US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

Exactly my point. The war was none of our business. Didn't effect us in the least.

Except our businesses were making a shitload of money selling weapons to the allies.

Then our rich got into a panic that they might lose all that money, especially when it looked like the Germans might win.
We had no business selling supplies to our Allies? So you’re saying that unless we get attacked we should stay out of it? Maybe 🤔 you’re right…, We should have let Hitler conquer all of Europe then come after everyone else
Exactly my point. The war was none of our business. Didn't effect us in the least.

And it did not. We almost got involved until Germany backed off on our ultimatum in 1916 to stop unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic, which had sunk a great many US ships even though we were neutral in the war.

Then finally in 1917 we did get involved. When right before Germany was going to resume sinking all ships in the Atlantic not in support of their side in the war, we got ahold of a telegram from their government urging Mexico to attack the US and they would support them. That smashed any neutrality we had and in itself was an act of war against the US.

You are right, it was none of our business. It was really nothing but a "Family Feud" between old Vicky's grandchildren. But the moment the oldest of them tried to get another neutral country to attack us, that made it our business.

Plus the fact that even before war was declared, between 1915 and 1917 Germany sank 7 US merchant ships, and damaged another 21. The majority of them nowhere near the "war zone". More than a few were not even sailing to or from either side, but conducting trade between the US and Spain. 10 of those even after Germany had promised to stop attacking neutral shipping. I would say that very much affected us.
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Exactly my point. The war was none of our business. Didn't effect us in the least.

Except our businesses were making a shitload of money selling weapons to the allies.

Then our rich got into a panic that they might lose all that money, especially when it looked like the Germans might win.
Your take on 20th Century history stinks. Hitler declared war on America December 10-11, 1941.
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Your take on history stinks. Hitler declared war on America December 10-11, 1941.

He simply thinks that "history" is whatever he believes it is. I have seen very few in here so completely wrong on so many basic historical facts as he is.
We had no business selling supplies to our Allies? So you’re saying that unless we get attacked we should stay out of it? Maybe 🤔 you’re right…, We should have let Hitler conquer all of Europe then come after everyone else
You have to understand the source., JoeB131 has an IQ that is below idiocy and has to depend upon his "Woke" friends to feed him information which is slanted towards Maoist Commie ideology. He can only mouth whatever misinformation he is given.
funny he never mentioned that during the 1930's FDR also supported China while Japan raped the country.
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Your take on history stinks. Hitler declared war on America December 10-11, 1941.
funny he never mentioned that during the 1930's FDR also supported China while Japan raped the country.

Of course not. Because at that time China was ruled by the Kuomintang. Which had already become the enemies of Mao and the CCP.

Myself, I find that one of the greatest ironies is that both the KMT and the CCP view Dr. Sun as their "founder". And they actually were originally the same organization, until the Internationalists (Marxists) broke away from the Nationalists and a civil war within the organization followed.
Uh, we've been over this. Most people on welfare have menial jobs. The question is, why do you want to subsidize McDonalds.

You mean other than their cult trying to gain political power? (I know you all like to forget Mitt Romney now that you all hate him.)

That was four years ago. Today those kids won't take those jobs because their parents don't want them getting the Rona.

Um, that had nothing to do with my point?

Point was, when they needed people to come in and sanitize offices, they had to tap undocumented workers.
Listen you f-ing dumbass! No one could lower the bar enough for your comments.

Romney holds zero political power. He ran for president and was soundly beaten. Trump hates his guts.

No one, but no one fears the "Rona" You are just stupid to assume they do.

Maybe your company hired illegals, but I am sure 99% of companies already had cleaning services BEFORE COVID, like my wife's company which employs nearly 800 people at her location.

You need to seek psychiatric care for your delusions.
Of course we did, there was no other option.

Oh, but I forget that you do not know history so apparently are not aware of this little fact. After January of 1942, you could not "enlist" in the military in the US, even if you wanted to.

The entire process went to conscription, as it was the only way to control the massive influx they had. The military can only process so many people per week, and the easiest way to resolve that was to simply stop all "enlistments", and accept new recruits by conscription only. You could still go down and "enlist", all that did was select which branch of service and maybe what job you wanted. But once that was done, you simply went home and waited for your number to be called.

There was simply no other way to handle the over 16 million that were called up otherwise.

Only a very few could actually "enlist" during the war. Generally pilots, medical personnel, and those with needed foreign languages (specifically Japanese). They actually could enlist and go immediately to training. Everybody else, you just sat at home until you were called up.
Audie Murphy enlisted in the Army on June 30, 1942. Your information is quite incorrect.
Wow, complete and utter fail.

You could not "enlist" after that, period.

And I guess you are just like your dad, and would have to be dragged off because you refuse to give anything for your country, and only expect to be given things.

Uh, I signed up, served for 11 years, reserve and active, and achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant.

My dad was proud of his service, but he was treated with suspicion even after he was conscripted because he was born in Germany (and spoke fluent German). They made him a medic and a translator.

Point is, no one was rushing down to the recruiting stations after the first year, which is why they had to expand the draft.
Listen you f-ing dumbass! No one could lower the bar enough for your comments.

Romney holds zero political power. He ran for president and was soundly beaten. Trump hates his guts.

Romney is a Senator. Trump is an ex-president facing indictment in several states. The Mormon Cult seeks political power, which is why it's very important to point out the crazy shit they actually believe.

No one, but no one fears the "Rona" You are just stupid to assume they do.

I still see people in public wearing masks. Not to mention in a lot of businesses I deal with.

