US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales. Your CEO is having a debate with himself! You can't claim that a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford because the Ford CEO says so...when the Ford CEO's own words contradict himself!
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales.
Quote Mulally saying that...
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales. Your CEO is having a debate with himself! You can't claim that a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford because the Ford CEO says so...when the Ford CEO's own words contradict himself!

Really, we all feel sympathy for you. Having to work so hard. Actually trying to make the ceo of Ford, a man much, much, much, much more experienced and smarter than you, look like he is contradicting himself. Which all rational folk understand is just you playing your little con tool games.
So, no, no one feels sorry for you, me boy.
Here is a clue, me boy. Now, we know you do not want to consider this, being a con tool as you are. But, there is a HUGE (from your favorite republican presidential candidate) difference. Now, to help you, assuming you can read, look up impending. Then look up actual. See if you can tell the difference.
Asked and answered? More like asked and avoided at all costs!
Nope. You merely lying again. That's all you do. You fit the description you gave for a compulsive liar to a tee.
Asked and answered? More like asked and avoided at all costs!
Nope. You merely lying again. That's all you do. You fit the description you gave for a compulsive liar to a tee.

You know, Faun, I am not sure. Is it Compulsive or Congenital. If it is compulsive, it is his problem. If it is congenital, he was born that way. And it is just plain bad luck.
  • Covering Up
Though compulsive liars often take extreme care to keep others under the spell of their deception, once in awhile the web of lies unravels and the liar is seen as is without any of his dishonest walls. When this occurs, the liar works quickly and frantically to rebuild those walls, constructing more lies in order to rebuild himself into what he was previously seen as. This often involves elaborate stories of being falsely accused, constructing lie after lie with the intention of defending his or her supposed innocence. If this method, as well as any other attempt at lying, fails and the compulsive liar is forced to tell the truth, he or she will often become incredibly nervous and display a great deal of uncomfortable behavior.

Compulsive Lying Disorder: Description, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Got it. So you are a compulsive liar, not a congenital liar, as I thought.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales.
Quote Mulally saying that...

"Within a couple of weeks of the Big Three's request for help, Mulally said, "98% of the people in America ... knew GM and Chrysler were bankrupt" and that Ford wasn't. He added that more than half of U.S. consumers surveyed said that they were considering Ford for their next car purchase.

The episode resonates among car buyers to this day. Said Mulally, "The customers love that Ford didn't take taxpayer money."
  • Covering Up
Though compulsive liars often take extreme care to keep others under the spell of their deception, once in awhile the web of lies unravels and the liar is seen as is without any of his dishonest walls. When this occurs, the liar works quickly and frantically to rebuild those walls, constructing more lies in order to rebuild himself into what he was previously seen as. This often involves elaborate stories of being falsely accused, constructing lie after lie with the intention of defending his or her supposed innocence. If this method, as well as any other attempt at lying, fails and the compulsive liar is forced to tell the truth, he or she will often become incredibly nervous and display a great deal of uncomfortable behavior.

Compulsive Lying Disorder: Description, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Got it. So you are a compulsive liar, not a congenital liar, as I thought.

You're the one with the George Costanza nickname, Sparky...well deserved by the way!
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.
Interesting quote from the outgoing GM CEO when the Federal Government asked for his resignation.

"I don't know whether Rick had any inkling of why I had wanted to see him alone. His face was impassive as I said, "In our last meeting, you very graciously offered to step aside if it would be helpful, and unfortunately, our conclusion is that it would be best if you did that."

I told him of our intention to make Fritz acting CEO and he supported that idea, cautioning me against bringing in an outsider to run the company. "Alan Mulally called me with questions every day for two weeks after he got to Ford," he said."

So much for your claim that Mulally had extensive knowledge about the car industry, Faun! He was calling his competitor asking for advice on a daily basis when he first took the Ford job.

Auto bailout: Steven Rattner on how the Obama team did it - Oct. 21, 2009
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.

LOL...I'm not the person who pretends to be things I'm not, Georgie...that would be you.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.

LOL...I'm not the person who pretends to be things I'm not, Georgie...that would be you.

I never lie. I never pretend. But you do, me boy.......Lie more than anyone I nave ever knew.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.
Never happened, me boy. You can not even understand what Mulally said. Makes you a dumb shit.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales.
Quote Mulally saying that...

It did. So we can all agree that an IMPENDING BANKRUPTCY probably did help ford sales. As Mulally said. Look up impending, dip shit. As I said before. Then, try and read the article that Faun provided you and that you keep lying about. And explain to us why Mulally, the guy you were happily just quoting, said it could bring the entire US auto industry down.

"Within a couple of weeks of the Big Three's request for help, Mulally said, "98% of the people in America ... knew GM and Chrysler were bankrupt" and that Ford wasn't. He added that more than half of U.S. consumers surveyed said that they were considering Ford for their next car purchase.

The episode resonates among car buyers to this day. Said Mulally, "The customers love that Ford didn't take taxpayer money."
To prove how dishonest you are, I found the article you got your quotes from. Because I was suspicious of your take on an article that you did not reference. So, lets take a look:Your quote above is accurate. What is not is the main part, that being the crux of the article, and what you did not include. Because, the following quote is the crux of what Mulally was saying, and it is the exact statement of fact that you have been given by Faun, and tried to say you did not get. See if you can read it this time. We are all waiting for your next set of lies:
"crucial fact: Companies that are broke require money to keep operating, even while under the protection of a Bankruptcy Court. And as Ford's chief executive, Alan Mulally, pointed out during a visit with The Times' editorial board Tuesday, "There was nobody that was going to give them money for [debtor-in-possession] financing."

