US Senator says 13 year old girl can consent to sex.

Actually, in many states, the state constitutional age of consent for girls is as young as 12 years of age.

Most of these states' laws were created back when human life expectancy was about 30-40 years old.
A lot of these laws were never updated, as many, many laws have never been updated, that badly need updating for our times.
Red States.
Lankford is a sleaze piece of crap, approving the age of consent for the kids in that Baptist church camp and his own daughter to 13.
so you think the 15 year old that she engaged in sec with should be prosecuted?
If fairness, democrats like underage boys too

In fairness, Frank???? How many Democrats have been caught with rent boys, or toe tapping in the washrooms? So many Republican sex scandals involve closeted homosexuals. Why is that Frank?
so you think the 15 year old that she engaged in sec with should be prosecuted?
It would not hurt my feelings if they both were prosecuted, but that still doesn't change the fact, an adult in a responsible position at a church camp and then as an elected official needs to watch his loose mouth, as it sounds like supporting underage sex as being fine and dandy with him. Is this why that state is 10th on the rape list, nationally? This is a state that just banned abortion. They must be hard up or hard on for non immigrant citizens if willing to encourage this kind of thing to create them, after all if the little kid gets pregnant, there is nothing to be done about it, except hold a baby shower.
It would not hurt my feelings if they both were prosecuted, but that still doesn't change the fact, an adult in a responsible position at a church camp and then as an elected official needs to watch his loose mouth, as it sounds like supporting underage sex as being fine and dandy with him. Is this why that state is 10th on the rape list, nationally? This is a state that just banned abortion. They must be hard up or hard on for non immigrant citizens if willing to encourage this kind of thing to create them, after all if the little kid gets pregnant, there is nothing to be done about it, except hold a baby shower.
not sure where he said he was ok with them having sex…seems your jumping the gun there. The link didn’t say that. He was being deposed…he gave his opinion on if he believed a 13 year old could consent with a 15 year old…that’s it. not that it was a good idea or they shoikd be having sex

so the 15 year old and 13 year old shoikd both be prosecuted? for what?
Right. You don’t have a problem with a 13 year old girl having sex at a Bible Camp. You don’t have a problem with a Republican Senator endorsing this behavior as just fine. You have a problem with the guy who believes that education is good.

So perhaps you can help me out.

The same author who took issue with the Senator saying 14 year old girls were able to consent to sex. She says that Abortions aren’t needed because there are so many contraceptive techniques out there.

What are the odds that this 13 year old girl was on any contraceptive method? Especially one from a far right ultra conservative family who would send their kids to Baptist Bible Camp.

See. You RW douche bags want it both ways. You want Abortion banned. It’s a life. And the woman has the choice of using contraception. But nobody can discuss contraception with the girls too young because then you are a Groomer. At least according to you.

So you want pregnant little girls and act like I am the sicko pervert. The Senator says that a girl that young can give consent. And I’m the bad guy in your point of view.

Admit it. You like pregnant little girls.
haha when did he or anyone endorse the behavior??

your sad and desperate
The thread title is a bald faced lie. He did not hold elected office when that statement was made about 12 years ago.

Actually he had just been elected to the House of Representatives. So he did hold elective office.

But your weak defense and support for Republicans is noted.
If the age of consent is 12yrs old as has been alleged.......well, you be the judge.

By the way, which states have that 12yr old threshold?
I'm asking, regardless, if two 12 year olds have sex, who gets charged? And then where does it go from there, I don't think a 12 or 13 year old can consent, but if they can't, who's to blame? And if noone is, why are we discussing this at all?

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