US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

How many straight posts have you avoided telling us all what the economic formula was that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved"? Since you don't have the integrity to back up your get "Georgied"!

So stop your whining about how unfairly you're being treated and provide what you SHOULD have provided weeks ago...OR ADMIT THAT YOU NEVER COULD!!!

Twelve Straight times.
How many straight posts have you avoided telling us all what the economic formula was that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved"? Since you don't have the integrity to back up your get "Georgied"!

So stop your whining about how unfairly you're being treated and provide what you SHOULD have provided weeks ago...OR ADMIT THAT YOU NEVER COULD!!!

So, Oldstyle. You have said at least 50 times that I refused to provide you a formula I have promised. I say you are lying. I say that I gave you a condition, really simple, to get your formula (which you really could care less about). So, either I am lying, and I NEVER lie. Or you are lying. And the only way to tell is to go way back, to my original post, to prove I provided you a condition.
So, as they say in poker, read em and weep:

Post number 700, in this thread, May 5 of this year.
"I know, I know, me boy. You love being mad. It is part of your con persona. And all of the impartial experts, including the CBO, keep proving that the Obama Stimulus created and saved millions of jobs. And you want SO BADLY to believe they saved zero jobs. And you keep loosing the argument. But you keep trying, keep lying, because you are determined that people believe the con agenda. Sorry, me boy, you loose. Because you are wrong, by a mile.
There is absolutely no way in the world to accurately estimate how many jobs the Obama Stimulus "saved" which is EXACTLY why the Obama Administration used "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic. That is not true. The fact is, neither you or I have the resources to do so. And I know, oldstyle, that the bat shit crazy con web sites you peruse say no one can do so. But, you see, that is what they are in business to do. They have TEAMS of economists, and can indeed estimate jobs saved or created. And they do.
They didn't want to use a verifiable statistic like jobs created because quite frankly...they created very few jobs despite spending billions of dollars on stimulus. Anyone with half a brain knows that...what's amusing is watching people like you who STILL buy the line of bullshit that they were fed by this administration. Barry and his people think you're an idiot, Rshermr...and you prove them right every day that you post on this board!One last time, I will explain it to you. Though you do not want to believe it. Jobs created or saved are exactly the same thing when it comes to the number of people unemployed. You see, me boy, both reduce unemployment by the same amount. And, me lying con tool, you know that.
As for jobs saved being a new thing, it is not. It is not a term created by Obama, as you well know. It is a term used by economists. It is used only when jobs are being lost during a recession. For instance, in January of 2008, we lost over 500,000 jobs. Each of those jobs, all half a million of them, added the digit 1 to the unemployment numbers. If you know very, very basic math, you would understand if you add numbers, you get a higher sum. I hope this is not too difficult for you, Oldstyle. Now, lets move to something beyond your ability to understand. Logic. If losing a job increases unemployment (by 1) what would stopping the loss of a job do? Let's see, Oldstyle, if you are capable of working that out.
So, dipshit, explain why a saved job does not decrease unemployment.
Economists mostly estimated that the recession would increase unemployment greatly. They estimated that without stimulus, the recession would likely turn into a depression, loosing millions of jobs. Just exactly like in the great Republican Depression of 1929. Now, this is beyond you interest in understanding, and probably beyond your ability to understand, but if you stop a depression, you are indeed saving jobs. Because, me boy, you do not loose those jobs, as you would have if you did nothing
Jesus, I feel like I am talking to a first grader, oldstyle. No wonder you love con talking points so much.How do you measure jobs saved?You get a team of economists and task them with determining it. It is not really that difficult, if you have a brain. So, yeah, a big challenge for you. And how exactly would they accomplish that? How would your team of economists measure "jobs saved"? Give me a formula for how that's going to work, Rshermr!
As soon as you give me a name of a bill from the republican congress meant to support recovery from the Great Republican Recession of 2008."
Bold added by me. Post number 700, in this thread, May 5 of this year. Your post in blue, my response in black.

Now, a person with class, a person with integrity, would apologize for the twenty odd posts saying I refused to answer your question. Because, as the above proves I refused nothing. I simply set a simple condition, one which you had earlier said you could answer, and you failed. Because there were no republican bills ever to support recovery. Because they did not want to. Just more games, me boy. And another case of being caught lying.
"How do you measure jobs saved?You get a team of economists and task them with determining it. It is not really that difficult, if you have a brain. So, yeah, a big challenge for you."

