Us Liberals Are Happy

Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.
If liberals really were truly happy, they wouldn't be desperate enough to make threads to assure the public of almost seems like you guys are trying to convince yourselves.
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED. On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet.

If you're really so dense you need this spelled out, "binary thinker" refers to your hopelessly childish idea that everybody neatly fits into either a "Democrat" or "Republican" box. That's so cute. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
If liberals really were truly happy, they wouldn't be desperate enough to make threads to assure the public of almost seems like you guys are trying to convince yourselves.
Seriously if trump was running as a democrat against Cruz or jeb don't you think I'd be on here defending and supporting trump?

It is you Republicans who can't believe you're supporting trump.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.
Be careful what you wish for.
I guarantee one thing If Trump wins, sometime during his administration, you WILL get your feelings hurt.
I'm starting to imagine what it might be like with a trump presidency, God forbid. First I'm certain high voter turnout, even if good for trump is not going to be good for Republicans. So I expect Democrats to control the Senate and I think a dem Senate, Paul Ryan house and trump white house might work.

But hillary has this. Mark my words. Don't believe the polls. I can show you polls showing Romney was going to win too. The corporate media is trying to make it seem close. That sells.
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.
Trump just won me over. He said everything I've been saying all these years about our free trade. He can't be that big of a liar to say exactly what I've been saying about rewarding companies for moving jobs overseas. So while I agree with trump I want to hear what the Republicans have to say to trump. Because trumps saying is what I've been saying and Republicans never agree with me.

Let's be honest Republicans invented NAFTA. Clinton signed it. And bush made changes that lifted protections for American workers. And Mitch and Paul blocked unlifting. It's that simple.

BTW trumps speech right now is great. What a talker. Hillary's got her hands full.
And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.


"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.
Trump just won me over. He said everything I've been saying all these years about our free trade. He can't be that big of a liar to say exactly what I've been saying about rewarding companies for moving jobs overseas. So while I agree with trump I want to hear what the Republicans have to say to trump. Because trumps saying is what I've been saying and Republicans never agree with me.

Let's be honest Republicans invented NAFTA. Clinton signed it. And bush made changes that lifted protections for American workers. And Mitch and Paul blocked unlifting. It's that simple.

BTW trumps speech right now is great. What a talker. Hillary's got her hands full.

It is hard for partisan ideologues to admit that a policy based on their ideology and back by their party has failed.

IF we lived in a world where policy was decided based on the Contest of Ideas and serious and honest debate, then sometime in the 90s we should have started a discussion on WHY "Free Trade" was not giving US the results we expected.

But we don't and we didn't, so now we are past that time.

Now we need to shit can that policy immediately.

As to what Republicans are saying to Trump? Depends on the Republicans.

I and quite a number of republican party members are saying, GO TRUMP.

A goodly portion of Free Traders and Partisans are holding to the Free Trade Ideology, regardless of contrary results and evidence.

The Leadership is threatening to take their ball and go home, since the Party's voters has not obeyed them and supported one of the candidates they liked.

Hopefully their cowardice will over come their selfishness and they will conform to be on the winning team (and thus support the repeal of the polices we both dislike)
"Love Trump's Hate".

That's HIllary's latest campaign slogan.

Nothing but trying to terrorize minorities into thinking that Trump and the Republicans are out to get them, so they HAVE TO vote for the dems to protect them.

You don't get 95% bloc support from people thinking like individuals.

And the dems CAN'T win without that.

That is what your party is based on.

I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.
Be careful what you wish for.
I guarantee one thing If Trump wins, sometime during his administration, you WILL get your feelings hurt.
I would during a Cruz kasich or rubio administration, right? That'd be a rubber stamp for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

And I know I wouldn't like their supreme Court nominee
Why not? Does the prospect of a SCOTUS that has a literal view of the US Constitution frighten you that much?
Paul Ryan? He is almost as much a sell out as Mitch McConnell.....
I don't have a "party", Stupid. That was made abundantly clear in my comment. It was indeed the whole POINT.

Binary thinkers. Bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Id be a lot more comfortable with Republicans in the white house if the Senate control goes back to the Democrats, which it should.

Hillary will win. Remember that
This election is between Trump and Hillary. It is a binary choice.

No amount of independent thinking on your part will change that fact.

See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Id be a lot more comfortable with Republicans in the white house if the Senate control goes back to the Democrats, which it should.

Hillary will win. Remember that
Umm. The Senate is not going over to the Dems. There are not that many seats to up for grabs, And those that are, will not result in pick ups for the Left.
They already know this.
And your over confidence on a Clinton win will be your undoing.
See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Id be a lot more comfortable with Republicans in the white house if the Senate control goes back to the Democrats, which it should.

Hillary will win. Remember that
Umm. The Senate is not going over to the Dems. There are not that many seats to up for grabs, And those that are, will not result in pick ups for the Left.
They already know this.
And your over confidence on a Clinton win will be your undoing.

2016 Senate Election Interactive Map
The current U.S. Senate has 54 Republicans and 45 Democrats (including one independent). The 2016 Senate election takes place on November 8, 2016. There are 34 seats up in 2016, of which 24 are held by Republicans. Democrats will need to gain 4 or 5 seats to take control.
See what I mean? QED.
On this planet, there haven't even been candidates nominated yet. But you go on living in your comic book, the Adventures of Binaryman.


It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Id be a lot more comfortable with Republicans in the white house if the Senate control goes back to the Democrats, which it should.

Hillary will win. Remember that
Umm. The Senate is not going over to the Dems. There are not that many seats to up for grabs, And those that are, will not result in pick ups for the Left.
They already know this.
And your over confidence on a Clinton win will be your undoing.
Yes there are enough seats available to give us back the Senate and high voter turnout will be your undoing. They can take national polls all they want. They don't tell how many people are going to show up to vote.

And how is being confident going to be my undoing? How would being cautiously nervous going to help?

And being cocky seems to work for trump. Why don't you mind? "We're going to win so much you'll get sick of winning"

It will be Trump vs Hillary.

You are the one out of touch with reality if you think otherwise at this point in time.
There are others, suchas Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Remember, your choice can't win if you don't vote for it!!

Neither of them will win.

It will be Trump or Hillary.
Id be a lot more comfortable with Republicans in the white house if the Senate control goes back to the Democrats, which it should.

Hillary will win. Remember that
Umm. The Senate is not going over to the Dems. There are not that many seats to up for grabs, And those that are, will not result in pick ups for the Left.
They already know this.
And your over confidence on a Clinton win will be your undoing.
Yes there are enough seats available to give us back the Senate and high voter turnout will be your undoing. They can take national polls all they want. They don't tell how many people are going to show up to vote.

And how is being confident going to be my undoing? How would being cautiously nervous going to help?

And being cocky seems to work for trump. Why don't you mind? "We're going to win so much you'll get sick of winning"
No. There aren't. However, you are entitled to your own reality. Just don't expect others to live in it.
For example. It was thought Burr( R-NC) would be in for a major challenge. Turns out that race is getting zero attention.

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