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US Military Not Ready to Take on iran

How did we lose?
We are still standing

We got involved in political conflicts we had no business getting involved in. We found the deaths were not worth the expected gain.

We "won" Iraq. Invaded, kicked their ass, put in a government of our choice. Still didn't work

Shows how effective military force is in resolving political conflicts
US never had full control of Iraq. Still doesn't. Now you know.

who has "FULL CONTROL" over any country--------as far as I understand----
the US did not want "FULL CONTROL"-------the idiot concept was "SHOW THEM
THE RIGHTEOUS NATURE OF DEMOCRACY" and they will fall all over themselves to BECOME "DEMOCRATIC" and our good buddies. Its
the "Christian" way
A loss is still a loss.

ok-----true----the Iraqis did not DISCOVER DEMOCRACY-----so that
program was a failure-----YOUR POINT?
The Iraq war was one for the loss column. These noobs here think it's a win. :lol:

It was an "enough is enough" venture-----like viet nam. No Iraqis pillaged my town
and if adolf had not been born----world war II would not have happened. Your statement is silly----the REAL galavanizing forces that fueled the IRANIAN
CULTURAL REVOLUTION----were ----RELIGION------Khomeini did not do it all
on his own--------the Islamic "religious revival" has been gaining in momentum
for MANY DECADES. It is all mixed up with 'UMMAH PRIDE' ---a kind of
weird nationalism (baathism is actually a nationalistic manifestion of the same
"EMOTION" ) -----and complicated by economic disaster. How do I know???----
the stuff was introduced to me by real Iranians with real minds way back in the
late 1960s------the growing "FANATICISM" -------so I was told by my good friend---
came to the US to get training in his field---"INTERNAL MEDICINE"----a top
student in Teheran---in fact published-------one of his several brothers had fallen under the sway of THE FANATICS (circa 1968)----the other one----the neurologist----was incensed about the corruption and poverty which he KNEW
would "go away" under the ayatoilets (1978) ---------despair and religiosity are
the BIG FORCES in lots of Islamic lands------Pakistan too<<< that's where
sunnis are so distressed that they shoot Shiites in the streets --in "DRIVE-BYS"
IT's virtually a world wide thing---for quite awhile------as you should have noticed

Yeah, please try to refrain from falling back on the old tired 'Everyone's Hitler and Nazis' stuff. And I find it interesting you don't blame any of it on us supporting an illegal coup which overthrew a democratically elected leader. And then placing a Dictator Puppet in power. Bottom line is, most Iranians didn't want the Shah. We blew it in Iran. Just another ugly example of Blow Back.

BS------Iranians Nazi propaganda. THE EXCUSE-------mixed with the hatred
of "AMERICA" (the west) -------part of the scapegoat thing that justified the
filth YOU support------which--does include GENOCIDE of minorities in Iran------
talk to a Zoroastrian-----

We gave them good reason to hate the U.S. and the West. We meddled in their country for many years. We brought them years & years of Dictator misery. Their resentment was justified.

I have a very strong impression that you never actually met an Iranian. I will check----what are the early steps in doing SAFFRON RICE ?

Again, we gave them every reason to resent the U.S. and West. We meddled in their affairs for years.

right---AGAIN AND AGAIN ----in fact WRONG AGAIN-----the shah did what he
wanted to do-----often in defiance of the USA
Obastard is now using antiquated aircraft from the Nam war to fight ISIS


the OV-10 Bronco

soon to be replaced by hand held balsa wood. yes sir you Americans know to pick em

...U.S. China especially, has no interest. Why kill off your best customer? China owns much of the U.S. at this point. It doesn't need war. The mission has already been accomplished.
M(utually) A(ssured) D(estruction) - to destroy them, all we have to do is repudiate our China debt, and they collapse overnight. Mission accomplished.

That's the way to go. Destroy our credit rating because we don't know how to play well with others.
Merely articulating our trump (no pun intended) card, should we ever need to play it.

Not necessarily a 'trump card.' It would have a devastating impact on our own economy...
So would a thermonuclear exchange or regional war.

In any circumstance in which the present state of affairs becomes intolerable and unbearable and unsustainable... if given a choice between War against China and Economic Depression (after repudiating our debt to them), I'll take the Economic Depression, every time. We'll lose far less people and can more readily recover from that, eh?

... American Business now relies heavily on China...
Thanks to decades of trade-giveaways and off-shoring on the part of both Democrats and Republicans, and the Corporatists.

Time to break that dependency, rather like a junkie being weaned off of addicting drugs.

...But China relies heavily on us as well...
Indeed. It's a symbiotic relationship. Advantageous to both. Until the Chinese push us too far. As they are beginning to do in the South China Sea, etc.

...That's why war makes no sense to either country.
Correct. At present. But the world turns, and conditions and goals change, yes?

