US Savage Imperialism

I have never read a book Chomsky authored. In fact nearly everything I ever heard him say I already knew.

But then again I never had any interest in linguistics, his forte.'re condemning me for doing something you haven't done either.

I'd be shocked at the blatant hypocrisy, but sadly, I've come to expect nothing less from you.

I am listening to his movie, manufacturing consent tonight, and I have listened to 100 hours of his commentary previously:

Hulu - Manufacturing Consent - Watch the full feature film now.
Sheep. :lol:
Soros owns your soul. You carry his water. You are Soros slave. Now keep lauding unearned benefits upon him. More tongue, less lip!
:lol: You're going to have to explain how I carry his water.

Say...weren't you the idiot who was going to explain how I'm a Marxist, too?


I will get around to proving you a Marxist in due time. I have done all the research just need to round up some text to prove it.

You are an avowed Marxist, you just don't know it yet.
Okay, but be advised "...because I say so!" will not be accepted as proof. Also, you have to use the real meanings of words, not the ones you make up to fit your argument. :lol:

Oh, and you have to cite what you claim I believe with actual posts of mine. Your usual straw men simply won't do.

Get crackin', boy!
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Let me summarize the entirety of Chomsky's published works:

1. America sucks.

2. Capitalism sucks.

Like I said, you are far too stupid to understand anything he says.

Maybe you should critique Tesla instead.
You've fallen for his horseshit, it's plain. Not everyone has a need to have their opinions handed to them. You do, and that's okay, as far as it goes. But it doesn't give you any basis for claiming superiority, unless we're discussing acceptance of programming.
So you're saying I should do like you do and unthinkingly accept everything he says? :lol:

No that is what you ALREADY DO.

You should stop offering critique of ideas you can't fathom.
Let me summarize the entirety of Chomsky's published works:

1. America sucks.

2. Capitalism sucks.

And that's about it. It's wrapped in historical revisions and factual distortions and decorated with scholarly prose...and the pseudo-intellectual crowd (i.e., you) just eats it up.

And you should stop believing anything you think until you learn to think critically.
It's my ability to think critically that led me to the conclusion that Chomsky's a hypocritical hack. Try it sometime.
I am serious btw. You aren't hopelessly stupid. But you are hopelessly brainwashed. If you can't reverse the trend you might as well be vaporized this minute.
You don't want me to think for myself. You want me to share your flavor of brainwashing.

Not gonna happen. Deal with it.
How does one "summarize the entirety of Chomsky's published works" without reading a single one of his books?

What "historical revisions" and "factual distortions" has Chomsky committed that you have actually read?

His 1999 book Fateful Triangle is excerpted here and deals with Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon which lead directly to the deaths of 241 American servicemen in the '83 Marine barracks bombing in Beirut.

Tell me of any "revisions" or "distortions" you're aware of in Chomsky's account of the Israeli assault on Rashidiyeh:

"5.1 Extermination of the Two-Legged Beasts

"The first target was the Palestinian camp of Rashidiyeh south of Tyre, much of which, by the second day of the invasion, 'had become a field of rubble.'

"There was ineffectual resistance, but as an officer of the UN peace-keeping force swept aside in the Israeli invasion later remarked:

"'It was like shooting sparrows with cannon.'

"The 9000 residents of the camp-which had been regularly bombed and shelled for years from land, sea and air-either fled, or were herded to the beach where they could watch the destruction of much of what remained by the Israeli forces.

"All teen-age and adult males were blindfolded and bound, and taken to camps, where little has been heard about them since.95"
chomsky's an idiot.

You and I both wish we had his IQ, Jill.

What he is, (and likely why you felt the need to character assassinate him despite the fact that you KNOW he is quite brilliant) is because he his NOT a supporter of American Imperialism.

And his analysis of American Imperialism also puts him in direct conflict with people who support the state of Israel.
No that is what you ALREADY DO.

You should stop offering critique of ideas you can't fathom.
Let me summarize the entirety of Chomsky's published works:

1. America sucks.

2. Capitalism sucks.

And that's about it. It's wrapped in historical revisions and factual distortions and decorated with scholarly prose...and the pseudo-intellectual crowd (i.e., you) just eats it up.


It's my ability to think critically that led me to the conclusion that Chomsky's a hypocritical hack. Try it sometime.
I am serious btw. You aren't hopelessly stupid. But you are hopelessly brainwashed. If you can't reverse the trend you might as well be vaporized this minute.
You don't want me to think for myself. You want me to share your flavor of brainwashing.

Not gonna happen. Deal with it.
How does one "summarize the entirety of Chomsky's published works" without reading a single one of his books?

What "historical revisions" and "factual distortions" has Chomsky committed that you have actually read?

His 1999 book Fateful Triangle is excerpted here and deals with Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon which lead directly to the deaths of 241 American servicemen in the '83 Marine barracks bombing in Beirut.

Tell me of any "revisions" or "distortions" you're aware of in Chomsky's account of the Israeli assault on Rashidiyeh:

"5.1 Extermination of the Two-Legged Beasts

"The first target was the Palestinian camp of Rashidiyeh south of Tyre, much of which, by the second day of the invasion, 'had become a field of rubble.'

"There was ineffectual resistance, but as an officer of the UN peace-keeping force swept aside in the Israeli invasion later remarked:

"'It was like shooting sparrows with cannon.'

