US Savage Imperialism

I'll continue quoting Einstein in spite of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths his theory contributed to.

You're still in denial.

First of all, George, instead of ending a sentence with a preposition:

"I'll continue quoting Einstein in spite of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths to which his theory contributed."

Second, Einstein, nor anyone else ever killed anyone with a Theory.
Last edited:
Death during War....:eek:....damn unfair.

Were the 3 Million Koreans trying to surrender?
Possibly the children?

US bombs first pulverized every North Korean city, town and village into rubble, then the planes came back and turned the rubble into pebbles.

Do you thing the profit margin on each bomb explains why this occurred?

"Possibly the Children?"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Was North Korea trying to surrender, and we continued bombing despite this intention: YES or NO?

The answer is NO

If North Koreans and their Chinese Masters wanted to end the war, then they could simply surrender.

They didn't.

As a consequence, they suffer 3 million casulties (deaths), and the border is at the 38th parallel.
GCIV is WTF that means:

"The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

"It was adopted in August 1949, and defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone, and outlaws the practice of total war.

Have you ever noticed how only losers get tried for war crimes?

"Of the 185 Nazis indicted at Nuremberg, only 24 were sentenced to death.

"Among those two dozen was the German High Commissioner in Holland who ordered the opening of Dutch dikes to slow the advance of Allied troops.

"Roughly 500,000 acres were flooded and the result was mass starvation.

"Less than a decade later, the United States Air Force bombed the dams during the Korean War in order to flood North Korea's rice farms, a move designed by the USAF to bring about 'starvation and slow death.'"
If Chomsky is not talking about applied linguistics, he is just one more bum at the end of the bar.

Except for the fact that he is perhaps the most respected of all American political science scholars.

EVERYBODY who understands Chomsky takes him seriously. So seriously that there are several folks who have made an entire career out of minimizing the impacts of Chomsky's message.

Which is sort of like saying he is the best smelling bum sleeping under the bridge

Yeah if you consider all of humanity bums under the bridge.
Possibly the children?

US bombs first pulverized every North Korean city, town and village into rubble, then the planes came back and turned the rubble into pebbles.

Do you thing the profit margin on each bomb explains why this occurred?

"Possibly the Children?"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Was North Korea trying to surrender, and we continued bombing despite this intention: YES or NO?

The answer is NO

If North Koreans and their Chinese Masters wanted to end the war, then they could simply surrender.

They didn't.

As a consequence, they suffer 3 million casulties (deaths), and the border is at the 38th parallel.
GCIV is WTF that means:

"The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

"It was adopted in August 1949, and defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone, and outlaws the practice of total war.

Have you ever noticed how only losers get tried for war crimes?

"Of the 185 Nazis indicted at Nuremberg, only 24 were sentenced to death.

"Among those two dozen was the German High Commissioner in Holland who ordered the opening of Dutch dikes to slow the advance of Allied troops.

"Roughly 500,000 acres were flooded and the result was mass starvation.

"Less than a decade later, the United States Air Force bombed the dams during the Korean War in order to flood North Korea's rice farms, a move designed by the USAF to bring about 'starvation and slow death.'"

I suppose this was easier than answering whether or not the Koreans were surrendering.

Seems it would be an easy decision:

Surrender, and avoid mass starvation.


Not Surrender and guarantee mass starvation.

Matthew 4
New International Version
The Temptation of Jesus

1Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

4Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’a”

5Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6“If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’b”
7Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’c”

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9“All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

10Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’d”

11Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

you got me, so satan went from the most quoted person on earth to somebody quoted once.
Perhaps you should do a little research before you make such absolute statements.

I just couldn't think of one case in which Satan was ever quoted, that's all.
nobody has ever quoted Satan. Even the bible doesn't list a single quote credited to Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub. There is a little passage wherein Jesus speaks with a legion of spirits, none of which are identified as Satan.

Wrong again. Book of Job, beginning with verse 7:

7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

10 Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

Sure looks like a quote attributed to Satan to ME.
You've found five Satan "quotes" in a book of myths.

I'll stick with Chaucer, Cicero and Chomsky.

btw, if your definition of prophet involves telling the truth, something arrogant shit like you are allergic to, Chomsky's a proven quantity.

You're proven pathetic.

First of all, shitforbrains, I didn't "find" five quotes. I CITED five quotes. There are more. Second of all, please point me to the place where I, or anyone else, asked you for your opinion of the Bible or in any way indicated that your opinion of it or anything else was valued or respected.

