US Savage Imperialism

The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?
You haven't proven his hypocrisy.

I did, but mysteriously, your response contained nothing but personal attacks against me. Not a single word about the voluminous evidence I provided.
Do you mean your voluminous "evidence" that contained no links and the confession you didn't "bother reading a single frigging word of this post...?"

Why would I take your word for it when you say Chomsky lied about Hamas being more willing to embrace a truce than the US or Israel?

Or that the "Right of Return" entails the "dissolution of Israel"?

See if you can respond without "dumbass" or "chucklehead" or any other substitute for critical thought.

I'll respond without "dumbass" and "chucklehead" when you stop BEING a dumbass and a chucklehead. Until then, demanding respect you haven't earned ain't gettin' you nowhere.

Second of all, not everyone gets all their info from the Internet, so trying that tired old "It's not proof because it's not linked" doesn't work. Every bit of evidence I cited is sourced FROM CHOMSKY'S OWN PRINTED WORKS. Are you trying to say now that Chomsky himself is not an accurate source about Chomsky . . . unless, of course, he's saying something you want to believe? Or are you trying to deny that he DID say those things?

You don't have to take MY word for anything, CHUCKLEHEAD. Go read your vaunted Peace Proposal - which you yourself cited, so you'd think you'd actually have read it - and what your hero actually said, way back when, and then come back and talk to me.
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?

"Class War"
....what an extraordinary theory that has no doubt kept sociology professors employed for the past century.

I wonder, why hasn't the richest 2% of Americans "won?"....or lost? Why don't we know one way or the other? What will happen when they "win?"

I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?
I did, but mysteriously, your response contained nothing but personal attacks against me. Not a single word about the voluminous evidence I provided.
Do you mean your voluminous "evidence" that contained no links and the confession you didn't "bother reading a single frigging word of this post...?"

Why would I take your word for it when you say Chomsky lied about Hamas being more willing to embrace a truce than the US or Israel?

Or that the "Right of Return" entails the "dissolution of Israel"?

See if you can respond without "dumbass" or "chucklehead" or any other substitute for critical thought.

I'll respond without "dumbass" and "chucklehead" when you stop BEING a dumbass and a chucklehead. Until then, demanding respect you haven't earned ain't gettin' you nowhere.

Second of all, not everyone gets all their info from the Internet, so trying that tired old "It's not proof because it's not linked" doesn't work. Every bit of evidence I cited is sourced FROM CHOMSKY'S OWN PRINTED WORKS. Are you trying to say now that Chomsky himself is not an accurate source about Chomsky . . . unless, of course, he's saying something you want to believe? Or are you trying to deny that he DID say those things?

You don't have to take MY word for anything, CHUCKLEHEAD. Go read your vaunted Peace Proposal - which you yourself cited, so you'd think you'd actually have read it - and what your hero actually said, way back when, and then come back and talk to me.
Don't worry.

I won't take your word or waste my time on anything you write.

No, he's an idiot because he obviously doesn't understand anything about conservatism. Oh, he thinks he does, but that's only because he's repeating what he hears around the leftist echo chambers of academia. Reality is not welcome inside those hallowed halls.

Look, compared to Chomsky you are a certifiable idiot. Certifiable, as in provably true.

He certainly sees conservatism 100 times better and with better vision than you do. Because he has insights you can't possibly understand.

People with 115 IQ's generally can't even fathom the ideas of folks with IQ's as low as 140. But when folks with 170 IQ's try to communicate with folks who have remedial IQ's around 115 then communication is next to impossible.

Own up, you don't understand anything Chomsky talks about, but the big brains at the pentagon consider his ideas essential and therefore they finance his dept at MIT.

Meanwhile the big brains at the pentagon trust you to shovel dirt when it comes time to build fox holes and properly clean and load your weapon. But they absolutely will NOT let you fly a jet.

I've done the math. The answer is you will swallow anything Chomsky tells you. The Pentagon doesn't pay him for his political opinions, as I've shown.

Your little tin god tells you capitalism is he cashes his big checks. He tells you the American military is evil...and they're the ones signing those big checks.

