US Military can’t meet its recruitment goals, 40% of target for the year.

What they WILL do is allow the “Religious” to refuse to provide services to gay couples. In some communities, they will refuse reception halls, hotel rooms, cakes, limos, photography
That seems like a fair non violent compromise
Some Republicans still want to repeal gay marriage
I think most have moved on

I don’t even think the TRUMPCourt wants to repeal it….Yet

What they WILL do is allow the “Religious” to refuse to provide services to gay couples. In some communities, they will refuse reception halls, hotel rooms, cakes, limos, photography
Well, inside of their churches I support that. And I am highly suspect of any gay couple choosing to go to a church they know is against gay marriage and demanding service. Obviously their reasons are malignant.
Most people, both sides, do not support businesses to be able to refuse service based on any number of human differences. BUT - RW - the left does it to. Plenty of videos of restaurants and their employees denying service to police officers, military personnel etc. - no less wrong.
Same thing goes for refusing to do business with companies that are not minority/women owned. That is EQUALLY prejudiced. and not one iota less wrong than refusing to bake a wedding cake. Indeed, it is MORE harmful.
As a white male operating a business, I can specifically state numerous times our services and products have been denied because the owner is a white male. Prejudice is prejudice. Even when you don't like it. Especially when you don't like it.
When asked what military lessons could be taken from the war so far, the former US Marine said: “One is don’t have incompetent generals in charge of your operations.”

He also called Russia's military performance "pathetic" and decried "the immoral, the tactically incompetent, operationally stupid and strategically foolish effort" of its campaign in Ukraine.

Young boys having "jerk buddies" etc. in their early puberty years does not make them gay or bisexual.
That is normal behavior with hormone packed boys who are struggling to deal or control powerful urges so new to them.
In no way would they have identified as gay or bisexual.

Um, okay, if they have a jerk buddy, that's kind of gay, right?

Today kids are plastered with LGQBT agenda. They see it everywhere. All over the entertainment business, all over politics... movies... TV shows... FFS I would wager damn near 30% of new shows by Paramount are LGBQT shows.

Not sure what paramount has to do with it, exactly.

If you aren't into that kind of thing, no one can make you gay. If you are into that kind of thing, it's nice that people will accept you for who you are.

In this culture, being gay/trans/bi means you are enlightened. You are special.
To deny that the LGBQT agenda is not effecting anything is nuts.

The only effect is that people are realizing it's unfashionable to be a bigot now.

If you don't believe me, I'd suggest you go into your job tomorrow and start spewing some of the anti-gay rhetoric you spew here.

Well, inside of their churches I support that. And I am highly suspect of any gay couple choosing to go to a church they know is against gay marriage and demanding service. Obviously their reasons are malignant.
Most people, both sides, do not support businesses to be able to refuse service based on any number of human differences. BUT - RW - the left does it to. Plenty of videos of restaurants and their employees denying service to police officers, military personnel etc. - no less wrong.

OR they are challenging the policies of their churches.

In 50 years, ALL the churches will accept gay people and try to pretend they weren't the major instigators of homophobia. Just like they try to distance themselves from their role in racism.

Same thing goes for refusing to do business with companies that are not minority/women owned. That is EQUALLY prejudiced. and not one iota less wrong than refusing to bake a wedding cake. Indeed, it is MORE harmful.

Other than the government, I don't know of anyone who makes a business decision on whether or not a business is minority or women owned.

As a white male operating a business, I can specifically state numerous times our services and products have been denied because the owner is a white male. Prejudice is prejudice. Even when you don't like it. Especially when you don't like it.
Or maybe they just think you are jerks.
You bet. 16 years ago.
You can see in this video - this is the REAL Joe Biden.
He makes this statement with undeniable conviction. You can see he is visibly upset that there are those in the Senate that have the audacity to even bring up gay marriage.
That is his actual opinion.
Fast forward a few years when gay marriage moved to the forefront, and it began to be politically expedient to say you support it and *PRESTO* - Joe fell in line with all the rest and totally changed his thinking IT'S MAGIC!!!

Or we had a national discussion about it over those 16 years, and realized that most opposition to gay marriage was "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky" and those weren't really good reasons.
Thats why we dont have a high obesity rate.

Almost one third of Russian adults have obesity (30.3%)

And yes, in the US it is 34.9%. However, it is stable in the US, and climbing in Russia for the last 15 years. If the trends continue, Russia will pass the US within another 15 years.
Thats rich coming from the country where people defecate in the public and inject drug needles every day.