When you insult someone by calling them too stupid to figure out how to measure jobs saved...don't you think you should know how to measure it yourself? Duh? You made that post to me and then when I called you on it...asking what formula the Obama "team of economists" didn't know what to do...did you?

So what you did, Georgie...was to set a "'condition" that you knew in advance you would never admit was met! Why would anyone do that? The answer quite obviously is that it got you out of having to provide the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved"! Why would anyone have to meet a "condition" to get a straight answer from you? I asked you to show us how "Jobs Saved" was figured and you suddenly realized that you couldn't because there was no such formula...because they basically invented the numbers that they thought sounded good...and after embarrassing yourself with that oh so pathetic, A-B=Jobs Saved attempt at saving face (did you really think anyone was going to let THAT slide?:cuckoo:) you were so painted into a corner that you took the incredibly pathetic step of pretending to put me on ignore!
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So go peddle that nonsense about "integrity" somewhere else because you look idiotic trying to sell it here.
"How do you measure jobs saved?You get a team of economists and task them with determining it. It is not really that difficult, if you have a brain. So, yeah, a big challenge for you."
So, what, me boy. Are you trying to say you do not typically use personal attacks??? And only poor little you get attacked, by the mean rational minded person?
So, I wondered what you would come up with to try to dismiss your lies. You know, the lies you have been caught in AGAIN.

When you insult someone by calling them too stupid to figure out how to measure jobs saved...don't you think you should know how to measure it yourself? Duh? You made that post to me and then when I called you on it...asking what formula the Obama "team of economists" didn't know what to do...did you?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. It was a simple thing. You had stated that conservatives had policies to cut the unemployent rate faster than it was dropping without their help. I simply asked you what bills they were proposing, which would be a simple thing for you IF they had done what you said they had. As I thought, you had no response. Because there was no effort by republicans. Which made it impossible to name the bill they brought forward to help bring the ue rate down.

So what you did, Georgie...was to set a "'condition" that you knew in advance you would never admit was met! No, I set a condition that you attempted to meet, but could not. Because you lied. Republicans in fact had never brought forward any attempt to cut unemployment.

Why would anyone do that? The answer quite obviously is that it got you out of having to provide the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved" ! Why would anyone have to meet a "condition" to get a straight answer from you?
And here I thought that you were a capitalist. You were bombarding me with the same question over and over and over and over. And you wanted a formula. So, in capitalist parlance, you were a willing buyer. And in capitalist parlance, I was a willing seller. And I set the price. Which (now pay attention) just as with all buyers in a capitalist market, gave you the option to buy or to refuse. You had a perfect option to opt out. As all buyers do.
Instead, you decided that I was obliged to give you what you want. Not a capitalistic option, my boy. I have no obligation toward you or anyone, except to set a price. Which I did. And the demand for my product is low, and very elastic.

I asked you to show us how "Jobs Saved" was figured and you suddenly realized that you couldn't because there was no such formula...because they basically invented the numbers that they thought sounded good...and after embarrassing yourself with that oh so pathetic, A-B=Jobs Saved attempt at saving face (did you really think anyone was going to let THAT slide?:cuckoo:) you were so painted into a corner that you took the incredibly pathetic step of pretending to put me on ignore!
So, lets put a little light on your list of charges, shall we OS. First, you will now never know if there is a formula or not. You have accused me over and over and over and over of not providing you what you wanted (a formula, for christ sakes) and being untruthful in not providing you what you said I had promised. You did so not once, but time after time after time for a couple months. Each time you were lying. You did not admit that I had set a condition, or a price,if you prefer. And that you had decided you would not and could not meet the condition, or pay the price. So you lied every single time. You wasted everyone's time with childish graphics and tantrums which were, in my humble but correct opinion, simply an attempt to waste everyone's time.
Then, you have the unmitigated gall to blame ME for your actions.

You are caught lying again, me boy.
So go peddle that nonsense about "integrity" somewhere else because you look idiotic trying to sell it here.