Both Dems and Pubs are showing signs of committing to bringing manufacturing jobs back on-shore. If that materializes, conditions and goals will, indeed, change.

And, of course, once set into motion, change oftentimes unfolds far more quickly than the naysayers would have imagined possible prior to its unleashing.

Strategically, we need to begin preparing to become self-sufficient again in the manufacturing sphere.

Over-dependency upon cold, calculating, pragmatic foreigners, is not in the best long-term and strategic interests of the United States.
There is no threat the U.S. military can't deal with. As long as we don't start a war with Iran, i doubt there will be one. Iran fully understands it's own position. It can't possibly win a war with the U.S. So if we play it smart and don't try to invade and occupy Iran, we'll be fine. The only way there will be war with Iran, is if the U.S. starts one.

INVADE IRAN? what for?------we are going to have to deal with Iran's growing
INVASIONS of other lands and ambition for control of sea trade routes----
<<<<THAT'S where our military comes into play

As i said, there will only be war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. Iran knows it can't defeat the U.S. in a war. And how many nations has Iran invaded in the last 100 or more years? How many nations has your own country invaded in that same time period?

your are repeating the idiot lines that you have already posted a thousand times.
Iran has an EMPIRE (aka CALIPHATE) complex and are CERTAINLY
working on it-----historically Iran has been a big conquest program. ------

Please list all the nations your Iranian 'EMPIRE/CALIPHATE has invaded in the last 100yrs or so?

see? I was right----you never met an Iranian----Iranian nationalists do not take
their history back ONLY 100 years-----that's a drop on the bucket of time. -----
Iranians claim virtually all of the accomplishments of the ancient world-----

Even Iranian jews claim themselves to be THE REAL ORIGINAL JEWS-----
(ie --they are just as arrogant as their muslim countrymen) Iran ----way back
in the time of "queen esther"------ventured forth and was in control----even of
AFGHANISTAN (remember the queen that preceded esther----"VASHTI"----
she was from Afghanistan) --------Iranians got HISTORY----all the way to KABUL---
when Kabul was a real city. They were LITERATE long long before whatever
community spawned you (am I assuming too much?)

See? I was right. You can't list even one nation Iran has invaded in the last 100yrs or more. But i'll try something different. List all the nations your own country has invaded in the last 100yrs or more. Who's really the Empire aggressor?
US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
U.S. Marines participate in joint landing exercise in South Korea on March 12. (Woohae Cho/Getty Images)

Despite having the largest military budget in the world, the United States probably wouldn't be ready if it were forced into a "great power war" with China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, says the nation's top general.

Military leaders voiced concern on Wednesday about their ability to fight a war with global powers like Russia, telling a congressional hearing that a lack of resources and training was weighing on America's combat readiness, reported Reuters.

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
...U.S. China especially, has no interest. Why kill off your best customer? China owns much of the U.S. at this point. It doesn't need war. The mission has already been accomplished.
M(utually) A(ssured) D(estruction) - to destroy them, all we have to do is repudiate our China debt, and they collapse overnight. Mission accomplished.

That's the way to go. Destroy our credit rating because we don't know how to play well with others.
Merely articulating our trump (no pun intended) card, should we ever need to play it.

Not necessarily a 'trump card.' It would have a devastating impact on our own economy...
So would a thermonuclear exchange or regional war.

In any circumstance in which the present state of affairs becomes intolerable and unbearable and unsustainable... if given a choice between War against China and Economic Depression (after repudiating our debt to them), I'll take the Economic Depression, every time. We'll lose far less people and can more readily recover from that, eh?

... American Business now relies heavily on China...
Thanks to decades of trade-giveaways and off-shoring on the part of both Democrats and Republicans, and the Corporatists.

Time to break that dependency, rather like a junkie being weaned off of addicting drugs.

...But China relies heavily on us as well...
Indeed. It's a symbiotic relationship. Advantageous to both. Until the Chinese push us too far. As they are beginning to do in the South China Sea, etc.

...That's why war makes no sense to either country.
Correct. At present. But the world turns, and conditions and goals change, yes?

Both Dems and Pubs are showing signs of committing to bringing manufacturing jobs back on-shore. If that materializes, conditions and goals will, indeed, change.

And, of course, once set into motion, change oftentimes unfolds far more quickly than the naysayers would have imagined possible prior to its unleashing.

Strategically, we need to begin preparing to become self-sufficient again in the manufacturing sphere.

Over-dependency upon cold, calculating, pragmatic foreigners, is not in the best long-term and strategic interests of the United States.

---agriculture and manufacture -----time to STIMULATE the productive
capacities. For all you ISOLATIONISTS out there----right now----bad
news>>>> we depend on the rest of the world BOTH for our lunch and
for our UNDERWEAR. The situation makes me nervous
US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
U.S. Marines participate in joint landing exercise in South Korea on March 12. (Woohae Cho/Getty Images)

Despite having the largest military budget in the world, the United States probably wouldn't be ready if it were forced into a "great power war" with China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, says the nation's top general.

