US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection

Since American military members all swear an oath to uphold The Constitution of The United States - no oath at all to a personality cult - we should all take comfort.


But can't because the former Constitution has been shredded for its hemp content and was smoked in January of 2009.

The Constitution of the United States of America is alive and well. It's under siege and attack from the communist no doubt, but all their wicked plans of the Zionist will fail.

The Zionist have turned women against men, children against parents, government against it's own citizens, innocent people against religion, the military against the American people etc, etc, etc.

The statement "no oath at all to a personality cult - we should all take comfort." is some serious B.S. The secret societies such as the masons etc are controlled by the same Zionist and are trained to be slaves to the Zionist and the money they give not the Constitution.

The communist are at war with all those who believe in freedom, and the rule of true law. This republic is a long way from being without a Constitution. The delusion of a new/communist world order will be shattered soon enough.

Prophecy reveals what all the wicked efforts for a communist world order will get them.

LINKS: Prophecy of Noah US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection Prophecy of Noah

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail
In fictional scenarios the US government sends in the equivalent of Blackwater, who shoot and rob everyone - and then all the charges are dismissed by a corrupt or war-hawk judge. Just like what happened with Iraq. So I would prefer the US military in control, and not private contractors.
Obama: considers Republicans 'the enemy" and veterans "right wing extremists"
Republicans consider Obama a Kenyan and soldiers "cannon fodder" who knew what they were getting into when they signed up so we don't owe them "nothin'".
Obama: considers Republicans 'the enemy" and veterans "right wing extremists"
Republicans consider Obama a Kenyan and soldiers "cannon fodder" who knew what they were getting into when they signed up so we don't owe them "nothin'".

Obama told his publisher and probably his colleges, that he was a Kenyan

Obama: considers Republicans 'the enemy" and veterans "right wing extremists"
Republicans consider Obama a Kenyan and soldiers "cannon fodder" who knew what they were getting into when they signed up so we don't owe them "nothin'".

Obama told his publisher and probably his colleges, that he was a Kenyan

I've told people I'm Italian. Course, my parents were.

I'm sure you've told people you're a stooge.
Many military towns have experienced what I have heard refered to as a "field day".
The military will handle it if things get out of hand.
Obama: considers Republicans 'the enemy" and veterans "right wing extremists"
Republicans consider Obama a Kenyan and soldiers "cannon fodder" who knew what they were getting into when they signed up so we don't owe them "nothin'".

Obama told his publisher and probably his colleges, that he was a Kenyan

I've told people I'm Italian. Course, my parents were.

I'm sure you've told people you're a stooge.

Obama: considers Republicans 'the enemy" and veterans "right wing extremists"
Republicans consider Obama a Kenyan and soldiers "cannon fodder" who knew what they were getting into when they signed up so we don't owe them "nothin'".

Obama told his publisher and probably his colleges, that he was a Kenyan

I've told people I'm Italian. Course, my parents were.

I'm sure you've told people you're a stooge.

Oh wow. You found the evidence. Did you share it with the CIA? You should you know. Show them how smart you are.
In 2010, the US Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 was published; it explains how armed forces in the US and overseas will behave in the future. Specific tactical operations, special “theater”, and organized forces are outlined along with the capabilities and priorities of the US armed divisions.


LINK: Activist Post US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection

Do not post entire articles. Refer to the rules.

"Do not post entire articles. Refer to the rules." Are You Insane?

" It's communist censorship not to be able to post the entire article"

The so-called rules are Anti- America and are in accordance with Zionist attempting to control relevant information.

This message board and many other message boards sole purpose is serve the Zionist/communist as the gatekeepers for information.

If one is denied the right to post an entire article what's next?

What's the true purpose of the message board?

Do you really believe if things (communist censorship) is done gradually over time no one will notice. The ole "boiling the frog" scheme.

Many really good articles are put up by websites and suddenly they are retracted
(by Zionist design). The message boards serves to keep retracted articles from being "lost " to those who understand the value of pertinent information.

Communist hate freedom and attempting to block the communication of information
is clearly Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, and communist.

Has everyone forgotten in the second world war that they started the "Jews were the communist" Not only were they the communist in the second world war, they still are the "communist".

They thought they could brainwash people into not telling it like it is and saying the word "Communist". They crammed into the minds of people fascism, as if communism has vanished. What could be further from the truth?

Despite all the well thought out efforts (treason) to limit the freedom of speech the truth always prevails.
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In 2010, the US Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 was published; it explains how armed forces in the US and overseas will behave in the future. Specific tactical operations, special “theater”, and organized forces are outlined along with the capabilities and priorities of the US armed divisions.


LINK: Activist Post US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection

Do not post entire articles. Refer to the rules.

"Do not post entire articles. Refer to the rules." Are You Insane?

" It's communist censorship not to be able to post the entire article"

The so-called rules are Anti- America and are in accordance with Zionist attempting to control relevant information.

This message board and many other message boards sole purpose is serve the Zionist/communist as the gatekeepers for information.

If one is denied the right to post an entire article what's next?

What's the true purpose of the message board?

Do you really believe if things (communist censorship) is done gradually over time no one will notice. The ole "boiling the frog" scheme.

Many really good articles are put up by websites and suddenly they are retracted
(by Zionist design). The message boards serves to keep retracted articles from being "lost " to those who understand the value of pertinent information.

Communist hate freedom and attempting to block the communication of information
is clearly Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, and communist.

Has everyone forgotten in the second world war that they started the "Jews were the communist" Not only were they the communist in the second world war, they still are the "communist".

They thought they could brainwash people into not telling it like it is and saying the word "Communist". They crammed into the minds of people fascism, as if communism has vanished. What could be further from the truth?

Despite all the well thought out efforts (treason) to limit the freedom of speech the truth always prevails.

"Do not post entire articles. Refer to the rules." Are You Insane?

" It's communist censorship not to be able to post the entire article"


No, it's copyright infringement. Or as some call it, "Stealing". It's part of living in a capitalistic society.

If you don't know the word "capitalist", then you don't know the word "communist".
It's already happened in Waco thanks to Willy Jeff and Reno:


And it got Oklahoma City in return.....the lesson? Fuck with us we'll fuck with you.


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