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US Military Not Ready to Take on iran

True. It's appalling the U.S. and the UN have completely ignored the Saudi carnage in Yemen. It's conducting horrific bombing raids around the clock. It's killed thousands of women and children. Iran doesn't have an effective Air Force. It hasn't bombed in Yemen. And it certainly hasn't invaded.

the blood shed in YEMEN is at the paws of IRANIAN CLIENTS ----those clients are also INSTRUCTED TO ATTACK SAUDI ARABIA across the common border---and
do so------Saudi arabia is---BOMBING their encalves in return-----ANYONE OUT THERE INTERESTED IN REALITY-----find Yemenis in the USA. They are
RUNNING from the Iranian puppets in Yemen

Saudi Arabia is conducting massive bloody bombing raids around the clock. It's killing thousands in Yemen. Iran doesn't have the same military might. It doesn't have all the U.S. weapons. For instance, it doesn't have an effective Air Force. It's a Civil War there. The Sunnis and Shiites are clashing. It's another conflict that's none of our business. Let them sort it out.

SUNNI SHIITE strife in Yemen is relatively new------the actual civil war which raged
since the 1950s was between NORTH AND SOUTH-------probably based on oil rights and had nothing to do with the classical sunni/Shiite thing-----IRAN made
the current strife SUNNI SHIITE by arming, feeding and paying the Shiite minority

Well regardless, the shit's hittin the fan now. Sunnis wanna kill Shiites? Shiites wanna kill Sunnis? Their call i guess. None of our business. However, it may be in our best interest to allow the Shiites to eliminate ISIS an Al qaeda in Yemen. Just a thought anyway.

Isis is barely represented in Yemen----there are far more HEZBOLLAH dogs
It is not all that unlikely that SHIITE SHIT----will join Isis if there is an INVASION
OF SAUDI ARABIA-------they both want the big black turd of mecca

Al qaeda and ISIS will not work with 'Shiite Infidels.' They don't play well together.
your rant is idiotic------Iran has invaded every country with the filth you lick-----HEZBOLLAH which includes Shiite sluts with bombs on their asses-----those sluts
even bomb mosques (of the sunni variety) Iran has placed DEATH SENTENCES on non citizens-----for the glory of SHIITE SHIT AND SUPREMACY

So, no invasions in at least the last 100yrs or so? You acknowledge that, no? And i don't give a shite what they do in their own country. It's none of my business.

You Warmongers are so bizarre. You truly believe your own country can invade and kill anywhere anytime, but God forbid any other country do it. It's such loony hypocrisy. Take a realistic closer look at your own country's history of bloody invasion. After you do that, we can have an honest rational discussion.

Paul---in TRUE GOBBELIAN STYLE continues to repeat his BIG LIE-----he even knows what I think and has SEVERAL TIMES decided I am "THINKING" of invading Iran. Nope-----the IRAN mainland is not a target-----the target is the filth
that Iran has spread around the world via its proxies------ANY SHIITE IN ANY PLACE is the TARGET OF IRAN as a potential soldier in its war of IMPERIALISM ----AND any sunni impoverished enough to be BOUGHT OFF-----IRANIAN PROPAGANDA has moved on to CLAIM that Shiites LOVE sunnis-<<<<
yeah right----another ploy to BUY OFF naïve and impoverished sunnis

Target the Sunni nations we call our 'Good Friends.' That's where the major funding and support for groups like Al qaeda and ISIS comes from. On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on worldwide Jihad. Sunnis and Shiites don't work well together. The major terror groups of the world are by far Sunni Muslim groups.

something like 90% of muslims are sunnis-----and there are more sunni terrorists
than Shiite terrorists--------WATTA GENIUS IS PAUL

Well, now you may be finally getting it. On a global scale, Shiites aren't the problem. They just don't have the numbers to play a significant role in Global Jihad. You wanna end Radical Islam? Start looking more closely at the Sunni Nations funding and supporting it. Start with some we call our 'Good Friends.'

