US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

No it will not. It will not stop some from blaming the cold weather.
I made a point and backed it up with a study for Congress from the Federation of American Scientists, and your response is, "No, that won't work. I'm a smart Republican and I don't need to read information to make an informed decision."

The stalk of the Cannabis Sativa plant can be processed at an American factory into thousands of different American products by American employees for sale in American stores.

Jobs + People = Economy.

Americans could even pay their taxes with hemp for almost 200 years in America. It's only been in the last 70 years that this plant was outlawed over lies, and only 40 years since Nixon started the drug war over lies.

How many more decades will the American People tolerate our elected government lying to us?

Your stupid pothead bullshit doesn't belong in every damn thread, jackass
Actually it does since so much of our economy depends on useless shit made by peasants overseas, which is precisely the problem that industrial hemp production was going to fix in 1937 when it was outlawed because machinery had finally been implemented in Cannabis production.

From Popular Mechanics magazine, February 1938:

American farmers are promised a new cash crop with an annual value of several hundred million dollars, all because a machine has been invented which solves a problem more than 6,000 years old. It is hemp, a crop that will not compete with other American products. Instead, it will displace imports of raw material and manufactured products produced by underpaid coolie and peasant labor and it will provide thousands of jobs for American workers throughout the land.
Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop

Jobs + People = Economy. It's simple enough even for a Republican to understand.
The answer is not weed. Our economy can not sustain itself on weed production. That's simply asinine. The answer is energy and we're about to surpass the entire ME in production in a couple of years.
Hemp can make energy and energy-efficient homes.

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Attempted ignition of petrol vapour by lit cigar... [Sci Justice. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Consultation Document on the Review of the Industrial Hemp Framework
Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario,d.cGU&cad=rja
What always amazes me is the hardcore Obama supporter who think death or slavery is preferable to freedom
People that think pot is the solution to everything just happen to be it's biggest consumers.

Get a grip junkie

Thank the Founders for growing enough weed to clothe and feed the Revolution against England. Thank the Union for growing enough weed to crush the slavers and end the Civil War. Thank the Greatest Generation for growing enough weed to stop Hitler.

You know, all those pot-head junkies who grew "Marihuana" to make America strong, independent and free.
People that think pot is the solution to everything just happen to be it's biggest consumers.

Get a grip junkie

Thank the Founders for growing enough weed to clothe and feed the Revolution against England. Thank the Union for growing enough weed to crush the slavers and end the Civil War. Thank the Greatest Generation for growing enough weed to stop Hitler.

You know, all those pot-head junkies who grew "Marihuana" to make America strong, independent and free.

Not sure if you know this but.....

It's 2014
There's already inflation in book. food prices are way up, gasoline is up, electricity bills are up.

You know what would be great? Let's not count food and energy prices in the government figures for inflation! Cuz' after all, who really needs food and warmth...or the means to get to work?

Now, doesn't that feel better?

Food and energy prices are already not part of the CPI. When the cost of living is figured, these costs are not part of the equasion.
The drop would have been even worse if the Obama Administration hadn't changed how GDP is calculated to include spending on R&D.

Just sayin'.


Fuck me.

I'm still holding out hope for a +3.0 2Q, but it's pretty clear that America's "fundamental transformation" into a Euro-social democracy is going to be a bumpy ride, indeed.

Oh well..

No, it's not.
People that think pot is the solution to everything just happen to be it's biggest consumers.

Get a grip junkie

Thank the Founders for growing enough weed to clothe and feed the Revolution against England. Thank the Union for growing enough weed to crush the slavers and end the Civil War. Thank the Greatest Generation for growing enough weed to stop Hitler.

You know, all those pot-head junkies who grew "Marihuana" to make America strong, independent and free.

Not sure if you know this but.....

It's 2014
And we've been putting people in cages for the last 70 years for the same exact thing that won the Revolution, the Civil War, and both World Wars:


Yes, it's 2014 and this god-damned bullshit is going to end, and you "small government" Republicans are going to help end it. Otherwise, you can shove all of that "small government" bullshit right back into your asshole where it came from.

Military Takes Part in Drug Sweep And Reaps Criticism and a Lawsuit -
I am smoking a bowl and We the People have been quiet for long enough.


Fuck me.

I'm still holding out hope for a +3.0 2Q, but it's pretty clear that America's "fundamental transformation" into a Euro-social democracy is going to be a bumpy ride, indeed.

Oh well..

No, it's not.


You responded twice to my post using the same words and no further explanation.


Perhaps you can describe how you folks are going to get your Euro-social democracy smoothly.


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People that think pot is the solution to everything just happen to be it's biggest consumers.

Get a grip junkie

Thank the Founders for growing enough weed to clothe and feed the Revolution against England. Thank the Union for growing enough weed to crush the slavers and end the Civil War. Thank the Greatest Generation for growing enough weed to stop Hitler.

You know, all those pot-head junkies who grew "Marihuana" to make America strong, independent and free.

Not sure if you know this but.....

It's 2014

Not being a marijuana lover, and of the opinion that users should be executed upon discovery of THC in their system, I do have to inject a bit of 2014 into the marijuana discussion.

BMW just came out with a new car, the electric i3. Unlike other electric cars that have very small mileage per charge, the i3 can go 180 miles between charges. In order to do that, the weight of the car had to be reduced. How to lower the weight while still retaining or improving crash worthiness?

The interior of the car is made from hemp. I know, I know, it doesn't sound like something I would come up with, but there it is. The car ended up being 800 pounds less than the nearest lightweight, the Nissan Leaf. That's WITH beefing up the exterior to perform better in a crash.

Yes it is 2014.
Do you know who benefits the most from government deregulation and everyone being on government assistance? Do you know who benefits from this system?

Rich people. The same rich people who designed this system.

When is Obama going to strip the wealth from the billionaires to redistribute it to all of the millions of poor illegal alien moochers that are coming to the US in busloads? Obama's spent 6 years making billionaires richer just so that he could take it all away from them, right?
Do you know who benefits the most from government deregulation and everyone being on government assistance? Do you know who benefits from this system?

Rich people. The same rich people who designed this system.

When is Obama going to strip the wealth from the billionaires to redistribute it to all of the millions of poor illegal alien moochers that are coming to the US in busloads? Obama's spent 6 years making billionaires richer just so that he could take it all away from them, right?

Do you know who REALLY benefits from FAKE government deregulation which is really regulation in favor of Big Government Cronies?

Answer: Politicians and Employees and the Big Government Cronies who rig the system to feed off of powerless tax payers.

That's what today's Democrat Party Stands for: Fighting for the Middle Class (as in control of so they can keep then as Tax Serfs).

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