Jesus teach you that it is Evil to murder babies at Planned Parenthood?
Yah, we are going to fight you on that too.

Did you think we were going to just roll over and let you install your 666 New World Order without some resistance?
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We are seeing this happening today through the actions of this Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie regime.
The election looks very bad for the Democrats, so they will do anything to skew and/or stop this election.
It must have taken days to wipe that egg off your face.
Because the evidence didn't support it, dummy.
He posted anti White racist shit on Facebook and all his victims were White.

If a White guy had posted anti Black stuff on social media and then did the same thing to a parade of jiving Negroes then I guarantee you the filthy ass shithead Libtard Garland Justice Department would be bringing hate crime charges.

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