Military leaders voiced concern on Wednesday about their ability to fight a war with global powers like Russia, telling a congressional hearing that a lack of resources and training was weighing on America's combat readiness, reported Reuters.

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea

Putin is no good. You know that right?
Many of these you claimed we lost. I think you had best redefine your terms, because you don't know what "lost" means.
"Lost" means "didn't win". Now you know. Fool.
No it doesn't

Most wars in history haven't ended with total victory. Typically both sides would grow tired and some truce would be declared

England and France fought for a hundred years. Neither side "won"
US tried to stop communists from taking Korea and lost.
US tried stopping communist from taking Nam and lost.
US lost helping Iraq attack Iran and trying to save its hostages (ok, not technically their own war loss)
US tried to subdue Iraq and Afghanistan with war and lost on both counts.
US also tried to invade Canada twice and lost both time. :D
How did we lose?
We are still standing

We got involved in political conflicts we had no business getting involved in. We found the deaths were not worth the expected gain.

We "won" Iraq. Invaded, kicked their ass, put in a government of our choice. Still didn't work

Shows how effective military force is in resolving political conflicts
US never had full control of Iraq. Still doesn't. Now you know.

Mission Accomplished
So the US didn't lose in Nam? :lol:

No, we didn't "lose". We left!
Ya, the US left Nam on their own free will to let the communists have Nam. :lmao:

You have this bizarre concept of history. Did you have liberal history teachers?
Why? You think the US just got fed up and left? :lol:

Btw, that's also called a loss. :D

Your understanding of history is probably on par with most elementary school students. Apparently, so is your vocabulary because you do not know the meaning of the word "loss".
You live in a dream world. You're the one who doesn't understand that the war in Nam was lost and we retreated defeated.
"Lost" means "didn't win". Now you know. Fool.
No it doesn't

Most wars in history haven't ended with total victory. Typically both sides would grow tired and some truce would be declared

England and France fought for a hundred years. Neither side "won"
US tried to stop communists from taking Korea and lost.
US tried stopping communist from taking Nam and lost.
US lost helping Iraq attack Iran and trying to save its hostages (ok, not technically their own war loss)
US tried to subdue Iraq and Afghanistan with war and lost on both counts.
US also tried to invade Canada twice and lost both time. :D
How did we lose?
We are still standing

We got involved in political conflicts we had no business getting involved in. We found the deaths were not worth the expected gain.

We "won" Iraq. Invaded, kicked their ass, put in a government of our choice. Still didn't work

Shows how effective military force is in resolving political conflicts
US never had full control of Iraq. Still doesn't. Now you know.

Mission Accomplished
LOL! That says it all. :lol:
ROFLMAO since you know nothing about Shiites and sunnis and their
ONGOING feud------why do you comment?-----the CHANGE in the Iranian approach
to the area came when the IDIOT OF THE CENTURY -----JUMMAH CARTER stuck his tongue up the ass of KHOMEINI---------maybe you are too young to remember
The first muslim I knew WELL-------was a Shiite from India. He DESPISED
HINDUS-----and was not shy about discussing it with shy little youthful me. -------
that was about almost 50 years ago. When I commented "if hindus are so awful why did your family not migrate to Pakistan in 1948" ? The young surgeon
got so DISTRESSED that I thought he would die a cardiac death. I did not know ---way back then that Shiites were being shot in the streets of Pakistan and HE
did not tell me anything about it. It took me a few years to figure out why IRANIANS DESPISE PAKISTANIS--------real palpable hatred whenever they encountered each other ---------VIRULENT stuff

Hey man, wake up. Bush's horrific debacle handed Iraq over to Iran and the Shiites. You wanna be angry at someone, be angry at Bush and his crony assholes. Iran and the Shiites had less power & influence in the region before Bush's idiotic invasion.
Well, the problem with that is all of the stuff you're talking about happened after Obama left Iraq in 2012. Bush had been out of office almost 4 years.


No, Bush's blunder opened the door to Iran and the Shiites seizing the power. They run the show in Iraq now. Before the war, Iran and the Shiites had almost no power & influence in Iraq. Just more Blow Back. The Iraq War should have never hppened.

wrong again----SADDAM and his barbaric practices OPENED THE DOOR TO THE
BAATHIST------<<< a fascist ideology which did not have much of a track record---

You hate Iran and the Shiites so much, yet you still defend the buffoon who invaded and handed them all the power. I think you're very confused. Or you're just very stubborn.
just because of one indian shia 50 years ago
How did we lose?
We are still standing

We got involved in political conflicts we had no business getting involved in. We found the deaths were not worth the expected gain.

