US religious right at center of anti-LGBTQ+ message pushed around the world

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its very sad that these extremists have nothing better to do with their lives than oppress other people. I doubt that they will get into heaven.

Gay folk need to organise in order to fight off this evil. Non gay folk need to join them. It is an assault on all of us.
i don't know tammy..................all of your threads seem to have a gay thang goin on

what are we to thunk here?
ever try a straight thread?

Its very sad that these extremists have nothing better to do with their lives than oppress other people. I doubt that they will get into heaven.

Gay folk need to organise in order to fight off this evil. Non gay folk need to join them. It is an assault on all of us.
why do you call them extremists ?

Its very sad that these extremists have nothing better to do with their lives than oppress other people. I doubt that they will get into heaven.

Gay folk need to organise in order to fight off this evil. Non gay folk need to join them. It is an assault on all of us.
They might be extreme in their wrongheaded hostility toward those gay and transgender, but the bigotry and hate of the Christo-fascist right is part of mainstream conservativism.

Its very sad that these extremists have nothing better to do with their lives than oppress other people. I doubt that they will get into heaven.

Gay folk need to organise in order to fight off this evil. Non gay folk need to join them. It is an assault on all of us.
Tommy, the problem is that in America both sides decide that they have to aggravate the issue and blow it up out of proportion to make it into a fight.

It's the same with the abortion and nearly all other issues in America these days. They just don't want to leave the sleeping dog to lie.

And so there ya go Tommy, the resolution to America's abortion question.

They're probably going to GET IT eventually but they've decided that a lot more fetuses and abortion doctors have to die first.

Its very sad that these extremists have nothing better to do with their lives than oppress other people. I doubt that they will get into heaven.

Gay folk need to organise in order to fight off this evil. Non gay folk need to join them. It is an assault on all of us.
Wanting to keep children from being sexualized and away from lewd conduct is "anti-LGBTQWERTY+++".

This presumes that LGBTQWERTY+++ is very much interested in sexualizing children and exposing them to lewd conduct....And despicable assholes like you want that to be protected behavior.

You leftists are some serious scum.
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The people of Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe don't need to have Americans tell them that men violating each other's butt holes is bad.

They know it already, Tommy.

The purpose of the reaching out is to let the people of the Tremendous Nation of Uganda, or wherever, know they aren't alone and have allies in the west.
The people of Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe don't need to have Americans tell them that men violating each other's butt holes is bad.

They know it already, Tommy.

The purpose of the reaching out is to let the people of the Tremendous Nation of Uganda, or wherever, know they aren't alone and have allies in the west.
Tommy likes men's buttholes.
The people of Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe don't need to have Americans tell them that men violating each other's butt holes is bad.

They know it already, Tommy.

The purpose of the reaching out is to let the people of the Tremendous Nation of Uganda, or wherever, know they aren't alone and have allies in the west.
A few quid goes a long way in these places. Christto fascists have learned that much.
Now they are using their learning on the US.
Wanting to keep children from being sexualized and away from lewd conduct is "anti-LGBTQWERTY+++".

This presumes that LGBTQWERTY+++ is very much interested in sexualizing children and exposing them to lewd conduct....And despicable assholes like you want that to be protected behavior.

You leftists are some serious scum.
You illustrate the point of the OP. You are just a tool.

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