US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

Wow. Did I call that or what? A shill of corporate America. Completely and totally conditioned. Brainwashed if you will. :eusa_dance:

I told you already, these plots are masterminded by the western security state to keep the masses in fear. That is all it is. Normal sane folks, of any religion don't do these things. Only desperate, destitute men with no where else to turn, PRODDED by intelligence agencies are the ones manipulated in to these posititions. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Realize the media's job is to sell you a line and make profits. Rarely do they expose the truth for what it is.

Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.
Enlarge This Image

Clay Rodery

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.

How is ISIS a worse threat to the US than Saddam was ?
You need to watch the news shows more. You're not even in the ballpark.
You need to watch less, much less TV. Try some gardening shows. :lol:

News shows are in the pocket of the elites. It's quite clear you are thoroughly, and I do mean, thoroughly conditioned. How are a bunch of rag tag dessert bums, funded and outfitted by the CIA, M16, the Mossad, Turkey and Saudi Arabia a threat to the people here at home?
How, you say ? Try some of these on for size >

1. 9-11 Attacks (2001)

2. Shoe bomber (2001)

3. LAX shooter attacks (2002)

4. Beltway sniper attacks (2002)

5. Jose Padilla (Nuclear bomb attempt - 2002)

6. Lackawanna Six (2002)

7. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha (bombing gas stations attempt - 2003)

8. Iyman Faris (attempt to destroy Brooklyn Bridge - 2003)

9. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali (attempted to kill US President - 2003)

10. Nuradin M. Abdi - (plot to bomb a local shopping mall - 2003)

11. Dhiren Barot - 2004 (attempt to bomb US Stock Exchange w/dirty bomb + car bombs - 2004)

12. . James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj - (attempt to bomb NY subway - 2004)

13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James - (attempted to attack National Guard facilities, synagogues, and other targets in the Los Angeles area - 2005)

14. Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar - (drove his SUV into a crowd of students at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, injuring six people on March 3, 2006. The reasoning, he stated, behind the attack was retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world)

15. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee (plotted to attack potential targets in the Washington, D.C., area, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank headquarters - 2006)

Want more ? PLENTY more available to look up >>

60 Terrorist Plots Since 9 11 Lessons in Domestic Counterterrorism
Absolutely. Every last jihad terrorist. 100% EXTERMINATION.
:salute: :drillsergeant: :tank: :Boom2::alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror:

No, only when they are attacking us - we aren't the police of the entire planet nor should we even attempt to be.

The more you kill, the more that rise up to fill the niche. You would think people would start getting this, but they are too filed with self-righteous indignation to be concerned with common sense.

I for one, am not about to fund your hobby of killing people.

I wouldn't expect Muslim ass-kissers (if not jihadists themselves) to help fund the war against Muslim jihadist lunacy. No problem. The USA didn't get funds from Nazi sympathizers in World War II either. That didn't stop
Eisenhower from crushing the Nazi war machine ( and more did NOT rise up "to fill the niche" ) It was 100% EXTERMINATION of the dirtbags. And EARTH TO MC: Muslim jihadists are always attacking us (the non-Muslim innocent people of the world). It's what they do.

Well, kiddie, it wasn't Eisenhower. It were the dead bodies of your soldiers.
And they did not kill Nazis, they killed our soldiers. Actually they could only do that because the Soviets had already beaten our Wehrmacht to the brink of collapse.
You, guys, are just scavengers. You were already in WWI, and you never won a war again after WWII because nobody else did the difficult job for you.

Oh, sorry. I forgot Grenada.
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

"The U.S. responded by launching a global war on terrorism.

"After forcing the Taliban and al-Qaeda out of Afghanistan, the U.S. turned its sights on Iraq, a country without a terrorist problem that was led by Saddam Hussein, a secular Sunni Baathist leader that al-Qaeda was bent on overthrowing.

"After toppling Saddam, the U.S. dismantled the entire Sunni-dominated Baathist state, including dismissing the military and security services and firing even low level civil servants.

"It then put the long oppressed Shiites in power, the leadership of whom had dedicated their lives to opposing Saddam and the Baathist.

"While only get mixed results most of the time, the U.S. devoted most of its military resources during the Iraq War to combating the Sunni insurgency that inevitably followed these decisions.

The US has funded, trained, and supported radical Islam since Reagan teamed up with UBL. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

How the US Made ISIS a Threat The Diplomat
Absolutely. Every last jihad terrorist. 100% EXTERMINATION.
:salute: :drillsergeant: :tank: :Boom2::alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror:

No, only when they are attacking us - we aren't the police of the entire planet nor should we even attempt to be.

The more you kill, the more that rise up to fill the niche. You would think people would start getting this, but they are too filed with self-righteous indignation to be concerned with common sense.