I look at both--------IRANIANS are a lot more focused and goal oriented -----
in my experience, than are sunnis-----whether Arabian, Kenyan, Pakistani...
SHIITES were ----in my singular opinion----NOT A PROBLEM 50
years ago -------but neither were your fave germans 120 years ago. Now---Iranians are a problem --------Shiite went from fairly weak and benign to HEZBOLLIAN FILTH -----even MORE dangerous filth in alliance with Russia,
China and-----Syrian pseudo Shiites. The SPANISH INQUISITION is no longer
a force-----it has its day--------now is the time of SHIITE SHIT
No, we didn't "lose". We left!
Ya, the US left Nam on their own free will to let the communists have Nam. :lmao:

You have this bizarre concept of history. Did you have liberal history teachers?
Why? You think the US just got fed up and left? :lol:

Btw, that's also called a loss. :D

Your understanding of history is probably on par with most elementary school students. Apparently, so is your vocabulary because you do not know the meaning of the word "loss".
You live in a dream world. You're the one who doesn't understand that the war in Nam was lost and we retreated defeated.

How many battles did the US military lose in Vietnam?
who has "FULL CONTROL" over any country--------as far as I understand----
the US did not want "FULL CONTROL"-------the idiot concept was "SHOW THEM
THE RIGHTEOUS NATURE OF DEMOCRACY" and they will fall all over themselves to BECOME "DEMOCRATIC" and our good buddies. Its
the "Christian" way
A loss is still a loss.

ok-----true----the Iraqis did not DISCOVER DEMOCRACY-----so that
program was a failure-----YOUR POINT?
The Iraq war was one for the loss column. These noobs here think it's a win. :lol:
Militarily, it was an overwhelming victory

Politically, it never had a chance
Otherwise known as a loss. Thanks.

Can you tell me where this stupid dictionary is that you are reading?
the blood shed in YEMEN is at the paws of IRANIAN CLIENTS ----those clients are also INSTRUCTED TO ATTACK SAUDI ARABIA across the common border---and
do so------Saudi arabia is---BOMBING their encalves in return-----ANYONE OUT THERE INTERESTED IN REALITY-----find Yemenis in the USA. They are
RUNNING from the Iranian puppets in Yemen

Saudi Arabia is conducting massive bloody bombing raids around the clock. It's killing thousands in Yemen. Iran doesn't have the same military might. It doesn't have all the U.S. weapons. For instance, it doesn't have an effective Air Force. It's a Civil War there. The Sunnis and Shiites are clashing. It's another conflict that's none of our business. Let them sort it out.

SUNNI SHIITE strife in Yemen is relatively new------the actual civil war which raged
since the 1950s was between NORTH AND SOUTH-------probably based on oil rights and had nothing to do with the classical sunni/Shiite thing-----IRAN made
the current strife SUNNI SHIITE by arming, feeding and paying the Shiite minority

Well regardless, the shit's hittin the fan now. Sunnis wanna kill Shiites? Shiites wanna kill Sunnis? Their call i guess. None of our business. However, it may be in our best interest to allow the Shiites to eliminate ISIS an Al qaeda in Yemen. Just a thought anyway.

Isis is barely represented in Yemen----there are far more HEZBOLLAH dogs
It is not all that unlikely that SHIITE SHIT----will join Isis if there is an INVASION
OF SAUDI ARABIA-------they both want the big black turd of mecca

Al qaeda and ISIS will not work with 'Shiite Infidels.' They don't play well together.

given a common cause they will play-------they have several common causes----so much so that IRANIAN CLERICS have announced that sunnis and Shiites LOVE
each other. (that means that the partyline will, henceforth be-----"MY SHIITE SISTER IS MARRIED TO A SUNNI MAN AND WE ARE ALL DELIGHTED")
A common cause right now is the black turd in the sands of mecca
So, no invasions in at least the last 100yrs or so? You acknowledge that, no? And i don't give a shite what they do in their own country. It's none of my business.

You Warmongers are so bizarre. You truly believe your own country can invade and kill anywhere anytime, but God forbid any other country do it. It's such loony hypocrisy. Take a realistic closer look at your own country's history of bloody invasion. After you do that, we can have an honest rational discussion.