Yes, because we all know there are no addicts or homeless in Russia.

BTW, even in the US that is really only seen in and around Baghdad by the Bay. Go outside of that, and it is not really seen at all. Of course, in that city they like to believe they are a shining symbol of "Perfect Socialism", so that also should tell you something.
If you don't believe me, I'd suggest you go into your job tomorrow and start spewing some of the anti-gay rhetoric you spew here.

Excuse me if I laugh.

Maybe because I am "old", but that kind of conversation is 100% not appropriate in a workplace. But I saw nothing "anti-gay" in what he said, he was stating his opinion.

And that a person stating their own opinion is "anti-gay" to you, that screams much more about your beliefs. Which obviously includes absolutely no tolerance to anybody that does not share your views.

Besides, they are a protected class. I always found it funny how many classes are now protected by law, and yet many are not. For example, do you know that Veterans are not a protected class? I have been denied employment or terminated for that, and it is perfectly legal.

And yes, in the US it is 34.9%. However, it is stable in the US, and climbing in Russia for the last 15 years. If the trends continue, Russia will pass the US within another 15 years.
Currently there is no food in the grocery stores....and what little there is there is extremely expensive. So I imagine that obesity will be reversing itself soon.
Currently there is no food in the grocery stores

Obesity has nothing to do with the supply of food.

It has to do with the lifestyle of the individual, and the food they eat.

Why do you think that in most surveys, the lowest income have the highest obesity rates?
Obesity has nothing to do with the supply of food.

It has to do with the lifestyle of the individual, and the food they eat.

Why do you think that in most surveys, the lowest income have the highest obesity rates?
I was being facetious. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Um, okay, if they have a jerk buddy, that's kind of gay, right?

Not sure what paramount has to do with it, exactly.

If you aren't into that kind of thing, no one can make you gay. If you are into that kind of thing, it's nice that people will accept you for who you are.

The only effect is that people are realizing it's unfashionable to be a bigot now.

If you don't believe me, I'd suggest you go into your job tomorrow and start spewing some of the anti-gay rhetoric you spew here.

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Troll someone else.
Trump was working on it for sure but nobody in the Military or the foreign policy arena was prepared for capitulation.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks

Our mountain-monkey allies are totally responsible for the withdrawal disaster. It is a sign of how ignorant and unrealistic the anti-racism of our united ruling class is. Big Brotherhood is a dangerous fantasy that has crippled both our domestic and foreign policies.
Are you fucking retarded?

The Doha Accords WERE a capitulation. Pompeo met with the Taliban without the Afghan government in attendance, and hammered out an agreement where we released 5000 Taliban fighters while lowering our troop numbers to an inconsequential 2500 with a promise to withdraw them by May 2021.

The only foolishness was thinking the Afghans warlords would keep fighting for us after we stopped paying them.
The Third World War Needs to Be Fought Against the Third World, Which the Other Two White-on-White Wars Empowered

Americans were the ones fighting for those corrupt, incompetent, and cowardly bandit leaders, most of whom the Taliban have beheaded by now.
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The Conservative agenda is more scary

They are trying to turn back the clock and spread fear and hatred against gays

Their “grooming” propaganda is despicable
Arsonists Have to Keep Their Fires Going

Using "turning back the clock" as a criticism proves that Gayism is just a passing fad. That's why the degenerates know they need to fan the flames or it will all go "Poof!"
Yeah except you can't show that in any way other than in obscurity.
Refusing to accept a cross dresser as a woman is not anti-gay. It is sanity.
Thinking drag queens reading to preschoolers dressed as prostitutes is a bad idea is not against gays.
It is sanity.
None of this is anti-gay.
And you yourself know that.
Tolerating Swish Is a Sign of Society's Death Wish
You do not "bunch up" your military assets or concentrate them into a small area.

One 101st AB brigade is going to replace the 82nd AB brigade that Biden sent when this whole thing with Ukraine started. I think I am pretty well aware of the 101st movements since my daughter is a Captain in the 101st and we live about 5 miles own the road from the main gate.
One 101st AB brigade is going to replace the 82nd AB brigade that Biden sent when this whole thing with Ukraine started. I think I am pretty well aware of the 101st movements since my daughter is a Captain in the 101st and we live about 5 miles own the road from the main gate.
Are there three Brigades in 101st?

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