We "won" Iraq. Invaded, kicked their ass, put in a government of our choice. Still didn't work

Shows how effective military force is in resolving political conflicts
US never had full control of Iraq. Still doesn't. Now you know.

who has "FULL CONTROL" over any country--------as far as I understand----
the US did not want "FULL CONTROL"-------the idiot concept was "SHOW THEM
THE RIGHTEOUS NATURE OF DEMOCRACY" and they will fall all over themselves to BECOME "DEMOCRATIC" and our good buddies. Its
the "Christian" way
A loss is still a loss.

ok-----true----the Iraqis did not DISCOVER DEMOCRACY-----so that
program was a failure-----YOUR POINT?
The Iraq war was one for the loss column. These noobs here think it's a win. :lol:
Militarily, it was an overwhelming victory

Politically, it never had a chance
Yeah, please try to refrain from falling back on the old tired 'Everyone's Hitler and Nazis' stuff. And I find it interesting you don't blame any of it on us supporting an illegal coup which overthrew a democratically elected leader. And then placing a Dictator Puppet in power. Bottom line is, most Iranians didn't want the Shah. We blew it in Iran. Just another ugly example of Blow Back.

BS------Iranians Nazi propaganda. THE EXCUSE-------mixed with the hatred
of "AMERICA" (the west) -------part of the scapegoat thing that justified the
filth YOU support------which--does include GENOCIDE of minorities in Iran------
talk to a Zoroastrian-----

We gave them good reason to hate the U.S. and the West. We meddled in their country for many years. We brought them years & years of Dictator misery. Their resentment was justified.

I have a very strong impression that you never actually met an Iranian. I will check----what are the early steps in doing SAFFRON RICE ?

Again, we gave them every reason to resent the U.S. and West. We meddled in their affairs for years.

right---AGAIN AND AGAIN ----in fact WRONG AGAIN-----the shah did what he
wanted to do-----often in defiance of the USA

Nice fantasy. He was U.S. Dictator Puppet. Now, if you wanna talk about Mohammad Mosadddegh? That's another story.
INVADE IRAN? what for?------we are going to have to deal with Iran's growing
INVASIONS of other lands and ambition for control of sea trade routes----
<<<<THAT'S where our military comes into play

As i said, there will only be war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. Iran knows it can't defeat the U.S. in a war. And how many nations has Iran invaded in the last 100 or more years? How many nations has your own country invaded in that same time period?

your are repeating the idiot lines that you have already posted a thousand times.
Iran has an EMPIRE (aka CALIPHATE) complex and are CERTAINLY
working on it-----historically Iran has been a big conquest program. ------

Please list all the nations your Iranian 'EMPIRE/CALIPHATE has invaded in the last 100yrs or so?

see? I was right----you never met an Iranian----Iranian nationalists do not take
their history back ONLY 100 years-----that's a drop on the bucket of time. -----
Iranians claim virtually all of the accomplishments of the ancient world-----

Even Iranian jews claim themselves to be THE REAL ORIGINAL JEWS-----
(ie --they are just as arrogant as their muslim countrymen) Iran ----way back
in the time of "queen esther"------ventured forth and was in control----even of
AFGHANISTAN (remember the queen that preceded esther----"VASHTI"----
she was from Afghanistan) --------Iranians got HISTORY----all the way to KABUL---
when Kabul was a real city. They were LITERATE long long before whatever
community spawned you (am I assuming too much?)

See? I was right. You can't list even one nation Iran has invaded in the last 100yrs or more. But i'll try something different. List all the nations your own country has invaded in the last 100yrs or more. Who's really the Empire aggressor?

rignt now Iran is invading Yemen find a Yemeni. then find someone with whom he is confortable enough to talk candidly. Even though hubby is a jew---he
was born in Aden ------THAT'S A VERY IMPORTANT credential. Hezbollah is
an invading force-------it controls southern Lebanon and both the capital of
YEMEN (Sanaa---sorta in the middle) and southern Yemen (sorta aden and
the precincts) Hezbollah is also linked to terrorst action ----around the world---here and there. HEZBOLLAH = IRAN
US never had full control of Iraq. Still doesn't. Now you know.

who has "FULL CONTROL" over any country--------as far as I understand----
the US did not want "FULL CONTROL"-------the idiot concept was "SHOW THEM
THE RIGHTEOUS NATURE OF DEMOCRACY" and they will fall all over themselves to BECOME "DEMOCRATIC" and our good buddies. Its
the "Christian" way
A loss is still a loss.

ok-----true----the Iraqis did not DISCOVER DEMOCRACY-----so that
program was a failure-----YOUR POINT?
The Iraq war was one for the loss column. These noobs here think it's a win. :lol:
Militarily, it was an overwhelming victory

Politically, it never had a chance
Otherwise known as a loss. Thanks.

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