US Takes Action

Would the Republican Christian right support Obama if he armed Crimean rebels?
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.
You have no point. No one owns a crystal ball and foresee what someone else would do.

I do know that you seem to be running away from reality inside your own thread. There is no need to discuss what some phantom republican might have done if we were living in an alternative universe where Obama lost.

Obama, right or wrong, is the President. And he is signing an executive order that I am not entirely certain is legal, given that placing sanctions on another country likely needs congressional approval.
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.

Its not what we would do, its how we are perceived and the events that led to our adversaries making that determination. There is nothing that we will do and our enemies know that.

No. It really is. I know you just want to find fault without offering any sound advice on what should be done, but again: That just makes you look bad.
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.
You have no point. No one owns a crystal ball and foresee what someone else would do.

I do know that you seem to be running away from reality inside your own thread. There is no need to discuss what some phantom republican might have done if we were living in an alternative universe where Obama lost.

Obama, right or wrong, is the President. And he is signing an executive order that I am not entirely certain is legal, given that placing sanctions on another country likely needs congressional approval.

Yup, I'm just that easy.

I give up. I asked a simple question. I asked it repeatedly. I spoke English. I used small words.

And nobody can strap on a pair long enough to say what they feel should be done? So fuck 'em.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

Pretty much the same thing.
Obama's end game for the USA.

He's going to get Russia and China to renounce the US Dollar and put an end to the USA as a world leading nation once and for all
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

You enjoy mental masturbation, don't you?

I can't tell you what Mittens would do, but I can tell you what I would do.

First off, Putin wouldn't treat me like a bitch because.... I'm not.

Secondly, I would recognize that Russia isn't going to give up the Crimea without a full scale War.

Not gonna happen.

Third, I would caution Putin against acting like an ass while sending a Carrier Group into the Black Sea. Fuck the 1934 protocols.

As part of that package, I would send a squadron of F-22s into Turkey. If Erdogan refused, I would find a way to take him down. Mostly looking for an excuse to do that anyway.

Barring Turkey letting us land our F-22s there, I would look to Georgia, who I'm sure would LOVE to stick it to Putin.

Fourth, if Putin even so much as passed gas, I would attack and disable his port facilities at his Black Sea Naval Station. Just to piss him off.

Fifth, I would mobilize our Armored Divisions in Germany and prepare them to move by rail through Poland and into Ukraine. Meanwhile, I'd send every A-10 I could get my hands on to Germany to protect the Rail system

Sixth, I would watch and laugh as Putin shit himself.

And there would be no War.

Putin would come to the table, we'd talk, I'd recognize his right to the Ports in Crimea with a promise to never fuck with Ukraine ever again and we'd all have a drink of Vodka to commemorate the deal.

Somebody needs to tell the L-CinC that hiding under the bed isn't a strategy.

This thing is making him look like the joke he is
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.

Its not what we would do, its how we are perceived and the events that led to our adversaries making that determination. There is nothing that we will do and our enemies know that.

No. It really is. I know you just want to find fault without offering any sound advice on what should be done, but again: That just makes you look bad.

You mean, makes the president look bad. He did this to himself through his own inactions.
Russians have been pulling their assets out of the US for awhile now. So this really amounts to not very much of a deal at all.
Obama's end game for the USA.

He's going to get Russia and China to renounce the US Dollar and put an end to the USA as a world leading nation once and for all

As obama has telegraphed these intentions around the world, it's pretty much a given that you have articulated his plans. obama MIGHT have been taken more seriously if the F 22 hadn't already be scrapped.

So much for the F 22 plans. What's next.
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How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.

You enjoy mental masturbation, don't you?

I can't tell you what Mittens would do, but I can tell you what I would do.

First off, Putin wouldn't treat me like a bitch because.... I'm not.

Secondly, I would recognize that Russia isn't going to give up the Crimea without a full scale War.

Not gonna happen.

Third, I would caution Putin against acting like an ass while sending a Carrier Group into the Black Sea. Fuck the 1934 protocols.

As part of that package, I would send a squadron of F-22s into Turkey. If Erdogan refused, I would find a way to take him down. Mostly looking for an excuse to do that anyway.

Barring Turkey letting us land our F-22s there, I would look to Georgia, who I'm sure would LOVE to stick it to Putin.

Fourth, if Putin even so much as passed gas, I would attack and disable his port facilities at his Black Sea Naval Station. Just to piss him off.

Fifth, I would mobilize our Armored Divisions in Germany and prepare them to move by rail through Poland and into Ukraine. Meanwhile, I'd send every A-10 I could get my hands on to Germany to protect the Rail system

Sixth, I would watch and laugh as Putin shit himself.

And there would be no War.

Putin would come to the table, we'd talk, I'd recognize his right to the Ports in Crimea with a promise to never fuck with Ukraine ever again and we'd all have a drink of Vodka to commemorate the deal.

Somebody needs to tell the L-CinC that hiding under the bed isn't a strategy.

This thing is making him look like the joke he is

Thank you.

See, rest of thread? It can be done. Somebody just needed to man up and speak his mind.

Obama needs to draw a red line in the sand

If you like a Free Ukraine, you can keep it. Period

Bush's fault
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

I don't think anything can be done, except for drawing a line and saying Crimea OK, rest of Ukraine is a no go.

