US Military can’t meet its recruitment goals, 40% of target for the year.

Yeah except you can't show that in any way other than in obscurity.
Refusing to accept a cross dresser as a woman is not anti-gay. It is sanity.
Thinking drag queens reading to preschoolers dressed as prostitutes is a bad idea is not against gays.
It is sanity.
None of this is anti-gay.
And you yourself know that.
Conservatives yearn for the Good ole Days when gays and Transexuals hid in the shadows and kept their feelings to themselves

They are now spreading grooming lies to make people fear homosexuals
In the end, it was Bush who made the decision to invade and build a new country

The other Presidents were at fault for believing that Afghanistan wanted a Democracy and was willing to fight for it
Leaving Afghanistan was going to happen. Endless wars have no benifit to us. Only costs.

But you NEVER LEAVE PEOPLE BEHIND. You get out ONLY AFTER Americans and allies are out of harms way. You don't leave Billions in military hardware for the enemy.

The withdrawal of Afghanistan was a CLUSTERFUCK and that is the President's name now. PRESIDENT CLUSTERFUCK BIDEN.
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Conservatives yearn for the Good ole Days when gays and Transexuals hid in the shadows and kept their feelings to themselves

They are now spreading grooming lies to make people fear homosexuals
Days when children are not groomed to think it's normal. It's not. Most children if someone didn't put being gay is COOL into their head would not go gay. But now we see since Covid the Brani Washing in our schools. Drag Queens BS and CRT garbage. Has no place in school. Not to mention helping them to hide it from their parents and giving new nicknames at school. This happened in FLORIDA and it caused the State to change it's laws. The school had a 13 year old girl going to the boys bathroom, with a new name at school without telling the parents.

The parents found out. They demanded answers. And were told they had NO RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It is still an ongoing Federal Lawsuit from Tallahassee Florida now.
That is pay for someone 18-19 years old with one kid and a wife. Your are simply full of shit!
A car payment and insurance is $1,000/MO
Then you somehow expect daycare at less than another 1k per month?

And exactly what is this family going to eat? Clothes? (Soldier gets fatigues)

You are dreaming if you think a family can survive off those kind of wages.
Everyone is hiring....the military only does well when unemployment is up.
The military met recruiting goals when Trump was President with a very low unemployment rate.

Nobody wants to join Potatohead's queer diverse woke military. At least not the Southern and Midwest White boys that have told they are not wanted that have always been the backbone of the military.
Conservatives yearn for the Good ole Days when gays and Transexuals hid in the shadows and kept their feelings to themselves

They are now spreading grooming lies to make people fear homosexuals
YOu are projecting.
That is what you NEED to believe to self promote yourself and make you feel enlightened. Also known as virtue signaling.
I have said 100 times here, I live in Bloomington, IN. I guarantee you, you can't go for a mere walk downtown and not see at least a half dozen trans follks, fem boys and young girls dressed "boyish". I have no issue with them.
As long as they are nice to me, I am nice to them. And no, I don't want them to hide in closets.
But... I don't look on them as something special. They are not. I don't want little kids to think they are special. That is wrong.
They are not to be celebrated. That is not equal.
If you want to think that is homophobic, then well, that is yet another word/term the left as changed to reflect their need to self promote themselves as better than others.
YOu are projecting.
That is what you NEED to believe to self promote yourself and make you feel enlightened. Also known as virtue signaling.
I have said 100 times here, I live in Bloomington, IN. I guarantee you, you can't go for a mere walk downtown and not see at least a half dozen trans follks, fem boys and young girls dressed "boyish". I have no issue with them.
As long as they are nice to me, I am nice to them. And no, I don't want them to hide in closets.
But... I don't look on them as something special. They are not. I don't want little kids to think they are special. That is wrong.
They are not to be celebrated. That is not equal.
If you want to think that is homophobic, then well, that is yet another word/term the left as changed to reflect their need to self promote themselves as better than others.

