US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
If they were legal, they already had a path to citizenship.
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
If they were legal, they already had a path to citizenship.

I guess at first I thought that they applied for an opportunity to join and gain citizenship through legitimate means. Maybe they hadn't come to America yet or something; I don't know. When I was in the Army I went to basic with some Koreans that somehow got approved to come over and join our military in exchange for citizenship. I imagined it was something like that. If they were illegals that found a loophole to join and gain citizenship then it becomes a lot more gray and I'm not really sure how I feel about it.
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They're only illegal if they do something illegal.

They illegally invaded my country who had folks risk their lives in REAL wars like WWI and WWII defend the USA and would have lethally defended against the illegal invaders without thinking twice.

Between 1942 and 1945, 13,587 non-citizens became naturalized citizens through the Military Naturalization Programs that began in 1942. Just like today, these non-citizens were inducted outside of the United States and became naturalized citizens upon completion of their length of service, many of which continued until 1948.

This was authorized by the Second War Powers Act of 1942, statues 182 and 186.
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
If they were legal, they already had a path to citizenship.

No they didn't , they are in the U.S. legally on VISAs (student VISA, work VISA, etc..,) they're offered a pathway to citizenship in exchange for military service, it's an excellent program which has been working well for a very long time.

The problem they're reporting here (which apparently is very small compared to the total number of enlistees under these programs) is that the military can't complete backgrounds on these individuals for one reason or another which has always resulted in delayed training and/or discharge, even in the case of American Citizens. I suspect either the military background check requirements have been tightened causing a small handful of these people problems or the AP is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
terrorists can infiltrate the military easier this way
Ft Hood
Er..umm... yeah genius the Ft. Hood shooters Nadal Hassan (2009) and the Ivan Lopez (2014) were both born in the United States, which means neither one was an immigrant. :rolleyes:

...Camp Chapman attack--although not in the military, the CIA thought he was loyal to the US--but he wasn't
used this trust to gain access to the CIA base
What don't you understand about NOT a member of the U.S. Military and thus completely non sequitur to the topic of this thread?
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
If they were legal, they already had a path to citizenship.

No they didn't , they are in the U.S. legally on VISAs (student VISA, work VISA, etc..,) they're offered a pathway to citizenship in exchange for military service, it's an excellent program which has been working well for a very long time.

The problem they're reporting here (which apparently is very small compared to the total number of enlistees under these programs) is that the military can't complete backgrounds on these individuals for one reason or another which has always resulted in delayed training and/or discharge, even in the case of American Citizens. I suspect either the military background check requirements have been tightened causing a small handful of these people problems or the AP is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The AP would never lie and distort the truth, now would they? :eek: :rolleyes-41:
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”

There are currently something like 65,000 or so in the military if I recall.
Thoughts on this? I personally like the idea of people becoming citizens through military service. Hopefully this is not what it looks like.

AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits
By "immigrant," you mean illegal alien, right?

Were they actually illegal before they joined? I'm honestly not sure now that I'm thinking more about it. I assumed they had done things legitimately, but maybe that was an incorrect assumption.
If they were legal, they already had a path to citizenship.

No they didn't , they are in the U.S. legally on VISAs (student VISA, work VISA, etc..,) they're offered a pathway to citizenship in exchange for military service, it's an excellent program which has been working well for a very long time.

The problem they're reporting here (which apparently is very small compared to the total number of enlistees under these programs) is that the military can't complete backgrounds on these individuals for one reason or another which has always resulted in delayed training and/or discharge, even in the case of American Citizens. I suspect either the military background check requirements have been tightened causing a small handful of these people problems or the AP is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The AP would never lie and distort the truth, now would they? :eek: :rolleyes-41:

No way, the AP would never intentionally publish misleading articles especially not ones pursuant to making the U.S. Military look bad.

"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance." -- Will Rogers
It is insane illegal aliens be allowed into the US armed forces. What next rapists? Is the army that hard up to get bodies?

They're not illegal. What's wrong with a path to citizenship through military service? I think a couple years of service should be mandatory for healthy military aged people trying to become citizens.

Ask Rome.



rome "drafted" their remote armes.

not the same.
It is insane illegal aliens be allowed into the US armed forces. What next rapists? Is the army that hard up to get bodies?
YES. People with a brain will opt for a decent career. They don't join the military. That was 50-60 years ago. These " mamas little angels' do the military to learn survival tactics and street warfare skills. What better place than the M.E. to learn how to battle law enforcement in urban areas ? They're going to finish the job. Welcome to Hell. You continually vote for it.
Currently, to enlist in the US Army you must be a US citizen or have an I-551 card, or "green card". Don't have green card? Have a nice day! Come back when you are a permanent resident alien, i.e. legal immigrant.

Not under MAVNI (the program that the AP was talking about in the article) they don't , asylum seekers, refugees, VISA holders and temporary protected status and (most recently) DACA protected immigrants can enlist without a green card.
Currently, to enlist in the US Army you must be a US citizen or have an I-551 card, or "green card". Don't have green card? Have a nice day! Come back when you are a permanent resident alien, i.e. legal immigrant.

Not under MAVNI (the program that the AP was talking about in the article) they don't , asylum seekers, refugees, VISA holders and temporary protected status and (most recently) DACA protected immigrants can enlist without a green card.

Hey! Guess what? The MAVNI program was suspended and is no longer applicable. I work for the Army Recruiting Command!

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