US Takes Action

Travel bans HA HA HA travel bans wowowowoh the iron fist of sanction's. I reckon the Russians will give back Crimea run away and say sorry TRAVEL BANS. My advise to Obama merkel and co. is try to forget this ever happened except you have lost Crimea and stop making fools of yourselves
in response to Russia what did Obama do.....?

he imposed travel bans and froze assets (whatever was left) of a few Russian officials.....ALL 11 OF THEM........!

WOW this is one American leader to watch out for....:lol:.........did anybody even notice....?,0,6579894.sto

What do you think he should have done? I think that he shouldn't have done anything except wish them luck and offer to try to help them come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

80% of Russia's oil flows through Ukraine....not to mention Ukraine is the breadbasket of the region.....if Obama can't recognize the strategic importance of Ukraine he is one fucking dumbass....

the U.S. should be pushing to get Ukraine into NATO.....that would get Putin's attention.....

the U.S. should also be ramping up its oil and gas production....for export sale to the EU...

but Obama is a weakling....meow....

So that makes it a situation that should be between Ukraine and Russia.

Imagine if Russia was meddling in the affairs between the United States and Mexico and tried to get Mexico to ally with them. They would have no business doing that and I think that we would see their attempted intervention in Mexico as a clear threat and act of at the very least, political aggression.

Getting Ukraine into NATO will pose more problems than benefits for the NATO countries in my opinion.

I agree that we should "ramp up" oil and gas production and sell it to other countries as well as our SOR and domestically as well.
Russia will have to deal with the US and the EU

The days of knee jerk invasions are over. We no longer have Republicans in charge

Does that mean no more Obama "drones" too? Oh ... and that Afghanistan thingy. We are still there ... aren't we? Have a nice day.

Who put us there?

Have a nice day.

The people who caused this did --

Moderator note: Morbid and Graphic Images should not be posted - post a link with a warning but do not post the image.

Tell you what... Why don't you give it a whirl and you can tweet us how it feels to fall (for a long time) to a certain, painful death while thinking about life all the way down.

But we know you don't care about that poor man. Do it for all of us.

I for one would really appreciate it
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When Putin invaded Georgia, all Georgia Bush could do was stare at disbelief and complain. Now Obama strikes back with crippling sanctions on Russia over it's illegal invasion of a country which is led by a legal US approved banker. Soon America under our brave leaders will have the whole evil world sanctioned and we will be the ones left with the most prosperity and freedom yea!!!!!!! Take that. :D
Russia will have to deal with the US and the EU

The days of knee jerk invasions are over. We no longer have Republicans in charge

Does that mean no more Obama "drones" too? Oh ... and that Afghanistan thingy. We are still there ... aren't we? Have a nice day.

Who put us there?

Have a nice day.

Huh? Is Bush still President? Obama had no problem cutting and running in Iraq. Is Dick Cheney FORCING Obama to stay in Afghanistan?
oh yeah, he rides in on his black horse to save the day, again

now we can all have a good laugh
Crippling sanctions! Bwwwahhahahahahah

You keep telling yourself that. obama's sanctions actually caused a rally in Russian financial markets they were so weak. Maybe you were being sarcastic. The sanctions were against 11 individuals, 7 of whom already dumped their US assets.

So were you being sarcastic?
Crippling sanctions! Bwwwahhahahahahah

You keep telling yourself that. obama's sanctions actually caused a rally in Russian financial markets they were so weak. Maybe you were being sarcastic. The sanctions were against 11 individuals, 7 of whom already dumped their US assets.

So were you being sarcastic?

At first, I thought it was sarcasm too........maybe not.......:eek:.
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.
You have no point. No one owns a crystal ball and foresee what someone else would do.

I do know that you seem to be running away from reality inside your own thread. There is no need to discuss what some phantom republican might have done if we were living in an alternative universe where Obama lost.

Obama, right or wrong, is the President. And he is signing an executive order that I am not entirely certain is legal, given that placing sanctions on another country likely needs congressional approval.

Yup, I'm just that easy.

I give up. I asked a simple question. I asked it repeatedly. I spoke English. I used small words.

And nobody can strap on a pair long enough to say what they feel should be done? So fuck 'em.
I'm already on record for what I think should be done. It has nothing to do with what a phantom republican in office would do.

You ask a question that can't be honestly answered, and then get pissed off because no one can answer it?

Thanks, but I don't really need that kind of nonsense.
oh yeah, he rides in on his black horse to save the day, again

now we can all have a good laugh

This could all be about obama getting back at Russia for making it publicly known that they warned us about the Tsarnaev brothers and the regime decided to ignore the warning. Now King Bones obama doesn't have to worry about Russian warnings any more. He's destroyed the relationship enough to make them think twice about telling us.
What do you think he should have done? I think that he shouldn't have done anything except wish them luck and offer to try to help them come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

80% of Russia's oil flows through Ukraine....not to mention Ukraine is the breadbasket of the region.....if Obama can't recognize the strategic importance of Ukraine he is one fucking dumbass....

the U.S. should be pushing to get Ukraine into NATO.....that would get Putin's attention.....

the U.S. should also be ramping up its oil and gas production....for export sale to the EU...

but Obama is a weakling....meow....

So that makes it a situation that should be between Ukraine and Russia.

Imagine if Russia was meddling in the affairs between the United States and Mexico and tried to get Mexico to ally with them. They would have no business doing that and I think that we would see their attempted intervention in Mexico as a clear threat and act of at the very least, political aggression.

Getting Ukraine into NATO will pose more problems than benefits for the NATO countries in my opinion.

I agree that we should "ramp up" oil and gas production and sell it to other countries as well as our SOR and domestically as well.


what makes you think Russia isn't attempting to do exactly that....? starting especially in Cuba and Venezuela....

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