US Supreme Court to Meet This Week To Decide To Take Up Gay Marriage Debate/Case

Excellent question, your own spouse, would you be able to make medical decisions for yourself? Just like you can now?

Do you get to inheret your own property when you die?

If your job provides medical benefits, does that mean you can use them? Just like you can now?

Since you don't have to testify against a spouse, does that mean you don't have to self incriminate? Just like now?

And when you divorce yourself, do you have to pay you child support?

When you have sex about yourself, and fantasize about yourself- isn't that the ultimate form of homosexuality?

Wait...if you have sex with someone else, does that mean you cheated? Or you're just a kinky swinger?

Of course, in such a case of self marriage, if you had sex with anyone else but your self that would be grounds for divorce as adultery and you could take yourself to the cleaners denying yourself the home and money and child custody so that your spouse didn't get them. You would screw yourself out of those things so you could have them instead.

Of course, in such a case of self marriage, if you had sex with anyone else but your self that would be grounds for divorce as adultery and you could take yourself to the cleaners denying yourself the home and money and child custody so that your spouse didn't get them. You would screw yourself out of those things so you could have them instead.


No, that's just the thing. While we chase your strawman, I'll remind you that there would be no cheating in monosexual (single by choice/circumstance) marriages. It's impossible! That's part of the beauty. And there'd never be a divorce, ever.

Think of the tens of millions of children of monosexuals and polysexuals who are in "immediate legal harm" by their adult caretakers not having the benefits of marriage?
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.
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How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.
You lost and the faggots won. How long before you go off to beat up another minority?
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't.

So remaining single is a 'deviant sexual lifestyle' now?

It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The issue was already settled generations ago: marriage is a fundamental right. That you ignore our law doesn't change our law.

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes.

Same sex households aren't single parent households.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage..

So two parents is the same thing as a single parent? I'm assuming math isn't particularly vital to your argument.

And again, marriage is a right. I don't know why you keep calling it a priveldege. All you do with such statements is demonstrate that you're more than willing to ignore our law and our rights.
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.
You lost and the faggots won. How long before you go off to beat up another minority?

You get a sense of quiet desperation in Silo's more recent posts.
The issue was already settled generations ago: marriage is a fundamental right. That you ignore our law doesn't change our law.

You mean when it comes to men and women marrying who are of a different race of people. Yes, that's a right. Behaviors in and of themselves don't have rights. Thats' why we have a democracy, the penal and civil codes regulated at the state and local level. They govern behaviors.

Since the lifestyle-cult 'LGBT' comes in all races and both genders, there is no singular identifying cohesion other than behavior of what they do sexually. As such, that would have to include the entire rainbow, not just LGBT. Part of that rainbow are folks whose sexual-relationship preference is to be single parents. Part of that rainbow are folks who want multiples in marriage as polygamists. If one group of alternative-sexuals gain any right, then all the others do in the interest of the words "marriage equality". For when it comes to rights (marriage as a right is never mentioned nor allluded to in the US Constitution), all must enjoy them, not some, petition by petition...

As you know, the reason marriage is a state-granted privelege has always been because a state doesn't want just any experimental situation affecting the formative years of children. A state has no other reason to be involved in marriage other than the children in it. A situation where the children are deprived of a complimentary gender as a parental role model is abhorrent to that state. That's why states incentivize (not police) men/women to get married...for the sake of natural, adoptive, fostered or grandparented children the state anticipates will come into their midst.

Other than that, it's a fiscal loss for any state to be involved in marriage at all. A state's payoff for the investment is a product of future citizens that psychological data tells us, in reams, that have the best shot at being productive, sane, healthy citizens..
The issue was already settled generations ago: marriage is a fundamental right. That you ignore our law doesn't change our law.

You mean when it comes to men and women marrying who are of a different race of people.

Um, no. The USSC stated simply that marriage was a basic civil right. They didn't put any caveats on it, as only applying to interracial marriages. If you can show me anywhere in the Loving Ruling the USSC indicated that marriage is only a right for interracial couples, I'd love to see it.

Because you'll find no such caveats exist.

Yes, that's a right. Behaviors in and of themselves don't have rights. Thats' why we have a democracy, the penal and civil codes regulated at the state and local level. They govern behaviors.

