US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.

You should join the competition, Oldstyle. You are really close to the bottom of bottom feeders. And you love playing games. And you are a dipshit.
Work it out. I suspect the two of you have a combined IQ of under 90.
Since you posted that to yourself, Georgie...I can only assume that you are finally conceding that you ARE the stupidest poster on this board?
Like I said before...when Faun and Georgie can't answer questions about their why a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford...or what was the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved"...their fall back strategy is accusing whoever asked those questions of being a liar of a con tool.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

Let's see. How would we prove that you are a lying asshole. How about that you make the same claim over and over. But continue to suggest that you have not been provided with the answer multiple times. Which, me boy, proves:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love playing games.
3. You are incapable of discussion.
5. You are butt stupid.
6. You are, as proved many times over, a LIAR.
7. You have NO INTEGRITY.

Other than those issues, you have no problems.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

Let's see. How would we prove that you are a lying asshole. How about that you make the same claim over and over. But continue to suggest that you have not been provided with the answer multiple times. Which, me boy, proves:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love playing games.
3. You are incapable of discussion.
5. You are butt stupid.
6. You are, as proved many times over, a LIAR.
7. You have NO INTEGRITY.

Other than those issues, you have no problems.

REALLY don't want to talk about economic you, Georgie! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

All that bluster about con tools, lying and integrity? All it you ducking a question you can't answer. A question you would be able to answer if you weren't the board's biggest poser!
Since you posted that to yourself, Georgie...I can only assume that you are finally conceding that you ARE the stupidest poster on this board?

Oldstyle, let me educate you (though I know that is unlikely). In the english language, if you start the sentence with a persons name, that means to all with a brain that you are talking to that person. Hope that helps. Further, since you keep calling me georgie, you are obviously incapable of knowing who you are posting to. Georgie does not exist here.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

Let's see. How would we prove that you are a lying asshole. How about that you make the same claim over and over. But continue to suggest that you have not been provided with the answer multiple times. Which, me boy, proves:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love playing games.
3. You are incapable of discussion.
5. You are butt stupid.
6. You are, as proved many times over, a LIAR.
7. You have NO INTEGRITY.

Other than those issues, you have no problems.

REALLY don't want to talk about economic you, Georgie! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Don't want to provide your response to what economic bill was proposed to help lower unemployment during the Great Republican Recession, do you, me boy. Really, you can stop lying any time. I am waiting and really anxious to give you the formula that you want so badly. You really do want that formula, eh, Oldstyle. You are not just playing games.
Oh. It's you. Of course you are just playing games.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

Congratulations. I am assuming, of course, that you are in the competition for the stupidest post this year contest. Made up only of conservative tools. Best of luck.

You replied to yourself, Georgie. Duh?
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

Let's see. How would we prove that you are a lying asshole. How about that you make the same claim over and over. But continue to suggest that you have not been provided with the answer multiple times. Which, me boy, proves:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love playing games.
3. You are incapable of discussion.
5. You are butt stupid.
6. You are, as proved many times over, a LIAR.
7. You have NO INTEGRITY.

Other than those issues, you have no problems.

REALLY don't want to talk about economic you, Georgie! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Don't want to provide your response to what economic bill was proposed to help lower unemployment during the Great Republican Recession, do you, me boy. Really, you can stop lying any time. I am waiting and really anxious to give you the formula that you want so badly. You really do want that formula, eh, Oldstyle. You are not just playing games.
Oh. It's you. Of course you are just playing games.

LOL...yeah, we can all tell that you're "anxious" to give me the formula, Georgie! You've been ducking doing that for weeks now!
Like I said before...when Faun and Georgie can't answer questions about their why a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford...or what was the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved"...their fall back strategy is accusing whoever asked those questions of being a liar of a con tool.

And, you lie again. If your fingers are typing, you are lying, eh, oldstyle.
No one called you a liar for asking a question. Ever. However, forgetting your requirement to provide an answer which was the condition for getting your answer, is lying. And saying you did not get an answer over and over when you provably did, is LYING. And playing your little games, is dishonest. All of this proves you have no integrity.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?

Let's see. How would we prove that you are a lying asshole. How about that you make the same claim over and over. But continue to suggest that you have not been provided with the answer multiple times. Which, me boy, proves:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love playing games.
3. You are incapable of discussion.
5. You are butt stupid.
6. You are, as proved many times over, a LIAR.
7. You have NO INTEGRITY.

Other than those issues, you have no problems.

REALLY don't want to talk about economic you, Georgie! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Don't want to provide your response to what economic bill was proposed to help lower unemployment during the Great Republican Recession, do you, me boy. Really, you can stop lying any time. I am waiting and really anxious to give you the formula that you want so badly. You really do want that formula, eh, Oldstyle. You are not just playing games.
Oh. It's you. Of course you are just playing games.

