US life expectancy drops in US in 2020. Um... MAGA?

Yes, in Trump's never-ending quest to "Make America Die Again", we find out that in 2020, the US Average life expectancy dropped the most since WWII.

Beyond the more than 600,000 deaths in the U.S. directly from the coronavirus, other factors play into the decreased longevity, including "disruptions in health care, disruptions in chronic disease management, and behavioral health crisis, where people struggling with addiction disorders or depression might not have gotten the help that they needed," Woolf said.

The lack of access to care and other pandemic-related disruptions hit some Americans much harder than others. And it's been well documented that the death rate for Black Americans was twice as high compared with white Americans.

you really are a delusional the CDC says, 60,000 lost lives directly from the chinese flu...and i'm sure it's all TRUMPs fault for changing science...once again, you are a moron
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm
China wasn't in charge of the US last year.

Trump was.

So let's review Trump's record.

Life expectancy dropped the most since WWII.
600,000 dead
65 million jobs lost
200,000 businesses lost
Drop in GDP
Riots in the streets
Mobs taking over the US Capitol

If you popped out of a blue box or a Delorean in 2016 and told me you were from the future and that this is what 2020 would look like, I'd have looked at you sideways.

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Id' have been like, "Look we know that Trump is going to suck, but this is a bit much, don't you think?"

What's even crazier. Almost half of you were willing to vote for more of that.
riots that your masters organized, and paid for....60,00 US deaths at most from the chinese flu, the cook out at the capitol was brought to you by the scum demonRATS-to get rid of a non-politician, that exposed the crooks of the demonRAT party---4 years of anxiety on the scum demonRATS worrying about their money wagons disappearing
you are still a brain dead scum demonRAT
Yes, in Trump's never-ending quest to "Make America Die Again", we find out that in 2020, the US Average life expectancy dropped the most since WWII.

Beyond the more than 600,000 deaths in the U.S. directly from the coronavirus, other factors play into the decreased longevity, including "disruptions in health care, disruptions in chronic disease management, and behavioral health crisis, where people struggling with addiction disorders or depression might not have gotten the help that they needed," Woolf said.

The lack of access to care and other pandemic-related disruptions hit some Americans much harder than others. And it's been well documented that the death rate for Black Americans was twice as high compared with white Americans.

Hmmmm I would say Killer Cuomo would get a great deal of credit with all of his Covid kills no???
Yes, in Trump's never-ending quest to "Make America Die Again", we find out that in 2020, the US Average life expectancy dropped the most since WWII.

Beyond the more than 600,000 deaths in the U.S. directly from the coronavirus, other factors play into the decreased longevity, including "disruptions in health care, disruptions in chronic disease management, and behavioral health crisis, where people struggling with addiction disorders or depression might not have gotten the help that they needed," Woolf said.

The lack of access to care and other pandemic-related disruptions hit some Americans much harder than others. And it's been well documented that the death rate for Black Americans was twice as high compared with white Americans.

What ever happened to reducing partisan venom?
No need to answer we know you're full of shit.
Once again, you're just spreading CCP misinformation. President Trump was not responsible for the virus, China was.

Thank you for playing.
Trump was responsible for our response. While other countries handled it quite well, Trump's ineptitude resulted in the US having the most cases and the most deaths.

Thanks for playing.

You are confused Moon Bat

It was the Democrats that encouraged the riots. Hell the Democrat sonofabitches even bailed the rioters out of jail. Six months of destruction of over 200 American cities.

The riots needed no "encouragement". That's what happens when people get fed up. Leadership would have calmed people down, but Trump just made things worse with his "Back the Blue" bullshit.

It was Biden's Chicom buddies that caused the Pandemic that caused the deaths and the business closures in addition to giving the Democrats the opportunity to steal an election. The same Chicom buddies that made the Biden family filthy rich.

Did the Chinese make Trump fumble the response, call it a hoax, hold mass spreader events, etc. ,etc.

Every other country treated this seriously. Trump didn't
The 600,000 death claim is a flat-out lie.

And all the rest, your side totally owns.

It was not Trump who exploited the #CoronaHoax2020 to maliciously and deliberately sabotage the ecopn0omy. It was Democraps who did that.

And this is why so many people died... idiots like you who call it a hoax.

The main reason why Trump failed as a president and will remain at the bottom of presidential rankings is that his narcissism made it impossible for him to understand how people were suffering. It was all a hoax to make him look bad.

Unfortunately, he had 74 million enablers.

And it sure as Hell wasn't Trump supporters, who have been rioting and looting and destroying. That was your side doing that, with you openly defending and supporting them.

Guy, I know this is hard for you to grasp, but when you kick a dog enough times, it will eventually turn on you and bite you.

I was the one who has been saying for years we need serious police reform. Nobody listened. Now, yeah, three months of people being locked in their homes probably really did amp up the tension levels. But what you saw was people who had been kicked too many times.
All these Illegals flooding into the country with terrible health conditions is what brings down the life expectancy average.

In additon to those dipshits Joe Dufus wants to bring in a quarter of a million goddamn Muslim refugees every year. What do you think that will do to the life expectancy average?
Yep blame it on the refugees... Fucking hell, Hitler blames it on the Jews...

You know your comment is taken out of a dictators handbook... Have a problem, find a minority and blame them...

Hey, Trump was in charge and he fucked up... Live with it...
Hmmmm I would say Killer Cuomo would get a great deal of credit with all of his Covid kills no???

NO, I wouldn't say that. Even with corrected reporting, the Nursing Home Death Rate wasn't any higher than any other state in NY.

Of course, those people are going to be the most vulnerable. But if their families cared about them, they wouldn't be in nursing homes to start with.
Trump was responsible for our response. While other countries handled it quite well, Trump's ineptitude resulted in the US having the most cases and the most deaths.

Thanks for playing.

The riots needed no "encouragement". That's what happens when people get fed up. Leadership would have calmed people down, but Trump just made things worse with his "Back the Blue" bullshit.

Did the Chinese make Trump fumble the response, call it a hoax, hold mass spreader events, etc. ,etc.

Every other country treated this seriously. Trump didn't

So other countries "handled it quite well" by supplying us with ventilators and coming up with three vaccines?

Yes, in Trump's never-ending quest to "Make America Die Again", we find out that in 2020, the US Average life expectancy dropped the most since WWII.

Beyond the more than 600,000 deaths in the U.S. directly from the coronavirus, other factors play into the decreased longevity, including "disruptions in health care, disruptions in chronic disease management, and behavioral health crisis, where people struggling with addiction disorders or depression might not have gotten the help that they needed," Woolf said.

The lack of access to care and other pandemic-related disruptions hit some Americans much harder than others. And it's been well documented that the death rate for Black Americans was twice as high compared with white Americans.

Blaming Trump for this is dumb partisan bs.

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