US Oil Rig Count has Doubled Under Biden

Your blanket statements with ZERO data PROVE that you actually have nothing to offer.
Why won't you supply us with trumps numbers and bidens numbers?

Because you bring nothing to the discussion.
Quit pissing while sitting down, be a man, stand up, and supply some actual data.
Numbers for what? What numbers claim have I made?
again what are you babbling about?
Biden approved more permits than Trump, that is fact deal with it.
US rig count rocketed up and doubled in record time
The US is on pace to pump more oil under Biden than trump
The US currently produces more nat gas and exports more gas now than under Trump
The US currently is building many more renewable energy installations than under Trump
How many bbls of oil are we getting from Biden’s leases The Banker

Im beginning to think the number is ZERO!:auiqs.jpg:
The dirty little secret is oil companies can extend them or apply for a lease.
2 years is plenty for a site to be explored and determined if it is viable for oil drilling.
Once again, republicans, blaming the government for what oil companies are NOT doing............on the 10% of the total leases, federal government has control over.
Trump nudged the United States a little closer to pax Americana. As we were. over the years the elites and political class with corporate interests have slowly intertwined us into a potential global governance. We are now closer as part of many entities in the world. We do not matter as much as citizens because we are part of several billion. And the wealth bequeathed to us from the founding fathers and people who tamed a continent is now promoted as the property of the coming world government.
again what are you babbling about?
Biden approved more permits than Trump, that is fact deal with it.
US rig count rocketed up and doubled in record time
The US is on pace to pump more oil under Biden than trump
The US currently produces more nat gas and exports more gas now than under Trump
The US currently is building many more renewable energy installations than under Trump
NOT ONE proof! Why do you think we should believe YOU!

Drilling permits spiked then plunged under Biden​

The Bureau of Land Management in January approved just 95 permits for oil and natural gas wells across federal lands in the United States, a plunge from the zenith of 643 issued last April, according to a review of data by E&E News.

Biden reverses Trump move to open up more oil drilling in Arctic​

  • The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country’s largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
  • The Bureau of Land Management’s decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that’s home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears
  • Biden reverses Trump move to open up more oil drilling in Arctic

Federal Oil Leases Slow to a Trickle Under Biden​

NOW you lying loudmouth IDIOT Show me your proof! Zero links. Just your loud personal ignorant and truly stupid opinion!
Biden has done zero to assist in oil and natural gas supply to Americans. That interferes with the Save The Planet feelings agenda. Biden is about punitive governance
That project has yet to increase our LNP production. He fast tracked the permit process. Unlike the Canadian tar pipeline, that pipeline will increase our energy production when it's construction is complete.

Trump fast-tracked LNG facilities.

The northern leg of Keystone XL would have seen more output from U.S. refineries that would have been available on world markets after refining.

Biden is a big net negative on U.S. energy and that includes the behind-the-scenes strongarming of banks to not loan to O & G drillers which greatly impacts independents who are responsible for the large majority of new wells in the USA.
again what are you babbling about?
Biden approved more permits than Trump, that is fact deal with it.
US rig count rocketed up and doubled in record time
The US is on pace to pump more oil under Biden than trump
The US currently produces more nat gas and exports more gas now than under Trump
The US currently is building many more renewable energy installations than under Trump

Pay attention. Someone, please help him.

Thanks for showing production has gone up since Biden's been president.

Still lower than under Trump's high number pre-COVID.

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You're quite the dumbfuck to think they're Biden's gas prices. You think he sets them? :cuckoo:
Really a dumbfuck you are to NOT comprehend what the oil companies DID when Biden told them this:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

SO... what were the oil companies response to this dumbfuck telling the fossil fuels they are NO longer wanted and he will get rid of them????
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So DUMBFUCK>... what a great excuse to raise gas prices like this:
Go to the web site dumbfuck and SEE the proof! Highest price of $4.26 vs Trump's $2.82 or Biden's nearly 50% more!
And Dumbfucks like you are paying for it while kissing Biden's butt!

That's right, Biden has more than doubled the US oil rig count because energy companies are ramping up production big time under Biden.

Biden inherited an underproducing country from Trump, we only had a meager 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, not good.
Now we 623, more than double, thanks to Biden.
The US oil rig count is set to rise further, thanks to Biden and the US is also building solar and wind installations at a record pace, and the US is producing and exporting record amounts of Nat gas thanks to Biden.

Biden is the energy president, he has made the US the dominant energy producer AND exporter in the entire world. Doubling oil rigs, world leading Nat gas and exports, and ramping up renewable energy.

The US energy industry is better now than ever before thanks to Biden.

Biden inherited an underproducing country from Trump, we only had a meager 287 oil rigs when Biden took over, not good.
Now we 623, more than double, thanks to Biden.

He's awesome!!!

What did he do to encourage production? Be specific. LOL!
Trump fast-tracked LNG facilities.

The northern leg of Keystone XL would have seen more output from U.S. refineries that would have been available on world markets after refining.

Biden is a big net negative on U.S. energy and that includes the behind-the-scenes strongarming of banks to not loan to O & G drillers which greatly impacts independents who are responsible for the large majority of new wells in the USA.
yet we are producing and exporting record amounts of nat gas
ramping up oil rig count at a record pace and set to keep increasing oil production on pace to produce more oil than ever before
and we are producing record renewables

Biden is the energy president and the US energy industry has never been stronger ever in us history, with all major oil companies making record profits and eliminating debt.
yet we are producing and exporting record amounts of nat gas
ramping up oil rig count at a record pace and set to keep increasing oil production on pace to produce more oil than ever before
and we are producing record renewables

Biden is the energy president and the US energy industry has never been stronger ever in us history, with all major oil companies making record profits and eliminating debt.
Hey The Banker how many new rigs on Biden's leases? How many bbls of oil are we getting from Biden's new leases?

Give us some numbers, Simp.

Why do you keep running away from these questions?
Hey The Banker how many new rigs on Biden's leases? How many bbls of oil are we getting from Biden's new leases?

Give us some numbers, Simp.

Why do you keep running away from these questions?
what a joke question. yea go calculate the barrels from Bidens booming rig count, swing and miss loser.

Biden has approved more permits than Trump, deal with it
The rig count is rocketing up and has doubled under Biden, deal with it
Biden has the US producing and exporting record nat gas, more than Trump, deal with it

You can;t even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud so you have no credibility at all
Thanks for showing production has gone up since Biden's been president.

Trumpers can't stand to see oil surge under Biden and Nat gas production surge to records, higher than Trump.

Bush and Trump were such failed terrible presidents that trumpers hate to see Biden winning. By the end of the year the economy will be stabilized and booming again, just like in 2021 and perfect timing for the election

Republicans look stupid AF with Bush and Trump being failures and Clinton crushing it and Obama fixing the Bush crash. They are rooting for Biden to fail, and 2021 was a boom year, things are setting up nicely for more boom.

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