"The 9000 residents of the camp-which had been regularly bombed and shelled for years from land, sea and air-either fled, or were herded to the beach where they could watch the destruction of much of what remained by the Israeli forces.

"All teen-age and adult males were blindfolded and bound, and taken to camps, where little has been heard about them since.95"
Y'know, quoting Chomsky as proof of Chomsky's veracity is a truly spectacular fail. :clap2:
you certainly didn't disappoint my prediction that you'd once again dance around the issue

WTF is a "spectacular gains in returns to wealth?" Isn't that the definition of being in the richest 2%??

I see a very definite "concreteness" in the "current levels of inequality [of wealth]." But I do NOT see a conflict between these levels.

Since you've dodged my questions, I'll go ahead and answer them for you: The "class war" is over.

The wealthy won.
Do you disagree with these numbers?

"...Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago..."

Michael Hudson

No: They seem to support the fact that there is no "Class War."

In fact, the OP-ED article you linked almost says so:

It is a reflection of how one-sided today’s class war has become that Warren Buffet has quipped that “his” side is winning without a real fight being waged.

Indeed, the fighting is over, and the wealthy won.

(Reiterating my post quoted above)
Except the fighting is never over as William Jennings Bryan knew.

Michael Hudson also had this to say:

"Critics of the Obama-Bush agenda recall how America’s Gilded Age of the late 19th century was an era of economic polarization and class war.

"At that time the Democratic leader William Jennings Bryan accused Wall Street and Eastern creditors of crucifying the American economy on a cross of gold.

"Restoration of gold at its pre-Civil War price led to a financial war in the form of debt deflation as falling prices and incomes received by farmers and wage labor made the burden of paying their mortgage debts heavier.

"The Income Tax law of 1913 sought to rectify this by only falling on the wealthiest 1 per cent of the population – the only ones obliged to file tax returns.

"Capital gains were taxed at normal rates.

"Most of the tax burden therefore felon finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sector

"The vested interests have spent a century fighting back.

"They now see victory within reach, by perpetuating the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 per cent, phasing out of the estate tax on wealth, the tax shift off property onto labor income and consumer sales, and slashing public spending on anything except more bailouts and subsidies for the emerging financial oligarchy that has become Obama’s 'bipartisan' constituency."

Indeed, the talking is almost over, but the fighting hasn't begun.
When I asked about "historical revisionism" or "factual distortions", I was hoping you would start with Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

Since I'm working an additional four hours a day this week, it will take me a little time to address all the examples you raised.

Hopefully, along the way we can agree on some historical sources for determining the truth.

From my perspective the truth about Pol Pot's Cambodia begins with the tonnage of US for-profit bombs dropped on that country during our invasion and occupation of South Vietnam.

What source(s) would you consider acceptable to establish the tonnage bestowed on Cambodia and the number of Cambodians killed and radicalized by the bombing of a country the US was not at war with?
When I asked about "historical revisionism" or "factual distortions", I was hoping you would start with Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

Since I'm working an additional four hours a day this week, it will take me a little time to address all the examples you raised.

Hopefully, along the way we can agree on some historical sources for determining the truth.

From my perspective the truth about Pol Pot's Cambodia begins with the tonnage of US for-profit bombs dropped on that country during our invasion and occupation of South Vietnam.

What source(s) would you consider acceptable to establish the tonnage bestowed on Cambodia and the number of Cambodians killed and radicalized by the bombing of a country the US was not at war with?
I gave you what you asked for. I've shown that your little tin god is a liar.

If you hate America so much, leave.
Let's begin the examination by distinguishing between "government" and "country."

Your definitions?

Can someone approve of their country and disapprove of its government?
Why do you believe I want a government even more repressive than the corporate-controlled "democracy" we currently live in?

Tell me if you find anything objectionable in these two paragraphs (9/26/10) regarding our freedom to hate government:

"Americans, so far at least, are still free to hate the government. It’s a tradition well earned and earning more emotional regard with each passed law. The past months have seen more law, regulations, compulsory programs and other bits forced on the citizenry with near elitist élan never before seen in American history. It’s also a show of contempt on the productive, self-sustaining and self-reliant people who occupy this country. Government knows better than you what’s good for you, and you have to pass the law to find out what’s in it. Somehow the government world got turned upside down, or more likely ripped apart such that keeping track of what its up to is beyond any citizen.

"Labor built this country, digging foundations, setting bricks, pounding nails, wiring in the electricity, and doing all the things from a concept to a finished structure and the lives and production that takes place within. It goes to responsible conduct, taking risks, working hard and smart and gathering the consequences both good and bad. America is blessed as the consequences are in the main much more good for everyone than the bad for a few."

Love Your Country Hate....
Why do you believe I want a government even more repressive than the corporate-controlled "democracy" we currently live in?

Because everything you say says you do. Only you want to do the repressing.

You want a revolution, but you're too cowardly to pick up a weapon. No, you want others to do the heavy lifting for you, then hand you the reigns -- but you can't even make a success of your own life. :lol:
chomsky's an idiot.

Not entirely.

I don't agree with the guy..indeed I chuckled when he was debating William Buckley and Buckely threatened to punch him in the nose if he called him a nazi, again. But he makes some interesting points here and there.

Definitely not a person to be taken lightly.

That was Gore Vidal you goofball.



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