You're a useful idiot for a hypocrite, a willing tool. As such, you have no business comparing IQs with anyone.

You have shown nothing except your willingness to stretch anything into reinforcement for your pre manufactured beliefs.

The pentagon supports Chomsky. Literally. Case closed.
Look, compared to Chomsky you are a certifiable idiot. Certifiable, as in provably true.

He certainly sees conservatism 100 times better and with better vision than you do. Because he has insights you can't possibly understand.

People with 115 IQ's generally can't even fathom the ideas of folks with IQ's as low as 140. But when folks with 170 IQ's try to communicate with folks who have remedial IQ's around 115 then communication is next to impossible.

Own up, you don't understand anything Chomsky talks about, but the big brains at the pentagon consider his ideas essential and therefore they finance his dept at MIT.

Meanwhile the big brains at the pentagon trust you to shovel dirt when it comes time to build fox holes and properly clean and load your weapon. But they absolutely will NOT let you fly a jet.

I've done the math. The answer is you will swallow anything Chomsky tells you. The Pentagon doesn't pay him for his political opinions, as I've shown.

Your little tin god tells you capitalism is he cashes his big checks. He tells you the American military is evil...and they're the ones signing those big checks.

You're a useful idiot for a hypocrite, a willing tool. As such, you have no business comparing IQs with anyone.

You have shown nothing except your willingness to stretch anything into reinforcement for your pre manufactured beliefs.

The pentagon supports Chomsky. Literally. Case closed.
Does that make Chomsky a hypocrite?
I'm imagining the black guy in the White House? :confused:

who is supported by 90% of black Americans and only about 20% of white Americans.

IOW a completely racist delineation of support.
Amazing how he got elected then, isn't it?

Or maybe you're just full of crap. Yes, that's far more likely.

And how quickly that support declined. He got 54% of the vote among about 52% of Americans who voted. And he was the first and only half black dude who did so. And that support lasted less than one year.

Meanwhile good racist Americans still oppose the islamofascists who don't exist, Mexicans who do exist and socialism that is pale compared to the corporate variety. ACORN is a still a buzzword, as is Jeremiah Wright and folks still question his citizenship.

Face it, hombre, we were founded on racism and still cling to our racism and guns and religion. Two of the three you admit to openly in this thread.

And you don't understand Chomsky. But the pentagon does and they choose to support his dept because they want his insights.

That must burn the feathers off of your chickenhearted breasts.
I've done the math. The answer is you will swallow anything Chomsky tells you. The Pentagon doesn't pay him for his political opinions, as I've shown.

Your little tin god tells you capitalism is he cashes his big checks. He tells you the American military is evil...and they're the ones signing those big checks.

You're a useful idiot for a hypocrite, a willing tool. As such, you have no business comparing IQs with anyone.

You have shown nothing except your willingness to stretch anything into reinforcement for your pre manufactured beliefs.

The pentagon supports Chomsky. Literally. Case closed.
Does that make Chomsky a hypocrite?

None of us know his heart.

The most brazen psychopaths alive are CEO's of major corps and even Chomsky admits that otherwise good people can do naziesquely horrible things as agents of an institution as perverse as the modern corporation.
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?

"Class War"
....what an extraordinary theory that has no doubt kept sociology professors employed for the past century.

I wonder, why hasn't the richest 2% of Americans "won?"....or lost? Why don't we know one way or the other? What will happen when they "win?"

I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?

"Class War"
....what an extraordinary theory that has no doubt kept sociology professors employed for the past century.

I wonder, why hasn't the richest 2% of Americans "won?"....or lost? Why don't we know one way or the other? What will happen when they "win?"

I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
Any thoughts on how the have-nots would be affected if the dollar loses its reserve currency status?

Do you see any credible scenario for hyperinflation?
I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

you certainly didn't disappoint my prediction that you'd once again dance around the issue

Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

WTF is a "spectacular gains in returns to wealth?" Isn't that the definition of being in the richest 2%??

I see a very definite "concreteness" in the "current levels of inequality [of wealth]." But I do NOT see a conflict between these levels.

