US would allow aaple

Let's hope Apple sticks to their guns, tell the fuckups for the federal government to fuck off...
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

how about when the government decides in the view of keeping us safe

snoops through your phone papers or bank accounts

They can already get into your bank if you're doing shady stuff like Madoff, I guess you need to worry....but this is a case where most conservatives want Obama (govmint) to keep us safe and then whine about their method of doing so.

so you subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent strategy

i see

So you think the terrorist from San Diego is innocent? Interesting.

Can you be my BFF and show me VIDEO EVIDENCE of the San Bernardino "terrorist" attack? Thanks

Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

how about when the government decides in the view of keeping us safe

snoops through your phone papers or bank accounts

They can already get into your bank if you're doing shady stuff like Madoff, I guess you need to worry....but this is a case where most conservatives want Obama (govmint) to keep us safe and then whine about their method of doing so.

so you subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent strategy

i see

I suspect it is more the "Barack Obama can do no wrong" strategy.
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

Rightwing, leftwing....body in the middle controls both. GW Bush was a POS and so was his was Bill Clinton, his wife and Barry.. Wake up and smell the are not in Kansas anymore.

So, you hate everyone.....I think Somalia would be a good place for you.

I don't hate anyone but the cabal of thieves that made us indentured debt slaves while they use our labor to move a worthless fiat currency backed by nothing tangible. I could explain further but I doubt you would even be able to wrap your mind around it. I am not going anywhere...I will fight to give out the truth until God sees fit to take me home...get it?
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.
Silly you, the government is all about taking. They are not our friends, there is over a century of proof of this.
I know you don't watch TV, so where on NETFLIX did you find that fiction movie that tells you the government is all about taking. Sounds like the conservative meme machine speaking through you.

We are the if the government (yourself) is not treating you right, maybe it's your fault?

Apple giving in on this, 100% mistake. The government can not be allowed to be in control of any private company, they are not infallible.
The federal government doing right by the country no matter the party... Lol

So, you don't want the government to protect you? Then why all the hullabaloo from conservatives about Obama not keeping us safe? Why don't you want for them to find out if there are more terrorists in the US that the San Diego terrorists was contacting? You don't care if they bomb another area? Quit bitching that Obama isn't keeping us safe if you don't want the government to do its job.
These murders and mass shootings are a direct reflection of the leadership of the federal government, owned by career politicians.

No, they are a result of George W. Bush's fuck up when he invaded Iraq under the lie that they had WMDs and then decided to dissolve the Iraqi Army.

Here is what happened: In 2003, the U.S. military, on orders of President Bush, invaded Iraq, and nineteen days later threw out Saddam’s government. A few days after that, President Bush or someone in his Administration decreed the dissolution of the Iraqi Army. This decision didn’t throw “thirty thousand individuals” out of a job, as Ziedrich said—the number was closer to ten times that. Overnight, at least two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi men—armed, angry, and with military training—were suddenly humiliated and out of work.

This was probably the single most catastrophic decision of the American venture in Iraq. In a stroke, the Administration helped enable the creation of the Iraqi insurgency. Bush Administration officials involved in the decision—like Paul Bremer and Walter Slocombe—argued that they were effectively ratifying the reality that the Iraqi Army had already disintegrated.

This was manifestly not true. I talked to American military commanders who told me that leaders of entire Iraqi divisions (a division has roughly ten thousand troops) had come to them for instructions and expressed a willingness to coöperate. In fact, many American commanders argued vehemently at the time that the Iraqi military should be kept intact—that disbanding it would turn too many angry young men against the United States. But the Bush White House went ahead.

Did George W. Bush Create ISIS? - The New Yorker

Al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL has always been (and remains to this day) a CIA asset trained by the spooks in the CIA. Saudi intel helps to fund them and the MOSSAD helps to recruits mercenaries that will fight for a paycheck. I have no doubt that there are radicals that have joined to try and get even for the evil this corrupt corporate "gubermint" has done to their country but they are really nothing but cannon fodder much like our own soldiers are that believe that they are defending "freedom and democracy"....what a joke that is. Osama bin Laden was an asset up until the day he died on December 13th, 2001 (yeah, Barrypuppet lied about taking him out) and that is why Seal Team 6 had to be taken out of the mix because they knew the official story was a complete and total lie. Seriously? How can anyone REALLY believe that the alleged Osama Bin Laden was killed and then dumped in the middle of the ocean? People have to wake the fuck up and stop believing that indoctrination box that is the television set and try some critical thinking.......
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
Koch brothers would disagree waltons too
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

how about when the government decides in the view of keeping us safe

snoops through your phone papers or bank accounts

They can already get into your bank if you're doing shady stuff like Madoff, I guess you need to worry....but this is a case where most conservatives want Obama (govmint) to keep us safe and then whine about their method of doing so.

so you subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent strategy

i see

I suspect it is more the "Barack Obama can do no wrong" strategy.

that is probably closer to the truth
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

Rightwing, leftwing....body in the middle controls both. GW Bush was a POS and so was his was Bill Clinton, his wife and Barry.. Wake up and smell the are not in Kansas anymore.