Maybe your company hired illegals, but I am sure 99% of companies already had cleaning services BEFORE COVID, like my wife's company which employs nearly 800 people at her location.

My company hired a service. I don't know if they were illegal or not, but they clearly weren't born here... Americans didn't want to do these jobs eve before the Rona, and they certainly don't want to do them now.

Your info is 7 years out of date, dumbass!

You might have a point. Most cities have ALREADY imposed living wages or have to offer them because no one is signing up... and the price of a Big Mac didn't go up to $10.00. Amazing.
Audie Murphy enlisted in the Army on June 30, 1942. Your information is quite incorrect.

Not really.

He first tried to join in December 1941, but washed out of the physical. It took over 7 months of exercise and a high intake diet to push his weight from under 90 to 112 pounds.

But he was already in the system, and his draft number was already active. All he did in June was to finally pass the damned entry physical. And it was also in the period where one could still "enlist". Which was not for much longer. Because on 5 December 1942 FDR signed Executive Order 9279.



December 5, 1942

In order to promote the most effective mobilization and utilization of the national manpower and to eliminate so far as possible waste of manpower due to disruptive recruitment and undue migration of workers, and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes, including the First War Powers Act, 1941, and the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, as President of the United States, and as Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Which really gets interesting at Paragraph 4.

After the effective date of this Order no male person who has attained the eighteenth anniversary and has not attained the thirty-eighth anniversary of the day of his birth shall be inducted into the enlisted personnel of the armed forces (including reserve components), except, under provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended; but any such person who has, on or before the effective date of this Order, submitted a bona fide application for voluntary enlistment may be enlisted within ten days after said date.

Audie Murphy was both before that, as well as he was already in the system. He had simply failed his first attempts to pass the physical. Today it is the reverse, as many have to fight for months to lose enough weight to be able to pass the induction physical.
Point is, no one was rushing down to the recruiting stations after the first year, which is why they had to expand the draft.

You could not enlist after the first year. I already said that.

Here, let me prove it to you. Once again, Executive Order 9279, paragraph 4.

After the effective date of this Order no male person who has attained the eighteenth anniversary and has not attained the thirty-eighth anniversary of the day of his birth shall be inducted into the enlisted personnel of the armed forces (including reserve components), except, under provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended; but any such person who has, on or before the effective date of this Order, submitted a bona fide application for voluntary enlistment may be enlisted within ten days after said date.

And the reasons for that were twofold. First, to allow for a steady stream of new recruits into the training camps as they came online, and guarantee that the number needed arrived at the camps at the proper times. Also, it helped ensure that critical manpower from the industrial sector was not lost, and gave plants time to train replacements as others were called up. That was also a problem, because after many major battles new waves tried to go down and enlist. Sometimes leaving critical wartime industries without enough trained workers.

Now, all a company needed to know was the person's draft number, and they would know months in advance when they would have to report in, so enough time to train somebody else to take their place when they left.
You could not enlist after the first year. I already said that.

Blah, blah, blah... nobody cares... Point was, people didn't like the draft, even then. But they needed one to keep the thing going because no one signing up after the gold stars started getting hung in everyone's neighborhood.

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can’t…
16 Sep 2022

US Army's Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can't find enough young people who meet the basic requirements to enlist, according to Army Times.
Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, second in command for Army Training and Doctrine Command, sounded off Thursday about the troubling developments. She highlighted disqualification rates for potential recruits jumped from 30-40% (pre-Covid) to a whopping 70% this year due to obesity, low test scores, and/or drug use.
Gervais pointed out the service has experienced a "nosedive" in recruits since July 2021. She explained Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores were 10% lower during the virus pandemic in 2020-21. That figure has since increased to 13% for the most recent high school graduating class.
Besides failing to meet academic standards, obesity was another driver of higher disqualification rates. Also, increasing drug use among youngsters didn't help.
The challenges of today's youth put combat preparedness in question as liberal war hawks are determined to spark World War III in Ukraine and or in the Taiwan Strait.
At least the youth have one thing going for them: obsession with violent video games has desensitized an entire generation to all sorts of violence where war might not be a big shock.
Remember, the service's recruitment crisis has been an ongoing issue but has worsened in the last few years. We pointed out it's "another signal of declining support for the federal government and its institutions."
Maybe because the military has gotten too 'woke'? You know the saying: "go woke, go broke" -- this can also happen to empires...
The shrinking pool of eligible youth due to obesity, low test scores, or drug use should be a national security threat to US health and security.

Why should the Army worry about recruitment?
Or, is woke Emma with the two moms not nearly as powerful as we were led to believe?
Meanwhile for nearly two years the Delaware Demented Dolt got rid of thousands of highly experienced soldiers who were unvaxed.
The ASVAB is indexed to a 10th grade education level of knowledge. To get in the army a score of the 35th percentile or higher was required.
The two branches that demanded higher scores (>55) are the Air Force and the Marines.
No conservative in his right mind would join a Dementia led military. That would be stupid.
It’s not a military anymore, thanks to Biden. Milley and Austin. It’s now a liberal political entity that normal people reject and now patriotic families are dissuading their kids from joining, and military families are starting new legacies. Nice work Brandon.

The problem with military recruiting nowadays is that the LGBTQ folks that they are geared to taking just aren't signing up.

The men go on 10 mile march with full gear and army boots. They don't sashay in high heels carrying designer bags.

As far as Normative Men, not so many are comfortable showering with homos. After all, they are in the military, not in prison like Clint Eastwood and Wolf in the showers at Alcatraz.
A Big Mac is $5.89 at my local McDonald's. Let's try to stay current, shall we?

My lunch, just now. I'm in the restaurant waiting for it.


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