Peddling??? Is that what you think, OS. Obviously, and not surprisingly, you do not know what integrity is. Because no one can sell integrity. It is FREE, to those caring to have it. That you do not is both unsurprising and sad. But, if you could sell integrity, one would sell it to someone who knows what it is. Which is NOT YOU.

But what is really sad, me boy, is you, caught lying again as you are, trying to suggest not "peddling" integrity. You see, if you are a liar, you can not have integrity. At any price.
"How do you measure jobs saved?You get a team of economists and task them with determining it. It is not really that difficult, if you have a brain. So, yeah, a big challenge for you."
So, what, me boy. Are you trying to say you do not typically use personal attacks??? And only poor little you get attacked, by the mean rational minded person?
So, I wondered what you would come up with to try to dismiss your lies. You know, the lies you have been caught in AGAIN.

When you insult someone by calling them too stupid to figure out how to measure jobs saved...don't you think you should know how to measure it yourself? Duh? You made that post to me and then when I called you on it...asking what formula the Obama "team of economists" didn't know what to do...did you?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. It was a simple thing. You had stated that conservatives had policies to cut the unemployent rate faster than it was dropping without their help. I simply asked you what bills they were proposing, which would be a simple thing for you IF they had done what you said they had. As I thought, you had no response. Because there was no effort by republicans. Which made it impossible to name the bill they brought forward to help bring the ue rate down.

So what you did, Georgie...was to set a "'condition" that you knew in advance you would never admit was met! No, I set a condition that you attempted to meet, but could not. Because you lied. Republicans in fact had never brought forward any attempt to cut unemployment.

Why would anyone do that? The answer quite obviously is that it got you out of having to provide the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved" ! Why would anyone have to meet a "condition" to get a straight answer from you?
And here I thought that you were a capitalist. You were bombarding me with the same question over and over and over and over. And you wanted a formula. So, in capitalist parlance, you were a willing buyer. And in capitalist parlance, I was a willing seller. And I set the price. Which (now pay attention) just as with all buyers in a capitalist market, gave you the option to buy or to refuse. You had a perfect option to opt out. As all buyers do.
Instead, you decided that I was obliged to give you what you want. Not a capitalistic option, my boy. I have no obligation toward you or anyone, except to set a price. Which I did. And the demand for my product is low, and very elastic.

I asked you to show us how "Jobs Saved" was figured and you suddenly realized that you couldn't because there was no such formula...because they basically invented the numbers that they thought sounded good...and after embarrassing yourself with that oh so pathetic, A-B=Jobs Saved attempt at saving face (did you really think anyone was going to let THAT slide?:cuckoo:) you were so painted into a corner that you took the incredibly pathetic step of pretending to put me on ignore!
So, lets put a little light on your list of charges, shall we OS. First, you will now never know if there is a formula or not. You have accused me over and over and over and over of not providing you what you wanted (a formula, for christ sakes) and being untruthful in not providing you what you said I had promised. You did so not once, but time after time after time for a couple months. Each time you were lying. You did not admit that I had set a condition, or a price,if you prefer. And that you had decided you would not and could not meet the condition, or pay the price. So you lied every single time. You wasted everyone's time with childish graphics and tantrums which were, in my humble but correct opinion, simply an attempt to waste everyone's time.
Then, you have the unmitigated gall to blame ME for your actions.

You are caught lying again, me boy.

You are SO full of it! Seriously...we both know that you will NEVER come up with the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" because it was always a bullshit statistic and a workable formula doesn't exist. It's why you tried that ridiculous "A-B=Jobs Saved" thing! Then you demanded a "condition" that you know will never be met so you have an excuse not to provide what you seemed to think was so elementary.

What's really illustrative of your lack of integrity is your little sham of pretending to put me on ignore...those little games are why you've earned your nickname George Costanza Lord of the Idiots!
Nobody can FORCE anyone to back up their's something that's usually done willingly by anyone who wants to be taken seriously here!

"And here I thought that you were a capitalist. You were bombarding me with the same question over and over and over and over. And you wanted a formula. So, in capitalist parlance, you were a willing buyer. And in capitalist parlance, I was a willing seller. And I set the price. Which (now pay attention) just as with all buyers in a capitalist market, gave you the option to buy or to refuse. You had a perfect option to opt out. As all buyers do.
Instead, you decided that I was obliged to give you what you want. Not a capitalistic option, my boy. I have no obligation toward you or anyone, except to set a price. Which I did. And the demand for my product is low, and very elastic."

