USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

Stupid bullshit, that is a CRIMINAL/CIVIL LAW concept, not job interview concept.

The party that leads its rallies with chants of 'LOCK HER UP' is sniveling about 'basic principles of innocent until proven guilty'?

We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
So refusing to fund a wall is trying to kill white people?

That's definitely a paranoid self delusion.

I didn't say kill white people, I said wipe us out, as in a political way, not genocidal.

White people preclude Democrats from a complete takeover of the country. Every other group of people vote a majority Democrat. Hispanics, Asians, Jewish, middle-eastern, and blacks? Forget about it. So the long term plan is to make whites a minority for the first time in history.

White people who are conscious of the evil that is the base of being a Democrat understands what they are up to. The white people who support them are totally clueless, like the frog sitting in a pot of cold water on the stove.

When the Democrats accomplish their goal, there will be no opposition to their agenda. Then we quickly slip to Socialism, and not far down the road, Communism. The great experiment will finally end to the chagrin of our forefathers.
My, my, aren't you the childish little sperm-burper.
You have been sucking on tRUMP's c*ck to long
Take a deep breath and get back on your knees.

Why don't you go back to the teen chat room where you belong. Adults are discussing adult issues here.
Sorry, but I don’t think accusing Democrats of not being Americans is an adult discussion.

it happens to be true and is very adult to talk about it. You are a perfect example of a non american democrat. you hate the constitution, the 2nd amendment, unborn rights, free speech, and individual liberty. you are nothing but a compliant sheep who says baaa whenever your masters tell you to. You are pathetic.
The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.

Just sick of liberals because your party is nothing but a group of liars and cheaters. You're against Voter-ID, you're pushing this mail ballot garbage to get more stupid and lazy people to vote for you, your clueless leader refuses to tell us if he'd support court packing, the commies are talking about making DC and PR states so they can cheat the will of the voters. We just want nothing to do with you people anymore.

Look, you people aren't even real Americans at this point. You went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat Socialist, whatever the hell that is. From there it will go to plain Socialist, then Socialist/ Communist, and finally Communist. It's better we save half the country than chance losing the entire thing. If we have no problem with it, why should you? Think how much happier you can be without us.

Sore loser is what you are.

You got that sunglasses-and-gun-pointed avatar, but this is what you really are:

Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

Stupid bullshit, that is a CRIMINAL/CIVIL LAW concept, not job interview concept.

The party that leads its rallies with chants of 'LOCK HER UP' is sniveling about 'basic principles of innocent until proven guilty'?


Hillary's guilt has been proven many times, so has biden's, Comey's, McCabe's, Rice;s, Braaille's, and many other dems. Schiff has been proven a liar multiple times. How much proof do you fools need?
Pathetic, cool-aid pissing, sore loser is what you are.

Correct, which is why you should support us in dividing the country in two. Then you never have to hear from us again. You'll be able to discuss politics with your fellow comrades. We'll be quite happy without you, trust me.
The party that leads its rallies with chants of 'LOCK HER UP' is sniveling about 'basic principles of innocent until proven guilty'?


Like the party that supports a group of people marching down the streets of NYC screaming "Pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon." "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!!!!"
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.
The Greatest....and Truest words ever muttered or posted on this forum.........

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.
The party that leads its rallies with chants of 'LOCK HER UP' is sniveling about 'basic principles of innocent until proven guilty'?


Like the party that supports a group of people marching down the streets of NYC screaming "Pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon." "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!!!!"

And who says that Democrats supported those people?

That would be you, citing you.

Meanwhile, we have the President himself calling white supremicists chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' good people. And taking 2 weeks to condemn KKK grandwizard David Duke.....after lying about not knowing who he is.
Hell no, unlike you I actually love this country more than I worship some blowhard asshole politician.

It has nothing to do with any politician. I created this topic a year or two ago. The left keep going more and more left. The more that happens, the less middle ground there is. Now we're at the point of no middle ground. Like I said, it's like a bad marriage. There is only one solution, and that's a divorce.

Mind you this is not my idea. I call it Mom's Law. When we were children and I fought with my siblings, my mother would separate us to play alone in different rooms. When we decided we would figure out a way to play nicely, we were reunited. That's what needs to happen in this country.

You have your own country and we'll have ours. Tax your businesses so high they move to our side of the country. Disarm your citizens and flood your country with third worlders. Have no police or police with very little power. Put half of your people on welfare, and give everybody free healthcare, college, whatever. Make your entire country run on expensive green energy. Make your minimum wage $25.00 an hour. Do all these wonderful liberal things you want to infect our country with.

It would only be a matter of a few years when your country collapses.

You see, we can tell you how destructive your polices are until we are blue in the face, but you'll refuse to believe it. You have to experience it to really understand.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.

Wray is part of the corruption, why do you think he sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year? The lawsuits in the dem cheating states will be in court soon and some dems will be put in jail. this is far from over.
Hell no, unlike you I actually love this country more than I worship some blowhard asshole politician.

It has nothing to do with any politician. I created this topic a year or two ago. The left keep going more and more left. The more that happens, the less middle ground there is. Now we're at the point of no middle ground. Like I said, it's like a bad marriage. There is only one solution, and that's a divorce.

Mind you this is not my idea. I call it Mom's Law. When we were children and I fought with my siblings, my mother would separate us to play alone in different rooms. When we decided we would figure out a way to play nicely, we were reunited. That's what needs to happen in this country.

You have your own country and we'll have ours. Tax your businesses so high they move to our side of the country. Disarm your citizens and flood your country with third worlders. Have no police or police with very little power. Put half of your people on welfare, and give everybody free healthcare, college, whatever. Make your entire country run on expensive green energy. Make your minimum wage $25.00 an hour. Do all these wonderful liberal things you want to infect our country with.

It would only be a matter of a few years when your country collapses.

You see, we can tell you how destructive your polices are until we are blue in the face, but you'll refuse to believe it. You have to experience it to really understand.

when the united states of libtardia collapses and they start eating their dogs and cats, they will come running to us for help, I just hope we tell them to fuck off.
Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

Stupid bullshit, that is a CRIMINAL/CIVIL LAW concept, not job interview concept.

The party that leads its rallies with chants of 'LOCK HER UP' is sniveling about 'basic principles of innocent until proven guilty'?


Hillary's guilt has been proven many times, so has biden's, Comey's, McCabe's, Rice;s, Braaille's, and many other dems. Schiff has been proven a liar multiple times. How much proof do you fools need?

Really? I didn't even see charges, let alone a trial, let alone a conviction.

Yet conservatives still chant "LOCK HER UP". And Biden. And the governor of Michigan. With Trump saying 'Lock them all up'.

And your ilk are snivelling about Kavanaugh, who was being interviewed for a job?


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