Paul---in TRUE GOBBELIAN STYLE continues to repeat his BIG LIE-----he even knows what I think and has SEVERAL TIMES decided I am "THINKING" of invading Iran. Nope-----the IRAN mainland is not a target-----the target is the filth
that Iran has spread around the world via its proxies------ANY SHIITE IN ANY PLACE is the TARGET OF IRAN as a potential soldier in its war of IMPERIALISM ----AND any sunni impoverished enough to be BOUGHT OFF-----IRANIAN PROPAGANDA has moved on to CLAIM that Shiites LOVE sunnis-<<<<
yeah right----another ploy to BUY OFF naïve and impoverished sunnis

Target the Sunni nations we call our 'Good Friends.' That's where the major funding and support for groups like Al qaeda and ISIS comes from. On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on worldwide Jihad. Sunnis and Shiites don't work well together. The major terror groups of the world are by far Sunni Muslim groups.

something like 90% of muslims are sunnis-----and there are more sunni terrorists
than Shiite terrorists--------WATTA GENIUS IS PAUL

Well, now you may be finally getting it. On a global scale, Shiites aren't the problem. They just don't have the numbers to play a significant role in Global Jihad. You wanna end Radical Islam? Start looking more closely at the Sunni Nations funding and supporting it. Start with some we call our 'Good Friends.'

I look at both--------IRANIANS are a lot more focused and goal oriented -----
in my experience, than are sunnis-----whether Arabian, Kenyan, Pakistani...
SHIITES were ----in my singular opinion----NOT A PROBLEM 50
years ago -------but neither were your fave germans 120 years ago. Now---Iranians are a problem --------Shiite went from fairly weak and benign to HEZBOLLIAN FILTH -----even MORE dangerous filth in alliance with Russia,
China and-----Syrian pseudo Shiites. The SPANISH INQUISITION is no longer
a force-----it has its day--------now is the time of SHIITE SHIT

Well, the Shiites are on the rise. I won't deny that. But i just don't care. Saudi-backed Sunni Al qaeda attacked us on 9/11. It's been Shiites who've been helping wipe it and ISIS out. I'm not saying they're angels or anything, but on a global level, the Shiites have very little influence on global jihad.

All that being said though, we need to start implementing a disengagement strategy in regards to the Middle East. It's time to end all the meddling and finally come home.
maybe she is talking about Achaemenid Empire and great cyrus 2500 years ago.
and maybe she is angry for save jewish by great cyrus ..!!!!!!
if iranian empire wasnt ................
no jewish in 21 century like
Maya civilization

Yeah the Persians, especially Cyrus, are looked on very favorably in the Bible. But the OP has some weird thing for Iran. He or she wants WWIII. It's the kind of person we need to keep far far away from the trigger. They're crazy.

Cyrus was a Zoroastrian------Zoroastrians FLED THE FILTH of Islamic
Iran-------and ended up with lots of jews who fled the filth in BOMBAY---
(now Mumbai) Jews and Zoroastrians still get on well in Mumbai---to the
CONSTERNATION of the local muslims------In fact there are Zoroastrian
temples in Israel------only a few ---barely holding on in remote areas of Iran.
More interesting factoids------"ZOROASTRIAN WRITING" is the stuff from
which the Arabic script was invented-----only about 1600 years ago. Ever
meets a ZOROASTRIAN---paul? I have.........such people may not want
to know you

True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa

Saudi Arabia is conducting massive bloody bombing raids around the clock. It's killing thousands in Yemen. Iran doesn't have the same military might. It doesn't have all the U.S. weapons. For instance, it doesn't have an effective Air Force. It's a Civil War there. The Sunnis and Shiites are clashing. It's another conflict that's none of our business. Let them sort it out.

