Us Veteran And Aid Worker Could Be Jihadi John's Next Victim

The media should not be reporting on ANYTHING by Jihadi John.

All I want to hear about him is when he is killed.

So sorry, no boots on the ground...
No boots on the ground = No winners.

We can create losers with air power, but we cannot, often, get one man that is intent on being deceptive.
No war can be won by air or sea power alone. That's a given.Gotta root 'em out on the ground.

It is a rare situation in the ancient, or modern world that can be solved by sea, or action at a distance.

To stop the recruiting of ISIS, I fear that more drastic measures are called for.
Yup, that's how wars are fought under Generalissimo Obumble. Hope and change.

I'm still waiting to hear what acceptable casualties are from you.
None and as many as it takes............

By not addressing the issue early in the game our administration has let a cold turn into the flu...........Had they been hit and stopped early they wouldn't own the country would they.

In Syria, the world looked the other way for years as these animals performed Genocide of a people. Yet only until they started beheading people, aka foreign nationals, did they finally say something needs to be done. The atrocities have been going on there for years with nothing being done........

Perhaps it because it's election year........or perhaps it's because the enemy has incited us to act against them.
None and as many as it takes............

By not addressing the issue early in the game our administration has let a cold turn into the flu...........Had they been hit and stopped early they wouldn't own the country would they.

In Syria, the world looked the other way for years as these animals performed Genocide of a people. Yet only until they started beheading people, aka foreign nationals, did they finally say something needs to be done. The atrocities have been going on there for years with nothing being done........

Perhaps it because it's election year........or perhaps it's because the enemy has incited us to act against them.

Nothing positive will come from any new American adventures in the middle east.
I would agree with you on limiting immigration from the middle east as we are inviting the enemy to dinner by doing so............But that would not end the problem.

We cannot win this via isolationism...........This is global in nature and we have assets outside this country. In order to safe guard these assets and our people who travel abroad, we must be proactive in policy versus reactive. Which means killing some of these people from time to time. I'm really not into nation building. I don't care what they think of us, as if they hate us today they'll still hate us tomorrow. If we kick ISIL's ass into the infernal regions of hell they can not come back to fight us on another day because they are dead.

Those who we helped save, in Iraq or mainly the kurds will not hate us for killing their enemies on the battlefield. They may not like us after we leave but they may be less inclined to want to conduct terror attacks against us because we saved them.

How many more hate us because we hit many more would like us for saving them from ISIL.........Is it more........or is it less.................I simply don't know.

A Caliphate is like Communism, a disastrously inefficient way to organize a society. As liberals dream of communism, Muslims dream of a Caliphate. As the fall of the Soviet Union burst the dreams of communists everywhere, the cold reality of the failure of a Caliphate will also put to rest the dreams of Islamic Supremacy. So long as those dreams are thwarted, they will never die. What you're proposing is an eternal war of whack-a-mole.

If you do nothing about the ants in your yard they will take over your yard. If you kill the ants they will come back.........So do you let them come back and take no action, or do you kill them again knowing that in a month more will return?
Are you trying to act intelligent? No casualties are "acceptable." But they are inevitable.You ever been in a war?

Nobody has ever won anything in the middle east. It's a wasteland dominated by religious extremists with oil money.

Any intervention is a lose-lose situation.
I agree but if we don't intervene, we lose.
None and as many as it takes............

By not addressing the issue early in the game our administration has let a cold turn into the flu...........Had they been hit and stopped early they wouldn't own the country would they.

In Syria, the world looked the other way for years as these animals performed Genocide of a people. Yet only until they started beheading people, aka foreign nationals, did they finally say something needs to be done. The atrocities have been going on there for years with nothing being done........

Perhaps it because it's election year........or perhaps it's because the enemy has incited us to act against them.

Nothing positive will come from any new American adventures in the middle east.

The Obama plan is the destruction of ISIS and ISIL. If that is the stated policy of the United States and it's commander N Chief then he will have to put boots on the ground to accomplish that. He can kill some of their assets via the air, but he will not destroy them without putting in troops.

If your mission is their destruction then you have no choice in the end but to go in and get it done. You can't have it both ways, and military advisers have stated this in the open on this matter.

So do we accomplish the mission, or piss in the wind, or withdraw and ignore.

I would remind you that the foreigners being captured were from relief missions due to the millions displaced by the War in Syria. Half the population of that country has been displaced.
I would agree with you on limiting immigration from the middle east as we are inviting the enemy to dinner by doing so............But that would not end the problem.