Since you've dodged my questions, I'll go ahead and answer them for you: The "class war" is over.

The wealthy won.
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"Class War"
....what an extraordinary theory that has no doubt kept sociology professors employed for the past century.

I wonder, why hasn't the richest 2% of Americans "won?"....or lost? Why don't we know one way or the other? What will happen when they "win?"

I'll tell you why you'll dance around anything remotely concrete regarding your, "Class War," George: Because it is an absurd abstraction designed only for the amusement of inhabitants of Ivory Towers.

they are winning, that much is empirically provable. Neither capital nor labor can ever "win" ultimately because capitalism defines a symbiotic relationship between the haves and the have nots that self perpetuates infinitely.

It's a Taoist thing. You got yangholate in my yinbutter.
Any thoughts on how the have-nots would be affected if the dollar loses its reserve currency status?

Do you see any credible scenario for hyperinflation?

Have-nots, by definition (not having dollars), wouldn't be effected by hyperinflation or the loss of the dollar's reserve currency status.
The only people denying the class war are ignorant slaves.

Explain why returns to wealth have increased by a factor of 2 over the last generation for the richest 2% of Americans?

Hard work or campaign donations to Republicans AND Democrats?
"Class war" is used by people like you as an excuse for laziness.

Which The Man is keeping you down, George? Hint: Look in a mirror.
Do you see anything remotely concrete about current levels of inequality?

Why do you think the richest 2% have made such spectacular gains in returns to wealth over the last generation?

They worked for it. They saw opportunities and took risks.

You could have done the same thing, but you chose the lazy way out: Demand government take things away from the rich and give them to you.
I just couldn't think of one case in which Satan was ever quoted, that's all.
Google is your friend.

He was only quoted fictionally. There is no Satan.
Look, compared to Chomsky you are a certifiable idiot. Certifiable, as in provably true.

He certainly sees conservatism 100 times better and with better vision than you do. Because he has insights you can't possibly understand.

People with 115 IQ's generally can't even fathom the ideas of folks with IQ's as low as 140. But when folks with 170 IQ's try to communicate with folks who have remedial IQ's around 115 then communication is next to impossible.

Own up, you don't understand anything Chomsky talks about, but the big brains at the pentagon consider his ideas essential and therefore they finance his dept at MIT.

Meanwhile the big brains at the pentagon trust you to shovel dirt when it comes time to build fox holes and properly clean and load your weapon. But they absolutely will NOT let you fly a jet.

I've done the math. The answer is you will swallow anything Chomsky tells you. The Pentagon doesn't pay him for his political opinions, as I've shown.

Your little tin god tells you capitalism is he cashes his big checks. He tells you the American military is evil...and they're the ones signing those big checks.

You're a useful idiot for a hypocrite, a willing tool. As such, you have no business comparing IQs with anyone.

You have shown nothing except your willingness to stretch anything into reinforcement for your pre manufactured beliefs.
It makes a funny sound when leftist memes collide with reality. :lol:

The pentagon supports Chomsky. Literally. Case closed.
The Pentagon supports Chomsky's linguistics. Not his moonbat bullshit.
who is supported by 90% of black Americans and only about 20% of white Americans.

IOW a completely racist delineation of support.
Amazing how he got elected then, isn't it?

Or maybe you're just full of crap. Yes, that's far more likely.

And how quickly that support declined. He got 54% of the vote among about 52% of Americans who voted. And he was the first and only half black dude who did so. And that support lasted less than one year.

Meanwhile good racist Americans still oppose the islamofascists who don't exist, Mexicans who do exist and socialism that is pale compared to the corporate variety. ACORN is a still a buzzword, as is Jeremiah Wright and folks still question his citizenship.

Face it, hombre, we were founded on racism and still cling to our racism and guns and religion. Two of the three you admit to openly in this thread.

And you don't understand Chomsky. But the pentagon does and they choose to support his dept because they want his insights.

That must burn the feathers off of your chickenhearted breasts.
My goodness, but you're stupid. :lol:

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