SUNNI SHIITE strife in Yemen is relatively new------the actual civil war which raged
since the 1950s was between NORTH AND SOUTH-------probably based on oil rights and had nothing to do with the classical sunni/Shiite thing-----IRAN made
the current strife SUNNI SHIITE by arming, feeding and paying the Shiite minority

Well regardless, the shit's hittin the fan now. Sunnis wanna kill Shiites? Shiites wanna kill Sunnis? Their call i guess. None of our business. However, it may be in our best interest to allow the Shiites to eliminate ISIS an Al qaeda in Yemen. Just a thought anyway.

Isis is barely represented in Yemen----there are far more HEZBOLLAH dogs
It is not all that unlikely that SHIITE SHIT----will join Isis if there is an INVASION
OF SAUDI ARABIA-------they both want the big black turd of mecca

Al qaeda and ISIS will not work with 'Shiite Infidels.' They don't play well together.

given a common cause they will play-------they have several common causes----so much so that IRANIAN CLERICS have announced that sunnis and Shiites LOVE
each other. (that means that the partyline will, henceforth be-----"MY SHIITE SISTER IS MARRIED TO A SUNNI MAN AND WE ARE ALL DELIGHTED")
A common cause right now is the black turd in the sands of mecca

Not gonna happen. Al qaeda and ISIS can't work with 'Shiite Infidels.'
Paul---in TRUE GOBBELIAN STYLE continues to repeat his BIG LIE-----he even knows what I think and has SEVERAL TIMES decided I am "THINKING" of invading Iran. Nope-----the IRAN mainland is not a target-----the target is the filth
that Iran has spread around the world via its proxies------ANY SHIITE IN ANY PLACE is the TARGET OF IRAN as a potential soldier in its war of IMPERIALISM ----AND any sunni impoverished enough to be BOUGHT OFF-----IRANIAN PROPAGANDA has moved on to CLAIM that Shiites LOVE sunnis-<<<<
yeah right----another ploy to BUY OFF naïve and impoverished sunnis

Target the Sunni nations we call our 'Good Friends.' That's where the major funding and support for groups like Al qaeda and ISIS comes from. On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on worldwide Jihad. Sunnis and Shiites don't work well together. The major terror groups of the world are by far Sunni Muslim groups.

something like 90% of muslims are sunnis-----and there are more sunni terrorists
than Shiite terrorists--------WATTA GENIUS IS PAUL

Well, now you may be finally getting it. On a global scale, Shiites aren't the problem. They just don't have the numbers to play a significant role in Global Jihad. You wanna end Radical Islam? Start looking more closely at the Sunni Nations funding and supporting it. Start with some we call our 'Good Friends.'

I look at both--------IRANIANS are a lot more focused and goal oriented -----
in my experience, than are sunnis-----whether Arabian, Kenyan, Pakistani...
SHIITES were ----in my singular opinion----NOT A PROBLEM 50
years ago -------but neither were your fave germans 120 years ago. Now---Iranians are a problem --------Shiite went from fairly weak and benign to HEZBOLLIAN FILTH -----even MORE dangerous filth in alliance with Russia,
China and-----Syrian pseudo Shiites. The SPANISH INQUISITION is no longer
a force-----it has its day--------now is the time of SHIITE SHIT

Well, the Shiites are on the rise. I won't deny that. But i just don't care. Saudi-backed Sunni Al qaeda attacked us on 9/11. It's been Shiites who've been helping wipe it and ISIS out. I'm not saying they're angels or anything, but on a global level, the Shiites have very little influence on global jihad.

All that being said though, we need to start implementing a disengagement strategy in regards to the Middle East. It's time to end all the meddling and finally come home.

al quaida is NOT SAUDI BACKED------other than the USUAL ZAKAT DONATED FOR THE VICTORY OF ISLAM ------by all muslims----lots of which comes from private Saudi citizens-----and----muslims from oil rich countries
SUNNI SHIITE strife in Yemen is relatively new------the actual civil war which raged
since the 1950s was between NORTH AND SOUTH-------probably based on oil rights and had nothing to do with the classical sunni/Shiite thing-----IRAN made
the current strife SUNNI SHIITE by arming, feeding and paying the Shiite minority

Well regardless, the shit's hittin the fan now. Sunnis wanna kill Shiites? Shiites wanna kill Sunnis? Their call i guess. None of our business. However, it may be in our best interest to allow the Shiites to eliminate ISIS an Al qaeda in Yemen. Just a thought anyway.