Read that, Rshermr. Read it a couple times! It's total gibberish. Willing buyer? Willing Seller? What the fuck are you babbling about? You declared "Jobs Saved" to be a viable statistic. I simply asked what economic formula would one use to arrive at a "Jobs Saved" number and you suddenly realized that YOU HAD NO CLUE HOW THAT WOULD BE DONE!!!
"How do you measure jobs saved?You get a team of economists and task them with determining it. It is not really that difficult, if you have a brain. So, yeah, a big challenge for you."
So, what, me boy. Are you trying to say you do not typically use personal attacks??? And only poor little you get attacked, by the mean rational minded person?
So, I wondered what you would come up with to try to dismiss your lies. You know, the lies you have been caught in AGAIN.

When you insult someone by calling them too stupid to figure out how to measure jobs saved...don't you think you should know how to measure it yourself? Duh? You made that post to me and then when I called you on it...asking what formula the Obama "team of economists" didn't know what to do...did you?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. It was a simple thing. You had stated that conservatives had policies to cut the unemployent rate faster than it was dropping without their help. I simply asked you what bills they were proposing, which would be a simple thing for you IF they had done what you said they had. As I thought, you had no response. Because there was no effort by republicans. Which made it impossible to name the bill they brought forward to help bring the ue rate down.

So what you did, Georgie...was to set a "'condition" that you knew in advance you would never admit was met! No, I set a condition that you attempted to meet, but could not. Because you lied. Republicans in fact had never brought forward any attempt to cut unemployment.

Why would anyone do that? The answer quite obviously is that it got you out of having to provide the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved" ! Why would anyone have to meet a "condition" to get a straight answer from you?
And here I thought that you were a capitalist. You were bombarding me with the same question over and over and over and over. And you wanted a formula. So, in capitalist parlance, you were a willing buyer. And in capitalist parlance, I was a willing seller. And I set the price. Which (now pay attention) just as with all buyers in a capitalist market, gave you the option to buy or to refuse. You had a perfect option to opt out. As all buyers do.
Instead, you decided that I was obliged to give you what you want. Not a capitalistic option, my boy. I have no obligation toward you or anyone, except to set a price. Which I did. And the demand for my product is low, and very elastic.

I asked you to show us how "Jobs Saved" was figured and you suddenly realized that you couldn't because there was no such formula...because they basically invented the numbers that they thought sounded good...and after embarrassing yourself with that oh so pathetic, A-B=Jobs Saved attempt at saving face (did you really think anyone was going to let THAT slide?:cuckoo:) you were so painted into a corner that you took the incredibly pathetic step of pretending to put me on ignore!
So, lets put a little light on your list of charges, shall we OS. First, you will now never know if there is a formula or not. You have accused me over and over and over and over of not providing you what you wanted (a formula, for christ sakes) and being untruthful in not providing you what you said I had promised. You did so not once, but time after time after time for a couple months. Each time you were lying. You did not admit that I had set a condition, or a price,if you prefer. And that you had decided you would not and could not meet the condition, or pay the price. So you lied every single time. You wasted everyone's time with childish graphics and tantrums which were, in my humble but correct opinion, simply an attempt to waste everyone's time.
Then, you have the unmitigated gall to blame ME for your actions.

You are caught lying again, me boy.

You are SO full of it! Seriously...we both know that you will NEVER come up with the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" because it was always a bullshit statistic and a workable formula doesn't exist. It's why you tried that ridiculous "A-B=Jobs Saved" thing! Then you demanded a "condition" that you know will never be met so you have an excuse not to provide what you seemed to think was so elementary.

What's really illustrative of your lack of integrity is your little sham of pretending to put me on ignore...those little games are why you've earned your nickname George Costanza Lord of the Idiots!

Fifteen Posts with nothing to say. Just attacking.
So, this is Oldstyle. Typical. Caught lying red handed. No question about it. Has said over and over and over that I simply would not give him the formula he wanted, and that I had promised him without condition. So, when I bring back my post, and show it to him in full, and it plainly states that he would get the formula ONLY when he provides the information on the bill that republicans sent forward to combat unemployment, he changes the subject and continues to attack. You FAILED to provide the bill. Failed, oldstyle, as you knew you would. You then simply went on the attack trying to ignore being caught lying AGAIN.
Nobody can FORCE anyone to back up their's something that's usually done willingly by anyone who wants to be taken seriously here!

