US Takes Action

Your first sentence is much more on the mark than you realize, for Crimeans are linguistically and culturally much more "Russian" then they are "Ukrainian". There was bad blood in the Crimea the moment the UDSSR fell apart and Crimea fell (mostly) under ukranian jurisdiction, so to speak. Actually, the Crimea is an "autonomous parliamentary Republic" within the Ukraine, but being an island/peninsula, is pretty reliant on the Ukraine for most of it's trade. 58% of Crimeans are Russians. Lots of other minorities there, including Tartars. Readers Digest version: lots of bad blood between Tartars and Ukrainians, goes back a long time, the UDSSR, when it was in existence, kept a lid on the hatred, but as happened in the former Yugoslavia, when the pressure of a dictatorship fell away, the old hatreds resurfaced.

But the second sentence of yours I strongly disagree with and @dboop is right for having made this thread. The sanctions are going to be much tougher that you can imagine for one word:


The sanctions will kill exports of oil, the revenues for which Russia will need. And this time of year is a good time to do is, as the winter is receding. So, what the Obama administration is doing is indeed a big deal and already the Obama administration has done more in this crisis than the Bush administration did in Georgia, in spite of the fact that the Georgian (N. Ossetia) invasion was much larger in scale than what is going on right now. This is also the first time that a US Aircraft Carrier has been allowed into the Black Sea, by permission of the Turks. Bush did not attempt this is 2008, although, in his defense, it probably would not have done much good.

It's time for Righties here to realize that the current administration still has much smarter people working in the state Department than they want to admit. Most of those people work from administration to administration and they know the lay of the land.

No matter what we do, Crimea is now going to rejoin Russia. This may or may not start a war with the Ukraine. I doubt it will. The Ukraine has too many internal problems to solve first and the almost nazi-like group from one party will probably be glad that the tartars are no longer on "their" soil, in spite of the fact that they lose soil to acheive their goal.

How do sanctions against personal assets within the US sphere of economic influnce kill GAZPROM sales to Europe?

Just wait. You'll see.

So what you are saying is you really don't have a clue how this will actually hurt Russia's energy sales.
Your first sentence is much more on the mark than you realize, for Crimeans are linguistically and culturally much more "Russian" then they are "Ukrainian". There was bad blood in the Crimea the moment the UDSSR fell apart and Crimea fell (mostly) under ukranian jurisdiction, so to speak. Actually, the Crimea is an "autonomous parliamentary Republic" within the Ukraine, but being an island/peninsula, is pretty reliant on the Ukraine for most of it's trade. 58% of Crimeans are Russians. Lots of other minorities there, including Tartars. Readers Digest version: lots of bad blood between Tartars and Ukrainians, goes back a long time, the UDSSR, when it was in existence, kept a lid on the hatred, but as happened in the former Yugoslavia, when the pressure of a dictatorship fell away, the old hatreds resurfaced.

But the second sentence of yours I strongly disagree with and @dboop is right for having made this thread. The sanctions are going to be much tougher that you can imagine for one word:


The sanctions will kill exports of oil, the revenues for which Russia will need. And this time of year is a good time to do is, as the winter is receding. So, what the Obama administration is doing is indeed a big deal and already the Obama administration has done more in this crisis than the Bush administration did in Georgia, in spite of the fact that the Georgian (N. Ossetia) invasion was much larger in scale than what is going on right now. This is also the first time that a US Aircraft Carrier has been allowed into the Black Sea, by permission of the Turks. Bush did not attempt this is 2008, although, in his defense, it probably would not have done much good.

It's time for Righties here to realize that the current administration still has much smarter people working in the state Department than they want to admit. Most of those people work from administration to administration and they know the lay of the land.

No matter what we do, Crimea is now going to rejoin Russia. This may or may not start a war with the Ukraine. I doubt it will. The Ukraine has too many internal problems to solve first and the almost nazi-like group from one party will probably be glad that the tartars are no longer on "their" soil, in spite of the fact that they lose soil to acheive their goal.

How do sanctions against personal assets within the US sphere of economic influnce kill GAZPROM sales to Europe?

Just wait. You'll see.

We shall indeed! The Europeans have gone on record as begging the USA to sell them natural gas therein breaking the monopoly the Russians presently hold over Europe through their second largest natural gas provider - GAZPROM. That news story broke in the US Media only a few days ago. Now they are awaiting a response from the Obama Administration.

When Obama goes public with an announcement that the United States is going to begin selling Natural Gas to Europe Putin will know Obama has kept his promise. Will he do it? Why wouldn't he?
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Putin the KGB fucking idiot will fail because he doesn't understand economics.

the idiot righties love him for it.

They don't either

Its why they crashed the economy twice in one lifetime with their idiot economic policies
Putin the KGB fucking idiot will fail because he doesn't understand economics.

the idiot righties love him for it.

They don't either

Its why they crashed the economy twice in one lifetime with their idiot economic policies

TM, you really need to read more........and post less.
So, what do you want President Obama to do? Launch some cruise missles at Russia? Ya, that's a good idea.

In order to figure out what obama should do you would have to go back to Hillary Clinton's famous reset button because this has been mishandled from the very first "overcharged" button. When there are this many missteps, mistakes and outright foolishness what he should do now is fairly meaningless. What obama should do now is have his "the 1980s are calling and want their foreign policy back"quote written on a piece of toilet paper, use it, then eat it.
How do sanctions against personal assets within the US sphere of economic influnce kill GAZPROM sales to Europe?

Just wait. You'll see.

So what you are saying is you really don't have a clue how this will actually hurt Russia's energy sales.

If the USA starts selling Natural Gas in Europe and breaks the monopoly on Russian Naturall gas giant GAZPROM? It would be a game changer. Why? Because it is the most strategical move on the board and with Europe in agreement it's a win - win situation.
tell us what you know about the Russian economy when Putin was KGB and now?

you have no fucking idea.

Now tell us HOW it is Putin is still running Russia?
So, what do you want President Obama to do? Launch some cruise missles at Russia? Ya, that's a good idea.

In order to figure out what obama should do you would have to go back to Hillary Clinton's famous reset button because this has been mishandled from the very first "overcharged" button. When there are this many missteps, mistakes and outright foolishness what he should do now is fairly meaningless. What obama should do now is have his "the 1980s are calling and want their foreign policy back"quote written on a piece of toilet paper, use it, then eat it.


and you backed a war built on lies, torture and war crimes you fucking idiot

when have you EVER been proven correct on anything?
in response to Russia what did Obama do.....?

he imposed travel bans and froze assets (whatever was left) of a few Russian officials.....ALL 11 OF THEM........!

WOW this is one American leader to watch out for....:lol:.........did anybody even notice....?,0,6579894.sto

What should have he done? Invaded?
Spent billions of American dollars protecting people who would probably hate us in the end?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
in response to Russia what did Obama do.....?

he imposed travel bans and froze assets (whatever was left) of a few Russian officials.....ALL 11 OF THEM........!

WOW this is one American leader to watch out for....:lol:.........did anybody even notice....?,0,6579894.sto

What do you think he should have done? I think that he shouldn't have done anything except wish them luck and offer to try to help them come to a mutually beneficial agreement.
Just wait. You'll see.

So what you are saying is you really don't have a clue how this will actually hurt Russia's energy sales.

If the USA starts selling Natural Gas in Europe and breaks the monopoly on Russian Naturall gas giant GAZPROM? It would be a game changer. Why? Because it is the most strategical move on the board and with Europe in agreement it's a win - win situation.

(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another"

Lets just constrast your new found visions of the world with your bullshit in the leadup to the Iraqi war

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