As far as I'm concerned, the fact that YOU consider something wise and profound and valuable is all the more reason to view it with great suspicion.

My definition of "prophet" is the same as the dictionary's. Perhaps you, like your idol, should try it sometime, rather than inventing your own meanings and worldviews wholesale.

But you did get one thing correct: when it comes to the truth, Chomsky IS a proven quantity . . . which is why I wouldn't even wipe my ass with anything that lying fraud ever wrote, even if it was printed on REALLY soft paper.
Unsurprisingly, you refuse to acknowledge his hypocrisy.

And now it seems he's not even a real linguist. :lol:
You haven't proven his hypocrisy.
So, him taking money (i.e., capitalism) from an institution he called a "menace to human life" ISN'T hypocrisy?

You're a good little Chomskybot. :cuckoo:

You should consult with Revere who claims that without dissent there is no democracy. Or Freedom.

Chomsky lays bare to secrets of the secret state, much like Assange. Exposing the hypocrisy of a superpower who records and saves almost every e-communication on earth while claiming it's routine correspondence as national secrets.

He lays bare 1000s of similar hypocrisies that our government promotes. He decodes the propaganda that is the currency of superpowers.

Chomsky is a strict constitutionalist, whereas yourself and your Teatardy butt buddies are anything butt.

You should climb down off your ideological tower once in a while to get a view of the hypocrisy in which you yourself dwell before you criticize folks who are far freer of that debilitating encumberance.
"Possibly the Children?"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Was North Korea trying to surrender, and we continued bombing despite this intention: YES or NO?

The answer is NO

If North Koreans and their Chinese Masters wanted to end the war, then they could simply surrender.

They didn't.

As a consequence, they suffer 3 million casulties (deaths), and the border is at the 38th parallel.
GCIV is WTF that means:

"The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

"It was adopted in August 1949, and defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone, and outlaws the practice of total war.

Have you ever noticed how only losers get tried for war crimes?

"Of the 185 Nazis indicted at Nuremberg, only 24 were sentenced to death.

"Among those two dozen was the German High Commissioner in Holland who ordered the opening of Dutch dikes to slow the advance of Allied troops.

"Roughly 500,000 acres were flooded and the result was mass starvation.

"Less than a decade later, the United States Air Force bombed the dams during the Korean War in order to flood North Korea's rice farms, a move designed by the USAF to bring about 'starvation and slow death.'"

I suppose this was easier than answering whether or not the Koreans were surrendering.

Seems it would be an easy decision:

Surrender, and avoid mass starvation.


Not Surrender and guarantee mass starvation.
Your first option when confronted with war crimes is surrender?
What makes you think "North" Korea started that fight?

The fact that we aren't lobotomized psych patients who worship and idolize Noam Chomsky and would believe his inane and dishonest prattlings over God Himself if presented the chance, unlike SOME people I could mention.

I love how you present quotes from Chomsky as "proof" of Chomsky's correctness and brilliance, though. Nothing like a lying fool being substantiated by himself. :lol:
In 2002 Gary Leupp was an associate professor in the Department of History at Tufts University and coordinator of its Asian Studies Program.

He provided the following 33(+bonus) question Pop Quiz on Korean History along with all the answers to CounterPunch readers in December of 2002 .

A couple of samples with Gary's correct answers bolded:

"5. In accordance with a wartime agreement that the USSR would enter the war with Japan following the German surrender, Soviet forces invaded Korea in August, advancing to the 38th parallel by August 10. They could easily have occupied the whole peninsula. What did they do?

a. They accepted the Japanese surrender, provided arms to local communist forces led by Kim Il-sung, and withdrew within the year.

b. They consulted with their American allies, who requested that they stop their advance at the 38th parallel, so that U.S. forces could in the next month occupy the rest of Korea. The Soviets agreed to the U.S. proposal.

c. They proclaimed the Korean Soviet Republic and made plans for permanent incorporation into the USSR.

And the bonus question:

"Current (2002) South Korean public opinion polls indicate that the foreign country people most fear is

a. the U.S.

b. North Korea

c. China

Guess who.

Wow. You can find a college professor who's a flaming liberal and hates America. Really impressive, Dick Tracy. I'll bet you can also find rare items like Eskimos who wear fur and Texans who are cowboys. :ahole-1:
First of all, shitforbrains, I didn't "find" five quotes. I CITED five quotes. There are more.