So, you hate everyone.....I think Somalia would be a good place for you.

I don't hate anyone but the cabal of thieves that made us indentured debt slaves while they use our labor to move a worthless fiat currency backed by nothing tangible. I could explain further but I doubt you would even be able to wrap your mind around it. I am not going anywhere...I will fight to give out the truth until God sees fit to take me home...get it?

You write one thing, but your words say otherwise. The only ones that have robbed us of freedom is the Republican party. With their aim to control, they have violated the Constitution they claim they love, their love of war has robbed families of over 4000 loved ones (brave soldiers). The worthless wars started by Bush created a bigger problem for our country (ISIS), which is the biggest source of our spending. It isn't so much that Conservatives hate government, they hate government they're not able to control.

And, you're immersed in a pack of lies created by your own party....God doesn't like liars and will show you once again His disdain for the likes of liars.
Al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL has always been (and remains to this day) a CIA asset trained by the spooks in the CIA.

Wow....this tells me all I need to know......another mind-controlled Fauxbot repeating (what he's heard Glenn Beck say, backed by Sarah Palin) conservative's extreme fear-mongering tactics manifesto.
Fun watching the leftwing loons who screeched about this kind of shit between 2001 & 2008 now are all in...
once it is out there it is out there

I agree. Even if you delete and shred the files, you can't delete the memories of the people who wrote the code. Not unless there's something the government isn't telling us.

Fun watching the leftwing loons who screeched about this kind of shit between 2001 & 2008 now are all in...

It's more fun watching the right-wing, er, wrong-wing loons contradict themselves on a daily basis......."Bush didn't lie about Iraq war" and the next day "Trump is the greatest....we'll ignore his claims that Bush lied"........they claim to love Israel and Jewish people, and then support Cruz, who has embraced the endorsement of two Jew haters.....(Nugent and Bickle) can't make this shit up.
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

Rightwing, leftwing....body in the middle controls both. GW Bush was a POS and so was his was Bill Clinton, his wife and Barry.. Wake up and smell the are not in Kansas anymore.

So, you hate everyone.....I think Somalia would be a good place for you.

I don't hate anyone but the cabal of thieves that made us indentured debt slaves while they use our labor to move a worthless fiat currency backed by nothing tangible. I could explain further but I doubt you would even be able to wrap your mind around it. I am not going anywhere...I will fight to give out the truth until God sees fit to take me home...get it?

You write one thing, but your words say otherwise. The only ones that have robbed us of freedom is the Republican party. With their aim to control, they have violated the Constitution they claim they love, their love of war has robbed families of over 4000 loved ones (brave soldiers). The worthless wars started by Bush created a bigger problem for our country (ISIS), which is the biggest source of our spending. It isn't so much that Conservatives hate government, they hate government they're not able to control.

And, you're immersed in a pack of lies created by your own party....God doesn't like liars and will show you once again His disdain for the likes of liars.
Don't try and put me in any category, bitch....I have an understanding of what is actually going on that you couldn't even fathom. I have been VERY upfront about my disdain for neocons and the Fabian socialists that do the bidding of their Wall Street and Fed bank masters. Your understanding of what is really going on actually saddens me. Keep flying your little rainbow colored "demcrat" flag and believing that these bought and paid for establishment politicians that have been compromised and/or corrupted are going to make anything better because I can assure you that nothing is going to change unless people wake up as to what has been going on.
Al qaeda/ISIS/ISIL has always been (and remains to this day) a CIA asset trained by the spooks in the CIA.

Wow....this tells me all I need to know......another mind-controlled Fauxbot repeating (what he's heard Glenn Beck say, backed by Sarah Palin) conservative's extreme fear-mongering tactics manifesto.

No, you do not "know"...all corporate media is owned by 6 mega-conglomerates whose heads all have seats on the Council For Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Committee of 300. They control 90 percent of the radio, print and television media and the alleged news that we get. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity are dis-information agents. Rachael Maddow takes up the leftwing side and she wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit her in the ass. The CIA has been controlling our media since the late 60's. Do some research on the Church Committee and their findings during Senate hearings in the mid 70's. Do some research on "Operation Mockingbird" and "Operation Paperclip"....and you will find that the Nazis didn't really lose WWII, they simply relocated and the Nazis had their backgrounds whitewashed using the Vatican ratlines to get them here. USA.INC is a mirror image of Nazi Germany just before WWII. They even have concentration camps with railroads and airstrips all set up to fly in "dissidents". We live in a police state because of an alleged "terrorist threat" that they created while leaving the borders totally unprotected....does that make any sense to you?

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