US Oil Rig Count has Doubled Under Biden

Biden was not dealt a bad hand at all.
It was Biden who deliberately caused oil prices to double, when he imposed those illegal economic sanctions on Russia.

Cries the lyin' Russian bot. :itsok:
Trump put sanctions on Venezuela that's why we started buying so much oil from Russia.
August 6 2019
President Donald Trump has imposed sweeping sanctions on the Venezuelan government, freezing its assets in the US and barring transactions with it.
This measure is expected to be far more damaging for Venezuela's socialist government than previous sanctions.
The move is the latest aimed at increasing pressure on President Nicolás Maduro to step down.
No, cause we will soon run out.
Exporting oil/gas used to be illegal, and should still be illegal.
We're not running out of oil soon. The export ban led to record imports and greater dependence on foreign energy sources.
Yet, oil production was higher under Trump than Obama And Biden.
Why? His policies
Comparing the first two years of Trump versus Biden's, no it isn't, and the next two years might well eclipse trumps last two as well. But figures lie. Trump nor Biden had much to do with production levels, they're politicians not Oil Men.
not true at all
Biden approves drilling for non federal as well as federal. Biden has approved a record amount of drilling permits for non-federal land
What you don't seem to understand is that there are more than enough drilling location and reserves in the non federal lands.

The reality is that the total US rig count has more than doubled under Biden and has increased at the fastest pace ever for a presidency.
thank you Biden, great job.

the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

YOU are so wrong and here is the proof when you wrote:Biden approves drilling for non federal as well as federal.
Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rule FAQs | U.S. Fish & Wildlife ... › story › non-federal-oil-and-gas-r...
Wells drilled from outside refuges or on non-federal holdings to access non-federal minerals will be exempt from these regulations. But your personal non-substantiated statement Biden approves drilling for non federal as well as federal... just shows how dumb people like you perpetuate stupidity!
Dummies like you read something like this first Google results..."Biden's first year... NOTE written 1/21/22 AND guess what they go down!
Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 1.31.29 PM.png

These are the ONLY leases that presidents have to approve Public Federal lands!
They do NOT approve non-Federal lands.. again the authorities:

... we only had a meager 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, not good.
Now we 623, more than double, thanks to Biden.
Biden is the energy president ...

The derp OP acts as if he never heard of the China virus aka COVID-19 and that the economy of the world was shut down. Duh.

Biden has NOTHING to do with the increased rig count.

Anyone calling Biden "the energy president" is a fool and a liar, or a complete dolt.
not true at all
Biden approves drilling for non federal as well as federal. Biden has approved a record amount of drilling permits for non-federal land
What you don't seem to understand is that there are more than enough drilling location and reserves in the non federal lands.

The reality is that the total US rig count has more than doubled under Biden and has increased at the fastest pace ever for a presidency.
thank you Biden, great job.

the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Investing money in that sector is a tough sell when there have been red flags thrown out
by the administration as to the future of the industry. You just don't turn on the oil, it can take
years to go from an approval of a lease to get to where it is a producing rig.

Biden working behind the scenes to compel banks to not loan money to O & G companies.

its so funny how I just post fact after fact and you don't like my facts

The reality is the US had only 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, we now have 623 and counting...

You people spend all your time whining and crying and complaining, but Biden is getting shit done. Infrastructure, jobs, energy, oil, nat gas, renewable energy.

The US is now the world leader in nat gas production AND exports, thanks Biden !
No one believes that we have as much oil as the nation needs... if we did the price at the pump would be what it was under Trump....
I sure miss those days....
Biden working behind the scenes to compel banks to not loan money to O & G companies.

This tension from the Biden administration over the financing of O & G is devastating because the vast bulk of the development is done by independents, not Big Oil.

The U.S. Internal Revenue Code section 613A(d) defines an independent producer as a producer who does not have more than $5 million in retail sales of oil and gas in a year or who does not refine more than an average of 75,000 barrels per day of crude oil during a given year. There are about 9,000 independent oil and natural gas producers in the United States. These companies operate in 33 states and the offshore and employ an average of just 12 people.​
Independent producers develop 91 percent of the wells in the United States – producing 83 percent of America’s oil and 90 percent of America’s natural gas. Independents can be small family companies or publicly traded companies. These companies efforts account for 3 percent of the United States’ Gross Domestic Product and they reinvest billions of dollars back into the American economy to discover and to produce more energy in the most cost-efficient ways. As the infographics below illustrate, IPAA members play a critical role in the nation’s overall economic vitality and energy security.​

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not true at all
Biden approves drilling for non federal as well as federal. Biden has approved a record amount of drilling permits for non-federal land
What you don't seem to understand is that there are more than enough drilling location and reserves in the non federal lands.

The reality is that the total US rig count has more than doubled under Biden and has increased at the fastest pace ever for a presidency.
thank you Biden, great job.

the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

You are a lying sack of shit. Biden can't approve drilling on private land, Simp.

And our link only says public land, so it doesn't back up your lies.
That's right, Biden has more than doubled the US oil rig count because energy companies are ramping up production big time under Biden.

Biden inherited an underproducing country from Trump, we only had a meager 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, not good.
Now we 623, more than double, thanks to Biden.
The US oil rig count is set to rise further, thanks to Biden and the US is also building solar and wind installations at a record pace, and the US is producing and exporting record amounts of Nat gas thanks to Biden.

Biden is the energy president, he has made the US the dominant energy producer AND exporter in the entire world. Doubling oil rigs, world leading Nat gas and exports, and ramping up renewable energy.

The US energy industry is better now than ever before thanks to Biden.

Hey Wanker, all the rigs in the world don't matter if government regulations and permits keep you from being able to use them.
Regardless of the Neo-GOP propaganda, under President Biden the US is more Energy Independent than under any other president in the last half a centrury.

Dayum, you were so destroyed by the OP, you tried diverting from the thread topic of rig count (oil production) ... to ... new leases (non-producing).
Tell us what Biden did to increase rig count beyond making it attractive to drill due to his sky high gas prices.
US crude oil production is well below the levels we had for months just prior to the Fauci Flu.

OP is an idiot.
That was the first month when Oil and other liquids, especially LNG exports, exceeded our oil imports. If you separate out oil from natural gas we are still oil dependent, and have been for over a half a century, and the world's leading producer and exporter of natural gas. More so today than in 2018.
That was the first month when Oil and other liquids, especially LNG exports, exceeded our oil imports. If you separate out oil from natural gas we are still oil dependent, and have been for over a half a century, and the world's leading producer and exporter of natural gas. More so today than in 2018.

We export LNG because Trump put an emphasis on building LNG terminals and fast-tracked them cutting through red tape.

And the term is energy independent.

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