LOL...yeah, we can all tell that you're "anxious" to give me the formula, Georgie! You've been ducking doing that for weeks now!

So waiting for you to provide the answer to the required subject is ducking???? Hardly. Provide the answer, me boy. And stop playing games.
Like I said before...when Faun and Georgie can't answer questions about their why a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford...or what was the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved"...their fall back strategy is accusing whoever asked those questions of being a liar of a con tool.

And, you lie again. If your fingers are typing, you are lying, eh, oldstyle.
No one called you a liar for asking a question. Ever. However, forgetting your requirement to provide an answer which was the condition for getting your answer, is lying. And saying you did not get an answer over and over when you provably did, is LYING. And playing your little games, is dishonest. All of this proves you have no integrity.

You ALWAYS accuse anyone who asks you a question you have no answer to of being a liar or a con tool. It's what you do! It's who you ARE, Georgie! It's the classic response of a pathological liar.
When you're asked a question that you obviously don't have an answer to...and you respond by demanding that the other person answer a question of yours BEFORE you'll deign to answer their question...then YES you are ducking the question! You don't HAVE the economic formula that the Obama Administration used to determine jobs saved because you know it's a bullshit number!
Like I said before...when Faun and Georgie can't answer questions about their why a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford...or what was the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved"...their fall back strategy is accusing whoever asked those questions of being a liar of a con tool.

And, you lie again. If your fingers are typing, you are lying, eh, oldstyle.
No one called you a liar for asking a question. Ever. However, forgetting your requirement to provide an answer which was the condition for getting your answer, is lying. And saying you did not get an answer over and over when you provably did, is LYING. And playing your little games, is dishonest. All of this proves you have no integrity.

You ALWAYS accuse anyone who asks you a question you have no answer to of being a liar or a con tool. It's what you do! It's who you ARE, Georgie! It's the classic response of a pathological liar.

Actually, you should post all those responses where I have said you are a liar, because you asked a question. ONCE.. WHICH HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED. Dipshit.
What bothers you to no end is that you can not prove that I have EVER lied, because I NEVER LIE.
  • Covering Up
Though compulsive liars often take extreme care to keep others under the spell of their deception, once in awhile the web of lies unravels and the liar is seen as is without any of his dishonest walls. When this occurs, the liar works quickly and frantically to rebuild those walls, constructing more lies in order to rebuild himself into what he was previously seen as. This often involves elaborate stories of being falsely accused, constructing lie after lie with the intention of defending his or her supposed innocence. If this method, as well as any other attempt at lying, fails and the compulsive liar is forced to tell the truth, he or she will often become incredibly nervous and display a great deal of uncomfortable behavior.

Compulsive Lying Disorder: Description, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

The person who sought for GM and Chrysler to be bailed out and said Ford would be threatened if his competitors folded was .... the CEO of Ford.

Your credentials are?

Yet you can't explain WHY Ford would be threatened other than Ford's CEO said it would be a bad thing for the country? One doesn't need "credentials" to see that you're full of it, Faun!

Love how you're trying to spin your fail on Mulally's car industry expertise! Just can't admit you got exposed yet again...can you?
No, I didn't offer up any Mulally explanation for why his predicament would be bad for the "country" and that's not what you asked for. You asked for why it would be bad for "Ford." For that, I gave you his explanation.

Do you ever stop lying? Or are con tools not capable of honesty?

And I've neither failed on pointing out Mulally's "first hand knowledge" nor spun it. The problem lies with your reading comprehension struggles as you think having "first hand knowledge" means being involved for "years"; when in reality, it doesn't mean that at all. It simply means having hands on experience.

Again.... being the ignorant con tool you are, you blame me for your G-d given limitations.
And the win goes to oldstyle. Point set and match. Kudos to oldstyle for sticking to his guns.

If the failure or failure of one company was an inherent economic risk to all of that company's competitors. . . We would have no basis for or any need for laws against monopolies. Would we.

You're asking Faun to use common sense, Chuz...and both he and Georgie are incapable of that. Anyone with even an iota of common sense knows that losing your biggest competitors in any market is not a bad thing for a business.
Again, it's your word against the CEO of Ford over what was best for Ford.

You lose that debate every single time.
Like I said before...when Faun and Georgie can't answer questions about their why a GM bankruptcy would be bad for Ford...or what was the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved"...their fall back strategy is accusing whoever asked those questions of being a liar of a con tool.
Asked and answered. It's not my problem you choose to either ignore the explanation or not understand it.

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