"And here I thought that you were a capitalist. You were bombarding me with the same question over and over and over and over. And you wanted a formula. So, in capitalist parlance, you were a willing buyer. And in capitalist parlance, I was a willing seller. And I set the price. Which (now pay attention) just as with all buyers in a capitalist market, gave you the option to buy or to refuse. You had a perfect option to opt out. As all buyers do.
Instead, you decided that I was obliged to give you what you want. Not a capitalistic option, my boy. I have no obligation toward you or anyone, except to set a price. Which I did. And the demand for my product is low, and very elastic."

Read that, Rshermr. Read it a couple times! It's total gibberish. Willing buyer? Willing Seller? What the fuck are you babbling about? You declared "Jobs Saved" to be a viable statistic. I simply asked what economic formula would one use to arrive at a "Jobs Saved" number and you suddenly realized that YOU HAD NO CLUE HOW THAT WOULD BE DONE!!!
Yes you did, me boy. And I simply answered that I would provide the formula if you would provide the bill republicans brought forward to combat unemployment. Which you agreed to. Then failed to do.
So, what do we know: 1. That you lied at least a dozen times when you said that I promised to supply a formula to you with no conditions. 2. That the condition that you provide the republican bill was part of the deal. 3. That though we had lost jobs at a rate of over 500,000 PER MONTH and that the government numbers showed that the losses stopped, and that the number of jobs saved were reported, you chose not to believe them. 4. You are not an economist or expert, but simply a conservative, you suggest we should believe you. 5. That you say that democrats did not save jobs. 6. That republicans did absolutely nothing to reduce the unemployment rate. 6. That millions of middle class americans suffered being unable to provide for their families due to lack of work. 7. that republican congressmen blocked every single attempt to stimulate the economy but doing NOTHING to DECREASE UNEMPLOYMENT. 8. THAT OLDSTYLE IS ONLY INTERESTED IN PROVING THAT NO JOBS WERE SAVED, WHEN ALL THE EXPERTS SAY HE IS WRONG, AND ALL LOGIC SAY HE IS WRONG, BECAUSE HE IS A CONSERVATIVE TOOL.
Then you whine about me "killing" this string? You killed it with your mind numbing "me boy" and "con tool" rants when you were asked one simple question!
I ONLY responded to your endless mindless meaningless posts and personal attacks. And yes, as a con tool, you always try to kill threads that show you to be incapable and wrong. Always. By posting post after post after post all with no economic argument of any kind. As you are doing today. Trying to cover your ass.
You made the point that "Jobs Saved" was a viable statistic...all I did was ask you to provide the formula that the Obama Administration's economists used to obtain that statistic...something that one would ASSUME you would gladly provide to prove your point. You didn't do that though...did you? You gave me "conditions" (Who demands conditions be met before they will provide proof of what THEY claimed?) then you gave me a laughably pathetic made up formula (A-B=Jobs Saved?) and then you pretended to put me on ignore for weeks. Why do all that? Because once again, painted yourself into a corner pretending to know something about economics when in fact you probably know less about the subject than practically anyone who posts on this board!

So keep on whining about "personal attacks", Rshermr...which is rather ironic since that's pretty much all you do!
You made the point that "Jobs Saved" was a viable statistic...all I did was ask you to provide the formula that the Obama Administration's economists used to obtain that statistic...something that one would ASSUME you would gladly provide to prove your point.
Yes you did, me boy. And I simply answered that I would provide the formula if you would provide the bill republicans brought forward to combat unemployment. Which you agreed to. Then failed to do.

Why do all that? Because once again, painted yourself into a corner pretending to know something about economics when in fact you probably know less about the subject than practically anyone who posts on this board!
That would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion. But, my opinion is that you know nothing of economics, because you never post about the subject.

Did you know, Oldstyle, that the ue rate is down to 5% under the current president's economic team policies? Does that make you really unhappy? What would you suggest to see it get smaller, and to see the jobs pay better? Any economic thoughts??

