USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.
Obviously it is Democrats that have shown total disdain for democracy, by their idiotic attempts to steal this 2020 election, in states all across the country.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2016.......with nothing to back it up before or after.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2018....with nothing to back it up before or after.

With Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread mail in fraud in 2020 either:

You're presenting us with nested fantasies.....trying to use your silly 'fraud' fantasy to buttress your even sillier 'separate countries' fantasy.

The reality is far simpler: conservatives lack the ability to persuade the majority with your current candidates and policies.

And this isn't a recent problem either. Conservatives have managed to win the popular vote only ONCE in the last 30 years.
You're comparing a blood conflict between the Bolsheviks and the White Army.....with a message board?
I am comparing the entire US with events leading to the Soviet Union

If the Internet had existed on 1917 the mutual hate would have begun there before the actusl civil war began with real bullets

but we will have a real shooting war ONLY if trump is reelected

because libs are sore losers
Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

They refuse to respect the American flag and the national anthem.

They subverted American democray by trying to steal the 2020 election.

They are globalist internationalists, not Americans.
Your hopeless self delusions?

Not at all. It's the Democrat party long term goal with plenty of evidence to support it: Sanctuary cities and states, closed down the country for the longest period of time in history to not fund a wall with about half of what we spend on food stamps in a single month. Stopped Kate's law, a law that would have given deported felons a five year minimum prison sentence if they returned. Made laws in some Democrat cities that police officers cannot call or cooperate with ICE when they have an illegal who committed a crime in their custody, alert businesses in their city when ICE plans on doing workplace raids. It's clear what their goal is. Slow Joe said his first day in office will be the last day of wall construction. He wants to reward the illegals already here with citizenship.

So refusing to fund a wall is trying to kill white people?

That's definitely a paranoid self delusion.
The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.
Obviously it is Democrats that have shown total disdain for democracy, by their idiotic attempts to steal this 2020 election, in states all across the country.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2016.......with nothing to back it up before or after.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2018....with nothing to back it up before or after.

With Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread mail in fraud in 2020 either:

You're presenting us with nested fantasies.....trying to use your silly 'fraud' fantasy to buttress your even sillier 'separate countries' fantasy.

The reality is far simpler: conservatives lack the ability to persuade the majority with your current candidates and policies.

And this isn't a recent problem either. Conservatives have managed to win the popular vote only ONCE in the last 30 years.
Conservatives can not compete with the promise of free stuff. Along with the free stuff comes the loss of liberties. In the end the free stuff will be reduced and the tyranny will be felt by all and it won't be a good time.
Obviously it is Democrats that have shown total disdain for democracy, by their idiotic attempts to steal this 2020 election, in states all across the country.

Horseshit, Trump is the one showing total disdain for this country by pumping his followers full of "DEY STEALIN' ELECTION!!" bullshit.

He sells himself as America lover, but no one that trully selflessly loves this country would be willing to insite violence and damage it like this with false, irresponsible rhetoric.

Trump can't stand to lose fair and square, can't respect the will of the voters, swallow his nutbag ego and peacefully take a hike (nevermind gracefuly). He was always unfit and this is exactly what people said he will do when it looks like he will lose. He did it in 2016 to make excuses when it looked like he is about to lose and he is doing it again, only this time he will ACTUALLY lose and we will see just how far he will be willing to take these lies.

Even Republicans will tell you that.

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Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

They refuse to respect the American flag and the national anthem.

They subverted American democray by trying to steal the 2020 election.

They are globalist internationalists, not Americans.

Of course Democrats are Americans. As demonstrated by all the taxes they pay the US government and all the voting we do in US elections.

You're merely coming up with a brand new fantasy to try and hold together your other failing bouts of imagination.

The reality is far simpler than your increasingly elaborate patchwork of fantasy nonsense: conservatives are failing to persuade the majority of voters with their current candidates and policies.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

This is not a natianlist position you fucking pleb

Splitting America means we have to spend on defense to prtoect ourselves from the other

There will be no fuckign split. Red states will get the shit kicked out of htem becuase they have no industry. Shut the fuck up old man

30% of latinos vote for trump and you're talking about this....Idiot

Fucking wanna be nationalists make me sick. Fucking eisenhower as an avatar and you're suggesting this. What the fuck is the point of learning all that history if you learned nothing about natinoal power you fucking simpleton
My, my, aren't you the childish little sperm-burper.
You have been sucking on tRUMP's c*ck to long
Take a deep breath and get back on your knees.