Mulally's comments weren't offered as a criticism of Romney. Rather, he was defending Ford's decision to go to Congress with GM and Chrysler in 2008 to call for a federal rescue. Ford didn't need the money itself -- it had previously arranged a multibillion-dollar line of private credit. But Mulally said he believed then, just as he believes now, that GM and Chrysler threatened to drag the entire country into a depression.

"This could be upwards of 13% of the U.S. GDP if they were to go into freefall," Mulally said. "We believed [seeking the bailout] was the right thing for the industry, the right thing for the United States of America.... I'd do the same thing today."

Ford's CEO has no regrets about call for bailout

Notice the link to the article. So we can see where it came from, and check it out ourselves. That thing you do not use. Because honest people include links. Dishonest people do not.

Now, I know this is difficult for you to understand. Because it is not what you want to believe. But the rational world understands it and believes Mulally. Sorry no one is quoting you.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.

LOL...I'm not the person who pretends to be things I'm not, Georgie...that would be you.
And, by the way, there is no georgie here. He said you were a lyng ass hole and left.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.

LOL...I'm not the person who pretends to be things I'm not, Georgie...that would be you.
No Georgie here. He said you were a lying dipshit, and left.
Interesting quote from the outgoing GM CEO when the Federal Government asked for his resignation.

"I don't know whether Rick had any inkling of why I had wanted to see him alone. His face was impassive as I said, "In our last meeting, you very graciously offered to step aside if it would be helpful, and unfortunately, our conclusion is that it would be best if you did that."

I told him of our intention to make Fritz acting CEO and he supported that idea, cautioning me against bringing in an outsider to run the company. "Alan Mulally called me with questions every day for two weeks after he got to Ford," he said."

So much for your claim that Mulally had extensive knowledge about the car industry, Faun! He was calling his competitor asking for advice on a daily basis when he first took the Ford job.

Auto bailout: Steven Rattner on how the Obama team did it - Oct. 21, 2009

So, OS proving he has no clue of how large companies are run. The fact that new CEO's to an industry would talk to others seems foreign to OS. I mean, OS knows that dishwashers do not talk to other dishwashers. But he seems unhappy that no one called him to provide G2.
Do you suppose that people know that no ceo would call a dipshit?
The dipshit is, however, impressed with the statement by the failed and discredited ceo of GM, who is widely understood to have taken GM down the tubes.
Sometimes having OS posts keeps you laughing.
You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.
Never happened, me boy. You can not even understand what Mulally said. Makes you a dumb shit.

Why? Mulally himself has said that the impending bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler did wonders for Ford sales.
Quote Mulally saying that...

It did. So we can all agree that an IMPENDING BANKRUPTCY probably did help ford sales. As Mulally said. Look up impending, dip shit. As I said before. Then, try and read the article that Faun provided you and that you keep lying about. And explain to us why Mulally, the guy you were happily just quoting, said it could bring the entire US auto industry down.

"Within a couple of weeks of the Big Three's request for help, Mulally said, "98% of the people in America ... knew GM and Chrysler were bankrupt" and that Ford wasn't. He added that more than half of U.S. consumers surveyed said that they were considering Ford for their next car purchase.

The episode resonates among car buyers to this day. Said Mulally, "The customers love that Ford didn't take taxpayer money."
To prove how dishonest you are, I found the article you got your quotes from. Because I was suspicious of your take on an article that you did not reference. So, lets take a look:Your quote above is accurate. What is not is the main part, that being the crux of the article, and what you did not include. Because, the following quote is the crux of what Mulally was saying, and it is the exact statement of fact that you have been given by Faun, and tried to say you did not get. See if you can read it this time. We are all waiting for your next set of lies:
"crucial fact: Companies that are broke require money to keep operating, even while under the protection of a Bankruptcy Court. And as Ford's chief executive, Alan Mulally, pointed out during a visit with The Times' editorial board Tuesday, "There was nobody that was going to give them money for [debtor-in-possession] financing."

Mulally's comments weren't offered as a criticism of Romney. Rather, he was defending Ford's decision to go to Congress with GM and Chrysler in 2008 to call for a federal rescue. Ford didn't need the money itself -- it had previously arranged a multibillion-dollar line of private credit. But Mulally said he believed then, just as he believes now, that GM and Chrysler threatened to drag the entire country into a depression.

"This could be upwards of 13% of the U.S. GDP if they were to go into freefall," Mulally said. "We believed [seeking the bailout] was the right thing for the industry, the right thing for the United States of America.... I'd do the same thing today."

Ford's CEO has no regrets about call for bailout

Notice the link to the article. So we can see where it came from, and check it out ourselves. That thing you do not use. Because honest people include links. Dishonest people do not.

Now, I know this is difficult for you to understand. Because it is not what you want to believe. But the rational world understands it and believes Mulally. Sorry no one is quoting you.

Where in any of the part where GM's bankruptcy hurts Ford?

And I'm you think doing your posts in RED somehow makes them more intelligent than doing them in black? Got news for you, can paint a turd red but it's still a turd.
Last edited:

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
So, Faun, we have established that he is a con tool. I knew that because he has been posting attacks at me since 2012. So, here is another thing that I learned about the boy.
Oldstyle is a very small person. He feels embarrassed that he has accomplished so little in his life. So, he has to lie a great deal. Just part of him.

LOL...I'm not the person who pretends to be things I'm not, Georgie...that would be you.
No Georgie here. He said you were a lying dipshit, and left. keep saying that...yet you keep responding to your nickname...GEORGIE!
Last edited:
[QUOTE="Rshermr, post: 14300149, member: 37424

Please, me poor ignorant con tool, tell me why you think I am desperate. I need a laugh. And you are, me boy, laughable.[/QUOTE]


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