Um, you know that's pseudo-legal gibberish, right? Gays are people. And yes, they have rights.

....our laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and education. … Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.

Lawrence v. Texas 539 U.S. 558 2003 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

As usual, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

For when it comes to rights (marriage as a right is never mentioned nor allluded to in the US Constitution), all must enjoy them, not some, petition by petition...

Read the 9th amendment, sparky. Rights need not be enumerated to be reserved by the people. You just keep ignoring the right to marry and pretending it doesn't exist. You ignoring our law doesn't change our law.
Um, no. The USSC stated simply that marriage was a basic civil right. They didn't put any caveats on it, as only applying to interracial marriages. If you can show me anywhere in the Loving Ruling the USSC indicated that marriage is only a right for interracial couples, I'd love to see it.

Because you'll find no such caveats exist

Beg to differ. Here's one from Windsor 2013; (which is a more recent Opinion) on the specific question of law of how homosexual-lifestylists (not a race) are allowed by states to get married:

Page 14 of Opinion:

United States v. Windsor
After a statewide deliberative process that enabled its citizens to discuss and weigh arguments for and against same-sex marriage, New York acted to enlarge the definition of marriage...Against this background of lawful same-sex marriage in some States, the design, purpose, and effect of DOMA should be considered as the beginning point in deciding whether it is valid under the Constitution

If Loving v Virginia applied to gay marriage, the Court NEVER would've included that paragraph or even insinuated such a thing in the entirety of Windsor's Opinion.

Instead, we find same or simliar affirmations of states' power to define marriage peppered throughtout holes in the swiss cheese of your legal analogy..
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How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.
You lost and the faggots won. How long before you go off to beat up another minority?

You get a sense of quiet desperation in Silo's more recent posts.
Well, she's being left in the past so that comes as no surprise. The rest of the country is growing up on this issue, and she isn't.
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.

The rest of the country is growing up on this issue...

If the rest of the country is "growing up" on this issue then how come 82% of the people who voted on the most popular poll in USMB's history said they don't think gay marraige belongs in a church? Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 636 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And if you're so certain your lifestyle and that of polygamists and others are so cool and groovy, so "grown up" to be incentivized to create childrens' formative environment, why not put it to the voters of each state instead of feeling the need to force it upon states? Sell your product, don't hog-tie people and shove it into their stomachs with a piping bag.
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?

The answer is, you can't. It's everyone or the states keep their right to define it as a privelege for the sake of incentivizing the best formative environment for the most important people in a marriage; the children..

The states have always historically advocated man/woman marriage because the state abhorred single parent homes. That's because thousands of years of experience, millions even if you go far back enough and a Mt. Everest of psychological data tell us that children deprived of their gender's parental role modeling early in life do not fare well.

Gay marriage is structurally the same as single parents. This indeed would be a monumental change in the States' interest in setting standards for the privelege of marriage.. And it is precisely how forced gay marriage harms a state.

If a state's citizens get together and decide that they want this expanded psychological version of a single parent household, then so be it. But since this is a lifestyle (Anne Heche), let those who practice it win the hearts and minds of the voters instead of jamming it down their throats.

The rest of the country is growing up on this issue...

If the rest of the country is "growing up" on this issue then how come 82% of the people who voted on the most popular poll in USMB's history said they don't think gay marraige belongs in a church? Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 636 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And if you're so certain your lifestyle and that of polygamists and others are so cool and groovy, so "grown up" to be incentivized to create childrens' formative environment, why not put it to the voters of each state instead of feeling the need to force it upon states? Sell your product, don't hog-tie people and shove it into their stomachs with a piping bag.
It should have been 100%, but Americans are dumb as dog shit. 100% for not forcing the churches to go against their beliefs on this, and 100% support for gay marriage would be actually growing up, something you will never do.
It should have been 100%, but Americans are dumb as dog shit. 100% for not forcing the churches to go against their beliefs on this, and 100% support for gay marriage would be actually growing up, something you will never do.

So how is a church anything but a congregation of individual christians? Since individual christians are being sued right and left, being forced to go against their beliefs, what barrier exists between a lawsuit and a church? "You can sue the religion out of an individual, but not a group of them with the same beliefs"?

Seriously dude. People aren't dumb as you say.
It should have been 100%, but Americans are dumb as dog shit. 100% for not forcing the churches to go against their beliefs on this, and 100% support for gay marriage would be actually growing up, something you will never do.