We cannot win this via isolationism...........This is global in nature and we have assets outside this country. In order to safe guard these assets and our people who travel abroad, we must be proactive in policy versus reactive. Which means killing some of these people from time to time. I'm really not into nation building. I don't care what they think of us, as if they hate us today they'll still hate us tomorrow. If we kick ISIL's ass into the infernal regions of hell they can not come back to fight us on another day because they are dead.

Those who we helped save, in Iraq or mainly the kurds will not hate us for killing their enemies on the battlefield. They may not like us after we leave but they may be less inclined to want to conduct terror attacks against us because we saved them.

How many more hate us because we hit many more would like us for saving them from ISIL.........Is it more........or is it less.................I simply don't know.

A Caliphate is like Communism, a disastrously inefficient way to organize a society. As liberals dream of communism, Muslims dream of a Caliphate. As the fall of the Soviet Union burst the dreams of communists everywhere, the cold reality of the failure of a Caliphate will also put to rest the dreams of Islamic Supremacy. So long as those dreams are thwarted, they will never die. What you're proposing is an eternal war of whack-a-mole.

If you do nothing about the ants in your yard they will take over your yard. If you kill the ants they will come back.........So do you let them come back and take no action, or do you kill them again knowing that in a month more will return?

I take a can of toxic ant killer and spray it on the ground to create a dead zone which they can't cross and then starve them out. The US had a similar policy back during the Cold War - it was called Containment.
None and as many as it takes............

By not addressing the issue early in the game our administration has let a cold turn into the flu...........Had they been hit and stopped early they wouldn't own the country would they.

In Syria, the world looked the other way for years as these animals performed Genocide of a people. Yet only until they started beheading people, aka foreign nationals, did they finally say something needs to be done. The atrocities have been going on there for years with nothing being done........

Perhaps it because it's election year........or perhaps it's because the enemy has incited us to act against them.

Nothing positive will come from any new American adventures in the middle east.

An assertion without proof.

How like a liberal.
I would agree with you on limiting immigration from the middle east as we are inviting the enemy to dinner by doing so............But that would not end the problem.

We cannot win this via isolationism...........This is global in nature and we have assets outside this country. In order to safe guard these assets and our people who travel abroad, we must be proactive in policy versus reactive. Which means killing some of these people from time to time. I'm really not into nation building. I don't care what they think of us, as if they hate us today they'll still hate us tomorrow. If we kick ISIL's ass into the infernal regions of hell they can not come back to fight us on another day because they are dead.

Those who we helped save, in Iraq or mainly the kurds will not hate us for killing their enemies on the battlefield. They may not like us after we leave but they may be less inclined to want to conduct terror attacks against us because we saved them.

How many more hate us because we hit many more would like us for saving them from ISIL.........Is it more........or is it less.................I simply don't know.

A Caliphate is like Communism, a disastrously inefficient way to organize a society. As liberals dream of communism, Muslims dream of a Caliphate. As the fall of the Soviet Union burst the dreams of communists everywhere, the cold reality of the failure of a Caliphate will also put to rest the dreams of Islamic Supremacy. So long as those dreams are thwarted, they will never die. What you're proposing is an eternal war of whack-a-mole.

If you do nothing about the ants in your yard they will take over your yard. If you kill the ants they will come back.........So do you let them come back and take no action, or do you kill them again knowing that in a month more will return?

I take a can of toxic ant killer and spray it on the ground to create a dead zone which they can't cross and then starve them out. The US had a similar policy back during the Cold War - it was called Containment.
Pull out a world map of radical Islamic violence and attacks and tell me the situation is contained. Or how to contain it.........

In regards to that sect, is has grown very large, as it causes death and destruction across the globe. It is not contained, and has grown...........some would say it's because we are fighting them and ticking them off...........Others, like me, would say it because of their 7th century mentality.

They will not stop if allowed to grow in Syria and Iraq......They will only mutate and become more of a pain in the ass tomorrow. Better to send them a one way ticket to hell today than have to pay for more tickets tomorrow.
I agree but if we don't intervene, we lose.

Lose what?
Well, ISIS will come, my gullible, liberal friend. You can take that to the bank. And when they come, you and your liberal friends will greet them with milk and cookies. And they will react to you in the only way they know how. When they come, give me a call and I'll come and bury your head and body in the same hole. Before the buzzards get them. Why, you'll lose your head. Period.

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