US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

The view from Tehran?

"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani attacked Israel during an address Wednesday, comparing the Jewish state to the Islamic State as two 'tumors derived from the same origin.'

“'Today, this festering Zionist tumor has opened once again and has turned the land of olives into destruction and blood and littered the land with the body parts of Palestinian children,' Mr. Rouhani said in an Eid al Fetr address to a gathering of senior Iranian officials and foreign diplomats, the Washington Free Beacon reported..."

"The Iranian president also compared Israel to the Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, by calling it 'a second festering tumor that murders people in the name of Islam.'”

Does anyone doubt both Israel and IS exist today only because the US government needs them to increase arms sales in the Middle East?

Iran s Rouhani Israel Islamic State are tumors derived from the same origin - Washington Times
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
So 90% are gullible enough to buy the propaganda of fear distributed by self serving "intelligence" agencies.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series
of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
So 90% are gullible enough to buy the propaganda of fear distributed by self serving "intelligence" agencies.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series
of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
When posters come in here talking ridiculous abou ISIS, any one of a few things could be happening >>

1. They're just plain stupid.

2. They're brainwashed.

3. They're jihadists trying to program the public out of their clear perceptions.
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
A majority of Americans once believed Saddam and his mythical WMDs posed a threat to the US; were you one?

Did you happen to notice what Wesley Clark published in 2003 about a Pentagon plan calling for regime change in seven Arab states beginning in Iraq and including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing in Iran.

How many more innocent Muslims will have to die before your ignorant, star-spangled blood lust will be satiated?
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
A majority of Americans once believed Saddam and his mythical WMDs posed a threat to the US; were you one?

Did you happen to notice what Wesley Clark published in 2003 about a Pentagon plan calling for regime change in seven Arab states beginning in Iraq and including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing in Iran.

How many more innocent Muslims will have to die before your ignorant, star-spangled blood lust will be satiated?

And we all know exactly where that " Pentagon plan " came from. A Clean Break.
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
A majority of Americans once believed Saddam and his mythical WMDs posed a threat to the US; were you one?

Did you happen to notice what Wesley Clark published in 2003 about a Pentagon plan calling for regime change in seven Arab states beginning in Iraq and including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing in Iran.

How many more innocent Muslims will have to die before your ignorant, star-spangled blood lust will be satiated?
1. So you're comparing ISIS to the WMD talk of Saddam Hussein ? If so, bad comparison.

2. All the states you mentioned are jihadist in nature. Regime change wouldn't be a bad idea. For the citizens of those countries as well (especially women and children)

3. Upon what do you base > "ignorant" (of what ?), "blood lust" (how ?)
A terrorist attack on American soil provided PNAC with opportunity to convince America that 7 regimes in the Mideast need to be destabilized starting with Iraq.

Was the idea that this would somehow stop terrorism ? If so it failed.

The reason why Americans are dying in this region is to defend the US from Islamic jihad, which the countries that he mentioned are all purveyors of. Sounds like the plan those guys had, might not have been so bad. If they had been enacted successfully, there wouldn't have been the slaughters of innocent people in Syria, Sudan, Iraq (by ISIS), etc. Events that have unfolded since,appear to justify that 7 nation plan to a very high degree.
A terrorist attack on American soil provided PNAC with opportunity to convince America that 7 regimes in the Mideast need to be destabilized starting with Iraq.

Was the idea that this would somehow stop terrorism ? If so it failed.
No it didn't fail because it wasn't enacted, except for Iraq, where it succeeded up until 2011 when US troops left and THEN > ISIS moved in. (confirming the justification for the plan)
Wasn't enacted ? How about Libya ? How about our continuing efforts to destabilize Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. Just wait--Lebanon will go as well.
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
A majority of Americans once believed Saddam and his mythical WMDs posed a threat to the US; were you one?

Did you happen to notice what Wesley Clark published in 2003 about a Pentagon plan calling for regime change in seven Arab states beginning in Iraq and including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing in Iran.

How many more innocent Muslims will have to die before your ignorant, star-spangled blood lust will be satiated?

And we all know exactly where that " Pentagon plan " came from. A Clean Break.
"A Clean Break" owed many of its goals to an Israeli plan from the 1980s:


"The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the
Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently.

"Lebanon's total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precendent for the entire Arab world
including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.

dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unqiue areas such as in Lebanon, is
Israel's primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power
of those states serves as the primary short term target.

"Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its
ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a
Shi'ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus
hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and
certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan.

"This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and
security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today. Zionist Plan for the Middle East.pdf

The reason why Americans are dying in this region is to defend the US from Islamic jihad, which the countries that he mentioned are all purveyors of. Sounds like the plan those guys had, might not have been so bad. If they had been enacted successfully, there wouldn't have been the slaughters of innocent people in Syria, Sudan, Iraq (by ISIS), etc. Events that have unfolded since,appear to justify that 7 nation plan to a very high degree.

The plan was originally written for Netanyahu----how does that grab you ?
We just got partially out of Iraq, and eventually Afghanistan. We can do enough sending weapons and carrying out air strikes. US intervention in the Middle East has caused a mess in the past, and unless we limit involvement and avoid troops on the ground it will create another 'Islamic State' in the future.
US faces bigger threat from Wall Street than from IS:

"The United States has a tradition of misinterpreting the Middle East. President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 with misplaced certainty, misconstrued assumptions and poor foresight.

"After the Arab revolts began in 2011, Washington misdiagnosed the problems and opportunities, and overestimated its influence to steer outcomes in its favor. Now, as the United States prepares to escalate military action against the Islamic State, misinterpretation is leading to another tragic foreign policy mistake."

The Islamic State threat is overstated - The Washington Post
So you link to a non-interventionist article. Whoopee! There's many more out there. And there's also a true statistic that shows that 90% of the American people consider ISIS to be a serious threat, based on US intelligence reports. Have a nice day. Click the links

CNN poll Majority of Americans alarmed by ISIS -

ISIS attack on power grid could wipe out 90 of Americans
A majority of Americans once believed Saddam and his mythical WMDs posed a threat to the US; were you one?

Did you happen to notice what Wesley Clark published in 2003 about a Pentagon plan calling for regime change in seven Arab states beginning in Iraq and including Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing in Iran.

How many more innocent Muslims will have to die before your ignorant, star-spangled blood lust will be satiated?
1. So you're comparing ISIS to the WMD talk of Saddam Hussein ? If so, bad comparison.

2. All the states you mentioned are jihadist in nature. Regime change wouldn't be a bad idea. For the citizens of those countries as well (especially women and children)

3. Upon what do you base > "ignorant" (of what ?), "blood lust" (how ?)
Ignorant of US human rights violations in Iraq and a blind blood lust for more of the same (to save the women and children, of course):
"Coalition forces and private contractors[edit]

This photograph released in 2006 shows several naked Iraqis in hoods, of whom one has the words "I'm a rapeist" [sic] written on his hip.
Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I liked former SoS James Baker's smackdown of Dubya and Cheney on today's Meet The Press.

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