That is cute and all but we all know that Satan never spoke those words. Those are fictional quotes credited to a fictional Satan. And recorded in language you don't speak.
GCIV is WTF that means:

"The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, commonly referred to as the Fourth Geneva Convention and abbreviated as GCIV, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions.

"It was adopted in August 1949, and defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone, and outlaws the practice of total war.

Have you ever noticed how only losers get tried for war crimes?

"Of the 185 Nazis indicted at Nuremberg, only 24 were sentenced to death.

"Among those two dozen was the German High Commissioner in Holland who ordered the opening of Dutch dikes to slow the advance of Allied troops.

"Roughly 500,000 acres were flooded and the result was mass starvation.

"Less than a decade later, the United States Air Force bombed the dams during the Korean War in order to flood North Korea's rice farms, a move designed by the USAF to bring about 'starvation and slow death.'"

I suppose this was easier than answering whether or not the Koreans were surrendering.

Seems it would be an easy decision:

Surrender, and avoid mass starvation.


Not Surrender and guarantee mass starvation.
Your first option when confronted with war crimes is surrender?

No, My First option went confronted with millions of casulties would be to surrender.
George, how long are you going to ignore this? Chomsky is a war profiteer.
George, how long are you going to ignore this? Chomsky is a war profiteer.

As I said on page 5 post #66 I will continue supporting Noam for the same reason I'll continue quoting Einstein in spite of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths his theory contributed to.

The Pentagon and Wall Street will continue the killing for profits as long as patriots like you (and Chomsky) dedicate decades of your lives to helping them do it.

It's a CLASS WAR, dman.

Noam and Al got some of it.

You're still in denial.

Einstein's theory was not used to create the bomb, not in the least. Einstein's theory at best predicted the amount of energy that would be released.

It was actually the hard work of people like Bush that made the greatest contributions.
Wrong again. Book of Job, beginning with verse 7:

7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

10 Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

Sure looks like a quote attributed to Satan to ME.
You've found five Satan "quotes" in a book of myths.

I'll stick with Chaucer, Cicero and Chomsky.

btw, if your definition of prophet involves telling the truth, something arrogant shit like you are allergic to, Chomsky's a proven quantity.

You're proven pathetic.

First of all, shitforbrains, I didn't "find" five quotes. I CITED five quotes. There are more. Second of all, please point me to the place where I, or anyone else, asked you for your opinion of the Bible or in any way indicated that your opinion of it or anything else was valued or respected.

As far as I'm concerned, the fact that YOU consider something wise and profound and valuable is all the more reason to view it with great suspicion.

My definition of "prophet" is the same as the dictionary's. Perhaps you, like your idol, should try it sometime, rather than inventing your own meanings and worldviews wholesale.

But you did get one thing correct: when it comes to the truth, Chomsky IS a proven quantity . . . which is why I wouldn't even wipe my ass with anything that lying fraud ever wrote, even if it was printed on REALLY soft paper.
Is Chomsky's view of Providentialism prophetic?

"Around the 1820s, one Supreme Court justice wrote about it. He says it's kind of strange that, despite all our benevolence and love for the Indians, they are withering and dispersing like the 'leaves of autumn.'

"And how could this be? He said, the divine will of providence is 'beyond human comprehension.'

"It's just God's will.

"We can't hope to understand it.

"This conception—it's called Providentialism—that we are always following God's will goes right up to the present moment.

"Whatever we're doing, we're following God's will.

"It's an extremely religious country, off the spectrum in religious belief.

"A very large percentage of the population—I don't remember the numbers, but it's quite high—believes in the literal word of the Bible and part of that means supporting everything that Israel does because God promised the promised land to Israel.

"So we have to support them."

Do you believe it's just God's will you're a brain-dead, dick-licking slut whose critical thinking skills might improve if she wiped her fat ass with ground GLASS?

Savage US
The fact that we aren't lobotomized psych patients who worship and idolize Noam Chomsky and would believe his inane and dishonest prattlings over God Himself if presented the chance, unlike SOME people I could mention.

I love how you present quotes from Chomsky as "proof" of Chomsky's correctness and brilliance, though. Nothing like a lying fool being substantiated by himself. :lol:
In 2002 Gary Leupp was an associate professor in the Department of History at Tufts University and coordinator of its Asian Studies Program.

He provided the following 33(+bonus) question Pop Quiz on Korean History along with all the answers to CounterPunch readers in December of 2002 .

