US Takes Action

How do you know the Tsarnaev brothers weren't working for the Russians?

That makes sense....

Get some pathological kids to blow up a Marathon but make sure you warn the victim Country first?


Just........ Brilliant
80% of Russia's oil flows through Ukraine....not to mention Ukraine is the breadbasket of the region.....if Obama can't recognize the strategic importance of Ukraine he is one fucking dumbass....

the U.S. should be pushing to get Ukraine into NATO.....that would get Putin's attention.....

the U.S. should also be ramping up its oil and gas production....for export sale to the EU...

but Obama is a weakling....meow....

So that makes it a situation that should be between Ukraine and Russia.

Imagine if Russia was meddling in the affairs between the United States and Mexico and tried to get Mexico to ally with them. They would have no business doing that and I think that we would see their attempted intervention in Mexico as a clear threat and act of at the very least, political aggression.

Getting Ukraine into NATO will pose more problems than benefits for the NATO countries in my opinion.

I agree that we should "ramp up" oil and gas production and sell it to other countries as well as our SOR and domestically as well.


what makes you think Russia isn't attempting to do exactly that....? starting especially in Cuba and Venezuela....

How many military bases does Russia have surrounding our country compared to how many we have surrounding their country?

$libertarian russia.jpg
in response to Russia what did Obama do.....?

he imposed travel bans and froze assets (whatever was left) of a few Russian officials.....ALL 11 OF THEM........!

WOW this is one American leader to watch out for....:lol:.........did anybody even notice....?,0,6579894.sto

What do you think he should have done? I think that he shouldn't have done anything except wish them luck and offer to try to help them come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

80% of Russia's oil flows through Ukraine....not to mention Ukraine is the breadbasket of the region.....if Obama can't recognize the strategic importance of Ukraine he is one fucking dumbass....

the U.S. should be pushing to get Ukraine into NATO.....that would get Putin's attention.....

the U.S. should also be ramping up its oil and gas production....for export sale to the EU...

but Obama is a weakling....meow....

so your solution is basically more economic fighting. Which is really not far off from Obama already.
How do you know the Tsarnaev brothers weren't working for the Russians?

Because the Tsarenev brothers were Chechen, at war with Russia and first admitted as asylum seekers.

Watch obama make his next swat at Russia to be admitting more Chechen fighters.

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.

Well, well; I wish Obama's spine would thicken, actually. Just what would freezing the assets of 7 top Russian officials do to scare Putin into capitulating? If he's going to provoke another superpower needlessly, he's going to have to do better than that. You should have seen Angela Merkel the other day. I think Putin is more scared of her than he is of Obama!
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.

Its not what we would do, its how we are perceived and the events that led to our adversaries making that determination. There is nothing that we will do and our enemies know that.

No. It really is. I know you just want to find fault without offering any sound advice on what should be done, but again: That just makes you look bad.

The GOP has no answers; just complaints and excuses. It's sad.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

You enjoy mental masturbation, don't you?

I can't tell you what Mittens would do, but I can tell you what I would do.

First off, Putin wouldn't treat me like a bitch because.... I'm not.

Secondly, I would recognize that Russia isn't going to give up the Crimea without a full scale War.

Not gonna happen.

Third, I would caution Putin against acting like an ass while sending a Carrier Group into the Black Sea. Fuck the 1934 protocols.

As part of that package, I would send a squadron of F-22s into Turkey. If Erdogan refused, I would find a way to take him down. Mostly looking for an excuse to do that anyway.

Barring Turkey letting us land our F-22s there, I would look to Georgia, who I'm sure would LOVE to stick it to Putin.

Fourth, if Putin even so much as passed gas, I would attack and disable his port facilities at his Black Sea Naval Station. Just to piss him off.

Fifth, I would mobilize our Armored Divisions in Germany and prepare them to move by rail through Poland and into Ukraine. Meanwhile, I'd send every A-10 I could get my hands on to Germany to protect the Rail system

Sixth, I would watch and laugh as Putin shit himself.

And there would be no War.

Putin would come to the table, we'd talk, I'd recognize his right to the Ports in Crimea with a promise to never fuck with Ukraine ever again and we'd all have a drink of Vodka to commemorate the deal.

Somebody needs to tell the L-CinC that hiding under the bed isn't a strategy.

This thing is making him look like the joke he is

You'd not only get thousands of Europeans killed and possibly thousands of Americans, you'd give Russia license to invade Eastern Europe. A carrier group would do nothing against land-based bombers from any number of bases.

You're so full of shit, you'd take a Fleets through your nostrils.
Its not what we would do, its how we are perceived and the events that led to our adversaries making that determination. There is nothing that we will do and our enemies know that.

No. It really is. I know you just want to find fault without offering any sound advice on what should be done, but again: That just makes you look bad.