Isis is barely represented in Yemen----there are far more HEZBOLLAH dogs
It is not all that unlikely that SHIITE SHIT----will join Isis if there is an INVASION
OF SAUDI ARABIA-------they both want the big black turd of mecca

Al qaeda and ISIS will not work with 'Shiite Infidels.' They don't play well together.

given a common cause they will play-------they have several common causes----so much so that IRANIAN CLERICS have announced that sunnis and Shiites LOVE
each other. (that means that the partyline will, henceforth be-----"MY SHIITE SISTER IS MARRIED TO A SUNNI MAN AND WE ARE ALL DELIGHTED")
A common cause right now is the black turd in the sands of mecca

Not gonna happen. Al qaeda and ISIS can't work with 'Shiite Infidels.'

sit tight and pay attention-------war makes strange bedfellows------right now
Shiite shit is in bed with china and Russia. Hezbollah is in Gaza making out
Yeah the Persians, especially Cyrus, are looked on very favorably in the Bible. But the OP has some weird thing for Iran. He or she wants WWIII. It's the kind of person we need to keep far far away from the trigger. They're crazy.

Cyrus was a Zoroastrian------Zoroastrians FLED THE FILTH of Islamic
Iran-------and ended up with lots of jews who fled the filth in BOMBAY---
(now Mumbai) Jews and Zoroastrians still get on well in Mumbai---to the
CONSTERNATION of the local muslims------In fact there are Zoroastrian
temples in Israel------only a few ---barely holding on in remote areas of Iran.
More interesting factoids------"ZOROASTRIAN WRITING" is the stuff from
which the Arabic script was invented-----only about 1600 years ago. Ever
meets a ZOROASTRIAN---paul? I have.........such people may not want
to know you

True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa


I don't want to kill anyone---DISGUSTING SHIITE DOG. I have never chanted
"DEATH" to anyone as do the scum of Iran -----with the ayatoilet pigs KEEPING TIME TO THE RHYTHM OF SHIITE SHIT. try your ayatoilet filth with someone
of your own------the scum from which you emerged
Target the Sunni nations we call our 'Good Friends.' That's where the major funding and support for groups like Al qaeda and ISIS comes from. On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on worldwide Jihad. Sunnis and Shiites don't work well together. The major terror groups of the world are by far Sunni Muslim groups.

something like 90% of muslims are sunnis-----and there are more sunni terrorists
than Shiite terrorists--------WATTA GENIUS IS PAUL

Well, now you may be finally getting it. On a global scale, Shiites aren't the problem. They just don't have the numbers to play a significant role in Global Jihad. You wanna end Radical Islam? Start looking more closely at the Sunni Nations funding and supporting it. Start with some we call our 'Good Friends.'

I look at both--------IRANIANS are a lot more focused and goal oriented -----
in my experience, than are sunnis-----whether Arabian, Kenyan, Pakistani...
SHIITES were ----in my singular opinion----NOT A PROBLEM 50
years ago -------but neither were your fave germans 120 years ago. Now---Iranians are a problem --------Shiite went from fairly weak and benign to HEZBOLLIAN FILTH -----even MORE dangerous filth in alliance with Russia,
China and-----Syrian pseudo Shiites. The SPANISH INQUISITION is no longer
a force-----it has its day--------now is the time of SHIITE SHIT

Well, the Shiites are on the rise. I won't deny that. But i just don't care. Saudi-backed Sunni Al qaeda attacked us on 9/11. It's been Shiites who've been helping wipe it and ISIS out. I'm not saying they're angels or anything, but on a global level, the Shiites have very little influence on global jihad.