All I do, OS, is keep responding to your lies. Which you push time after time after time. So, simple. Provide the bill, me lying tool. And quite with the games. Responding to your lies, and proving that they are lies, is not whining. It is simple self defense. Try and see if you can stop lying. Tell the full truth, instead of half truths. Quit being a lowly con tool.
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You made the point that "Jobs Saved" was a viable statistic...all I did was ask you to provide the formula that the Obama Administration's economists used to obtain that statistic...something that one would ASSUME you would gladly provide to prove your point.
Yes you did, me boy. And I simply answered that I would provide the formula if you would provide the bill republicans brought forward to combat unemployment. Which you agreed to. Then failed to do.

Why do all that? Because once again, painted yourself into a corner pretending to know something about economics when in fact you probably know less about the subject than practically anyone who posts on this board!
That would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion. But, my opinion is that you know nothing of economics, because you never post about the subject.

Did you know, Oldstyle, that the ue rate is down to 5% under the current president's economic team policies? Does that make you really unhappy? What would you suggest to see it get smaller, and to see the jobs pay better? Any economic thoughts??

All I do, OS, is keep responding to your lies. Which you push time after time after time. So, simple. Provide the bill, me lying tool. And quite with the games. Responding to your lies, and proving that they are lies, is not whining. It is simple self defense. Try and see if you can stop lying. Tell the full truth, instead of half truths. Quit being a lowly con tool.

So your "answer" to a question was to ask another question? How did that work for you in school, Georgie? What's 2+2? Before I answer that'll have to tell me what my favorite color is? I'm sure your teachers didn't have a problem with that...

Your response to a simple question shows who and what you are in a nutshell, Rshermr! Instead of simply admitting that you CAN'T provide the formula that the Obama economic team used to determine "Jobs Saved" because it doesn't really had to go through all THIS bullshit!
Here's some advice for you. If you follow it you might actually have a rating here that isn't microscopic! First of all...don't pretend to be something you're obviously NOT. Secondly...if you don't know the answer to something...admit it and move on! Finally...stop whining about "personal attacks" unless you're ready to stop your own!
You made the point that "Jobs Saved" was a viable statistic...all I did was ask you to provide the formula that the Obama Administration's economists used to obtain that statistic...something that one would ASSUME you would gladly provide to prove your point.
Yes you did, me boy. And I simply answered that I would provide the formula if you would provide the bill republicans brought forward to combat unemployment. Which you agreed to. Then failed to do.

Why do all that? Because once again, painted yourself into a corner pretending to know something about economics when in fact you probably know less about the subject than practically anyone who posts on this board!
That would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion. But, my opinion is that you know nothing of economics, because you never post about the subject.

Did you know, Oldstyle, that the ue rate is down to 5% under the current president's economic team policies? Does that make you really unhappy? What would you suggest to see it get smaller, and to see the jobs pay better? Any economic thoughts??

All I do, OS, is keep responding to your lies. Which you push time after time after time. So, simple. Provide the bill, me lying tool. And quite with the games. Responding to your lies, and proving that they are lies, is not whining. It is simple self defense. Try and see if you can stop lying. Tell the full truth, instead of half truths. Quit being a lowly con tool.

So your "answer" to a question was to ask another question? How did that work for you in school, Georgie? What's 2+2? Before I answer that'll have to tell me what my favorite color is? I'm sure your teachers didn't have a problem with that...

Your response to a simple question shows who and what you are in a nutshell, Rshermr! Instead of simply admitting that you CAN'T provide the formula that the Obama economic team used to determine "Jobs Saved" because it doesn't really had to go through all THIS bullshit!

It was simple, me boy. Willing seller, unwilling buyer. You got what you paid for. And here I thought you were a capitalist.
Here's some advice for you. If you follow it you might actually have a rating here that isn't microscopic! First of all...don't pretend to be something you're obviously NOT. Secondly...if you don't know the answer to something...admit it and move on! Finally...stop whining about "personal attacks" unless you're ready to stop your own!
I will keep your opinions where I generally do. But please, understand, I did not ask for your opinion. At all. So, in this case, you were the willing seller. And I, the buyer, have zero interest.

So, you were caught lying. Again. And I know that makes you nuts. But I can not help you. Best of luck.

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