The GOP has no answers; just complaints and excuses. It's sad.

With that in mind, I do wish that he would have put the matter before Congress. I know that they are on a week long break, but couldn't they call an emergency session?

"In the United States of America, Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution gives the President of the United States the power to "on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them." [1]

This power exists for urgent or extraordinary situations that require congressional action when Congress is adjourned. Presidents have exercised this power 46 times to recall only the Senate and 26 times to recall both Chambers of Congress, most recently by Harry Truman in 1948.[2]

The Senate itself differentiates between "extraordinary sessions" called by the Presidential proclamation and "special sessions" that merely indicate a session not normally scheduled.[3] term "session" which can refer to formal start and end of a Congressional session or the daily sessions of the chambers of Congress.[4] Thus a formal "special session" will only happen when Congress has adjourned sine die and is not simply in recess (in other words Congress may or may not already be in an official session, but in recess, when convened)"
Once again we have the 'Conservatives' making all kinds of noise about how any of the President's actions will achieve nothing. But when pinned down as to what they would do, they answer is a resounding "Nothing!".

You guys are simply pathetic.
Once again we have the 'Conservatives' making all kinds of noise about how any of the President's actions will achieve nothing. But when pinned down as to what they would do, they answer is a resounding "Nothing!".

You guys are simply pathetic.

Really? We have plenty of ideas. The reason they're nothing is because you refuse to listen to them. The "nothing" you hear is from your ears being plugged. And you call us pathetic?
Send military aid to Ukraine freeze assets of the Russian government and banking system increase exports of natural gas to Ukraine and Europe which would lessen their dependency on it from Russia which might get them on board for stronger sanctions. Anybody want to add to the list?

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.

Putin is holding all the cards after China came down in support of him. The US can do nothing to harm the Russian Federation. Not one thing.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

You enjoy mental masturbation, don't you?

I can't tell you what Mittens would do, but I can tell you what I would do.

First off, Putin wouldn't treat me like a bitch because.... I'm not.

Secondly, I would recognize that Russia isn't going to give up the Crimea without a full scale War.

Not gonna happen.

Third, I would caution Putin against acting like an ass while sending a Carrier Group into the Black Sea. Fuck the 1934 protocols.

As part of that package, I would send a squadron of F-22s into Turkey. If Erdogan refused, I would find a way to take him down. Mostly looking for an excuse to do that anyway.

Barring Turkey letting us land our F-22s there, I would look to Georgia, who I'm sure would LOVE to stick it to Putin.

Fourth, if Putin even so much as passed gas, I would attack and disable his port facilities at his Black Sea Naval Station. Just to piss him off.

Fifth, I would mobilize our Armored Divisions in Germany and prepare them to move by rail through Poland and into Ukraine. Meanwhile, I'd send every A-10 I could get my hands on to Germany to protect the Rail system

Sixth, I would watch and laugh as Putin shit himself.

And there would be no War.

Putin would come to the table, we'd talk, I'd recognize his right to the Ports in Crimea with a promise to never fuck with Ukraine ever again and we'd all have a drink of Vodka to commemorate the deal.

Somebody needs to tell the L-CinC that hiding under the bed isn't a strategy.

This thing is making him look like the joke he is

First bolded: yes, you are. And a big old one, at that, wailing like a 3 year old on a forum.

Second bolded: Obama already has an aircraft carrier going there. Did you not read the news. Turkey already gave permission for one carrier.

Third bolded: Sieg Heil, Edgetho, Sieg Heil, Edgetho!! If they don't agree with you, just roll them over with panzer tanks!!!

Preparing to move our troops into the Ukraine through two other sovereign nations would in itself be considered an act of war. You do understand the NATO pact, right. Or did you read it on the backside of a box of Cheerios? Sounds like it.

Damn, many of you Righties really are warmongers today. War, WAR, WAR!!!

But when Obama went into Lybia, you were all peaceniks. Peace, PEACE, PEACE!!!

And once again, you are among the biggest of the bitches in USMB, always puffed up and acting manly. I bet that in real life you are some small bareback bottom bitch pipsqueak who welps like a puppy to get dominated.

But your wet-dream fantasies of "Sieg Heil, Edgetho" are tremendously entertaining to read.
If you support Putin, you are apparently a Nazi, lol. Ok buddy.

The thing is, it is zionist scum like you that is supporting anti-russian ukrainian nazi collaborators to bring down the sovereign Russian Federation.
Obama is a reckless yes man of vulture bankers, his State Department hired neo nazi thugs to overthrow the democratically elected government of ukraine and hand it to globalist and zionist oligarchs. Sometimes I wonder if their imperialism and greed knows no ends. They are bringing the world into World War 3 with their actions.

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