US Takes Action

If you support Putin, you are apparently a Nazi, lol. Ok buddy.

The thing is, it is zionist scum like you that is supporting anti-russian ukrainian nazi collaborators to bring down the sovereign Russian Federation.

Actually, it's because you started a thread last weekend claiming that the Holocaust was faked, so yes, you are a fucking nazi and I stand by my comment. Sounds all very, very icy to me.

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.


But they had to do something while Putin is doing everything

he is a sample of how it has affected the Russians

Russia’s deputy prime minister laughed off President Obama’s sanction against him today asking “Comrade @BarackObama” if “some prankster” came up with the list.

The Obama administration hit 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials with sanctions today as punishment for Russia’s support of Crimea’s referendum. Among them: aides to President Vladimir Putin, a top government official, senior lawmakers, Crimean officials, the ousted president of Ukraine, and a Ukrainian politician and businessman allegedly tied to violence against protesters in Kiev.

It remains to be seen whether the sanctions will dissuade Russia from annexing Crimea, but one an early clue that they will not be effective came just hours later when President Putin signed a decree recognizing Crimea as an independent state, perhaps an early step towards annexation.

U.S. official have warned of additional sanctions for Russian action, hoping it will deter Russia from any further aggression towards Ukraine, but it didn’t appear to upset the often outspoke Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

Russian Deputy PM Laughs at Obama?s Sanctions - ABC News

Crimean P.M. mocks Obama in faked Russian uniform on Twitter

Crimean P.M. mocks Obama in faked Russian uniform on Twitter - Washington Times
If you support Putin, you are apparently a Nazi, lol. Ok buddy.

The thing is, it is zionist scum like you that is supporting anti-russian ukrainian nazi collaborators to bring down the sovereign Russian Federation.

Actually, it's because you started a thread last weekend claiming that the Holocaust was faked, so yes, you are a fucking nazi and I stand by my comment. Sounds all very, very icy to me.
You are just bitter that the zionist baker puppet Obama and his hired nazi ukrainian mercenary thugs look like fools now on the world stage.

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.

Sanctions can be as stringent as Barack holding his breath until he turns blue, or even speaking sternly.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

It's absurd, mental masturbation.

Putin would not have pushed the annexation if Romney were president. That Obama is weak and a clown gives Putin license to do what they want.
Democrats are already constructing the duck blind to give obama cover. He's not the one who saved Ukraine by stopping Putin at Crimea.

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