US would allow aaple

keep software to help fbi hack iphone to retain possession and later destroy software they were ordered to design
This police state has gotten totally out of hand...wish people would wake up this shit because it's only going to get worse unless we start pushing back.
dale I know you agree to the utmost importance of privacy it has become a sticky subject
apparently RW's are selective about their fear of terrorists being able to kill them.
This federal corporate "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet and has been for some time. They are the ones waging the war on terror and it is against us.

ISIS bombs a shopping mall 1000 people died ... dale was concerned about his privacy.
Your beloved "gubermint" funds ISIS....wake up...grow, learn and evolve.
the article I read in AAPL news on my Iphone says it can be localized to that 1 phone and then software can be destroyed
If that were true, then, yes, open the phone then destroy the code.

The government has no authority to force a company to create a product that doesn't exist. Furthermore, the FBI was the one who changed the pass code on the cell phone and then forgot what it was, so this is their own damn fault.
the article I read in AAPL news on my Iphone says it can be localized to that 1 phone and then software can be destroyed
If that were true, then, yes, open the phone then destroy the code.

The government has no authority to force a company to create a product that doesn't exist. Furthermore, the FBI was the one who changed the pass code on the cell phone and then forgot what it was, so this is their own damn fault.

The government has no authority to force a company to create a product that doesn't exist

or do they

times they are a changing
keep software to help fbi hack iphone to retain possession and later destroy software they were ordered to design
This police state has gotten totally out of hand...wish people would wake up this shit because it's only going to get worse unless we start pushing back.
dale I know you agree to the utmost importance of privacy it has become a sticky subject

Edds, it's not a sticky situation to me because I know what the real deal is. There is no legitimate terrorist threat except for this corporate entity that is USA.INC. They created this crisis, waited for the emotional outcry and then proposed the solution to the very problem that they caused. It's been going on since the beginning of's called the Hegelian Dialectic...cause, affect, solution. The mechanisms to spy on everything we do via the internet and cellphone was put in place before 9/11 but they needed an event that would fighten us enough into complying and they got it with the events of that day...and I know that this may piss some people off but for the love of all things holy? WAKE THE FUCK UP! Does anyone REALLY believe that the NSA, NORAD, CIA and the Pentagon (with combined budgets of over 1,000,000,000,000 Federal Reserve notes) that got allegedly buttfucked in front of the entire world was able to get their shit together so soon after being "punked" and prevented another alleged attack while leaving the borders totally unsecured?? It defies imagination and what I am saying needs to be said. There are very good people in some of these alphabet agencies that have been keeping the wolf at bay waiting for us to wake the fuck up and start seeing what is really going on. This corporate entity friggin MIRRORS the Nazis in Germany before WWII and I see this police state becoming more and more invasive and controlling while intimidating the people. We took in thousands upon thousands of Nazis after WWII and put them in places of power like the OSS/CIA and that attitude still permates even today. The third reich did not lose the war, they simply relocated and Nazis like Prescott Bush funded them...the rabbit hole is deep and it veers off in many directions but I have an excellent grasp as to what is going's all I do and once you start walking in my shoes, it is impossible to "unlearn"....
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

Rightwing, leftwing....body in the middle controls both. GW Bush was a POS and so was his was Bill Clinton, his wife and Barry.. Wake up and smell the are not in Kansas anymore.
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
I don't watch TV, sorry.
Except a little Netflix
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

how about when the government decides in the view of keeping us safe

snoops through your phone papers or bank accounts

They can already get into your bank if you're doing shady stuff like Madoff, I guess you need to worry....but this is a case where most conservatives want Obama (govmint) to keep us safe and then whine about their method of doing so.
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
I don't watch TV, sorry.
Except a little Netflix

No wonder you are making erroneous assumptions......actually, it is the red states (conservatives) that get the majority of apparently they're the ones that can't get real jobs?
Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy

Good for Apple, keep telling the federal government to fuck off...

So you are for the rights of the terrorists? You hate the government more than you hate terrorists? I bet if a Republican was President you wouldn't feel the same way, which is really ignorant, because you're letting your partisanship dictate what is necessary to keep us safe.

I think they can make an exception based on the circumstances....since the jerk was a terrorist the government should be allowed to view his phone and that's all. It doesn't have to be a permanent agreement that they have the right to every phone, but it might shed some light on who the terrorists are and where they are located, especially if they are ini the US.

Ignorant views will not help keep us safe, and the same people not wanting the government to get access to the terrorist's phone will be the ones complaining that the government didn't do its job when one of his friends (who's number may be on his phone) commits another terrorist act.

how about when the government decides in the view of keeping us safe

snoops through your phone papers or bank accounts

They can already get into your bank if you're doing shady stuff like Madoff, I guess you need to worry....but this is a case where most conservatives want Obama (govmint) to keep us safe and then whine about their method of doing so.

so you subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent strategy

i see
The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
I don't watch TV, sorry.
Except a little Netflix

No wonder you are making erroneous assumptions......actually, it is the red states (conservatives) that get the majority of apparently they're the ones that can't get real jobs?

Presumably you are going to connect the dots and link red state welfare to iphone encryption.

The federal government is full of fuckups... Who can't get real jobs,

Bwahahaha....says the ignoramus who gets all his info from Faux. You just showed how dumb you don't become rich on welfare....

If you brought back either of the Roosevelts—Teddy or Franklin—from the grave, the most astonishing thing they would find is that the “malefactors of great wealth” have become the benefactors of today’s liberalism, and Democrats have become the party of the rich.
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich?
I don't watch TV, sorry.
Except a little Netflix

No wonder you are making erroneous assumptions......actually, it is the red states (conservatives) that get the majority of apparently they're the ones that can't get real jobs?
Actually it's the deadbeat individuals who get welfare...

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