What I am commenting on is how the article makes the appear to be a BIG DEAL when it really isn't anything.

Your first sentence is much more on the mark than you realize, for Crimeans are linguistically and culturally much more "Russian" then they are "Ukrainian". There was bad blood in the Crimea the moment the UDSSR fell apart and Crimea fell (mostly) under ukranian jurisdiction, so to speak. Actually, the Crimea is an "autonomous parliamentary Republic" within the Ukraine, but being an island/peninsula, is pretty reliant on the Ukraine for most of it's trade. 58% of Crimeans are Russians. Lots of other minorities there, including Tartars. Readers Digest version: lots of bad blood between Tartars and Ukrainians, goes back a long time, the UDSSR, when it was in existence, kept a lid on the hatred, but as happened in the former Yugoslavia, when the pressure of a dictatorship fell away, the old hatreds resurfaced.

But the second sentence of yours I strongly disagree with and @dboop is right for having made this thread. The sanctions are going to be much tougher that you can imagine for one word:


The sanctions will kill exports of oil, the revenues for which Russia will need. And this time of year is a good time to do is, as the winter is receding. So, what the Obama administration is doing is indeed a big deal and already the Obama administration has done more in this crisis than the Bush administration did in Georgia, in spite of the fact that the Georgian (N. Ossetia) invasion was much larger in scale than what is going on right now. This is also the first time that a US Aircraft Carrier has been allowed into the Black Sea, by permission of the Turks. Bush did not attempt this is 2008, although, in his defense, it probably would not have done much good.

It's time for Righties here to realize that the current administration still has much smarter people working in the state Department than they want to admit. Most of those people work from administration to administration and they know the lay of the land.

No matter what we do, Crimea is now going to rejoin Russia. This may or may not start a war with the Ukraine. I doubt it will. The Ukraine has too many internal problems to solve first and the almost nazi-like group from one party will probably be glad that the tartars are no longer on "their" soil, in spite of the fact that they lose soil to acheive their goal.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

McCain or Romney would have bombed Russia/Crimea and then invaded...Especially McCain I can't imagine a crazier president than him.

I can: Sarah Palin, had she succeeded to the Presidency.
Would the Republican Christian right support Obama if he armed Crimean rebels?

Obama's end game for the USA.

He's going to get Russia and China to renounce the US Dollar and put an end to the USA as a world leading nation once and for all

Your Conservative wet-dreams are a source of great entertainment for me.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

McCain or Romney would have bombed Russia/Crimea and then invaded...Especially McCain I can't imagine a crazier president than him.

I can: Sarah Palin, had she succeeded to the Presidency.

no one should ever take you serious
Already European press (I'm writing this in Rome) are laughing at Obama for launching sanctions on people who have no property or assets in The U.S. They're asking if "Comrade Obama" has thought anything through!

That's just it. He never thinks anything through. He thinks his word is enough to shake the world.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

I don't think anything can be done, except for drawing a line and saying Crimea OK, rest of Ukraine is a no go.

What I am commenting on is how the article makes the appear to be a BIG DEAL when it really isn't anything.

Your first sentence is much more on the mark than you realize, for Crimeans are linguistically and culturally much more "Russian" then they are "Ukrainian". There was bad blood in the Crimea the moment the UDSSR fell apart and Crimea fell (mostly) under ukranian jurisdiction, so to speak. Actually, the Crimea is an "autonomous parliamentary Republic" within the Ukraine, but being an island/peninsula, is pretty reliant on the Ukraine for most of it's trade. 58% of Crimeans are Russians. Lots of other minorities there, including Tartars. Readers Digest version: lots of bad blood between Tartars and Ukrainians, goes back a long time, the UDSSR, when it was in existence, kept a lid on the hatred, but as happened in the former Yugoslavia, when the pressure of a dictatorship fell away, the old hatreds resurfaced.

But the second sentence of yours I strongly disagree with and @dboop is right for having made this thread. The sanctions are going to be much tougher that you can imagine for one word:


The sanctions will kill exports of oil, the revenues for which Russia will need. And this time of year is a good time to do is, as the winter is receding. So, what the Obama administration is doing is indeed a big deal and already the Obama administration has done more in this crisis than the Bush administration did in Georgia, in spite of the fact that the Georgian (N. Ossetia) invasion was much larger in scale than what is going on right now. This is also the first time that a US Aircraft Carrier has been allowed into the Black Sea, by permission of the Turks. Bush did not attempt this is 2008, although, in his defense, it probably would not have done much good.

It's time for Righties here to realize that the current administration still has much smarter people working in the state Department than they want to admit. Most of those people work from administration to administration and they know the lay of the land.

No matter what we do, Crimea is now going to rejoin Russia. This may or may not start a war with the Ukraine. I doubt it will. The Ukraine has too many internal problems to solve first and the almost nazi-like group from one party will probably be glad that the tartars are no longer on "their" soil, in spite of the fact that they lose soil to acheive their goal.

Polls taken in February of this year and December of last year showed a majority of people wanted to stay with Ukraine.... Even though Crimea is more Russian than it is Ukrainean.
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