With a TRUMPCourt in their pocket, I see ConservatIves kicking it into overdrive to reverse past decisions protecting gays.
You know, the Constitution says nothing about gays……so they deserve no rights
glad to hear you admit that…it’s obviously been the goal of the dems this century to.empower Putin, weaken NATO, and empower their CCP master in Asia.
Like you care about weakening NATO. :heehee:

BTW, we just strengthened it. Chew on that, trumplets.
With a TRUMPCourt in their pocket, I see ConservatIves kicking it into overdrive to reverse past decisions protecting gays.
You know, the Constitution says nothing about gays……so they deserve no rights
Do they have the right to push their views in schools.............NOPE. That is more of a cult and Religion. You don't believe in pushing religion in school now do you?
Like you care about weakening NATO. :heehee:

BTW, we just strengthened it. Chew on that, trumplets.

Trump worked to disrupt NATO and urged we withdraw from it…..just like Putin wanted

Today, NATO is stronger than ever
Do they have the right to push their views in schools.............NOPE. That is more of a cult and Religion. You don't believe in pushing religion in school now do you?

Most of what schools push is tolerance
Nobody is pushing children to be gay
Most of what schools push is tolerance
Nobody is pushing children to be gay
BS. In Florida they sure as hell did that to the parents. They gave a new name to the 13 year old girl, asked which bathroom, gave a school nickname and then told her NOT TO TELL THE PARENTS...........Then when confronted told the parents they had no right to know about their own child in school.

Now they are doing drag shows in school too.............Exactly why is that being done? That is indoctrination.............NOT SCHOOL. School is to teach the basics. Not THE CULT OF THE LEFT VIEWS.
BS. In Florida they sure as hell did that to the parents. They gave a new name to the 13 year old girl, asked which bathroom, gave a school nickname and then told her NOT TO TELL THE PARENTS...........Then when confronted told the parents they had no right to know about their own child in school.

Now they are doing drag shows in school too.............Exactly why is that being done? That is indoctrination.............NOT SCHOOL. School is to teach the basics. Not THE CULT OF THE LEFT VIEWS.
No idea what you are talking about
No idea what you are talking about
Exactly. And why your side and trolls like you called it the DON'T SAY GAY LAW...........which was a lie.

WCTV in Tallahassee reports the parents' lawsuit claims the district's LGBTQ policies illegally exclude parents from gender identity discussions about their own children.

The student's parents, January and Jeffrey Littlejohn, argue the school officials' actions directly violated their parental rights under the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution. They point to the school district's "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Nonconforming and Questioning Support Guide" which "deliberately and intentionally directed LCS staff and personnel to disregard parental rights by NOT telling parents when their children asserted a discordant gender identity," according to legal documents filed in the case.

According to the 63-page lawsuit, the Littlejohns' daughter, then a 13-year-old student at Deer Lake Middle School, had been diagnosed with ADHD and had expressed confusion about her gender identity in the late spring of 2020. The parents told the school their daughter was receiving counseling and could use "J" as a nickname at school, but she would continue to be referred to by her given name and as a female.

The suit claims the Littlejohns never gave school officials permission to change their daughter's name or pronouns. They later found out school officials had met with their daughter to discuss her restroom and overnight trip choices without informing them.

This case is why Disney got WOKE and has lost over 50 billion in value of their stock.
With a TRUMPCourt in their pocket, I see ConservatIves kicking it into overdrive to reverse past decisions protecting gays.
You know, the Constitution says nothing about gays……so they deserve no rights
Again, you NEED for this to be true in order to make conservatives look evil.
In order to make Democrats look more moral. They are not.
The sitting President of the United States literally said,,,, numerous times... that gay marriage is not a marriage.
That gay people can never be married. Went on to say that "it is a game" people are playing.
He said that. There is video of it.
He testified on the Senate Floor against it.
That was a long time ago. Virtually every older Democrat in Washington was also against gay marriage. If not every single one of them.
You cant pretend only conservatives believe this. Including today.
Many-many Religious Democrats think the same thing.
Most people have moved beyond it. They may not agree with it, but they don't try and fight it.
If the Supreme Court did look at this ruling again, then it would be legally true. The Supreme Court is not supposed to legislate. They can only operate off of existing, written law. If gay marriage was returned back to the states, then that is the fault of Washington legislatures for not having the guts to write it into law.

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