I for one, am not about to fund your hobby of killing people.

I wouldn't expect Muslim ass-kissers (if not jihadists themselves) to help fund the war against Muslim jihadist lunacy. No problem. The USA didn't get funds from Nazi sympathizers in World War II either. That didn't stop
Eisenhower from crushing the Nazi war machine ( and more did NOT rise up "to fill the niche" ) It was 100% EXTERMINATION of the dirtbags. And EARTH TO MC: Muslim jihadists are always attacking us (the non-Muslim innocent people of the world). It's what they do.

Well, kiddie, it wasn't Eisenhower. It were the dead bodies of your soldiers.
And they did not kill Nazis, they killed our soldiers. Actually they could only do that because the Soviets had already beaten our Wehrmacht to the brink of collapse.
You, guys, are just scavengers. You were already in WWI, and you never won a war again after WWII because nobody else did the difficult job for you.Whoever threatens the oil

Oh, sorry. I forgot Grenada.

HA HA. What looney bin are you typing from ? Your soldiers ? So what's up ? You're in Germany ? Oh boy. Dude. Eisenhower AND our soldiers and our airmen, and our whole military, and that of the Brits, and that of the Russians are who crushed the Nazi war machine. Without that coalition, the Allies may not have won the war. But it can't be denied that the USA had, by far, the biggest and strongest war machine of any country in the world, during the war. ANd the biggest, idiotic mistake Hitler made, was declaring war on the US, which he clearly was no match for.

D-Day, the battle of the Bulge, the Remagen Bridge, 4 years of carpet bombing German cities, you name it. Germany got the biggest ass kicking any country ever got, much of it from the US, and all your laughable America hating can't change that one iota. And it all came while the US was fighting a whole other major scale war in the Pacific, against Japan.

As for your :lame2: notation that the US "never won a war again after WWII ", FALSE! The war in Afghanistan (protecting your asses in Europe), was a success, with the Taliban having been routed, despite various stand down orders from "our" Pacifist president. Likewise, the US military was successful in Iraq, with control over the country, until "our" Pacifist president allowed it to all fall apart with a troop withdrawl.

And it may be noted, that as of this writing, it is US military forces whose lives are on the line, protecting YOU and your European contributors of little or nothing.
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

I am firmly adjusted to the reality that war against Muslim, jihadist lunatics is not something that is "embarking".

It is a 1400 year old reality, which will be here 80 years from now, 180 years from now, 300 years from now, and quite possibly a whole nohter 1400 years into the future. I see no way for the US and all of the West to ever not be at war with Muslim jihad lunacy/idiocy.
Islam is a CANCER

Adolg Hitler said:
The Jews are a Cancer on the breast of Germany


Does this mean you're trying to say that Islam and its 1400 year old component jihad, is NOT a cancer. If so, you're either a jihadist ? Or a denialist ?

Not at all, just pointing out, all extremist motherfuckers are equally stupid.
They condemn one man for using a phrase and trying to remove a their group from his perfect land, but use the same phrase and try to remove a group they dislike from their perfect land.
The stupidity is astounding.
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

I am firmly adjusted to the reality that war against Muslim, jihadist lunatics is not something that is "embarking".

It is a 1400 year old reality, which will be here 80 years from now, 180 years from now, 300 years from now, and quite possibly a whole nohter 1400 years into the future. I see no way for the US and all of the West to ever not be at war with Muslim jihad lunacy/idiocy.
Twenty years ago Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq and Syria were intermarrying instead of killing each other on the scale we are seeing today.

What accounts for that?
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

I am firmly adjusted to the reality that war against Muslim, jihadist lunatics is not something that is "embarking".

It is a 1400 year old reality, which will be here 80 years from now, 180 years from now, 300 years from now, and quite possibly a whole nohter 1400 years into the future. I see no way for the US and all of the West to ever not be at war with Muslim jihad lunacy/idiocy.
Twenty years ago Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq and Syria were intermarrying instead of killing each other on the scale we are seeing today.

What accounts for that?
Everybody hates the inlaws.
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

I am firmly adjusted to the reality that war against Muslim, jihadist lunatics is not something that is "embarking".

It is a 1400 year old reality, which will be here 80 years from now, 180 years from now, 300 years from now, and quite possibly a whole nohter 1400 years into the future. I see no way for the US and all of the West to ever not be at war with Muslim jihad lunacy/idiocy.
Twenty years ago Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq and Syria were intermarrying instead of killing each other on the scale we are seeing today.

What accounts for that?