All that being said though, we need to start implementing a disengagement strategy in regards to the Middle East. It's time to end all the meddling and finally come home.

al quaida is NOT SAUDI BACKED------other than the USUAL ZAKAT DONATED FOR THE VICTORY OF ISLAM ------by all muslims----lots of which comes from private Saudi citizens-----and----muslims from oil rich countries

Well, it's been proven that ISIS has been receiving support from our 'Good Friends' Turkey and Saudi Arabia. And Al qaeda has been known to receive support from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and other Sunni nations. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. But regardless, it's time to exit the Middle East hellhole. I'm over it.
Cyrus was a Zoroastrian------Zoroastrians FLED THE FILTH of Islamic
Iran-------and ended up with lots of jews who fled the filth in BOMBAY---
(now Mumbai) Jews and Zoroastrians still get on well in Mumbai---to the
CONSTERNATION of the local muslims------In fact there are Zoroastrian
temples in Israel------only a few ---barely holding on in remote areas of Iran.
More interesting factoids------"ZOROASTRIAN WRITING" is the stuff from
which the Arabic script was invented-----only about 1600 years ago. Ever
meets a ZOROASTRIAN---paul? I have.........such people may not want
to know you

True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa


I don't want to kill anyone---DISGUSTING SHIITE DOG. I have never chanted
"DEATH" to anyone as do the scum of Iran -----with the ayatoilet pigs KEEPING TIME TO THE RHYTHM OF SHIITE SHIT. try your ayatoilet filth with someone
of your own------the scum from which you emerged

Yeah, you don't sound like a loony rabid Warmonger at all. No way. :cuckoo:
Cyrus was a Zoroastrian------Zoroastrians FLED THE FILTH of Islamic
Iran-------and ended up with lots of jews who fled the filth in BOMBAY---
(now Mumbai) Jews and Zoroastrians still get on well in Mumbai---to the
CONSTERNATION of the local muslims------In fact there are Zoroastrian
temples in Israel------only a few ---barely holding on in remote areas of Iran.
More interesting factoids------"ZOROASTRIAN WRITING" is the stuff from
which the Arabic script was invented-----only about 1600 years ago. Ever
meets a ZOROASTRIAN---paul? I have.........such people may not want
to know you

True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa


I don't want to kill anyone---DISGUSTING SHIITE DOG. I have never chanted
"DEATH" to anyone as do the scum of Iran -----with the ayatoilet pigs KEEPING TIME TO THE RHYTHM OF SHIITE SHIT. try your ayatoilet filth with someone
of your own------the scum from which you emerged
please dont blow yourself :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:
something like 90% of muslims are sunnis-----and there are more sunni terrorists
than Shiite terrorists--------WATTA GENIUS IS PAUL

Well, now you may be finally getting it. On a global scale, Shiites aren't the problem. They just don't have the numbers to play a significant role in Global Jihad. You wanna end Radical Islam? Start looking more closely at the Sunni Nations funding and supporting it. Start with some we call our 'Good Friends.'

I look at both--------IRANIANS are a lot more focused and goal oriented -----
in my experience, than are sunnis-----whether Arabian, Kenyan, Pakistani...
SHIITES were ----in my singular opinion----NOT A PROBLEM 50
years ago -------but neither were your fave germans 120 years ago. Now---Iranians are a problem --------Shiite went from fairly weak and benign to HEZBOLLIAN FILTH -----even MORE dangerous filth in alliance with Russia,
China and-----Syrian pseudo Shiites. The SPANISH INQUISITION is no longer
a force-----it has its day--------now is the time of SHIITE SHIT

Well, the Shiites are on the rise. I won't deny that. But i just don't care. Saudi-backed Sunni Al qaeda attacked us on 9/11. It's been Shiites who've been helping wipe it and ISIS out. I'm not saying they're angels or anything, but on a global level, the Shiites have very little influence on global jihad.