A couple of samples with Gary's correct answers bolded:

"5. In accordance with a wartime agreement that the USSR would enter the war with Japan following the German surrender, Soviet forces invaded Korea in August, advancing to the 38th parallel by August 10. They could easily have occupied the whole peninsula. What did they do?

a. They accepted the Japanese surrender, provided arms to local communist forces led by Kim Il-sung, and withdrew within the year.

b. They consulted with their American allies, who requested that they stop their advance at the 38th parallel, so that U.S. forces could in the next month occupy the rest of Korea. The Soviets agreed to the U.S. proposal.

c. They proclaimed the Korean Soviet Republic and made plans for permanent incorporation into the USSR.

And the bonus question:

"Current (2002) South Korean public opinion polls indicate that the foreign country people most fear is

a. the U.S.

b. North Korea

c. China

Guess who.

Wow. You can find a college professor who's a flaming liberal and hates America. Really impressive, Dick Tracy. I'll bet you can also find rare items like Eskimos who wear fur and Texans who are cowboys. :ahole-1:

And you're still to stupid/ignorant to refute what the "flaming liberal America-hater" has to say?

Here, try a couple more: (or just get AIDS and DIE)

"3. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5, Japan acquired control over Korea, annexing it formally in 1910. In 1905 Japanese Prime Minister Katsura Tarô met secretly with U.S. Secretary of War William Howard Taft, producing the Taft-Katsura Agreement in which the U.S. recognized Japan's interests in Korea. What did the U.S. receive in return?

a. Japanese agreement to limit emigration to the U.S.

b. Japanese recognition of U.S. colonial rule over the Philippines.

c. Japan's renunciation to all claims to the Hawai'ian Islands.

4. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, U.S. President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussed the postwar future of Korea. Stalin advocated independence as soon as possible. Roosevelt

a. agreed to immediate independence

b. advocated a trusteeship of 20-30 years, citing the positive example of U.S. rule in the Philippines

c. suggested Korea remain a part of the Japanese Empire, to be occupied by Allied forces."

"b" and "b", Bitch.
George, how long are you going to ignore this? Chomsky is a war profiteer.

As I said on page 5 post #66 I will continue supporting Noam for the same reason I'll continue quoting Einstein in spite of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths his theory contributed to.

The Pentagon and Wall Street will continue the killing for profits as long as patriots like you (and Chomsky) dedicate decades of your lives to helping them do it.

It's a CLASS WAR, dman.

Noam and Al got some of it.

You're still in denial.

Einstein's theory was not used to create the bomb, not in the least. Einstein's theory at best predicted the amount of energy that would be released.

It was actually the hard work of people like Bush that made the greatest contributions.
Would you say Einstein's signature on the Einstein-Szilard letter to Roosevelt was more instrumental in creating Little Boy than E=MC squared?
You're confusing allegations with proof.

Prove he's taken millions from the Pentagon.
Will his own words suffice?

The reference to the military links is also in CAMPUS, INC.: Corporate Power in the Ivory Tower, edited by Geoffry D. White,. In an interview in the last chapter, MIT Professor Chomsky says: "...The universities did receive large-scale subsidies, quite often under the cover of defense.

"I happened to be on a committee that was set up to investigate these matters about thirty years ago. It was the first such committee for me as a result of student activism that was concerned about the reliance of MIT on military spending, what it meant, and so on. So there was a faculty/student committee set up and I was asked to be on it, and I think it was the firstreview ever of MIT fundidng...My memory is that at that time, about half of MIT's income came from two military laboratories. These were secret laboratories. One was Lincoln Labs and one then called the I Labs, now the Draper Labs, which at the time was working on guidance systems for intercontinental missiles and that sort of thing. These were secret labs and that was approximately half of the income. And, of course, that income in all kinds of ways filtered into the university through library funds and health funds and so on. Nobody knew the bookkeeping details and nobody cared much, but it was an indirect subsidy to the university.

"The other half, the academic budget, I think it was about 90 percent Pentagon funded at that time. And I personally was right in the middle of it. I was in a military lab. If you take a look at my early publications,they all say something about Air Force, Navy, and so on, because I was in a military lab, the Research Lab for Electronics. But in fact, even if you were in the music department, you were, in effect, being funded by the Pentagon because there wouldn't have been a music department unless therewas funding for, say, electrical engineering. If there was, then you coulddribble some off to the music department. So, in fact, everybody wasPentagon funded no matter whatever the bookkeeping notices said."

As I just showed you, his response is "yes, I did it".
Maybe you have an immediate response to his claim that the US "was a very racist country all the way through its history..."

Savage US
My response is, "Look inside the Oval Office, you moron."
Keep reading.