Why don't you go back to the teen chat room where you belong. Adults are discussing adult issues here.
Sorry, but I don’t think accusing Democrats of not being Americans is an adult discussion.
The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.
Obviously it is Democrats that have shown total disdain for democracy, by their idiotic attempts to steal this 2020 election, in states all across the country.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2016.......with nothing to back it up before or after.

A baseless claim your ilk made in 2018....with nothing to back it up before or after.

With Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread mail in fraud in 2020 either:

You're presenting us with nested fantasies.....trying to use your silly 'fraud' fantasy to buttress your even sillier 'separate countries' fantasy.

The reality is far simpler: conservatives lack the ability to persuade the majority with your current candidates and policies.

And this isn't a recent problem either. Conservatives have managed to win the popular vote only ONCE in the last 30 years.
Conservatives can not compete with the promise of free stuff. Along with the free stuff comes the loss of liberties. In the end the free stuff will be reduced and the tyranny will be felt by all and it won't be a good time.

Or.....they can't compete with inept candidates and policies that overwhelming benefit the wealthy few rather than the majority.

Or.....they can't compete peddling a narrow religious agenda that has them pointlessly antagonizing gays, lesbians and women in general.

Or.....they can't compete with minorities, when they peddling a platform of white victimhood, winks to white supremisists, and racial baiting.

But hey, keep blaming the electorate for your failures to persuade them. I'm sure that will fix things.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.
The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.

Just sick of liberals because your party is nothing but a group of liars and cheaters. You're against Voter-ID, you're pushing this mail ballot garbage to get more stupid and lazy people to vote for you, your clueless leader refuses to tell us if he'd support court packing, the commies are talking about making DC and PR states so they can cheat the will of the voters. We just want nothing to do with you people anymore.

Look, you people aren't even real Americans at this point. You went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat Socialist, whatever the hell that is. From there it will go to plain Socialist, then Socialist/ Communist, and finally Communist. It's better we save half the country than chance losing the entire thing. If we have no problem with it, why should you? Think how much happier you can be without us.
Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?
We know how desperate libs are to win by any means necessary

What means are talking about? Counting perfectly legitamate votes?

Yea, we are totally willing to do that, and it's pathetic how you are not because you wholesale buy the bullshit Trump is pushing now that he is about to lose.

He is a fucking liar and it's too bad you still haven't learned that.
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The conservative disdain for democracy is just variants on a theme of elimination. Since you can't persuade the majority, you want to eliminate the majority through separation. Others, through bloody violence.

But the conservative impulse to eliminate those that disagree with you is on full display in your posts....and this entire thread. Its a demonstration of your failure to persuade.

And the very reason why the 'separate countries' fantasy is just a fantasy.

Just sick of liberals because your party is nothing but a group of liars and cheaters. You're against Voter-ID, you're pushing this mail ballot garbage to get more stupid and lazy people to vote for you, your clueless leader refuses to tell us if he'd support court packing, the commies are talking about making DC and PR states so they can cheat the will of the voters. We just want nothing to do with you people anymore.

There's no evidence of wide spread voter fraud. Not in absentee ballots, and certainly not in in-person voting.

Take......Texas. In the last 20 years, they've had about 15 cases of in person voter fraud. That's out of roughly 60 million votes cast.

To put that into perspective...if you were traveling from San Francisco to New York the proportion of your journey that would be represented by in person voter fraud....would be less than 1/16th of an inch.

And yet in this election, the GOP tried to have 120,000 ballots in Texas tossed.

That's 15 cases of voter fraud over 20 years......compared to 120,000 ballots that the GOP tried to toss in just one day.

Election integrity has nothing to do with the GOP strategy.

Undermining confidence in the electoral process and trying to eliminate votes for your political opponents is what the GOP is all about. Which is why Trump called for the counting to stop on Election Night.....when there were still 10s of millions of ballots uncounted.

The electoral process is fine. You simply lack the ability to persuade the majority. The GOP is trying to toss votes and making voting more dangerous and difficult.....because they can't persuade the majority.
Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

Silly bullshit, that is a CRIMINAL/CIVIL LAW concept, not job interview concept. Kavanaugh was not indicted or improperly convicted for anything.

All of a sudden you are not American because you belive Kavanugh was not the boyscout he was selling himself as? Rediculous.
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