US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

War is war, either you are anti-war or you are not!

Just like the far left approved of the illegal wars of Obama.

Just funny how the far left is only anti war with an (R) next to the name..
They've been brainwashed.
This deal of engaging Russia in a war they have pledge to nuclear retaliation is a deep state gamble. Cancel it until another administration can handle it. I recommend martial law with President Trump exonerated and given his job back, deal with the 2000 mule problem, and come to a peace that benefits all in America, Russia, and China.

President Biden has lost his mental acuity, and his disobedient Vice President is not fit to handle responsibilities. How are we going to deal with a Memorial Day giggler disrespecting the fallen?

Trump's da man. Get him back into office before Biden starts a nuclear war that will send the planet off course from the Sun and we'll all die. The responsible thing is to rescind the last election and get rid of the damn mules who disrespected the American voters with false votes, and inserted Congresscritters that didn't win, either due to mulestuffing trickery.
You cause harm to a nuclear power outside of the boundaries agreed upon for this war and you suffer the consequences.

I'm trying to promote the conversation on the possibilities of how it's going to end, but nearly everybody are staying fixed on the 'confidence' afforded by the propaganda.

That's false security that's necessary when the gambling stakes are so high.
We don't know how it's going to end. Depends on a lot of things that happen between now and then.
Thank you to the moderator who changed the thread title at my request!
I have to agree since I find it nearly impossible to think that he didn't see this coming. I guess I'm just not sure what the point of it is unless it's something we have not seen yet
If you can't be convinced that Russia's security is being challenged by America then we're never going to reach agreement.

I'm just happy that we can have differing opinions and still are able to discuss the issues like adults!

Hang in there!
Are there still Russian nuclear misisless in Cuba?


Apparently you last picked up a history book in 1950.
Fwiw, I can tell you that Cuba is hiding something in mountainous regions of the country. Large areas are restricted access and they'r far from residential areas.

Some Americans are on record of suspected nuclear weapons, but that's not saying much.
Russia hasn't been a superpower in four decades. Now it's a third world country with a third world military. The only threat it has against the rest of the world are its nukes. There is only one superpower today. China MIGHT be one is a decade or two, but even it isn't today.
You kids aren't even worth the click anymore.
You kids aren't even worth the click anymore.
Kids...............your an arrogant prick.........haven't iggied you yet but close.........Never ending we are all gonna get nuked. No wonder the military board threw your butt off.
The New Chinese Carrier Killer is an immense weapon with a weight nearly ten times that of a conventional missile. It's impact is so devastating it doesn't even need munitions....which it has many times more of than the normal ship missile btw......Now we will also have those too very soon I hear.....but the message here is clear. Naval Battles are going away forever and never to return. (except submarine warfare )

It has already overtaken us it's just a matter of when the PENTAGON will stand in front of the Public red-faced and admit that the New ACC fleet is now nothing more than a contingent of well armed cargo carriers.
Does the US have the Skvar torpedo yet?
That most likely ends any viability of submarine warfare too.

I think it actually depends a lot on which nuclear power strikes first.

But then in reality even that doesn't make much difference.

It's good to discuss the questions because it effectively neutralizes the 'confidence' propaganda being fed to the people for the purpose of keeping them from balking against the war.
The war in UKRAINE was planned well in advance by NATO and has been NATO versus Russia from day one.
Putin made a huge tactical error if he thought otherwise which apparently he did.
This isn't going away anytime soon and I believe that China will take advantage of the " War " mood to time it's gradual takeover of Taiwan.
The west is bracing for a classic Naval Assault....but that is not coming. China can do this from their mainland just fine without so much as launching a single ship or a single war plane.
China has no ambitions to slaughter their own people in Taiwan. They have never indicated that they are interested in winning Taiwan back by means of a war.
China will only react appropriately to US threats of aggression against their country.
China has no ambitions to slaughter their own people in Taiwan. They have never indicated that they are interested in winning Taiwan back by means of a war.
China will only react appropriately to US threats of aggression against their country.
Then no worries, since this isn't that.
If Finland and Estonia refuse to allow Russian vessels in their territorial waters that will cut Russia off from access to the Baltic Sea. Denmark and Sweden can do the same thing on the western entrance to the Baltic Sea. Turkey is a member of NATO hopefully they can be convinced to do the same thing with the Black Sea, however unlikely at the current time.
Sounds world war threeish to me..
And I can say you are a silly person telling lies. And we will still be right where we started.
I've been noticing that even suggestions of a possible threat has a high impact on the American psyche.
Fwiw, I've seen with my own eyes certain roads are kept closed and the gates are strictly manned by armed guards.
Donald H
The sinking of the Moskva marked the end of Naval warfare as we know it. In a heartbeat all floating Naval Assets anywhere in the world have become obsolete. The larger they are the more obsolete they are.

Yes, agree... Otherwise if these vessels don't have certain types of deterrents, along with radar guided smart missiles or smart Gatling guns that can stop the threats before they can make a strike, then it is the end for sure.
I've been noticing that even suggestions of a possible threat has a high impact on the American psyche.
Fwiw, I've seen with my own eyes certain roads are kept closed and the gates are strictly manned by armed guards.
Which means you saw nothing.

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