US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt':


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
HOT DAMN, even Russia is claiming it!

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry is highly skeptical of the attack and the rush in the United States to attribute it to al-Assad. A flood of reports issued by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said on Wednesday.

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement.
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HOT DAMN, even Russia is claiming it!

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report

Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russia insinuates Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels [Photos] - The Herald - The Herald

The Russian Foreign Ministry is highly skeptical of the attack and the rush in the United States to attribute it to al-Assad. A flood of reports issued by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said on Wednesday.

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement.

Tell us what it's like to trust the Russian government more than the U.S. government comrade.
Makes sense. Although, why? In Libya, the claim was that gaddafhi was GOING to use weapons against civilians. Not that he did. Which led to a complete invasion and regime change in the country. What is the double standard with Syria?
HOT DAMN, even Russia is claiming it!

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report

Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russia insinuates Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels [Photos] - The Herald - The Herald

The Russian Foreign Ministry is highly skeptical of the attack and the rush in the United States to attribute it to al-Assad. A flood of reports issued by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said on Wednesday.

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement.

Tell us what it's like to trust the Russian government more than the U.S. government comrade.

The messenger is irrelevant. The information was obtained through hacked emails at a british defense contractor. In case your belief bias keeps you from actually reading before you shoot the messenger.
Of course you'd believe it. You're a blind sheep.
Earlier, Obama was being accused on this very forum of being too timid on acknowledging his Red Line had been crossed.
Why would he now want to set up the regime to look like they had used chemical weapons?
Yea, I'm not buying in this one from "InfoWars" either. Too extreme for me and filled with a bunch of crazy shit.
I will note this.. For all the Neocons demanding an air war or demanding involvement in Syria- you first and your sons and daughters first. ENOUGH already. How many of our children-fathers-mothers- do we send to die for people who absolutely hate us and don't want freedom as we see it?! MY GOD some of you are as braindead as the kooks on this site always clamoring for war. Our forces have been in wars for two solid decades.. they're tired and they want to come home.. not live in some God-forsaken land away from everyone, eating basic shit, living like camels and worried they'll never see loved ones again.
From RT:

"Al-Arabiya the origin of the story, is not a neutral in the Syrian conflict. It was set up in 2002 by the Saudi Royal Family in Dubai. It is majority-owned by the Saudi broadcaster, Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC).

"Saudi Arabia is a major financial backer of the attempt to topple Syria’s government.

"That is a matter of record. So on first glance Saudi-owned media reporting such an inflammatory anti-Assad allegation might be taken with a dose of salt..."

"The other aspect of the suspicious reports is the 'convenient' fact they coincide with the arrival two days earlier of an official UN weapons inspection team, allowed by the government, to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use in the Syrian war.

"It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?"

Americans old enough to have experienced the consequences of LBJ's lies in Vietnam should be old enough to demand an end to US wars of aggression in the Middle East.

"Pending confirmation by genuinely independent judges of the latest allegations of Al Arabiya, we are well-advised to leave the reports in the category of war propaganda, in league with others such as the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964.

"That incident, we might recall, was faked by the Pentagon to railroad Congress into giving President Lyndon B. Johnson authority to 'assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by communist aggression.' The resolution became Johnson's legal justification for deploying US forces and the onset of open war against North Vietnam."

Syria gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda ? RT Op-Edge
HOT DAMN, even Russia is claiming it!

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report

Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russia insinuates Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels [Photos] - The Herald - The Herald

The Russian Foreign Ministry is highly skeptical of the attack and the rush in the United States to attribute it to al-Assad. A flood of reports issued by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said on Wednesday.

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement.

So you support the communist propaganda backing Syria.
Why would government forces release chemical weapons upon people two days before UN inspectors were granted permission to enter Syria and investigate chem weapon claims?

What exactly would Assad's regime stand to gain from such an action?

It definitely stinks like provocation.
I will note this.. For all the Neocons demanding an air war or demanding involvement in Syria- you first and your sons and daughters first. ENOUGH already. How many of our children-fathers-mothers- do we send to die for people who absolutely hate us and don't want freedom as we see it?! MY GOD some of you are as braindead as the kooks on this site always clamoring for war. Our forces have been in wars for two solid decades.. they're tired and they want to come home.. not live in some God-forsaken land away from everyone, eating basic shit, living like camels and worried they'll never see loved ones again.

I agree.

I'm proud of the job we did in Iraq. The fact that it's still functioning in spite of having fanatical jihadists from all over the ME continuing to try and topple it is a testament to our success.

Our new "lead from behind" strategy is an obvious failure. Our "leadership" is feckless, incompetent, and not acting in our best interests.

Furthermore Syria is none of our business. Neither side of that conflict deserves assistance from us.
It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?"

At the same time, it still makes no sense of the double standard from Lybia. Why would western provocatuers need to "create" a situation like this one? When Lybia was done pre-emptively. Why would they feel the need to create sucha situation when none was needed in Lybia? What is the difference here? Why the doubel standard?
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I will note this.. For all the Neocons demanding an air war or demanding involvement in Syria- you first and your sons and daughters first. ENOUGH already. How many of our children-fathers-mothers- do we send to die for people who absolutely hate us and don't want freedom as we see it?! MY GOD some of you are as braindead as the kooks on this site always clamoring for war. Our forces have been in wars for two solid decades.. they're tired and they want to come home.. not live in some God-forsaken land away from everyone, eating basic shit, living like camels and worried they'll never see loved ones again.

I agree.

I'm proud of the job we did in Iraq. The fact that it's still functioning in spite of having fanatical jihadists from all over the ME continuing to try and topple it is a testament to our success.

Our new "lead from behind" strategy is an obvious failure. Our "leadership" is feckless, incompetent, and not acting in our best interests.

Furthermore Syria is none of our business. Neither side of that conflict deserves assistance from us.

Oh, yeah. We did a real "bang up" job in Iraq. Money well spent right there... :lmao:
Infowars does not have a lot of credibility. That chemical weapons were used by the rebels is still more likely than used by Assad. The victims were mostly children, not fighters, which is a hallmark of terrorists from Palestine to Afghanistan.
It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?"

At the same time, it still makes no sense of the double standard from Lybia. Why would western provocatuers need to "create" a situation like this one? When Lybia was done pre-emptively. Why would they feel the need to create sucha situation when none was needed in Lybia? What is the difference here? Why the doubel standard?
Maybe the stakes are much higher in Syria than they were in Libya?

"The Middle Eastern newspaper, Al Arabiya, reports that “At least 1,300 people have been killed in a nerve gas attack on Syria’s Ghouta region, leading opposition figure George Sabra said on Wednesday…”

"If confirmed it could be the 'red line' that US President Obama previously stated would tip the US into active military intervention in Syria, using No Fly Zones and active military steps to depose Assad.

"That in turn could erupt into a conflagration across the Middle East and a Super Power confrontation with Russia and China and Iran on one side, and the USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar on the opposite side. Not a happy prospect for world peace at all."

If so, what will the (White) House bet on Iran?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Why would government forces release chemical weapons upon people two days before UN inspectors were granted permission to enter Syria and investigate chem weapon claims?

What exactly would Assad's regime stand to gain from such an action?

It definitely stinks like provocation.

Stop, you're making too much sense for the war mongering pussies on this site.

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