Divide and conquer?
No matter how bad or how deadly islam is sending our military to fight them is a bad idea. We don't have the leadership to make such a fighting force effective.
We've had the "leadership" over the past four Administrations to create Islamist threats like IS:

"To briefly recap: In 2001 the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, a Sunni Jihadist group, which claimed that America’s support for corrupt and insufficiently Islamic governments in the Middle East was preventing it from recreating the Islamic Caliphate.

. When we launched our invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, at that time it was widely predicted we were embarking on a Long War of fifty to eighty years duration; are you ready for that blow-back?

I am firmly adjusted to the reality that war against Muslim, jihadist lunatics is not something that is "embarking".

It is a 1400 year old reality, which will be here 80 years from now, 180 years from now, 300 years from now, and quite possibly a whole nohter 1400 years into the future. I see no way for the US and all of the West to ever not be at war with Muslim jihad lunacy/idiocy.
Twenty years ago Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq and Syria were intermarrying instead of killing each other on the scale we are seeing today.

What accounts for that?

Divide and conquer?
It's been working for some since 1609:

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom.

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

When I turned 22 in 1969, the Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland will still killing to such an extent that, on some days, the number of dead in that land eclipsed the number of war dead on both sides in South Vietnam.
Wow. Did I call that or what? A shill of corporate America. Completely and totally conditioned. Brainwashed if you will. :eusa_dance:

I told you already, these plots are masterminded by the western security state to keep the masses in fear. That is all it is. Normal sane folks, of any religion don't do these things. Only desperate, destitute men with no where else to turn, PRODDED by intelligence agencies are the ones manipulated in to these posititions. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Realize the media's job is to sell you a line and make profits. Rarely do they expose the truth for what it is.

Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.
Enlarge This Image

Clay Rodery

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.

How is ISIS a worse threat to the US than Saddam was ?
You need to watch the news shows more. You're not even in the ballpark.
You need to watch less, much less TV. Try some gardening shows. :lol:

News shows are in the pocket of the elites. It's quite clear you are thoroughly, and I do mean, thoroughly conditioned. How are a bunch of rag tag dessert bums, funded and outfitted by the CIA, M16, the Mossad, Turkey and Saudi Arabia a threat to the people here at home?
How, you say ? Try some of these on for size >

1. 9-11 Attacks (2001)

2. Shoe bomber (2001)

3. LAX shooter attacks (2002)

4. Beltway sniper attacks (2002)

5. Jose Padilla (Nuclear bomb attempt - 2002)

6. Lackawanna Six (2002)

7. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha (bombing gas stations attempt - 2003)

8. Iyman Faris (attempt to destroy Brooklyn Bridge - 2003)

9. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali (attempted to kill US President - 2003)

10. Nuradin M. Abdi - (plot to bomb a local shopping mall - 2003)

11. Dhiren Barot - 2004 (attempt to bomb US Stock Exchange w/dirty bomb + car bombs - 2004)

12. . James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj - (attempt to bomb NY subway - 2004)

13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James - (attempted to attack National Guard facilities, synagogues, and other targets in the Los Angeles area - 2005)

14. Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar - (drove his SUV into a crowd of students at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, injuring six people on March 3, 2006. The reasoning, he stated, behind the attack was retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world)

15. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee (plotted to attack potential targets in the Washington, D.C., area, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank headquarters - 2006)

Want more ? PLENTY more available to look up >>

60 Terrorist Plots Since 9 11 Lessons in Domestic Counterterrorism

This is utter nonsense. Of scores of Muslim terrorist attacks, by far, most had no sting involvement, and those that did, quite likely would have happened with or without the sting. The FBI wasn't stinging the terrorists because they didn't like their wardrobe.

Your post is a total pile of :bsflag: HYPE designed to delude people into a false sense of security. You got an ISIS photo-ID badge by any chance. I feel embarrassed to even be responding to such foolishness .:rolleyes-41:
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
Personally, I've grown weary of the Middle-East, North Africa and Muslims.
Dust off the old hydrogen bombs and drop them over the entire area.

The only thing the H bombs would do would be to cut growing seasons and send millions of poor people to their deaths. Libya, for example, was by many indications the best country in Africa before your pathetic government made it a failed state. They don't deserve an H bomb more than they did a western backed coup.

A regional nuclear exchange is horrible idea unless you're a genocidal maniac who has the audacity to conceive that he won't be adversely affected. You might as well stab yourself in the spleen.
No real conservative would ever condone David. We saw what happens to a journalist that went beyond David and went after the negroid in chief. He ended up dead, wrapped around a tree. We get it.
Personally, I've grown weary of the Middle-East, North Africa and Muslims.
Dust off the old hydrogen bombs and drop them over the entire area.

I would like to make a counter proposal.
Nuke the country that has started the most wars, or attacked the most other countries in the last 60 years.
I wonder which country it will be.

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