So how is a church anything but a congregation of individual christians? Since individual christians are being sued right and left, being forced to go against their beliefs, what barrier exists between a lawsuit and a church? "You can sue the religion out of an individual, but not a group of them with the same beliefs"?

Seriously dude. People aren't dumb as you say.
A church is like a corporation. It's not a person but it has certain rights, and no one is going to be forcing the churches to perform gay marriages.
A church is like a corporation. It's not a person but it has certain rights, and no one is going to be forcing the churches to perform gay marriages.

For legal purposes, a church is a congregation of the faithful. That's how they get tax-exempt status. Not because of a building or a set of by-laws. And anyway their by-laws are being violated where freedom of religion actually resides: in the heart of each christian person.. So you are saying essentially that a "church" is merely a building.

You still also have yet to show how it is that a state must incentivize the formative environment for kids, a situation that guarantees to deprive them of one of the complimentary genders 100% of the time; like single parent homes do.

A state gets nothing out of the tax breaks to participants other than a set of conditions statistically proven to turn out the best/least expensive productive future citizens/children.
A church is like a corporation. It's not a person but it has certain rights, and no one is going to be forcing the churches to perform gay marriages.

For legal purposes, a church is a congregation of the faithful. That's how they get tax-exempt status. Not because of a building or a set of by-laws. And anyway their by-laws are being violated where freedom of religion actually resides: in the heart of each christian person.. So you are saying essentially that a "church" is merely a building.

You still also have yet to show how it is that a state must incentivize the formative environment for kids, a situation that guarantees to deprive them of one of the complimentary genders 100% of the time; like single parent homes do.

A state gets nothing out of the tax breaks to participants other than a set of conditions statistically proven to turn out the best/least expensive productive future citizens/children.
Marriage equality has nothing to do with children, not a thing. And a church, for this argument, is a building and the legal status it has with the state. That's all. The people that make up the church are irrelevant, like your arguments about children.
Marriage equality has nothing to do with children, not a thing. And a church, for this argument, is a building and the legal status it has with the state. That's all. The people that make up the church are irrelevant, like your arguments about children.

Well, there's a problem there....because marriage DOES have everything to do with children at the state level so... In order to push through "marriage equality" there are a couple things:

1. You'd have to force states to abdicate their benefit of regulating marriage (to entice the best formative environment for children anticipated to be born naturally, adopted, fostered or grandparented) and

2. You'd have to force states to allow ALL types of alternative sexual/relationship lifestyles (not just your pet favorites) so that "equality" actually had meaning in the phrase "marriage equality"
Marriage equality has nothing to do with children, not a thing. And a church, for this argument, is a building and the legal status it has with the state. That's all. The people that make up the church are irrelevant, like your arguments about children.

Well, there's a problem there....because marriage DOES have everything to do with children at the state level so... In order to push through "marriage equality" there are a couple things:

1. You'd have to force states to abdicate their benefit of regulating marriage (to entice the best formative environment for children anticipated to be born naturally, adopted, fostered or grandparented) and

2. You'd have to force states to allow ALL types of alternative sexual/relationship lifestyles (not just your pet favorites) so that "equality" actually had meaning in the phrase "marriage equality"
How long before you understand that:

1. Marriage Equality has nothing to do with children.
2. Marriage is regulated by the States but,
3. The States are subject to Equal Protection at the Federal level?

The reason you have lost is because there is no compelling state interest in keeping gays from getting married just like heterosexuals. And the Supreme Court is a few months away from saying so directly, even though they have already said so if you can read between the lines, which you cannot. It's over my little homophobe, time to move on.
The reason you have lost is because there is no compelling state interest in keeping gays from getting married just like heterosexuals....

Why are states involved in incentivizing marriage then? What do they get out of one, two or more random adults shacking up and then saying "we're married"?
How do you give a right to homosexuals while you argue to disallow that "right" to other deviant sexual lifestylists?.

Who are you talking to?

I argue that a gay couple- a couple who are attracted to the same gender who happens to be each other- have the same rights as my wife and I enjoy.

I argue for equal treatment for couples regardless of their sexual identity.

You argue that homosexuals must be discriminated against.

And that their children should be denied married parents.

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