US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

Thank the Founders for growing enough weed to clothe and feed the Revolution against England. Thank the Union for growing enough weed to crush the slavers and end the Civil War. Thank the Greatest Generation for growing enough weed to stop Hitler.

You know, all those pot-head junkies who grew "Marihuana" to make America strong, independent and free.

Not sure if you know this but.....

It's 2014

Not being a marijuana lover, and of the opinion that users should be executed upon discovery of THC in their system, I do have to inject a bit of 2014 into the marijuana discussion.

BMW just came out with a new car, the electric i3. Unlike other electric cars that have very small mileage per charge, the i3 can go 180 miles between charges. In order to do that, the weight of the car had to be reduced. How to lower the weight while still retaining or improving crash worthiness?

The interior of the car is made from hemp. I know, I know, it doesn't sound like something I would come up with, but there it is. The car ended up being 800 pounds less than the nearest lightweight, the Nissan Leaf. That's WITH beefing up the exterior to perform better in a crash.

Yes it is 2014.

Oh the stupidity.
The answer is not weed. Our economy can not sustain itself on weed production. That's simply asinine. The answer is energy and we're about to surpass the entire ME in production in a couple of years.
Hemp can make energy and energy-efficient homes.

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Attempted ignition of petrol vapour by lit cigar... [Sci Justice. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biol Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Consultation Document on the Review of the Industrial Hemp Framework
Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario,d.cGU&cad=rja

Youre advocating for hemp as a key element in economic growth. Hemp growth in WW2 was used to supplement the war effort. It would have no such affect today. I'm not against it though.
Retraction is over exaggerated and due to the terrible weather caused by far right wing hot air.

And liberals come flooding in to defend bad news because their demi god Obama might be in trouble.

Jake, you're main stream for progressives, lol.

Defend what? Obama acting as a conservative?

Lowest sustained tax burden on those 'job creators' for 80+ years, lower than Ronnie's first 6 years, where are those 'jobs, jobs, jobs'?

I own a business, with employee's... You're fucking retarded.
Will Liz Warren run on a genuine "Kill the Kulaks!" platform in 2016?

Good one.

If more Americans understood your Kulaks reference, we wouldn't be in this mess. But blindly we stumble on, Hell-bent on repeating history.

Obama warned us he wanted to fundamentally transform America. He doesn't give a rat's azz what he leaves behind. He and his ego are set for life.

"Après moi, le déluge"

[ame=]PJTV's Afterburner w/Bill Whitttle --Le Deluge: Obama is Quickly Becoming Louis XV - YouTube[/ame]
I blame global warming.


I thought Bush would get all of the blame.

Nah. Global warming.

Did your daughter turn to prostitution? That's global warming.

Are your whites not so white any more? Global warming again.

Is Viagra not working for you? Global warming!

Scuze Moi, but I believe the Au Courant phrase is Global Climate Change...errr Chaos...errr... Global Climate Inequality!
And you have to get this news from the BBC.

Well it certainly seems like stagnation is here. negative growth, high unemployment, and inflation. Congrats Obama your economics certainly are working. Wait until the fed stops printing money and the stock market bubble bursts. In my opinion, and I don't want this to happen, is it will be much worse then in 2008.

Weird we had 'job creator' policies from 2001-2009, what happened? Oh right economy tanked 9%_ last quarter of 2008 and was hemorrhaging 700,000+ jobs a month

:cuckoo:It's not possible to loose 700,000 a month. stupid talking points, which seems to be what you're here for, to spread the bull. We are supposed to be in the the 5th year of the so- called "Recovery" the economy shouldn't be shrinking. Of course nothing is Obama's fault in the minds of you leftist nutjobs
There's already inflation in book. food prices are way up, gasoline is up, electricity bills are up.

You know what would be great? Let's not count food and energy prices in the government figures for inflation! Cuz' after all, who really needs food and warmth...or the means to get to work?

Now, doesn't that feel better?

Food and energy prices are already not part of the CPI. When the cost of living is figured, these costs are not part of the equasion.

Let's see: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
right side, "Latest Numbers" CPI
Table 1.
hmmm right there...Food, with a relative importance of 13.855 and Energy with a relative importance of 9.581
Huh. Looks like they are part of the CPI.

Now, COLA are based on the CPI-W, not CPI-U, but it also includes food and energy.
And liberals come flooding in to defend bad news because their demi god Obama might be in trouble.

Jake, you're main stream for progressives, lol.

Defend what? Obama acting as a conservative?

Lowest sustained tax burden on those 'job creators' for 80+ years, lower than Ronnie's first 6 years, where are those 'jobs, jobs, jobs'?

I own a business, with employee's... You're fucking retarded.

Good for you, AND?
Will Liz Warren run on a genuine "Kill the Kulaks!" platform in 2016?

Good one.

If more Americans understood your Kulaks reference, we wouldn't be in this mess. But blindly we stumble on, Hell-bent on repeating history.

Obama warned us he wanted to fundamentally transform America. He doesn't give a rat's azz what he leaves behind. He and his ego are set for life.

"Après moi, le déluge"

[ame=]PJTV's Afterburner w/Bill Whitttle --Le Deluge: Obama is Quickly Becoming Louis XV - YouTube[/ame]

I believe people understand rhetoric right wingers push..
And you have to get this news from the BBC.

Well it certainly seems like stagnation is here. negative growth, high unemployment, and inflation. Congrats Obama your economics certainly are working. Wait until the fed stops printing money and the stock market bubble bursts. In my opinion, and I don't want this to happen, is it will be much worse then in 2008.

Weird we had 'job creator' policies from 2001-2009, what happened? Oh right economy tanked 9%_ last quarter of 2008 and was hemorrhaging 700,000+ jobs a month

:cuckoo:It's not possible to loose 700,000 a month. stupid talking points, which seems to be what you're here for, to spread the bull. We are supposed to be in the the 5th year of the so- called "Recovery" the economy shouldn't be shrinking. Of course nothing is Obama's fault in the minds of you leftist nutjobs

Job losses caused by the Great Recession

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the economy shed 803,000 jobs. Between November 2008 and December 2008, the economy lost 661,000 jobs. And between January 2009 and December 2008, the economy lost 818,000 -- the highest number of Bush’s tenure

Michael Moore said U.S. lost millions of jobs per month under Bush | PolitiFact
Oh come on people. The GDP only tanked by 3 %. Move along. Nothing to see here. And it was caused by the weather and pot. Couldn't be Obamas policies. And remember, the GDP grew its best when tax rates were 90%. Yeah right, you stupid fuck.

Nah, the economy grew the best when the top rate was 50% (Reagan's first 6 years) to 94%....
Weird we had 'job creator' policies from 2001-2009, what happened? Oh right economy tanked 9%_ last quarter of 2008 and was hemorrhaging 700,000+ jobs a month

:cuckoo:It's not possible to loose 700,000 a month. stupid talking points, which seems to be what you're here for, to spread the bull. We are supposed to be in the the 5th year of the so- called "Recovery" the economy shouldn't be shrinking. Of course nothing is Obama's fault in the minds of you leftist nutjobs

Job losses caused by the Great Recession

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the economy shed 803,000 jobs. Between November 2008 and December 2008, the economy lost 661,000 jobs. And between January 2009 and December 2008, the economy lost 818,000 -- the highest number of Bush’s tenure

Michael Moore said U.S. lost millions of jobs per month under Bush | PolitiFact

the housing bubble certainly wasn't caused by Bush alone that's for sure..but whatever, The recession was suppose to be over 5 years ago. the economy shrinking at 3% ? unheard in a "Recovery"

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