"Well, it's important to recognize that during that period, the university was extremely free.

"The lab where I was working, the research lab for electronics, was also one of the centers of anti-Vietnam War resistance.

"We were organizing national tax resistance and the support groups for draft resistance were based there to a large extent. I mean, I, myself, was in a jail repeatedly at the time.

"It didn't make any difference.

"The Pentagon didn't care.

"In fact, they didn't care at all as far as I knew.

"Their function, they understood very well, is to provide the cover for the development of the science and technology in the future so that the corporate system can profit.

GW: So they were just too big and powerful to be threatened. You were too minor of a threat?

MIT Professor Chomsky: "They just didn't care. What happened at the administrative level I didn't know, but nothing ever got to us.

"I had perfectly good relations with the administration.

"In fact, I'd tell them if I knew I was going to get arrested.

"I had no particular interest in embarrassing them, but it didn't matter.

Chomsky was taking the Pentagon's money and organizing against the draft. How smart would someone have to be to get away with that.

You would call that hypocrisy, and I would call it revolution.

Conspiracy Planet?
I call it war profiteering. You, a mindless sheep, will call it what Chomsky tells you to call it.
btw, when I look into the Oval Office today, I see Goldman Sachs' Boy.

What do you see?

A Slave?
I see proof that America is not the racist nation Chomsky says it is.
Wow. Dean Baker is an idiot. :lol:
Because he doesn't publish on "Conspiracy Planet"?

"Dean Baker (b. July 13, 1958) is an American macroeconomist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, with Mark Weisbrot.

"He previously was a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute and an assistant professor of economics at Bucknell University.

"He has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan."

Your Ph.D?

Your Wiki?

From Conspiracy Planet maybe?
No, he's an idiot because he obviously doesn't understand anything about conservatism. Oh, he thinks he does, but that's only because he's repeating what he hears around the leftist echo chambers of academia. Reality is not welcome inside those hallowed halls.
You haven't proven his hypocrisy.
So, him taking money (i.e., capitalism) from an institution he called a "menace to human life" ISN'T hypocrisy?

You're a good little Chomskybot. :cuckoo:

You should consult with Revere who claims that without dissent there is no democracy. Or Freedom.

Chomsky lays bare to secrets of the secret state, much like Assange. Exposing the hypocrisy of a superpower who records and saves almost every e-communication on earth while claiming it's routine correspondence as national secrets.

He lays bare 1000s of similar hypocrisies that our government promotes. He decodes the propaganda that is the currency of superpowers.

Chomsky is a strict constitutionalist, whereas yourself and your Teatardy butt buddies are anything butt.

You should climb down off your ideological tower once in a while to get a view of the hypocrisy in which you yourself dwell before you criticize folks who are far freer of that debilitating encumberance.
:lol: You sound just like a blonde, who, upon hearing a blonde joke, gets her knickers in a twist and bitterly tells the same joke, substituting "brunette" for 'blonde". :lol:

Chomsky's a liar. And a capitalist. And a war profiteer. Anyone who insists otherwise is an idiot. And it sure looks like you're insisting otherwise.
George, how long are you going to ignore this? Chomsky is a war profiteer.

As I said on page 5 post #66 I will continue supporting Noam for the same reason I'll continue quoting Einstein in spite of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths his theory contributed to.

The Pentagon and Wall Street will continue the killing for profits as long as patriots like you (and Chomsky) dedicate decades of your lives to helping them do it.

It's a CLASS WAR, dman.

Noam and Al got some of it.

You're still in denial.

Einstein's theory was not used to create the bomb, not in the least. Einstein's theory at best predicted the amount of energy that would be released.

It was actually the hard work of people like Bush that made the greatest contributions.

* Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb, I would not have lifted a finger.
o Discussing the letter he sent Roosevelt raising the possibility of atomic weapons. from "Atom: Einstein, the Man Who Started It All," Newsweek Magazine (10 March 1947)

Albert Einstein - Wikiquote

My part in producing the atomic bomb consisted in a single act: I signed a letter to President Roosevelt, pressing the need for experiments on a larger scale in order to explore the possibilities for the production of an atomic bomb.
I was fully aware of the terrible danger to mankind in case this attempts succeeded. But the likelihood that the Germans were working on the same problem with a chance of succeeding forced me to this step. I could do nothing else although I have always been a convinced pacifist. To my mind, to kill in war is not a whit better than to commit ordinary murder. (Albert Einstein, 1952)

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