All that being said though, we need to start implementing a disengagement strategy in regards to the Middle East. It's time to end all the meddling and finally come home.

al quaida is NOT SAUDI BACKED------other than the USUAL ZAKAT DONATED FOR THE VICTORY OF ISLAM ------by all muslims----lots of which comes from private Saudi citizens-----and----muslims from oil rich countries

Well, it's been proven that ISIS has been receiving support from our 'Good Friends' Turkey and Saudi Arabia. And Al qaeda has been known to receive support from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and other Sunni nations. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. But regardless, it's time to exit the Middle East hellhole. I'm over it.

we have political relationships with the governments of Turkey and Saudi arabia----
NO ONE has demonstrated that those governments support either al Qaeda or Isis.
Iran supports Hezbollah Must you LIE so much?
True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa


I don't want to kill anyone---DISGUSTING SHIITE DOG. I have never chanted
"DEATH" to anyone as do the scum of Iran -----with the ayatoilet pigs KEEPING TIME TO THE RHYTHM OF SHIITE SHIT. try your ayatoilet filth with someone
of your own------the scum from which you emerged
please dont blow yourself :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

blowing ones ass to hell is a custom of Shiite sluts
True, i've often said i prefer the Zoroastrian Persian Empire, to what Iran later became under Arab-rule. But that being said, what's done is done. The reality is, there won't be a war with Iran unless the U.S. starts one. Iran will not start a war it can't possibly win. It's all in U.S. hands. We'll see what it decides.

Paul is tripping over his own keyboard-----'oh well---so what-----Iranian muslims
committed genocide agains Zoroastrians and are STILL AT' ---"what's done, is
done" "until the us starts (a war) " Of course the US will start it-----the US
will contest blockades by Iran and will protest their weapons shipments to their
THUG DOGS AND PIGS thruout the world ---probably with bombs. Poor innocent
Iranian thugs and murderers will be under the protection of the AYATOILETS and
any attack on the pigs and dogs will be called-----by the AYATOILETS ----and

Again, there will only be a war with Iran if the U.S. starts one. It's not in Iran's best interest to start a war it can't possibly win.

fact: if you are anti usa .you vote to
Principlists party in tehran.
khamenei and hardliner and anti american always support Principlists.

last election in tehran :
1:6500000 people could vote in tehran
2:58% of people didnt vote .based on hardliner ideology .dont vote in election is haram
3:best hardliner and anti american candidate vote= 1 million
and he lose ..........
just 15% of tehran people voted to hardliner and anti american
4: and idiot rose1 want to kill this people !!!!!!!
5: jordan( best moslem usa allies ) /just 14 % like usa


I don't want to kill anyone---DISGUSTING SHIITE DOG. I have never chanted
"DEATH" to anyone as do the scum of Iran -----with the ayatoilet pigs KEEPING TIME TO THE RHYTHM OF SHIITE SHIT. try your ayatoilet filth with someone
of your own------the scum from which you emerged

Yeah, you don't sound like a loony rabid Warmonger at all. No way. :cuckoo:

oh---I see-you were unable to find a 'war-mongering post'------so you resorted to the
usual islamo Nazi hydrogen sulfide scented eructation mode
Iran just recently fired off test missiles with anti Israel slogans written on them.....

Iran is now putting up a statue to the Americans captured not long ago........the crying statue....

Iran has blown up a mock carrier.........

Iran chants Death to America.........

Iran supplied advanced IED's that sent Americans home in body bags.........

They support terrorist orgs in the region..........

We have no reason to play nice with them. We have no reason to honor the deal passed by the Loser in office now..........

and they have ZERO chance of winning in a fight against us..............so why would they continue to provoke us, when we smack their asses down without breaking much of sweat...............begs the question of ARE THEY SANE.............
How quickly you guise forget:

John Kerry said there was a "Snap Back" provision in the US/IRAN Nuclear Deal. We're ok!

Remain calm!
US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
U.S. Marines participate in joint landing exercise in South Korea on March 12. (Woohae Cho/Getty Images)

Despite having the largest military budget in the world, the United States probably wouldn't be ready if it were forced into a "great power war" with China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, says the nation's top general.

Military leaders voiced concern on Wednesday about their ability to fight a war with global powers like Russia, telling a congressional hearing that a lack of resources and training was weighing on America's combat readiness, reported Reuters.

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea

No country with a nuclear arsenal has ever been invaded. Never will.

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