US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

How much did the economy shrink in 2007 before Obama took office? You know, the biggest financial crash since 1929? Overseen by fiscally Conservative George W. "I torture POWs over lies" Bush?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired with the $4t+ squandered on invading and torturing Iraq over lies?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired

how much of the infrastructure could have been repaired

from the 800 million stimulus

had it been spent on that as promised

we still have stimulus projects

sitting idle

with the stimulus signs rusting away

Nonsense. The stimulus worked as promised, kept US out of ANOTHER GOP great depression. Even though it was to small, 40% tax cuts/credits and 20% aid to states....

How long will this myth persist.
Retraction is over exaggerated and due to the terrible weather caused by far right wing hot air.

And liberals come flooding in to defend bad news because their demi god Obama might be in trouble.

Jake, you're main stream for progressives, lol.

Defend what? Obama acting as a conservative?

Lowest sustained tax burden on those 'job creators' for 80+ years, lower than Ronnie's first 6 years, where are those 'jobs, jobs, jobs'?

In China China China......or have you been sleeping RIP ?
How much did the economy shrink in 2007 before Obama took office? You know, the biggest financial crash since 1929? Overseen by fiscally Conservative George W. "I torture POWs over lies" Bush?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired with the $4t+ squandered on invading and torturing Iraq over lies?

Cut the crap....This is Obama's watch. This is Obama's economy.
BTW, Obama BLEW over one trillion dollars of OUR money on a so called economic stimulus that turned out to be neither economic nor stimulating.
How much did the economy shrink in 2007 before Obama took office? You know, the biggest financial crash since 1929? Overseen by fiscally Conservative George W. "I torture POWs over lies" Bush?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired with the $4t+ squandered on invading and torturing Iraq over lies?
^ mindless zombie springs into action

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A "mindless zombie" who wants Bush and Obama to both die in prison. You know, one of the "sheeple".

Fucking idiot.

How much will this grow the economy?

Prison? For what? Ya know what.? Fuck it. I don't want to see another word from you.
You are completely fucked in the head.
Welcome to being TRANSFORMED...That must be all that hope and change they were talking about.

In the ObamaNation- there is No Hope AND you will only be left with Change in your pockets by the time they get done taxing and regulating us to death
Get your Obama hate on while you can.........

The first quarter figures are all the more startling as the economy grew by 2.6% in the final three months of 2013.

But economists said more recent unemployment, manufacturing and service sector data all pointed to a sharp turnaround in the second quarter.

Analysts have forecast the economy could bounce back by as much as 4% in the second quarter.

Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial, said: "We have ample evidence that the first quarter was just a temporary setback for the economy, and we are climbing out of the hole in the current quarter."

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, said: "We should have a much better second half this year and a much better 2015 than 2014."

You gonna cry? Here's a tissue.
The economy is in the dumper. Obama is at the helm....Or in name anyway. He's busy playing golf or going on campaign trips stumping for the dems.
Clearly, more central planning is called for...:eek:

If only we increased taxes or better yet, government spending! Hey, let's build a train...that'll do the trick!!!

Ah well, as long as our leaders in Washington are focusing on the REALLY important issues like gun control and homosexual rights...:doubt:

Actually repealing DADT and making gay marriage the law of the land should be all that is needed. And maybe save the bees.
Here is the chart we posted in April, showing the contribution of Obamacare, aka Healthcare Services spending. It was, in a word, an all time high. Turns out this number was based on.... nothing.

Because as the next chart below shows, between the second and final revision of Q1 GDP something dramatic happened: instead of contributing $40 billion to real GDP in Q1, Obamacare magically ended up subtracting $6.4 billion from GDP. This, in turn, resulted in a collapse in Personal Consumption Expenditures as a percentage of GDP to just 0.7%, the lowest since 2009! Here Is The Reason For The Total Collapse In Q1 GDP | Zero Hedge
I've been watching along as well. Prices are beginning to rise, alarmingly so. Do you think we're beginning to see inflation on the rise? We knew it was coming.. all the worthless fiat being printed and flooding the marketplace..

There are plenty of causes. Fiat ain't it.
Obamanamics taking hold

You Idiots have been crying the same tune even as Obama has had 5 consecutive years of economic growth. Bush caused massive inflation, 12 million jobs to be lost, 2 recessions, one was a 2 year depression. But Bush's disasters get a pass. Your hypocrisy. is dually noted.
The reason why this isn't seen as a big deal by economists is that the -2.9% was due to inclement weather in the U.S. over the winter months.

Economists actually anticipated that the economy would contract only to rebound pretty strongly this and the next quarter.

I'm not worried. I'll take experts over the false outrage people on the right who crowd all these message boards.
..and you can gather ten "experts" and get 10 different opinions....or only use the ones you "like"...depending on the "results" you want...

"experts" :doubt:
The indoctrination is strong in this one.

Now you are finally admitting to your indoctrination that is preventing you from seeing facts, evidence & the World as it is. They say that is half the battle. With a bit more time & effort you will see more clearly.
I've been watching along as well. Prices are beginning to rise, alarmingly so. Do you think we're beginning to see inflation on the rise? We knew it was coming.. all the worthless fiat being printed and flooding the marketplace..

There are plenty of causes. Fiat ain't it.

Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
There is no way the Fed could create trillions of dollars and not induce inflation. In fact that was their goal.
Obamanamics taking hold

You Idiots have been crying the same tune even as Obama has had 5 consecutive years of economic growth. Bush caused massive inflation, 12 million jobs to be lost, 2 recessions, one was a 2 year depression. But Bush's disasters get a pass. Your hypocrisy. is dually noted.

-We had the worst growth post recession of any period post war.
-Inflation was under3% and generally in the 2% range under Bush
-More people were working when Bush left office than for all of Obama's term until last month
-Bush solved the Clinton recession he inherited i short order and on the cheap

Your ignorance is duly noted.
The reason why this isn't seen as a big deal by economists is that the -2.9% was due to inclement weather in the U.S. over the winter months.

Economists actually anticipated that the economy would contract only to rebound pretty strongly this and the next quarter.

I'm not worried. I'll take experts over the false outrage people on the right who crowd all these message boards.
No economist anticipated a loss over 2%. That is stunning. You can blame weather, tsunamis, ATMs and whatever else you want. The numbers suck. They indicate we are heading into another recession.
I've been watching along as well. Prices are beginning to rise, alarmingly so. Do you think we're beginning to see inflation on the rise? We knew it was coming.. all the worthless fiat being printed and flooding the marketplace..

There are plenty of causes. Fiat ain't it.

Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
There is no way the Fed could create trillions of dollars and not induce inflation. In fact that was their goal.

No Rabbi - It is a fact that all inflation is from raising the minimum wage. Don't ask me for data or proof, but I know it's true because Republicons say so.
There are plenty of causes. Fiat ain't it.

Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
There is no way the Fed could create trillions of dollars and not induce inflation. In fact that was their goal.

No Rabbi - It is a fact that all inflation is from raising the minimum wage. Don't ask me for data or proof, but I know it's true because Republicons say so.
Actually no one says that. They do say, rightly, that raising the min wage harms those most likely to work min wage jobs: teens and those entering the workforce.
But dont let stupidity stop you. It never has before.

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